Just be confident bro! Confidence/good personality is all that matter, looks are just a bonus.

282  2018-05-22 by Gole_The_Shredder



Holy shit that is brutal.

This is why people shoot up schools

And you wonder why incels have a bad reputation.

I don't wonder why

See what the girl said in the OP. Did he shoot up a school to deserve that, or did he have a bad reputation without doing anything wrong?

Did I say he deserved that? No. It's brutal and it sucks. But shooting up a school is the wrong way to deal with your fucking problems.

no its not

Also the sky is blue. We're saying obvious trueisms, right? No incel here actually wants to shoot up a school to solve a problem.

Are you sure about that?

Are you sure it's not true?

This sub does not condone any of the terrorist attacks. The perpetrators were not from here.

Check the rest of this comment chain, my dude. And don't tell me they're just being ironic.

Why? Why should we pretend life is so sacred for these normies who ruin people?

these normies who ruin people

So everybody's implicated? You can't get laid and now some kids have to die? Listen to yourself. Jesus. Go seek professional help.

You said it, man.

It sounds like you were the type of guy to bully other people, if u put urself in their shoes then you'll realize why school shootings happen.

Also go back to cucktears

Its not about getting laid its about being treated like you aren't human just for existing and looking ugly. Something you had no choice in, is now being bashed upon you day after day, something you can't change. You see others being praised for how good they look and then you sit there being bashed for looking ugly. I honestly wan't to cry reading this goddamn board because its so fucking sad that people have to be treated this unfairly for something they can't control. Human nature is so goddamn ugly man smh

Bully kid to breaking point = risk mass shooting. Bullies won't stop bullying, authorities are indifferent or even complicit, normies celebrate it, voids laugh along, retarded soyboys and roasties on reddit scream about it getting better even though high school never ends. What's a kid going to do? Sit back and take it? Yeah brah just live your entire life with -∞ self-esteem getting shat on by everything that breathes and having all opportunities stolen from you no matter what you do in life, meanwhile your oppressors rise to the top merely for showing up. Sounds like a great idea, yeah, love your enemy, love the world that hates you, turn the other cheek, don't be threatening, bet it worked out real well to all the poor schmucks Chad has genocided the past few centuries.

Fuck that cuck bullshit. When people hurt you over and over again and nobody does anything, show them you can hurt them back. If you don't school shootings, stop bullying kids to depression / homicidal nihilism. But I guess then you'd have to find a different way to pass the time, maybe get a real hobby that doesn't involve dragging people through the mud. Must be real hard for the average void.


This is what normies don't understand. They keep coping by protesting guns. I used to literally cry every morning before going to school and think about suicide because I'll get bullied as soon as I stepped my foot in the school. High school is like living in a horror movie for subhumans.

I used to literally cry every morning before going to school and think about suicide because I'll get bullied as soon as I stepped my foot in the school.

All because of the shape of your bones. Most people are just monkeys, nothing more. You weren't subhuman, they were.

I used to eat my food in the bathroom cubicle

library for me

I used to get fucked with in the library as well. Teachers just didn't care.

turn the other cheek! Christianity is so bluepill

Christianity got me through the worst parts of bullying in middle school. Not religious anymore, but the belief that a better life awaits me and the joy that provided helped offset the hurt from bullying.

I hear ya it's like how ignorance is bliss

Yeah brah just live your entire life with -∞ self-esteem getting shat on by everything that breathes and having all opportunities stolen from you no matter what you do in life, meanwhile your oppressors rise to the top merely for showing up

just get a better personality bro

Got a source on the shooter being bullied?

No, I wonder why femoids don't have a bad reputation.

like chicken and egg first game rejections from women then came going ER

So they have a bad reputation because they acknowledge causation? Where in the original commit did he advocate for shooting up schools?

The implication is that it's justified. And no, that's not actual causation. That sort of shit is the source of frustration, sure, but the actual cause of somebody murdering a bunch of innocent kids is that they're fucked up in the head and think it's okay for them to murder people.

This is why people shoot up schools

Isn't a justification, it's an acknowledgement. You see it that way because that's what your mind jumps to because you have this preconcieved idea that we want to shoot up schools. Me acknowledging that people shoot up schools because they get bullied isn't advocation for it unless you're genuinely stupid and only take things at face value.

And no, that's not actual causation.

Causation isn't the relationship between cause and effect?

they're fucked up in the head and think it's okay for them to murder people.

You can say that the reason people shoot up schools is because they are bullied without advocating for it. How is that so hard to understand?

In a sense you're right. But if I showed a video of someone not using their turn signal while driving and then one of the top comments was "this is why road rage happens" it would kind of sound like road rage is sometimes justified, wouldn't it? So given the context of an incel forum full of frustrated people boiling with rage and feeling powerless to do anything about it, that casual comment "this is why people shoot up schools" is a pretty toxic thing to say.

But if I showed a video of someone not using their turn signal while driving and then one of the top comments was "this is why road rage happens"

But is that not true? There's no implication that the commenter is advocating for road rage. He's simply acknowledging that this is why it happens. I don't think it's a fair comparison.

The thing with school shootings is that people always wonder why they happen so often. People who road rage isn't as much of an epidemic (At least news-wise) in America as school shootings are. You often here the question 'Why is america like this.' Given this context the comment it would make sense why the two are entirely different situations.

it would kind of sound like road rage is sometimes justified, wouldn't it?

I wouldn't compare getting angry over a light signal to having your ego and self-esteem destroyed consistently. This type of thing can have huge effects on your outlook on life, and if you're getting bullied constantly (External cause that could easily be prevented and controlled, not similar to something as chaotic as traffic), whereas getting angry at a turn signal just shows you get angry easily. If you're taking blows to your self-esteem and self-worth you're bound to snap eventually because it takes a huge toll.

incel forum full of frustrated people boiling with rage


If you're taking blows to your self-esteem and self-worth you're bound to snap eventually because it takes a huge toll.

And yet millions of people manage to do that every day without going on murderous rampages. Life can suck sometimes but it doesn't entitle you to shoot into a goddamn crowd, you sick fucks. If you sympathize more with the shooters than the victims, you are not the good guy. Don't delude yourself.

Life can suck sometimes but it doesn't entitle you to shoot into a goddamn crowd, you sick fucks.

You're not entitled to life. Don't delude yourself. 😏

I'm a psychopath for saying it's not okay to murder people?

I'm sorry you feel like you've been dealt an unfair hand, but some babies are born with holes in their heart. Some people get ALS and become prisoners in their own bodies. Some people get sent to prison camps in North Korea. Millions of people experience bullying, crippling depression and self loathing, and most of them manage not to take it out on some randomly assembled high schoolers. You are not entitled to go murder people because you feel sad.

I'm a psychopath for saying it's not okay to murder people?

Did I say it was ok? You're a psychopath because you're purposefuly misinterpreting what I'm saying and attacking me

I'm sorry you feel like you've been dealt an unfair hand, but some babies are born with holes in their heart. Some people get ALS and become prisoners in their own bodies. Some people get sent to prison camps in North Korea.

Am I supposed to care? You think I'm looking from sympathy from such a despicable person? Do you want me to put aside my gripes with life because there are children starving in Africa? I feel for them but I'm not going to act like I don't have my own problems.

You are not entitled to go murder people because you feel sad.

Congrats, you're a good human being and you're saying something most people here agree with, but it's not that simple you fucking retard. Obviously mentally sane people aren't making these decisions. Annoying bitch.

I'm a psychopath for saying it's not okay to murder people?

He told you multiple times he wasn't even implying that. Your dumbass self is willfully interpreting and for some reason REALLY wanting him to justify a murder.

Holy fuck you are a stupid and deliberate asshole.

You are not entitled to go murder people because you feel sad.

This was never about entitlement you fucking jackass. Stop through that pointless and fluid word around.

I agree that shooting kids is wrong, but if a kid is being bullied and he kills the people who caused him torture throughout his hs years, then I honestly, see nothing wrong with that.

he should thank her, at least she was honest. Now he knows with 110% certainty that he has to looksmax and gymcel like crazy. That's valuable knowledge

No. No amount of looksmaxing will reverse your bad genetics. Its over before it started

It's been over

ok so you are mad at women for lying to you but when they tell you the truth that you're fucking ugly to them then you are also mad. looks like lying is the best thing to do for them

Best thing for them is to not be shallow

In the news today the guy's father said his kid was bullied. All the reports out show he was bullied until he snapped --- he was wearing fucking communist and bisexual pins, he wasn't "alt right" or anything like that...

....but no one is talking about the bully culture. No one is saying "hey, wait a sec, hold up...we're not being good people here, let's check ourselves..." ...instead they're doubling down...

...on reddit, there was a news thread where accounts of people who went to the school talked about how the kid was bullied....yet redditors insisted he wasn't actually bullied. Yet again, redditors think they can change reality by calling it something else. That's why they're "good people" even though they drive other people to suicide, which in some cultures is akin to murder.

yet redditors insisted he wasn't actually bullied.

Yet he definitely was incel. Fucking redditors.

But guys, muh gun control


I bet the guys who burnt my hair and the girls who told me to kill myself will also insist that there was no bullying in our school, just some friendly banter.

Every time a shooting happens in a high school, they always double down and it makes me fucking mad.

I ignore all opinions unless mental health is addressed. I'm past the point for caring about gun control.


She then went on to preach "Looks dont matter. I want a man with a good personality"

Two reasons many women HATE being approached by ugly men:

1- Pure disgust- This one's obvious: why wouldn't she feel repulsed after an ugly man suggests sex with her?

2- She assumes you did because you thought she's ugly you had a chance. Therefore you're implying she's just as ugly and repulsive as you, therefore you're insulting her.

Many women, especially in high school and college, are social climbers. For social climbers, everything is about status. They make certain friends and not other friends, not because of common interest or emotional bonds like most humans, but because of status. They dress a certain way, listen to certain music, eat certain foods, go to certain places, have certain hobbies... all because of status. They'll date certain guys because of status and reject other guys because of status. It's all about trying to prove their own coolness in the hierarchy.

For a status-seeker, dating is about status. She goes out with a high-status guy because it will impress her friends, not because of attraction. She rejects a low-status guy because her friends would make fun of her, not because of lack of attraction. Every social interaction to her is about status-pairing, aligning yourself with other people to declare your status and worth. The popular girls stay together. The losers stay together. The cheerleader dates the football player. The prom king dates the prom queen. The frat guy bangs the sorority girl. It's status-pairing.

If an ugly guy approaches a status-seeker, because dating is just status-pairing (to her), it implies she's of similar low status. That makes her deeply offended. Rejecting you isn't enough. She's so offended that she reacts hatefully.

I really appreciate your comment. What percentage of women do you think make up this category? You said young women. Do you believe that less and less women make up this category as they age? Do you think that there is the same percentage of social climbers among men?

I said "young women" because I think social climbing and status are big factors in high school and college. For some it's important all through life, but I think the environments in high school and college enforce the social hierarchies more. As people grow up, it's easier to distance from that. Also, as people grow up and learn more about themselves, I think most develop a firmer sense of identity and pick things based on their own preference instead of what's "cool".

There are male social climbers too, but it seems more common among women. Just look at women's movies, women's books, women's TV. Social hierarchy is a bigger recurring topic than in male-centric media.

yeah this is old news it is basically known as hypergamia

now a woman may get with a high status ugly guy but she won't really love him, just wants the status, and she will cheat on him with a poor chad. this is what the theory lacks to become a law.

Yeah, bluepilled people just have an easier time understanding it if you say it in their language.

really, have you tricked any of them into admitting black pill, albeit by using different words?

many young women? all women period.

Good comment, but to be fair this is indicative of humanity as a whole imo. You could argue it's not to the same extent with men, but people in general tend to hang out with people around their status level. It's why social groups and cliques even exist. The Disney movies where the star QB is best friends with Billy the Weeb doesn't really happen irl.

Many young women

ALL women. Girls are not like this but then puberty comes along and murders their soul.

The sub needs more high IQ posts like this.

All 3.8 billion females on planet Earth think this way. Apart from a pussy, the one thing they have in common is an in-built genetic “operating system” filtering out genetic subhumans(and preferably even normies and some chadlites) from her dating pool. She would be fine with the wholesale public shaming, slaughter, and rape of incels to be perpetrated by Chad if she felt it necessary.

Your bullies were subtly CONTRACTED by the females in your school with the promise of sex if they “took care of you.” Never trust them as a subhuman male.

earth is like a prison but it's pretty big, in a small town a woman has less people to impress so a lower status guy has a chance, of course people in a small town can't be too high status or they'd move to a big city. little schools or high schools or colleges have enclosed places and it is harder to get a girl away from her clique and all the cool people that judge her if she's with a low status guy. Later in adult life you have a better chance but the shame is that after high school and college a woman's best years are over.

Men get in more fights in high school and college but calm down on the alpha male battles for territory as adults. An exception is prison where again it's an enclosed space with nowhere to hide so animal thinking takes over again.

Lol this is true,like when I've told girls they look like my type,and they're like umm what's that

high iq

Second one, for real. I knew a guy whose girlfriend in college broke up with him after seeing a picture of his (not conventionally attractive) high school girlfriend. She assumed he was into ugly girls, making her ugly in his eyes. Her ego couldn't take it.

Men are objects to women. Women do not respect men as human beings.

Women are not capable of romantic love. Women may love their children and family but never a man. The love you feel towards a woman is not and can never be reciprocated.

The great truth.

That girl was an ass doesnt mean we all are

AWALT, btw will you be my GF?

Taken sorry, also I have literally no idea who you are. Also, awalt?


I Googled it: All Women Are Like That.

Ah, thanks.

No, but the majority of you are.

Not true. There is only around 4/7.5 billion people have internet access. Half are male (ish) so 2 billion. Based on my school/area/people i know exist (both male and female) around 40% were 'chavs' (what you would call a stacy or chad) 30% were 'incels' and the other 30% were like me, kinda average in everything, not popular but not completely rejecyed, not very social but not a complete introvert either etc (you get the idea). So 30% of 2 billion is 600,000,000. Taking into account that i know personally (ive spoken to) around 400 people and know of around 800/900 in different age groups id say that around 800,000,000 to 200,000,000 girls are like me. However you will come into contact with less than 1% of the population so, basically everyone is fucked and people finding a partner is mental and almost impossible.

doesn't matter if have internet access

awalt with or without it

Nope. Ive literally just said.. Ugh. I do not find chads more attractive than anyone else, and i admit i am biased to hate them for being like a cardboard cutout, all looks no personality.

I have to ignore what you say and pay attention to your actions

or reactions such as I guarantee you get tingles when you see chad

I dont. Ask any of my friends i will literally laugh and take the piss when chavs walk past with their girlfriends. (Most chavs are chads and stacys)

ok I need names and numbers on these friends

/s I know you're lying

Okay bad example, im not gonna let you into my friend lives :/ but im not lying mfg. What do i stand to gain? Im telling the truth

You’re not lying but you don’t k ow what a chad even is

A chad is someone who us dating someone you want so you get salty.

Nope, chads cant be chavs. Chavs are low status Normies.

I know chads who are chavs, prehaps you have a different idea of chav than me

No, I know what a chav is, and I know what a chad is. Google literally says chavs are lower-class. That’s not chad.

Ah, no. See in the UK chav refers to someone who normally has orange tan, bleached hair, white and coral clothes made by Nike, spends all their time drinking and smoking and has no thought for their future. Or anyone who lives in Newcastle.

Apologies for not being clearer :)

I know. That’s not chad/Stacy.

All the chavs I know are chads and stacys.

If they’re chavs Then they aren’t chads. Chads have looks, money, status. A chav might look good but they have no money or status. Do you still not get it?

No, all the chavs i know are chads.

Not possible as I’ve described.

You wouldn’t be laughing at them if they were chad, you’d want to date them or at least get to know them better as friends.

No. I laugh at them because their lives have no purpose.

Then that’s not chad you absolute ring

But they are

Let’s try this another way: what sort of guy are you attracted to if not chavs/chads?

Anyone who is kind, same interests, similar political opinions etc

What kind of interests, political opinions?

Gamer, enjoys outdoors but will spend an entire day in bed, Labour/Corbyn supporter, LQBTQ+ ally etc

Gamers are misogynists don’t you know?

Well you sound just lovely. Can I ask how you can tell these chavs don’t have these qualities from looks alone?

Gamers are misogynists don’t you know?

Not all

Can I ask how you can tell these chavs don’t have these qualities from looks alone?

I dont wanna date someone who cares more about their appearance than being a good person.

But how would you know?

Well, i wouldn't date a girl who wears a lot of makeup, i find it unattractive. Anyone with an orange tan is out. Someone who dresses in white trousers or all Nike/Addidas clothes. Someone with very long nails (shows they cant do much outdoorsy) anyone who gives off the idea that looks>effectiveness

You’re a lesbian?



How? Im still only with one person

Be my gf plz

I have no idea who you are?

Hey I'm Tim. Be my gf plz.

That doesn't help.

I'm always looking for friends


These guys act like they're going to meet like minded women sitting in front of the computer.

Chavs are not Stacy or chad come on

In my area they are.

The majority of you are like this. You can make up false numbers as much as you'd like, that doesn't change reality. I've heard similar comments irl and read similar comments irl. The majority of you are like this.

No, that's not true. Negativity sticks out, sure lots of girls are like that, i know that, but not most, just the girls that think that are the ones who go to clubs and bars every weekend and are more social and stick out more.

I've heard it from introverted girls as well.

Exhibt 98439843 for how women think they're above men.

It's so ridiculous that we made it so these retarded sacks of flab are our rulers. It's hilarious...and nobody can see it.

Like, WE have to get THEIR approval. Adult males have to kneel in the presence of children.

This is terrible omg. I don't get what's so wrong with a little kindness. If she really badly didn't want to give him his number (because giving it away wouldn't have harmed, damn, he wasn't to bed her), she could have thought of anything, telling him she'd rather not because she rarely texts, telling him she doesn't know her own number, telling him to give him his' instead or even giving away a fake one i don't know but why destroy his heart and self confidence and humilliate him like that? Probably she had her own self steem issues to compensate by doing this. I'm disgusted.

Welcome to the world of ugly men. She did it to save face; his approach made her look like she had less value in front of her peers.

I think genuinely attractive people or "people of high value" don't need to put others down to prove themselves. If I had been there I'd have judged her badly for that and I hope the people that actually were there called her out on her bullshit. At least we can be sure in the end the one that looked bad was her.

"People of high value" (mainly women) absolutely despise ugly people. The only saving grace is that one day they'll be ugly and age and will understand us.

Inceltears and similar incel detractors will ignore this.

If you’re sub8, NEVER speak to a woman, unless:

  • She is a family member
  • She is a coworker AND the topic of conversation is work related
  • She initiates the conversation

These guidelines are in place for our own good.

Mike pence rule forever

society is going to collapse. hopefuly sooner rather than later.

Why even try just murder me now plz. Will send address if you have a high caliber gun

Just be a beautifulcel bro

Not true. There is only around 4/7.5 billion people have internet access. Half are male (ish) so 2 billion. Based on my school/area/people i know exist (both male and female) around 40% were 'chavs' (what you would call a stacy or chad) 30% were 'incels' and the other 30% were like me, kinda average in everything, not popular but not completely rejecyed, not very social but not a complete introvert either etc (you get the idea). So 30% of 2 billion is 600,000,000. Taking into account that i know personally (ive spoken to) around 400 people and know of around 800/900 in different age groups id say that around 800,000,000 to 200,000,000 girls are like me. However you will come into contact with less than 1% of the population so, basically everyone is fucked and people finding a partner is mental and almost impossible.

doesn't matter if have internet access

awalt with or without it

"People of high value" (mainly women) absolutely despise ugly people. The only saving grace is that one day they'll be ugly and age and will understand us.

These guys act like they're going to meet like minded women sitting in front of the computer.

Chavs are not Stacy or chad come on

The majority of you are like this. You can make up false numbers as much as you'd like, that doesn't change reality. I've heard similar comments irl and read similar comments irl. The majority of you are like this.