Normie here: I'm so sorry you guys get such a bad rap, you are badly misrepresented

197  2018-05-22 by Amesa

Every time I see the term incel brought up anywhere, it is followed by people giving "explanations" of what you are. They are never flattering. I decided to come check out what all the fuss is about and I can say, these people judging you are wrong.

I am so sorry you guys feel so much pain.

I did my undergrad in a double major psychology/biology. This combination completely lends itself to the blackpill, and I reached blackpill conclusions before I knew what incel or blackpill even meant. Life is easier when you are attractive. Strangers are nicer, you get the benefit of the doubt more, potential partners are more receptive. The way our secondary sex characteristics(things not related to reproduction, like body hair, muscle mass) are laid out has such a massive effect on how our lives play out. Just like people who "sound black" over the phone, or have a name like DeShaun will have more trouble than white-ass Johnathan in getting a job, being disadvantaged in attractiveness can and does make life harder. Success may still be possible, but people don't get that a lot of it is about just how much fucking harder it will be if you aren't lucky enough to have good genetics.

This is all fairly well documented scientifically. It is not a "rule," but an overwhelming, implicit trend in our society. Making these trends explicit leads to push back because everyone likes to think their destiny is in their own hands. In reality, we all have a target we're trying to hit. Some people have a rifle, trying to hit the broadside of a barn 10ft away in a clear field. Other people are trying to throw a rock at a nickle 2 miles away on the other side of a forest.

This has nothing to do with personal virtue and everything to do with luck. The deck absolutely is stacked; it's just the people for whom it is stacked in their favor don't like admitting this, because it takes away from them and can cause emotional pain. People come here and see all of this pain manifest, and it hurts.

It hurts to think we aren't in control. It hurts to know we have implicit biases just like everyone else. It hurts to realize that we may have, at some point, played a part in causing some of the pain we see here. So people react by lumping you all into one idea of "toxicity," just to protect themselves from the pain.

I want you to know I don't think you're all crazy.

I do think some of you can take it too far and have some extreme ideas, but from what I've seen you're self aware enough to know extremism when you see it. That said, anger and frustration leads to venting, and I hate seeing people take everything you say while venting as plans and opinions.

I have flaws. I have mild pectus excavatum, a big crooked nose, meh complexion, social anxiety, bad knees, and a receding hairline. I am also 6'2", white, blond with blue eyes, and otherwise have a decent frame that has fairly aesthetic muscle insertions. This means my flaws make me human. For many of you here, your flaws make you inhuman in the eyes of some people. NOT ALL people think this, to the normies reading, but enough that it fucking sucks. I cannot share this exact experience, but I can sympathize; I was bullied like hell when I was younger.

I'm still just some guy on the internet. I don't know what it would take for you guys to be happy with your lives, but if there's anything I can do to help, let me know.



Boi I know you didn't read all that in 1 minute.

I read it in one minute. You have to improve your reading skills, this is why you're incel. Roasties are attracted to personalities that can read.

Damn, my plan was to become an illiterate Chad...

They're probably normie trolls or retardcels.

this should be stickied

I appreciate you too, man. I've seen you in a lot of threads here when I was lurking.

Taking off the rose-colored glasses and recognizing the apathy of the universe can be a harrowing experience. All the more reason we have to actually stick together and help our fellow humans out.

Its a coping mechanism to ensure that suicide rates don't increase.

Also a normie here and you've put my opinion in words better than I could have done. Thank you for this post. Incels you are not alone - there are normies who sympathise with your struggle, and who want to help.

There are literally dozens of us. DOZENS!

Thank you for the comment.

I am also 6'2", white, blond with blue eyes, and otherwise have a decent frame that has fairly aesthetic muscle insertions


Tbf, the blackpill implies that itself can only be successfully conveyed to the public through Chad.

With great privilege comes great responsibility.

We need a Chad PR team

A normie with a brain holy shit

You'll see no ITards here, they're too scared to fight a normie, only punching down. Fucking faggots

I got into a discussion with one shortly before making this post. I tried to confront their harmful ideas about this community, and they just doubled down in the end. Went full hypocrite at the end, too. It was disheartening.

Don’t bother with IT users, they’re all radical feminists, the ones that say “all men are trash”. They love hating incels because to the world they are seen as “good” people, whereas in reality they’re fucking misandrists.

I don't disagree with the main argument incels make. Some people are in situations (either appearance or disabilities) where having a romantic relationship with the opposite sex is nigh impossible and that sucks. It's a big reason I think prostitution should be legal everywhere. Again, I understand individuals do not represent the whole group, but it is entirely too easy to go somewhere like and find unsavory content that makes you guys look bad (just as a for instance, there was a thread there about what you would do if society fell and there was an uncomfortable amount of users whose first response was going on a raping spree). I would hope it is understandable if people keep seeing things like that, they may develop a negative view of the community. isn't r/Braincels

Unless if we go to their sub, even then it's just low blows (down votes) :(

Yeah, it doesn't exactly give a good image of you guys when every post in this subreddit (including this post) contains one or more of the following:

-homophobia -racism -misogyny

They seem to understand how awful they are.

Yeah, a group where white people are severely underrepresented comapred to the rest of reddit is totally a racist sub.

All of those white nationalist indians, asians, and blacks. Gotta be afraid of em.

Amusingly, the anti-racists here are erasing the lived experiences of POC, or should I say IOC

Wtf? Misogyny I can understand, but racism? Homophobia??? We have a lot of ethnic people on this sub, and never have I read anything about someone hating homosexuals on this sub.

The rare gay incel is welcome. Half the sub is non-white. Criticism of women is not misogyny.

You'll see no ITards here, they're too scared to fight a normie, only punching down. Fucking faggots

This is totally just a misunderstood person who isn't extreme in any way.

I'm extreme for saying Inceltears punches down?

Okay then...

Great way to represent yourselves by calling the community created to meme on you a bunch of fucking faggots,

You know, as a gay man, I really don't feel the need to help with anything with someone who calls others 'faggots'.

Good thing I didn't ask for your shit tier help them, fucking fag. Go suck a big dick, queer cunt.

And yet you wonder why no one likes you.

You're stupid. I don't say these things in real life, gay cunt. Nobody knows I post here. And yet you wonder why you like men.

You’re still acting that way to a real person though

Yes but it's some cunt I know in real life. Nobody knows who I am, I can act whatever way I want on here, and there's really nothing you can do about it except downvote or report me.

Nobody knows I post on here in real life. Nobody knows the way I feel. Nobody.

And none of you normcunts know better than me. It's me who lives in my body, not Inceltears faggots. So shut the fuck up with that retarded argument.

Why are you so angry? And that still reflects your personality as a person, even under anonymity

You can't pretend to know what I do and don't do in real life. The persona I take in real life has nothing to do with what I say here.

You cannot say that, simply because that would be a pure fabrication.

I didn’t say I know how you acted in real life, but how you act here still reflects on who I you really are as a person, not the mask you may put on for others

What if the mask I'm putting on is for here, exclusively? What if I'm pretending to be incel, and just a fraud? There's no way for you to know that. Pretending the opposite would be, I'm afraid, a simple fabrication.

Your argument is invalid and you should stop doubling down on it.

I wasn’t trying to argue

Not a chad, just a celeb

I'm also pretty curious about that last paragraph OP wrote... what DO incels want, in order to be happy with their lives?

A girlfriend you dumb peice of shit, but women want NOTHING to do with us, I'm pretty average and they STILL fucking ignore me. THey are fucked up and deserve no sympathy, they have no sympathy and are fucking cruel, I can't even describe howmuch I hate those cunts.

Hey, ceDrowRanger, just a quick heads-up:
peice is actually spelled piece. You can remember it by i before e.
Have a nice day!

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You DO want a girlfriend... and yet you hate them? How exactly do you reconcile this in your head?

I hate them for what they do when left to do what they want.

Well, that sounds positively awful... are you aware of how awful that sounds?

Not really, I'm saying women get up to fucked up things when left to choose things for themselves which would be a reason to give them less choice.

And this is why incels have such a bad rep. You understand that, right? Most people don't hold this view about 50% of the entire population?

Oh, I understand that, that doesn't mean we are wrong. just that others won't admit it.

It actually might mean you're wrong... please consider this possibility.

I think it's more likely people are just afraid to admit the truth.

One would think that with 50% of the population being female, if they were all that bad at decision making, our society would be in way worse shape than what it is.

It's in pretty bad shape from them beig able to make decisions...

I dunno, I'm pretty happy with it, as opposed to regions of the world where women have fewer rights and freedoms.

Our medical practices are way more advanced than those in, say, the country of Chad (Women in this country are much less likely to be literate or educated than men, and there has never been a female head of state.). We're a hell of a lot safer in our homes than in, say, Syria (The vast majority of the labour force and those with political power in this country are male. The law does not mandate equal pay, and daughters do not have inheritance rights). I doubt you could get a decent bacon-burger or see a good Hollywood blockbuster in, say, Pakistan (This country does not have non-discrimination laws when it comes to hiring women, nor does the law mandate equal pay. However, to date there has been one female head of state, Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated in 2007). Yemen is apparently the worst in terms of gender inequality, this country has no women in parliament and has never had a female head of state. The law does not mandate equal pay, and women only have partial access to financial services.... and Yemen has fun tribal militias powerful enough to keep the government forces at bay! Woo!

Sounds like they all have more in common than just how they treat women... Just because the places that don't have equal rights for women are shit holes doesn't mean that we shouldn't realize the problems women's rights bring and how much better the the country would be if everyone was forced into life long monogamous marriages?

Is that what you'd like? You'd like for a woman to be forced to be your wife? Would that REALLY give you the sense of acceptance and belonging, knowing that every time you have sex with your wife it's only because she was legally required to?

Sounds like we're wading into rape territory, bucko

When I’m left to choose things for myself I choose cookies and Netflix, let me know if this is fucked up 👍 trying to change my mind about y’all and find some empathy but man stuff like this isn’t real encouraging

How many guys have you got in a relationship with just because you felt bad for them?

He's either trolling or an extremist. Please don't let him color your perception of the whole community too much. His kind of behavior is the stuff to be condemned.

to be honest, for me, more than anything, more than a girlfriend, (i'm a loner anyway), I'd just like to be able to talk about how people treat me without people shouting me down or invalidating me.

I'd like to be able to let off steam and say "ah, I'm going out clubbing tonight, I'd love to meet someone, but women always make fun of me for being small whenever I ask them out" without people yelling in my face - "no they don't! You're making your OWN problems! people mock your size because YOU expect them too! a couple of women did it once and now you blame all women!" when obviously I'm aware enough - as someone in my mid 30s who has been mocked and turned down by most girls/women since I was a teen, all of them mentioning my size, obviously I'm aware enough to have seen a pattern.

for me and a lot of people here it's got to the point where I'm just obsessed with coming up with persuasive arguments to convince people that women in general do have a problem with my size, and that it's not all in my head - obsessed with persuading people my experience and perspective is valid.

Without being dismissed with caricatures of what I said - "you're claiming bigger men have no problems at all and it's always easy for them", "you're claiming every single woman only wants big men and no smaller man ever gets dates". No I'm not. yet I get the same rote answers from everyone.

All I'm claiming is that the way I look is generally unpopular, to the point that most women in a bar would not be interested in me - and that even when I find a partner or hook-up it's not worth it due to the mocking I receive on the way. I also claim that men's looks is a taboo subject in general - and if it wasn't, incels would have no power.

I appreciate this response... it's well-reasoned, not hostile, and explains your points superbly. And you DO have valid points. When you're tall and have good looks, you're definitely playing life on "easy mode." Sure, when you're on easy mode, you still have to go through the whole storyline, but the challenges often aren't quite as difficult, right?

It just seems like the incel message boards become less about offering mutual support and more about directing hate at women and "normies." To the point where a "normie" shows up to offer constructive advice out of an honest desire to help, and posters will shout them down and dismiss him or her. I do understand what you're saying about wanting to be able to talk about this without judgement, I do. And when a "normie" shows up, that person can't offer the same sort of acceptance you're searching for, am I right?

I mean, look at the other person that responded to my question. I quote: "[I want] A girlfriend you dumb peice of shit, but women want NOTHING to do with us, I'm pretty average and they STILL fucking ignore me. THey are fucked up and deserve no sympathy, they have no sympathy and are fucking cruel, I can't even describe howmuch I hate those cunts."

It only takes a few dudes like that to make your whole community seem toxic, I'm afraid.

Hey, ThisIsNoCave, just a quick heads-up:
peice is actually spelled piece. You can remember it by i before e.
Have a nice day!

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Sounds tough man. I learned maybe a year ago that logical and well reasoned arguments don’t really convince anybody ESPECIALLY IF YOURE TRYING TO SLEEP WITH SOMEONE lol.

Try living that there is nothing wrong with being big. If someone disagrees, chalk it up to they have their opinion, I have mine and move on.

Oh and for the love of god I hope you aren’t asking people why they don’t want to sleep with you. Like I said earlier, no matter how smart or well reasoned you are, you cannot logically convince someone to sleep with or like you

Social and sexual validation. Which, you cannot get from a prostitute.

Do you have any friends IRL that can help with the social validation, at least?

Currently, yes. Though I feel as if those friendships are fading, despite my efforts. And most of my life I've spent without any sort of social validation, including friendships. I was the weird, ugly kid who sat alone at lunch in grade school. And that still doesn't handle sexual validation.

I think that would be a good start at removing negative connotation is to state a clear societal objective.

You want to help, legalise euthanasia. Seriously. You'll be doing us a favour.

I did a research paper and presentation on Dr. Kevorkian in middle school(remember I mentioned I was bullied a lot lol, God I was a weird kid). This was like a decade ago, and nothing has really changed since. We call it inhumane to let our animals suffer needlessly, but it's legally required to suffer if you're human... shit's fucked.

That guy was based as fuck. That's why normies hated him.

Because we want such men and women to be worker bees to supply tax dollars for roads, etc.

exactly. but the truth is..thre is a huge industry/profits to be made off of people suffering. (((they))) backstop the medical bills with debt that cant be paid so they wind up taking all your assets


No, how about we just fix the problem of women being whores?

Legalizing euthanasia will be a hell of a lot easier.

Yes, but it would kill off the voter pool needed for what I said!

Only after it's been legalized.

Men are bigger "whores." Its male thirst that made this.

Women have insane standards and won't settle down, most men would be happy to be in a long term relationship.

They do since male thirst. If men weren’t so thirsty it would be similar.

It's easier to control women's behavior than get rid of men's sex drive.


One is stopping behavior, the other is stopping instinct.which sounds easier to fix from an authoritarian standpoint?

oh both are instinctual though.

Excellent post.

Normies, take heed. THIS is how you get us to listen.

Sympathy or empathy opens doors. Derision and disgust close them.

Not just that, he's also honest and realistic. Acknowledged the harsh reality for most of us.

Usually normies and femoids come on this sub and preach that "everything will be alright if you have a better personality" nonsense and expect to be taken seriously.

So don't be derisive and disgusting? Women aren't property. You don't 'deserve' shit, get off your high horse snowflake.

So don't be derisive and disgusting? Women aren't property

Believing people act out the things said here IRL, classic misunderstanding.

You don't 'deserve' shit,

Entitlement argument. People don't deserve most things. Don't play gatekeeper with me, fuckwad.

get off your high horse snowflake.

The only high horsing snowflake I see here is you. Complacent piece of shit. All you done is comment on threads with shitty generalizations and self-righteous rhetoric. Give me a fucking break. I'm sick of brainlet zombies like you. And now there's over 3000 of you smug jackasses screeching about.

Someone had to stand for decency. Decency in the face of a misguided little man. The ability and foresight to stand up to someone who has no moral grounds for a belief system that seems to want to victimize women as a half of our population.

People like you, do act this stuff out irl, treat women, with this rhetoric and thought. It's not okay to say this a thing that's exceptable, it's like advocating for child marriage. Or making women your property.

As a normie myself I do feel a lot for incels and i'm sure most of you are not bad people. But for the love of fuck this whole sex negative attitude and "roastie" shtick is fucking daft and turns people away from your cause.

I know it's all cope but when you start spouting bollocks like and saying that women who have had past sexual conquests are unworthy sluts and what not, you look like tools.

I mean I get that it's venting but people look at that shit and think you're all twats. If only incels weren't so venomous I think society would be a lot more favourable towards you but the way it is, all this grandstanding and calling everyone cucks and other nonsense just turns people against the cause.

"saying that women who have had past sexual conquests are unworthy sluts and what not"

From an evolutionary standpoint, they are. As the "chooser" sex, women will always be shamed for being sluts -- just as men will always be shamed for being virgins and not being able to "get laid".

I'm sorry, but your silly opinion isn't going to change evolutionary biology.

Yeah but you should probably view sex from a modern social standpoint instead of a biological one. This is the world we live in now. Women are sexually liberated and fucking more than ever. That's where we are right now and society accepts it.....might not be ideal but it is what it is.

It's this rigid view of moralistic rights and wrongs that makes you easy for society to hate....Incels seem to have a very sex negative view.

I mean I read threads saying that if you go out with a single mother you're a cuck.....shit like this mental and it's exactly what is wrong with the movement.

But this evolutionary viewpoint isn't doing anyone any favours and all this "roastie" stuff is kind of the same. Yeah it pisses off the IT crowd no end but it also massively contributes towards society hating the incel movement.

You guys need a PR make over..

Women are sexually liberated and fucking more than ever. That's where we are right now and society accepts it.....might not be ideal but it is what it is.


Maybe so. But what else are you gonna do? It's the hand we've been dealt and it's the world we live in.

I mean I get that it's venting but people look at that shit and think you're all twats.

Precisely because the suffering of an incel is so great, one should be more patient when they use dark thoughts and dark humor to vent.

I agree. I find some of the humour genuinely funny but i'm a sick bastard. I imagine to your standard ham and egger they would look at this stuff and think "gas em all"

they would look at this stuff and think "gas em all"

They already do.

I get that. I do. After first discovering the concept of incels and perusing forums I am trying to be objective, because I am not remotely any sort of SJW or modern male feminist. With that said, it's like when I see a thread asking what would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse and people just start responding "rape" or "enslaving women". How on earth do you expect people to look at that and develop sympathy?

We don't.

Part of being blackpilled is realizing that because incels are ugly outcasts, we will never get sympathy from people higher than us on the social hierarchy, save for the small silent minority that's coming out of the woodwork in this very thread.

Sympathy has nothing to do with your looks. Most people feel bad for unattractive people; it's a visible example that nature is cruel and uncompromising. It cares nothing for your opinion or your values.

It's the "my life is over, fuck everyone, I wanna kill people" attitude that negates any sympathy you could earn. People feel sympathy for a crippled dog. Rabid dogs get put down. Yeah, it's an absolutely shit choice between the two when you're the dog, but it's still your choice.

Most people feel bad for unattractive people

When people say that, they're virtue signaling. If people actually cared about ugly people, it wouldn't be so socially acceptable to make fun of people for being ugly.

We make fun of fat people too. And black people, and Jews, and Muslims, and gay people, and on and on and on. That's not socially acceptable, you'd never find it in a high school ethics textbook. But we do it, and make movies and comedy sketches and cartoons about it. You can feel bad and not care that you feel bad at the same time, believe it or not.

People face social castigation for making fun of ethnic and sexual minorities, especially in liberal locales. Popular media can't deride them even by accident without a massive public backlash. It's not socially acceptable.

Mocking fat people is completely socially acceptable. Even fat people mock fat people. The only ones who get angry over it are radfem "health at every size" hambeasts who nobody cares about anyway.

What sort of hoity toity soylent high school has ethics classes, let alone ethics textbooks?

I mean in my current situation I'm already treated like some psychopath mass murderer or rapist or w/e because of looks. Even without saying those things, you won't receive sympathy, nor are we entitled to receive it. All we want is to be treated like a human being, despite looking below average.

Whores ruin the lives of normal men, we shouldn't approve of that kind of shit, they are the reason we are like this, we aren't going to accept them and society never should have.

Whether you accept it or not, it ain't gonna change anything and it won't help you get laid either.

Also the fact you call promiscuous women "whores" and say they ruin men's lives is ironic as most real whores (pros) are controlled and coerced into prostitution by men who ruin their lives.

Both sexes fuck each other up and over....perhaps incels haven't fucked anyone over and are the perpetual victims be that as it ain't right it's just life in 2018.

It's this bitterness on that alienates society and stops people caring about the incel plight

Whether you accept it or not, it ain't gonna change anything and it won't help you get laid either.

If we as a society forced women to get married younger under threat of legal prosecution and take away some of their right that WILL chance things and WILL help average guys get laid.

Also the fact you call promiscuous women "whores" and say they ruin men's lives is ironic as most real whores (pros) are controlled and coerced into prostitution by men who ruin their lives.

Okay, so sluts? whatever, but those prostitutes would be ruining men's lives if they were free so I honestly don't have much sympathy.

It's this bitterness on that alienates society and stops people caring about the incel plight

They never cared.

You wanna force women to get married? I mean come on dude that's pretty extreme Sharia Law type shit. That ain't gonna happen in the west.

I mean that's just fantasy type may as well kill all chads or some such shit.

I dunno about society not caring. There are plenty of charities that deal with loneliness. Samaritans for example, deal with lonely and depressed people all the just have to wrap it in a way that ain't so brutal.

You wanna force women to get married? I mean come on dude that's pretty extreme Sharia Law type shit. That ain't gonna happen in the west.

Well considering how places like sweden are turning I wouldn't be so sure. But tell me, who do you think would be more benevolent, desperate incels who want to help men who can't get pussy, or third worlders?

I dunno about society not caring. There are plenty of charities that deal with loneliness

And how much of that is focused on women? Charity won't get men long term girls or wives.

What's this Sweden thing you're talking about?

The last news story about forced marriage I saw come out of there was like yesterday when they wanted girls to hide spoons down their underwear when they go through customs at the airport so they can get help.

Samaritans is there for anyone. And I agree more people should be helping incels and men in general but that will NEVER happen while the scene is still deep in the misogynistic shtick.....if incels were genuinely asking for help without all the grandstanding, then maybe people would take the problem seriously.

There should 100% be help and discussions for this problem. But the way the movement is it's almost designed to stop normies feeling any empathy.

What's this Sweden thing you're talking about?

Just the invasion generally having hte effect of having the laws changed getting them closer to their home countries.

There should 100% be help and discussions for this problem. But the way the movement is it's almost designed to stop normies feeling any empathy.

I'd say feminism is a much bigger issue in terms of preventing us from getting sympyathy or help...

3rd wave feminism is pretty retarded and it definitely is a contributing factor but this whole harsh meme culture doesn't help either.

I mean I get that incels are pissed off and wanting to vent but it definitely alienates them from 90% of the population.

Some of the content is absolutely brutal

You want to legally take away a woman's free will and your only argument is you would be nice about it?

So, you're advocating for Gilead?

Blessed be the Froot Loops, I guess.

No clue what you even mean.

There's this book and highly popular TV show, both called "The Handmaid's Tale". I suggest you check it out!

As far as I'm concerned anyone that even entertains the idea that women should be forced to marry and have a sexual relationship unwillingly deserves no sympathy. You think women should be subjected to what amounts to sexual assault just so you can blow a load into something other than a hanky? GET A GRIP!!!!!!! You're not involuntarily celibate because women are selfish,you're involuntarily celibate because you honestly believe you're entitled to put your penis in a vagina and think taking away half the populations autonomy and rights is a fair way to get it. Please go and see a therapist.

As far as I'm concerned anyone that even entertains the idea that women should be forced to marry and have a sexual relationship unwillingly deserves no sympathy.

Because I know that modern women won't choose to on their own even though they would be happier that way. Honestly it would benefit them as well. And I think if adultery was criminalized as it should be then husbands wouldn't need to force their wives to have sex with them because the women might be desperate enough anyway.

ou're not involuntarily celibate because women are selfish you're involuntarily celibate because you honestly believe you're entitled to put your penis in a vagina and think taking away half the populations autonomy and rights is a fair way to get it.

No, it's because they are selfish and have high standards. No, I think that with the current culture in the west we need to take away some of their rights and autonomy for them to live happy lives and not screw over dudes. Women have no need to settle down anymore so they need extra encouragement.

Taking away women's rights and autonomy and forcing them to marry and have a sexual relationship is rape. How is forcing a sexual relationship they don't want not rape? Are you suggesting chaste marriages? Or suggesting unwanted sex be a legal requirement? Rape is forced sexual contact unwanted by one party. If we were forced into it we still wouldn't find you attractive or love you or want children. Dear god.... not wanting to have sex with someone we aren't attracted to is not "screwing dudes over"....... we are not here to make you happy!!!!

I didn't say forcing them to marry, I said making them dependent on a man, how they manage to make themselves desirable is up to them, but women can not be allowed to feel free to go after whatever guy they want, they should be brought up being taught to settle.

Dear god.... not wanting to have sex with someone we aren't attracted to is not "screwing dudes over"

It is considering the majority of guys are considered unattractive.

we are not here to make you happy!

You are fucking us over by making us so desperate.

Nope nope nope nope nope nope.

So you want guys to remain forever fucked over in the dating market?

I want the world to remain a place where people aren't forced into sexual relationships unwillingly. If a few people go without sex for the sake of bodily autonomy and the rights of the herd being upheld, then so be it. And to be honest, the fact that you don't have sex isn't my problem or any other woman's problem. It's your problem. And no, you are not being "fucked over"..... no one is doing anything to you. Not wanting to sleep with you or date you is not "fucking you over", what is so hard to grasp about that?!??

In the idea I proposed they aren't forced into it, they just need it to sustain themselves, I don't think women should be able to screw over men like that especially when they would be better off in a lasting marriage.

If a few people go without sex for the sake of bodily autonomy and the rights of the herd being upheld, then so be it.

Right, it isn't like it's horrible for the people who go without it, or that the number of guys who are forced to go without it is increasing... Do you know how bad it is to know that women would rather you suffer than help you?

I am certainly being fucked over, women have no reason to settle down anymore so they have no reason to get with guys they aren't attracted to, that fucks oveer tons of guys and we shouldn't allow society to continue like this.

By "help" you mean let you stick your penis in their vagina. Do you know how bad it is to know that there are men that would rather WE have no freedom and suffer than just hire a prostitute or masturbate. If someone doesn't find you attractive they won't be willing to sleep with you. And no, we would not be better off in a "marriage" we felt no desire or love in. Ugh. I like my job, my travelling, and my sexual freedom.

Incidentally, taking away women's rights so they need to be married to live is using force by proxy. It's terrible that you would happily subject a woman to something she's utterly unwilling to do, just so you can get your dick wet.

By "help" you mean let you stick your penis in their vagina.

And have a relationship.

Do you know how bad it is to know that there are men that would rather WE have no freedom and suffer than just hire a prostitute or masturbate

I want validation not sexual pleasure.

If someone doesn't find you attractive they won't be willing to sleep with you.

That's fucked up because only a very small part of men are viewed as attractive.

And no, we would not be better off in a "marriage" we felt no desire or love in.

Yes you fucking would, you'd have someone to support you while you do your standard duties as a woman, that is how you are supposed to live, not as some whore.

I like my job, my travelling, and my sexual freedom.

Women having jobs means there is less incentive for them to get married and stay together which is bad for society as a whole, and sexual "freedom" is just degeneracy that spreads disease, fucks over average guys, and destroys societies by destroying the family model.

Yeah, nothing would make me happier than being forced to give up my job and my freedom and submitting someone I find repulsive 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Nah mate I'll live how it want to. It's my right ;)

Yeah, I'm sure you would hate to be taken care of by someone who is attracted to you, not having to work, being able to stay home and raise kids. I mean that's why women's suicide rates were huge before the sexual revolution,

I absolutely would hate it. Being married to someone I have no desire nor feelings for would be awful. Not going to work would be awful. And there wouldn't be children because there would be no sex. Unless you're suggesting women should be forced to have sex unwillingly? If someone tried to do that to me I'd break their arms. I mean I'm 5'10", 70kg, and I can lift a 95kg 6'3" man up. If I'm taller and heavier than kissless virgin husband how the fuck is he going to "make" me do anything 😂😂😂😂😂

Being married to someone I have no desire nor feelings for would be awful.

Apparently making someones life great is awful...

Not going to work would be awful.

So awful to be able to stay home during the day and live off of someoe else's money...

And there wouldn't be children because there would be no sex.

So you're a heartless bitch who would just be robbing her husband for nothing in return? And you would choose not no have sex rather than have sex with your husband? You wouldn't give him a single fucking thing in his live would you?

You're so brainwashed by modern society that you don't even know what you would want. There is a reason that suicide rates for women weren't massive before women's rights bullshit. Suicide rates are honestly the most objective measure you have for contentedness and mental health.

A) I want to make MY life great B) I don't want nor need to live off someone else's money, I have a job C) I did not agree to marry this hypothetical asshole so I have no interest in sex with him D) apparently someone already having a great life is so awful, YOU want them to give up their happiness for you. E) I did not agree to marry this hypothetical asshole so I have no interest in sex with him and he can't make me.

I'm telling you straight up, you can't force someone to love you or want sex with you. That's just the way it is.

No, but you can force them to lower their standards by making them want the benefits of being in a relationship.

What would be the point of being in a relationship then? If they're only with you because you took away their right to earn a living and be independent I'm pretty sure you'll all still be incels.. you can't force sex or love. Wouldn't it be worse living with someone that will break your arms if you try to touch her?

What would be the point of being in a relationship then? If they're only with you because you took away their right to earn a living and be independent I'm pretty sure you'll all still be incels..

We would at least have someone to show our love to even if she doesn't feel the same way. We would be the ones in charge of their spending, so if they don't want a shoestring budget then they better start putting out.

you can't force sex or love

No, but you can at least have one way affection.

Wouldn't it be worse living with someone that will break your arms if you try to touch her?

At least I'd have someone to give me company...

Says women shouldn't be whores.

Also says women only get spending money if they put out...


It's different if it's only with her husband instead of multiple different guys and it's not like most guys wouldn't restrict their wives spending if they were disappointing him in some other way.

Yeah but the point is most of us would prefer to be broke than bang someone we think is gross. So you'd still be getting zero intimacy, you'd just be having the hostility shoved in your face all the time.

Anyone that believes in the garbage ideals you're spouting probably shouldn't be reproducing, so.... yeah. You want women's rights taken away so you can have what you want. Thank fuck you have no say in the matter!

You fucking cunts have no idea what is good for you, you think you like being a whore but you'd be happier as a housewife.

As a normie myself I do feel a lot for incels and i'm sure most of you are not bad people. But for the love of fuck this whole sex negative attitude and "roastie" shtick is fucking daft and turns people away from your cause.

Its memes (roastie) etc.

Its not like society will change. What "cause?"

I'm kind of a normie now.

Nah society won't change but at least there would be more support and more honest conversation about the black pill if it weren't wrapped in gnarly memes and grandstanding.

Incels have a legitimate gripe and a lot of black pill is true. But damn the delivery of this message is like a dirty brick to the face.

I know the tone needs to change but it’s not like society will accept the black pill.

Society is already very honest, and it's reflected in the existence of incels themselves. They're below the minimum threshold for obtaining voluntary sex. Everyone knows that. So, then what? Are we supposed to change society so people are required to fuck other people? Because that's insane.

I feel plenty of sympathy for people that can't get laid. I don't have any sympathy for fucked up reactions, because then they're making my life more difficult. I don't want that.

I think you guys are just discovering discrimination..... Discrimination happens to white people too, just not in the same ways.

Life is unfair, anyone who tells you different has never experienced poverty, racism, or just general hardship. It's a shit situation, but we all have to deal with it.

There are definitely winners and loosers in the game, but I really don't think the majority of the people on this sub are really in the looser category. If you live in a first world nation you've already got plenty to be thankful for, you could easily be just as ugly but living in a yurt.

Nobody is owed anything, no one is to blame, you have to deal with the hand you are given. Yea, you're being discriminated against, welcome to the fucking party, grab a drink and try to have the best time you're able too.

I've had a long career in healthcare and what it's taught me is that everyone wants the same thing when they're on their deathbeds, more time. The ugly, lonely fucks want it just as bad as the people with loving spouses.

We are made equal through entropy, don't waste the limited time you have coming here to throw a pity party with a whole bunch teens who think they hate women. If you think that these guys wouldn't abandon the black pill if a girl honestly made the first move you'd be lying to yourself.

And here come the trade phase. "Don't make fun of us even if we bully you on daily basis". No, we will push the black pill in your throat together with all the good things people gave at us on the way here. The truth *supposed* to be the brick which will break spine of society.

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 😅

Made a new account to come out of lurking...

I agree. I'm an escort who specializes in sexual surrogacy and life coaching, and I have a lot of experience with men who struggle with sexual and romantic relationships - men who are less attractive than average, who are on the spectrum, who are disabled, who frankly aren't unattractive but are just crippingly insecure. I was actually referred to incel spaces by a client. This is all to say, I have a lot of affection and care for men who lost the genetic or social lottery.

But Jesus fucking Christ, the rampant dehumanization of women and verbal abuse you men put each other through is so toxic. At least Braincells is softer around the edges than the original r/Incels and, but I think it takes an unusual amount of compassion to be able to see through the roastie/femoid bs to understand the incredible amount of pain beneath it all.

And, like, folks here are terrible to each other so often. Why? To what aim? Does it help any? Why is the standard for decency so low in the in-group, when it's commonly understood to be abysmal and unfair when experienced by the out group? I honestly don't understand. Taking the blackpill shouldn't mean actively trying to make each other miserable, yet I've seen folks "joke" that men should kill themselves for their small wrists. Like, wtf??

Anyway, back to lurking for me. I'm sorry for taking up space here. If it's not appreciated, let me know and I can edit/delete.

You hit the nail on the head. It took me like a week of reading these boards before I felt any empathy for anyone. The longer I spend on here the more I feel for incels plight.

But the average person is gonna see the usual posts and think that all incels are terrible people and should be executed.

Not everyone has the time and patience to look behind the cope at the real problems and people behind the memes

Also some of the posts literally set out to make people miserable. This whole "it's over" gimmick is more neggy than the shit IT post.

Not everyone has the time and patience to look behind the cope at the real problems and people behind the memes

Those kinds of people will never empathize with us, anyway, no matter how PC or not our content is. So they're irrelevant to us.

What's the best advice you would give to your ugly clients that want to be able to attract women?

Honestly, "ugly" is too broad a category for specific advice. I know it sounds like a cop-out, but there are a lot of factors that play into how I'd coach a client.

That said, the three pieces of advice that I give most often are:

  1. Go to the gym. It helps with depression and keeps the body healthy. Also, most women find fit men attractive. Even aside from sexual interest, it shows dedication and drive, which women like.

  2. Have hobbies that take you outside. Sun is good for the body, and hobbies are good for the mind. Plus, you get to meet people. Socializing is good for the mind, too, and broadens your field for meeting women.

  3. To use a PUA term: work on your inner game. I know this sounds like bullshit, but at the end of the day, my personal ethos is that everyone should aim for self-improvement.

Also, it's worth noting that sometimes my clients experience a lot of racism in the dating game, and classism, and ableism. And sometimes my clients have a lot of rage, and they're violent and unsafe to be around as a woman. Sometimes they are so anxious, they're very nearly agoraphobic, or they've been abused their whole lives. Sometimes the real issue is that they are aiming for an idealized image no one can live up to (something I see a lot with women, too), or their goal is to spin plates, all of whom are magically 9s. So shit gets complicated and specific fast.

I hope this was at least somewhat satisfying of an answer!

I already do 1 and 2 but it doesn't really make women attracted to me, it just makes other men respect me.

Also, it's worth noting that sometimes my clients experience a lot of racism in the dating game, and classism, and ableism.

Yeah I'm an Indian man in America and although it doesn't stop me from making friends with women I realize most women have a bias against dating Indian men and would choose a white guy over me the vast majority of the time.

Yeah, racism in dating really fucking sucks. It's one of those things that can't be coached away, and it's hard to keep one's spirit up after so much prejudice, blatant or otherwise. I'm sorry that you're struggling with that. Do you mind if I ask how old you are? You can PM me your answer, if you'd like.

For what it's worth (likely very little), I personally prefer brown men, including Indian men, over white men. Unfortunately, I am literally always turned down by Indian and Asian men specifically, lol, and it's not like I'm ugly. I'm just brown, myself. And at least in my part of the country, Indian and SEA men have a bit of a reputation for vastly preferring white women, too.

The racism part hurts the most. There's literally nothing that you can do about that.

I've seen folks "joke" that men should kill themselves for their small wrists.

Because it's a joke. Without quotations. It's meant to help us cope. We have no hope, and without cope there is rope, so we cope to get by. We don't make each other miserable with our jokes; they make us laugh.

I understand humor as a coping mechanism, but when you also have folks literally calling each other subhuman, is it actually humorous at all? Is anyone actually coping?


I have a question for you. What is your age? It matters.

Young men who are full hormonal and low on life experience will express themselves differently than older man who have life experience. A young brain with limited life experience and strong hormonal urges sees the world in more immediate terms, regardless of sex.

Don't edit or delete. This is where YOU are at, at your point in life.

Talk. This is how humans work it out.

I'm 28!

Re: young men -

I think this is actually the biggest source of my concern, having now lurked in incel spaces for so long. It seems to me that a lot of folks who come here are very young, anxious, and depressed, and while I think there's a lot of power in community support, it's not always healthy support that I see here.

Also, just a general thank you to folks who have been so receptive and kind! I really hesitated commenting, but I'm really glad that I did. I'm a longtime lurker of male online spaces (sedit, MRAs, RP, MGTOW), and this is the first time I've shown myself through the curtain!

The reason I asked was to assess your general life experience. We see things differently at different ages. As a man gets older he can recognize patterns that he might not have when he was younger.

I certainly do see some bad attitudes, but I also can see where they come from. These guys aren't so much angry as they are frustrated which leads to anger. The two feelings aren't the same. Frustration is a response to having a goal, but being unable to reach it. Anger is a response to a violation of rules.

The reason for the frustration, I think, is evident. The anger, I believe, and in many but not all cases is that these guys feel that they've been lied to. "If you do X, you'll get your needs met." They do X, and X is precisely the thing that gets in their way of getting their needs met. Then they look at the guys who do not do X, or that they cannot identify what these people do and believe that the rules are unfairly applied.

So now, take a frustrated young man with normal social and sexual impulses caught in a double bind, and add that they're still short on life experience and the ability to articulate what the precise issue is. What we get are expletives and the expression of poorly defined emotions. Because they are IN the situation, they have difficulty in getting enough distance from it to speak ABOUT it.

Now, add to that the plethora of people who repetitiously and often sanctimoniously throw bromides at them. "Wear nice clothes." "Work on your personality." These things are true only in the very vaguest of ways. It's like telling someone who is depressed to just cheer up. Anyone who knows depression understands that this is a stupid thing to say. If they could "just cheer up" they would. These guys don't know how to move from A to B, and for those few who do, they also have shitty beliefs or values that make it seem painful to actually do so.

Their frustration is in large part a feeling of being trapped. There is a way out, but they don't understand the puzzle well enough to work it and figure out the solution.

I assert this because I look back at my younger self and see common patterns. I may be wrong, but I think this is a far more accurate, and to be honest, charitable interpretation than that which is offered by these finger wagging idiots who swoop in to make themselves feel good.

These guys are men. They're not stupid. They know condescension when they hear it, and condescension is enraging. The first step to helping these guys move from A to B is to show them a little human respect and treat them as intelligent human beings with the capacity to move on. It isn't finger wagging that will help them, but honest conversation between men who can help them find their way.

Thanks dude. It feels nice to have a non-incel empathize with us instead of condescendingly throwing platitudes like we should take a shower or "be confident".

Wonderful post. Normies have no answer, can only slink away like cowards.

"Normies" only need to look at some of the incredibly fucked up things some straight men are saying in this very thread.

I'm a gay man, and the top rated posted is calling everyone 'faggots'.

They're not "badly misrepresented" they're terrorists

All the terrorists never posted here, being retarded is why you're incel

Oh I'm not an incel. I'm just here for shits and giggles.

Didn't you know? /r/IncelTears is for bluepilled incels, this is for blackpilled incels. Being bluepilled doesn't absolve you from inceldom.

You do't even know the half of how bad it is for dating, we can't even have a conversation with a woman.

It hurts to think we aren't in control. It hurts to know we have implicit biases just like everyone else. It hurts to realize that we may have, at some point, played a part in causing some of the pain we see here. So people react by lumping you all into one idea of "toxicity," just to protect themselves from the pain.

Then we should allow whores in society and force them to settle down, honestly I think taxing unmarried women and making divorce less favorable would be a good start.

Let me ask you a question....would it matter at all to you if a woman you were married to actually wanted to be married to you? Or would you be fine with a woman that loathed you as long as she did what you tell her?

I keep seeing incels say they want love/sexual validation. Being with a woman that is with you because she really has no choice will give you neither of those things.

Let me ask you a question....would it matter at all to you if a woman you were married to actually wanted to be married to you? Or would you be fine with a woman that loathed you as long as she did what you tell her?

Yes and yes, I'd prefer one who wants to be with me but I'd take one who loathes but obeys me.

I keep seeing incels say they want love/sexual validation. Being with a woman that is with you because she really has no choice will give you neither of those things.

She could learn to love us, it wuldn't be that bad.

This mentality is so jacked up to me. You really don't care how another person suffers as long as it benefits you.

What is to stop these coerced wives from cheating on their husbands?

Obviously adultery should be illegal, as it should be regardless.

"You really don't care how another person suffers as long as it benefits you."

Oh, you mean like all of those women who divorce their husbands, take them to the cleaners and squeeze every last possible drop of blood out of him in court, and then turn their own children against their fathers?

Another high IQ post.

I think you are completely right that lookism is real, and has major effects on how people treat you. Here is the thing though. I have talked to a lot of these guys off of reddit. I am currently dating one of them. Of those who's pictures I have seen, they are mostly average looking guys who for one reason or another are extremely insecure. In some cases they seem to also have very unrealistic expectations about how easy dating should be, and firmly believe that it is really easy for women, regardless of what we look like.

The guy I am dating has alopecia and is bald at almost 23, and I can honestly see how that could be a limiting factor when it comes to dating women his age. But even then, once I convinced him to talk to a bunch of women at a festival he attended, he got a few phone numbers and wound up taking a girl home that night. Once he had a little bit of initial success his confidence went up, and he got better at starting conversations. He told me afterward that he never believed that was possible before, but now he has some hope.

Guys on here think that women believe they can sense a bad personality and point to people like Ted Bundy to refute that. But that isn't really accurate. What we can sense almost immediately is insecurity. Because it shows up in body language, facial expressions, and interactions. And insecurity is really unattractive to most women.

I haven't seen every guy on here, so maybe some of them have a legitimate claim to being ugly. But of those I have talked to and seen pics of, insecurity was the biggest thing standing in their way.

What we can sense almost immediately is insecurity

We don't even need to sense it. Like you said, it shows up in body language and interactions. Compliment an insecure guy and he just gets all sad and mopey and refuses the compliment. That's not fun to be around

Guy here who used to not be so secure. things insecurity are sensed almost immediately and are not often articulated nor intellectually understood by women. They just have a feeling. Also ITS OKAY TO BE A LITTLE INSECURE! Everyone is. It’s not like you’re a confident guy then you feel confident all the time.

Additionally, people are energetically attracted. For example, when I was much less healthy I would attach unhealthy women and likewise they would be attracted to me. Today, I attract more healthy women and I still have a ways to go. Growing is part of life. If you’re angry a lot, you’ll attract angry and hurt people as well.

Now how to be get that ‘mythical’ confidence. In the moment, I deal with my insecurities by putting my focus on the other person and realize that even if I can’t see it, they are probably nervous as well. This is really helpful with getting out of your head.

However and more importantly, I try and do things that make me feel good about myself and help others daily. Slowly this has built overtime. It’s not like you can just flip a switch and be confident you have to slowly grow into it.

Now what are things one can do to feel good? Hygiene and dressing are important, sure but the main thing is one needs to be aware of actions that feel good but are bad for you. A great example here is yelling at someone on the internet. Sure it feels good to get angry and feel superior by calling democrats or republicans stupid or calling women sluts etc... ultimately that sort of behavior hurts you. Try helping someone in a little way that doesn’t hurt you. Help your mom cook or take out the trash, whatever it is. Help somebody and not enable them at the same time. It’s hard but in time you’ll feel better about yourself.

Sorry for the essay u/rederules770, it’s more towards the incels.

Also incense, not everything is personal. Sometimes people act mean towards you because their having a shitty day

No problem! I agree with everything you've said. Also: when people say "you need to be more confident" they don't generally mean you need to think the earth revolves around you because you're so awesome, just confident enough to not be so self degrading is a good step

Yes! I say believe you’re a 7/10 in looks and a 9/10 personality wise. Always gotta keep yourself humble!

Sure I can agree with that, but then you look at some comments in this subreddit and see all the crazy bullshit most of them write and then go "yeaah, maybe their personalities are also a bit trash".

Most of them? I really hope you're joking.

It's hard not to think that way when posts about how women should be tied down and forcibly raped because men need sex are hugely upvoted and popular among incel subreddits


Eventually, society will get blackpilled. Nobody can resist the blackpill, cause it's everywhere.

Making these trends explicit leads to push back because everyone likes to think their destiny is in their own hands.


They want the government to hand them a woman as property. Their gross lil people who think violence and sexism will solve their problems. Thoroughly brain washed.

Retard alert

Nah just saying my piece. You guys seem horribly misguided, and motivated to oppression by your own lil thought bubbles you inhabit online. You guys have got to realize that women aren't your right, at all. Even Darwinism doesn't support that.

women aren't your right

Literally nobody has said this. Why aren't men allowed to talk about their dating troubles without it being seen as entitlement?

There's a difference in voicing your frustrations and seemingly demonizing femininity itself.

demonizing femininity itself

And how do we do that?

The term Stacy, numale etc...

If you actually think we use those terms IRL, I really don't know what to tell you :/

"Stacy" and "Chad" are archetypes. How do you not understand-

-Oh, nevermind. I see from the previous posts that you're just stupid.

Carry on.

The hard part with acknowledging the plight of ugly/disabled/very short guys is that it becomes too obvious that something has to be DONE about it, and no matter what solution gets proposed, people aren't gonna like it.

People are talking about "forced monogamy", and personally, I'm not enthusiastic about the idea. Anyone whose ever been in a relationship or marriage with someone who merely settled for them can tell you it's a very unhealthy and unhappy relationship for both partners. High divorce risk, RESENTMENT, cheating, lack of affection, constant nagging/picking fights, high demands, game playing, etc.

The incel problem is a puzzle, and we need to find a solution that allows women the sexual autonomy they've become accustomed to. I know of 2 alternative solutions that allow for this: Subsidized plastic surgery, or the development of realistic AI robot companions. Of course people aren't gonna like those solutions either, but sooner or later, society is gonna have to make some hard choices.

Women are now capable of supporting themselves and no longer need to marry in order to survive. This leaves them free to pick partners based on genuine sexual attraction. As Generation Z comes of age, this trend will become far more pronounced, and leftover males will become a large enough group to pose a serious danger. Leftover males have no incentive to participate in the socioeconomic script or the sexual marketplace - the very things that keep civilization itself running. Their collective withdrawal will utterly decimate the economy.

Incels and blackpilled normies should band together and politically pursue enforced monogamy.

Psychologist here. Being physically attractive definitely lends to some benefits in life, but these benefits are also limited beyond initial first impressions. Other things count (intelligence, morals, character, personality, etc) in the long run.

Treating women like a commodity, calling them names, acting entitled to have sex isn’t going to get anyone anywhere.

From a biological standpoint, women have had to be “selective”, they are the most at-risk when entering a sexual relationship (I.e., they get stuck for 9 months carrying a baby while male is not stuck and able to have more sex/babies).

It’s also about resilience. You can sit in a cave and bitch about your life and you’ll get some temporary happiness from venting, and the comradely of other people feeling the same thing too. Unfortunately it’s the people that have an external locus of control who things will never change for. Regardless of the genetic hand you were dealt, it’s entirely up to you to make changes to improve your life. Until you accept that you have SOME responsibility in this, it’ll be the same shit different day.

Jesus Christ what an original sentiment, you should make this it's own post so it can be removed for being useless fucking spam.

It might be repetitive but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true

Who's it aimed at? You're not gonna change the minds of the few defeatist idiots who think they're entitled to a girlfriend.

Ya, can’t help those who don’t want to be helped.

Yes you just rehashed a lot of what I said but in a more judgmental way.

What would that definition be? I feel as if that was quite a vague commentary, not directed at anyone in particular. If anything, I said “unfortunately, it’s the people who...” which would intend that there is only a number of people, not at all directed toward an entire community.

In regards to being judgmental - how so? I’m suggesting that people, in general, should take responsibility. Everyone should. I don’t see how that’s judgmental.

Regardless, that’s you’re opinion, which you’re totally entitled to, and your original post was much appreciated, so I am not going to argue with your viewpoint.

I apologize, my response came across kind of defensive. I was mostly trying to point out that a lot of people in this community are totally aware of what they have to do with their lives, and many are actively working on bettering themselves as much as possible. I misread your comment a bit, we're mostly in agreement.

I disagree with the limited effect of first impressions, because most of our interactions with other people will be based on that snap judgement and never go further, but otherwise I appreciate your understanding.

Apologies again!

The problem with this post is that it pontificates. You're a mindless robot, Psychologist Here. Everything that you've said, Incels know. What you fail to do is think about reality. You are reciting "rules" by rote. How, in the real world, do you advise these guys to:

  1. Bridge from their current state of mind, to a better one in a way that they can relate to?

  2. Move from the phase of immediate satisfaction of needs to larger needs?

You've misrepresented their position, and so have shown that you do not empathise with their position, thus have no credibility in offering a better alternative. You haven't even bothered to give them what they need: a road map. Most Incels know what their shit is, they don't know how to move from A to Z.

I am voluntarily celibate. I am also MGTOW. I share certain attributes with them. Here's what I know: there are inequities that favour women in the dating game. There are also political factors that add to the fear of getting involved. Then there are interpersonal and social prices to be paid in relationships.

The biggest immediate fear for them is the pain of social rejection. To dismiss this is to dismiss human nature. What you need to do is to provide them with a means of handling it that allows them human dignity, a very important and too often dismissed mark. The second fear is that of the inevitable situation of finally getting the girl to learn that she doesn't make you happy. That brings about a conflict: now that immediate needs are satisfied, larger needs are unmet. Dump her and be lonely and hungry again, or stay with someone that you really don't care for just to meet the basic needs which yield diminishing returns.

Here is what many incels cannot articulate:

  1. "I have a mindset that I cannot escape. I cannot identify it without facing my deepest fear." How do you help them figure out, precisely what that fear is?
  2. How do you teach them to handle that fear at a rate where they can make progress from phase 1 to phase 10?
  3. How do you show the the way out in a way that they can handle so that their instincts, their adrenal glands don't scream "I am moments from death?" or that if they do, how to handle them?
  4. "I have, what I believe are objective reasons, based on my observations of the world, for why I should be considered lower cast." How do you teach them to find evidence to the contrary without bullshitting themselves?
  5. How do you teach them to determine their own personal fears, based on their upbringing and life history, to recognize them and to evaluate whether they can handle facing it?
  6. "I believe that Truth is a defense mechanism. To the degree that I can face facts, I make myself able to handle even the worst realities and so diminish the pain." How do you teach them to discern fact from personal self-deception?
  7. How do you teach them to move from conflict to joyful engagement?

Every one of these guys are currently experiencing this:

  1. The need to get off. Most Incels are sexually frustrated young men.
  2. Skin hunger. Nothing is more soothing than a woman who affectionately strokes you.
  3. The desire for a compatible companion that they can be comfortable with.
  4. The primitive sense of social pride that comes with being able to attract a socially accepted partner.
  5. The quiet joy of knowing that someone is waiting for them and that there's someone to come home to.
  6. The desire for belonging.

These are their immediate needs. So go ahead, and try to talk to them about "feeling entitled," you lazy and ignorant ideological twat. You've not spent two minutes thinking from within their experience.

Now, how do you bridge them from that, to where they want to be?

PUA is a step forward, but for most of them, it is too big a step. What do they need to know? To them, PUA is just another series of rejections. How do you bridge that, Mr. Psychologist Here?

I won't give advice. I'll tell you what has worked for me.

  1. Consider how badly you want a girlfriend. Then spend yourself. You know what I mean. Then ask the same question. Once the sex drive is spent, your perspective changes. You want something else, something more. Figure out what that is.
  2. You'll move from the immediate need of a blow job to wanting to just hang out and cuddle. That's skin hunger. It'll be satisfied way faster than you might imagine it would.
  3. Imagine that you've been filled. You've spent a month petting, and touching, and cuddling and you're in a good space. What's next?
  4. You hope that your friends accept your relationship. They'll make comments, they always do. You'll talk to yourself about what you think others will say. See if what you think is what they'll actually say. Some people will be assholes. Some will be fake supportive. Most will just wash generally positive comments in your direction because it has zero importance to them. A bland "OK. Good for you."
  5. After you've gotten your rocks off, and have filled your skin hunger, and you know that your friends won't attack you with sledge hammer and spears, ask yourself "Is she so cool that I'd hang out with her even if I weren't fucking her? If I were fucking someone else, would I like to be with her anyway?"

If not, she wasn't for you. If so, then you is a happy man. Note: males have a built-in fuckup. We can have a perfectly excellent woman, and once our needs are met, full of confidence, we want the next one. Our current meeter-of-needs, seems less. When you're with her, remember your need. This is a struggle that guys go through: keep or toss? You can throw of away the love of your life because of stupid instinct, or you can hang on to a loser who helps you meet your own needs.

Which do you choose? This is a call to be honest and true with yourself, and to have the courage to commit, or to walk away. That is the challenge of testosterone. I do not offer advice, other than to suggest 1. think of your soul over your body, 2. think long-term over short term.

You can meet your needs. You need to give up your crappy habits, you know what they are, and you need to deal with your fear and anxiety. What those are, and how you handle them is up to you. That's the part you've been told a million times. I hope that the middle part helps.

Normie? Nah i checked your history you belong here

If I hadn't been bluepilled for a lot of college, I totally would've ended up here as a mentalcel, you're halfway right.

You basically described what I call “social privilege”

And yes, people embrace their successes as well earned, and that they are in control of their successes and in the opposite way, we often look to rationalize our failures, blame others, blame uncontrollable variables as it excuses our lack of effort.

Truth is, both these positions are full of shit. People can improve themselves (to what degree varies) and many of the failures and successes of others are completely out of their power.

Hello normie here as well. Nice to see another normie that understands incels even if you seem to understand more than I do. I have much to learn.

I agree these guys arent so bad. They make a shit ton of sense and I agree with a lot of their stuff. They are completely misunderstood

are you of anglo/germanic descent..?

I too am a normie that has lived as a man that is considered attractive, and a man that is considered unattractive and let me tell you: I would pick being the attractive one any day of the week.

I don’t think that incels should believe all the crazy and extremely violent beliefs, that I 100% don’t agree with. However I notice that they’re good at calling the crazies out. I think IT cherry picks the absolute worst, and then when they act the same all they do is constantly say “WE’RE BETTER, I DONT CARE THAT WE ACT LIKE THEM” or “wahhhh well they stared it!”. I have gotten into so many arguments with them, meanwhile they’re perfectly fine with bullying. I always bring up that there was a main poster that used to say that bullying was good and people deserve to be bullied. I was bullied relentlessly when I was younger, I didn’t do anything. Like really I didn’t even say anything to anyone, I essentially just woke up and apparently had it coming. They amazingly never call out the bullies, but then claim they’re on some sort of moral high horse. It genuinely makes me angry because these people are so blind and so unaware of how much like incels they really are.

It genuinely makes me angry because these people are so blind and so unaware of how much like incels they really are.

Oh, many of them are incels. They are blue-pilled, cucked, gamma numales who are in complete denial of their situation.

Stop letting guys knock up ugly women.

Thanks for understanding and being rational about this.

There is one thing you can do (you've said yourself that you've done it). Defend us against noticed in the real world. I don't mean physically (thankfully I'm capable of that), but argumentatively.

People seldom stop to think about something. They usually parrot others and jump on band wagons without much or any thought.

Why? Well, there three main reasons. It's cognitively demanding when you ask someone to think about something, so the person takes the path of least resistance and energy expenditure. The second is because of expediency and assumptions. It's easier to assume things and take things for granted, than it is to inquire and investigate. The third reason is that they're stupid. That's it.

I have to admit, at first I found out about incels from YouTube videos making fun of r/incels and I was completely disgusted by all of you. I had the usual reaction and then went around giving incels all of the usual advice you've all heard a million times. I just couldn't believe that there were so many guys so beaten down by rejection that they had turned into hateful little creeps who were upset at being rejected and generalized and their response was to do the same thing. Then I remembered how I was starting to get after I was dumped at 19 by my childhood friend. We had been friends since the first grade and I always wanted her and finally got her at 17. It lasted 2 years. She broke up with me and I was crushed and all of my confidence and self esteem was gone. I tried like hell for a year and a half to replace her so I could move on and not be alone. All I wanted in the world was to fill her place and I couldn't do it. It was rejection any time I did try and that wasn't often because I was so down on myself. During that year and a half I was in the darkest place of my life and I've been through some shit. I had a horrible childhood full of abuse and drug addicted parents and even all of that didn't compare to how low I was during this time. Also there is some truth to what you guys are saying that most people don't want to believe or admit. Looks do matter, a lot. Being attractive makes a huge difference. Once I started to actually get on Reddit and read what you guys are saying myself (which was yesterday) I saw that you're all just beaten down, defeated and venting. You should be allowed to do that at the very least without being fucked with even further. I mean everyone else has literally the rest of the planet to go about their business but they choose to come here to be offended. You guys will probably want to kill me for saying it but I see being an incel (by incel I mean taking the black pill) as cope. This is how you guys are coping with it all. It's a defense mechanism for what's left of your ego and self esteem. That doesn't mean that all of what you're saying is wrong either. You will always be at a deficit if you're not really attractive. Most women do want hot guys, just like most guys prefer hot woman. Women just have more control over what they get. BUT personality and at least perceived confidence CAN get you there. I am living proof along with many others. Hang in there.

I hate them for what they do when left to do what they want.

3rd wave feminism is pretty retarded and it definitely is a contributing factor but this whole harsh meme culture doesn't help either.

I mean I get that incels are pissed off and wanting to vent but it definitely alienates them from 90% of the population.

Some of the content is absolutely brutal

Sounds like they all have more in common than just how they treat women... Just because the places that don't have equal rights for women are shit holes doesn't mean that we shouldn't realize the problems women's rights bring and how much better the the country would be if everyone was forced into life long monogamous marriages?