"Just approach women bro"

219  2018-05-22 by FireAlarm911


Are people really that fragile that they can't take a compliment from a passer-by these days?

Sheesh. I hate modern life.

it's common knowledge that it is HIGHLY offensive for a subhuman male to compliment a female in 2018, how dare you even THINK you stand a chance with them

People are fucking snowflakes. A random compliment in passing does not sexual harassment make.

Depends on the person giving the compliment.

It shouldn't.


I love watching normies make slow realizations in here

Slow? Hardly.

Today's society need to get a fucking grip of themselves.

The context and wording of the compliment matters more so I think in the spectrum of heartwarming compliment to unwanted sexual harassment.

If the context is an ugly male and the wording is coming from an ugly man's mouth, then it constitutes unwanted sexual harassment.

If the guy looks like Zac Efron and is 6' 3" he can say whatever whatever he wants and it won't come off as "sexual harassment."

That's not what snowflake means as an insult. Snowflake is not supposed to mean fragile.

A unicorn is unique. A snowflake is fragile.

snowflake is used insult someone who thinks they're special or unique, unicorn is just a word for someone who actually is unique

Shes just jelly that other women get approached and no one even makes eye contact with her demented velociraptor looking mug

Okay no one irl actually thinks this. There's a difference between saying "Wow that color looks great on you." Or even "I just wanted to say you look really beautiful today and I hope you have a great day."

Than to like shout HEY at someone wait for them to turn and then saying "you're hot" or something like that. The difference between catcalling and speaking to someone is whether or not you treat them like a person.

And that's why I said "compliment". If you're passing someone and you smile say "excuse me, but I just had to say that your hair is fabulous", then it's a compliment. No one should feel sexually harassed by things like that.

It also helps if you don't really stop them for very long. For instance, going over to someone and saying "Excuse me for saying so, but you have the most amazing eyes. They are very beautiful. I just had to say something" and then smile walk away again without looking back, then it is seen as less intimidating than hanging around for a response, because then it seems like you are trying a pick-up live rather than just randomly complimenting someone.

Yeah I don't think any normal person in practice would be offended by this. I like to compliment people a lot (I'm from the south so it's pretty common to small talk with strangers, so maybe there's a cultural barrier there), but I've never had any negative experience.

I'm from Scotland where randomly talking to strangers in the street is normal... If you go to London though? Those people think you are an alien if you speak to them and don't know them

JFL at approaching women in 2018

What's sexual about this?

Victim culture makes every retarded feminist ever like this.

absolutely any interaction between modern women and a sub-8 male is sexual harrassment

Hey, acoverover1, just a quick heads-up:
harrassment is actually spelled harassment. You can remember it by one r, two s’s.
Have a nice day!

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Did you just assumed the whiteboard's pronoun?

It's pretty sad that she feels only her looks might be worthy of praise. That she looks like a 6 just makes it painful.

Just women thinking it's all about them.

Sexual harassment? Only if done by ugly subhumans.

And people still believe in the PUA memes in 2018, LOL.

SEXUALLY harass a stranger? This is like the word 'racist' now. Even talking to a woman is apparently a sexual action.

Just like being white is racist.

dear white people

It's okay to be white, it's okay to be a man, it's okay to be ugly, it's okay to be offensive.

But most of all, it's okay to be offended. We all get offended sometimes, and as we can all see, our species has not been wiped to extinction by it.

“Straight while male” is a pajorative epithet. It expresses bias and contempt toward the recipient. It’s also the only such descriptive phrase or word that’s allowed in mainstream discourse.

Not only is it sexual, it is an act of violence to communicate with another human -especially if it’s complimentary.

Unless its a chad then its a compliment

yep this is what is called a "shit test"

Chad could smack her ass so hard she can't sit properly for two days, and she would love every second of it. Do that as a non-Chad, and it's a death sentence.

The strongest can get away with anything: women love the aggressive behaviour, and weaker men don't want to get pummeled. We still think like cavemen.

Initiating conversation with a female as a sub8 male is on its way to becoming a jailable offense.

Why waste valuable room in jail? Just hang the ugly bastard who doesn't know his place. That way. Genetic cleansing, one inappropriate compliment at a time!


But bullying and harassing strangers is ok.

Sexually harass = only chad allowed

Once again on Chad-not-included twitter

lol, I read the "missed connections" on the tube newspaper. Every one starts with "to the tall..." (black guy/nerdy guy/guy in leather jacket) or "to the slim...." (asian girl/punk girl/nerdy girl with books) "i didn't get your number..." If you ain't a tall man or a slim woman you ain't getting no tube missed connections.

whats the tube newspaper

the Metro, free newspaper given out on London trains.

I'm a huge compliment giver, both to men and women.

The best compliments (on appearance) you can give are the ones that compliment a unique choice the person has made. Stay away from generalized compliments like "You're pretty" or "you're handsome" unless you know the person to some degree. I would even skip these compliments on a first date. Some people will welcome this compliment from a stranger but some may not and its best to avoid it.

When it comes to strangers, compliment someone's hairstyle, a piece of clothing or accessory, a make-up choice, facial hair style, anything that looks like someone put effort into how it's presented. The safest bet is to compliment an inanimate object the person has, like their shoes, purse, tie, etc.

Many people don't want to feel like they're getting hit on, but also seek and enjoy validation for their choices. This may be because they are in a relationship, married, or simply don't want attention that can be seen as an advance. You just don't know a person's situation.

And YES the more attractive you are the more likely a generalized compliment on appearance will be taken well. But still best to avoid it until getting to know someone.

When I was less attractive (heavier) I had an attractive man come into my work. He was wearing this awesome shirt. I first said "I love your shirt!" and his face lit up as he thanked me. I then quickly continued "It looks good on you!" His face changed a bit and I could tell that second part of the compliment was unwelcome. I wasn't trying to hit on him, but he didn't know that.

I've never got a compliment by a random stranger before, or even my friends

Im so sorry. I especially compliment friends. How can someone not compliment their friends?

people pleaser

Is that a bad thing?

Im not being disingenuous when I compliment, im always eager to find something I like about everyone.

Seems the downvotes im receiving disagree.

I'm betting you're a girl. You'd be lynched if you tried that shit as a sub 8 man.

Yeah im a woman.

Ive had "sub 8 men" compliment me, it's totally fine and totally welcome! I've had old homeless men compliment me and I smile and say thank you.

I also live in a city that seems more focused on being kind and accepting. Strangers giving out compliments isnt so weird. So I can see how it may depend on other factors.

Then you wouldn't know. You simply have no idea of what it's like to actually be ugly. Everyone sees you with suspicion and is threatened by you. That's what it's like.

Yes, im very aware I dont know whats it like to be an ugly male.

Then why even comment on it like you do?

None of my comments say I do nor imply I do. My comments are simply my experience and im opening conversation to hear about other experiences.

Thats usually how conversations often work.

I realize my experiences are unwelcome and many of you do not care.

nooooo you sexually harassed that guys shirt

Haha, apparently.

He didnt like a fat girl saying it looked good.

Or he could have been in a relationship and the "advance" was unwelcome.

I dont know. People are weird sensitive creatures.

Most men never/very rarely get complimented so it means more to then

A girl in my class complimented me on my jacket. That was 4 years ago and I still remember it

Yeah, definitely riskier for a guy tp give a compliment. Thats why I said a good place to start is complimenting something inanimate like shoes, or a piece of jewelry.

But even then, you just dont know.

I definitely go out of my way to pay compliments to men because they never hear it. Men rarely receive words of affirmation in general, it's sad.

fuck you

Let's do it.

You look nice today.

stop sexually herassing me

I love your username.

Talking to women is automatically sexual harassment in 2018. Be safe out there boyos.

???????? This board has the best of intentions at heart. Is merely speaking to a woman sexual harassment? What a nutcase.

It not even remotely related to looks, its appreciating someone for something you found beautiful IN them Feminists are seriously getting out of hand.

This is the reason why I don't talk to women

Why would you compliment a female about anything in the first place?

Females want to make “catcalling” a finable offense, which is simply dog whistle wealth redistribution from betas and incels to Chads. However sex redistribution is evil and anyone who mentions it deserves to be boiled in a vat of sulfuric acid.

See it, say it, sort it.

see something, say something

It does say 'When you see something beautiful in someone, tell them' not 'Loudly compliment her breasts in public'.

what if you whisper it right in their ear heh heh

I'm pretty sure "YOU HAVE A NICE RACK!!!" does not constitute all the compliments women get. I'm also pretty sure that if a Chad said that, he would get hand-waved off as being awkward in a cute sort of way.

I wouldn't, I'd think he was a prick.

For ugly men, women will get pissed off if you complement them. Even if it isn’t to do with their appearance and it’s about how good they are at a sport or whatever. It’s offensive for a female to receive the validation of a sub-7

I get the feeling that the uglier a femoid is, the more offended she gets by being complimented by a sub-7 male.

Yup because unlike 8+ women their lookmatch disgust them.

Just lol. It's always some hideous woman saying this shit.


IT and the normal people don't understand this, ever. If you're unattractive, most women don't want a compliment from you. They'll see you as a creep and freak out and cry sexual harassment. Now if it's a good looking guy giving them the compliment then it's not a issue at all. So coming here and telling us "You just need to approach women...confidence is key..." doesn't mean shit unless you've got the looks of a 6 foot attractive male.

this, this, this!

I am ugly but have given a few successful compliments. You have to also be extremely non threatening in every way, especially sexually but it's doable...

Oh god my life

You're not ugly enough if people (other than your mom) give you compliments.

this is why young guys are out of luck. back in the day your grandfathers would be confidently walking up to a girl and saying all kinds of shit that would be "sexual harassment" today. and look how good families ended up back then, a nice household with loving parents raising a kid right.

Is this real?

Oh, you guys are so desperate you consider tumblerinas and sjws women.


What if she witnesses Chad writing that on the board? She would be so flattered by his romantic ways

Why would you compliment a female about anything in the first place?

I've had female friends directly tell me that they love it when they receive innocent compliments from strangers yet I still have a hard time believing a compliment coming from me would ever be welcome.

approaching women if your a sub8 here in Toronto is literally considers sexual harrasment.

What she meant to say is “why not take the time to be Chad and chat up to me”

Silly normies They forgot to write" only for Chads" 😃

“Straight while male” is a pajorative epithet. It expresses bias and contempt toward the recipient. It’s also the only such descriptive phrase or word that’s allowed in mainstream discourse.

I'm from Scotland where randomly talking to strangers in the street is normal... If you go to London though? Those people think you are an alien if you speak to them and don't know them