Not an Incel, but I just wanted to say fuck IT...

115  2018-05-22 by whatafoolishsquid

... and all the other trolls and brigadiers and white knighters who cling to the blue pill so hard they need to shove it down everyone else's throats.

I've been browsing this sub for a couple days and I just don't fucking get it. Think what a godsend forums like this could and should be for people who have been bullied and rejected and alone their entire lives, but fucking IT and company have to come in here and try to ruin it. What's wrong with a space to vent and share frustrations and insecurities, especially when men are usually bullied even worse for their insecurities? It's not like you guys are trolling TwoX or something.

It's because they're just as insecure. Insecure that their worldview is complete bullshit, insecure that they're all the things they make fun of you for. And the only way to turn off that voice in their head is to bully others.

Well fuck them.



would you guys just stop being victims for one god damn second, jesus christ, grow a spine and just fucking ignore people instead of getting you're feelings hurt all time.

You're the one in a subreddit you don't identify with giving people mental health advice.

and that has what to do with this subreddit's constant victim complex? Just like my comment suggested, dont like my post you could just ignore it, i know that would be super hard for you, since it's really hard to ignore something and be a victim at the same time but give it a try some time.

Do you have the same amount of perspective as a caterpillar, or are you purposefully just ignoring the irony of your statement? Why couldn't you just ignore this post then? And my reply to your comment? Especially when this is a subreddit you knew full well says shit you don't agree with, but instead of ignoring its existence, came here anyway. You're either a troll or your God complex has taken over the part of your brain where logic should be. You're not smarter than everyone else, bud.

i could ignore the post but it doesnt offend me and i felt like sharing my opinion, i'd say i'm sorry you are so easily offended but i'm really not.

Ah, of course. You *could* ignore this post and this whole fucking subreddit altogether, but you *didn't*. Exactly like I *could* ignore all the IT trolls coming in here making fun of people for being virgins, but I just *felt* like expressing my opinion. Explain to me the difference in our actions? Other than that I was sharing something where it belonged, and you came to a sub you don't even like to give advice--instead of "ignoring" it, which is apparently your sage wisdom for a better life. Because, no, you didn't claim to be smarter than everyone else. You just came and tried to tell people how to be better even though they didn't ask for your help.

You're the one with a problem here bud, why do i have to explain anything to you? I will go to whatever subreddit i choose and post my opinions, you're free to respond however you would like, i see you've chosen to be completely pants on head retarded so i'm going to move on, have fun playing the victim in your little safe space here.

Hey I am not an incel, but just an fyi because I am assuming you are new.

This site is called "Reddit". Things are all broken up by what you want to see. If you think a group is whining too much, it makes more sense to not visit that sub, rather then to go there and them to act differently. Enjoy the site!

also this is why reddit as a whole hates you guys, you cant even have a conversation without being offended/playing the victim.

kid gleefully pokes hornet's nest

gets stung


Keep being a presumptuous prick, like every other shithead invader. You can keep talking at people here and get nowhere, because you clearly seem keen on that.

oh yes, lets just pretend that all of the harassment and bullying we have experienced in real life is just a complex in our minds. absolute retard

If you don't like our sub, just ignore it. This is our space to vent, complain, share, and joke around. Nobody's forcing you to be here.

You guys feel you're entitled to sex and that's wrong. That's why people won't leave this sib alone. It's a fucked ideology to think you are owed sex by the opposite sex. Also, if you guys would be genuinely nice to people, all people, you would get more interest from women. They may not be supermodel women but you can certainly find one in your league. But she doesn't owe you sex for anything, and you don't owe her sex for anything. It works both ways.

I've only been browsing this sub for a couple days, but I haven't seen that at all. Most of the top posts are stories about being bullied or mocked by women or at absolute worst, pointing out that despite your "be genuinely nice to people" prescription, women will gladly fuck a guy who's twice the asshole as these Incel guys just because he's over six foot with a jawline. I haven't seen much of anything suggesting "entitlement" to sex.

women like you that come here to tell us this garbage really prove the terper hamster narrative



just fucking ignore people

Why don't you lead by example, and ignore us?

Get AIDS, retard.

well said

They can't even get thier own memes... They are unoriginal, fake and gay

Tee hee maxcell is so funneh!

This mass invading of places where they have nothing to relate to and shitty advice giving is their attempt to feel better about themselves. As you said, they're very insecure about it. They don't want to admit that the reason they have it good is because of a pretty face or a vagina. I'm not talking about everyone ofcourse just these shitty norman advice givers.

Their "advice" usually just ends up being "go to therapy" which is such a cop out and doesn't help anyone.

The whole blue pill, red pill, black pill shit is dumb as fuck. It’s children with fragile egos making all that shit up.

low iq comment

If you just say “low iq comment” without adding to the conversation with some sort of debate, that’s pretty fucking low iq

low iq comment tbh

Not an incel either, but ye IT is wank. People are forgetting that half the people here are just insecure guys who've been dealt a bad hand, and have adopted this worldview as a result of being a social outcast. I've seen some of you guys, and honestly you don't all look bad or hate women thinking they owe you sex. I am an uggo and it's annoying hearing "Oh yeah these 29049039 people are so wrong about being this-and-that, because I had a different experience".

Well to be fair its not 29049039 people, any incel group comprises an extreme minority of society.

I've been saying this for a while now but the true black pill is not that "chads are getting laid omfg while the rest of us starve".

No. the blackpill is realizing that every awkward, unkempt autist you have ever met, every nerdy little fagwad you have ever known has been neck deep in pussy at one point, maybe in his teens, or early twenties, they have known what intimacy and sexuality feels like, and are easily "numale". Yeah. 99% of the male population. And IN ADDITION to that the top 5% chads are slaying hotties constantly. but that part is just the cherry on top and not really what is so depressing.

And we? We compromise like the bottom 1% of idk... men... or however you wan to say it. The elder fucking kissless virgins. The jokes, or whatever. That's blackpill.

but other than this i agree completely, and any person who actively seeks out ways to make fun of others is either just a sad piece of shit or they are more insecure than the people they are making fun of.

Because of a bad few eggs who go on about murdering and raping women (and let's be honest we know almost all wont do that) the outcasts who just want somewhere to fit in are now getting bullied even more by society, instantly getting called vile, women hating pigs.. mainly by women. Like that's gonna solve the issue? Like that isn't going to send incels further into hatred?

The guys posting about hating all women for being shallow subhuman bitches are just confused and misunderstood, but the ones making fun of them on reddit are horrible human beings. Gotcha.

"Making fun of a crowd of people isn't bad as long as some of them are salty and hate women xdxdxd". No, that's bullying. Half the posts here are people being unhappy that they don't look like an Ultra-Chad. It's in their head half the time eitherway. You're not going to solve a problem by turning it into a bigger problem. I was a nice guy dickhead in highschool, but I grew out of that phase with the help of my friends. When I got bullied in school however, my confidence was reduced to 0 and I turned to some autistic echochamber only affirming my views. See where I'm going with this?

Their karma farmers who take the worst incel and potray them as the norm. I find it funny there's an Incel Tears but no Incel Support

Not an Incel btw

If you go to /r/inceltears and look at the post histories of the people who post there, it's clear they're all full of insecurities and they just post there to feel better about themselves. They truly are a pathetic bunch of cretins.

shit man the lengths some weirdos will go to to feel better...

Kinda reminds me of this room my school had near the cafeteria. Some of the less popular kids would sit in there and play Magic Cards during lunch to avoid being fucked with. Most people respected that.. except for what I now know are beta males/cucks/trash chicks on reddit.

I guess seeing someone else 'accepting' that they can't control everything and life isn't dictated by some Disney fantasy they've been brainwashed by.. it makes them HAVE to lash out - basically in fear.

If I felt like wasting the time, I would post all the archived r/incel threads and comments about why rape is okay in certain situations, coercing your pre-adolescent sister into having sex with you, the daily reminders why you are owned sex by women, the threads eulogizing and praising Elliot Roger.

I'm all for you guys having a place to go to be miserable together, but keep it to yourself and your internet buddies.

Leave everyone else alone. Stop killing people because you never developed coping skills.

keep it to yourself and your Internet buddies.

We do, and did. Those threads on the old r/incels were posted only there by us, and for us. We were the only ones meant to be on that sub. It was IT and other gawkers who took our posts and spread them around; we didn't force anybody to read our stuff. If you don't like eulogies to Rodger, don't come to our sub; let us, as you say, keep to ourselves.

Leave everyone else alone.

We do. It's everyone else who comes here, takes our stuff, and spreads it around. Complain to them, not us.

Stop killing people because you never developed coping skills.

It was 2 people. Are you going to suggest that Muslims stop bombing people because they never developed civility? No? Then shut the fuck up about this; I've never murdered anyone in my life, and I never will.

BIG reply

We do, and did. Those threads on the old r/incels were posted only there by us, and for us. We were the only ones meant to be on that sub. It was IT and other gawkers who took our posts and spread them around; we didn't force anybody to read our stuff. If you don't like eulogies to Rodger, don't come to our sub; let us, as you say, keep to ourselves.

Then stop complaining about incels being labeled as extremely insecure, misogynistic, and an overall threat to society.

If you swim in a sewage tank, you have to deal with the consequences.

Well then stop bullying people and pushing them to the edge?

Develop some fucking coping skills, ffs. Everyone gets bullied at some point in their life. Everyone, even Chad whose step dad probably beat his ass all day.

That doesn't make it okay to rape and kill whoever you want.

People don’t like this sub because no one ever gets removed or banned for talking openly about rapeing women, making homophobic threats and horrible racist comments.

talking openly about rapeing(sic) women,

Those posts and comments get removed by our mods.

making homophobic threats

Calling someone a faggot is not a threat. Faggot.

horrible racist comments.

The worst of those are removed. Half of them are in jest, and often by the people they would apply to. And not every incel is white. Lurk moar.

Oh I forgot only white people can be racist. My bad.

When did I say that? I certainly don't believe that only white people can be racist, so I'm curious where you picked that up from.

What's wrong with a space to vent and share frustrations and insecurities

I consider myself incel sympathetic and complain here a lot, but there are things wrong here. racism, violent fantasies, silly jokes about all men being raped by their wive's cuck-bulls. I'm not being superior here, I get infected by it as well. I get drawn into crappy humor here that I would not do normally.

Fucking whiners

Says a guy who apparently spends his time complaining about Incels in a subreddit devoted to them.

ir dare I say... "whining"?

Nope just new to reddit and stumbled upon a group of people called incels which stands for involuntary celibate. So I must admit that the curiosity in me had to look into it. Once I browsed through some of the subreddits I couldn't help but laugh it just shows what our future is going to be like everyone will be online complaining about their problems dare I say whining about their problems when the solution is right in front of them. I will help you all right now learn how to talk to people that's it you don't need to look like a goddamn model all you need is to talk to girls treat them nice and they will see you for who you are. Lower your standards as well don't fo after a ten because you feel like you deserve it because you don't. I don't mean talk to them in game lobby's or on subreddit's spark a conversation with a girl in line somewhere while your out it truly is simple. If that doesn't work come back here find some more incels get together prep the koolaid fuck each other since that's all any of you want than drink the koolaid and fucking die

You're literally complaining about people complaining. Get over yourself.

I'm complaining? So you are what we would call an idiotcel all I did was call you bunch of pussies whiners but where the complaint was I couldn't tell tou

Don't like it? Leave.

Cucktears are incels in denial who try to cope by bullying other incels.

Half the IT males who debated with me later admitted to being celibate or former incels. These are the people trolling your sub.

Those cunts banned me for 10 days because i insulted a pedo what a joke

Venting is fine, it's when you go shooting up schools and running people over with cats and voting for Donald Trump that we get upset about

More then half the threads on IT aren't even from here. It'll be a post from somewhere else on reddit then someone says "you sound like and incel" then we get credited for it.

The human ego goes to incredible lengths to protect itself. One's worldview is the strongest and sturdiest pillar of one's identity and sense of place in the world. Should that worldview be shattered, let alone merely challenged, then the reaction to the realization of truth is met with a denial and rejection of the utmost ferocity.

Think, Neo when Morpheus exposes him to the truth of the world. He reacts violently and quickly asks to be ejected, then pukes and passed out.

Some people cannot swallow the black pill. It's simply too much for them to handle.

You're the one in a subreddit you don't identify with giving people mental health advice.

Do you have the same amount of perspective as a caterpillar, or are you purposefully just ignoring the irony of your statement? Why couldn't you just ignore this post then? And my reply to your comment? Especially when this is a subreddit you knew full well says shit you don't agree with, but instead of ignoring its existence, came here anyway. You're either a troll or your God complex has taken over the part of your brain where logic should be. You're not smarter than everyone else, bud.

You're the one with a problem here bud, why do i have to explain anything to you? I will go to whatever subreddit i choose and post my opinions, you're free to respond however you would like, i see you've chosen to be completely pants on head retarded so i'm going to move on, have fun playing the victim in your little safe space here.

oh yes, lets just pretend that all of the harassment and bullying we have experienced in real life is just a complex in our minds. absolute retard



You're literally complaining about people complaining. Get over yourself.

just fucking ignore people

Why don't you lead by example, and ignore us?

If you don't like our sub, just ignore it. This is our space to vent, complain, share, and joke around. Nobody's forcing you to be here.

Get AIDS, retard.

If you just say “low iq comment” without adding to the conversation with some sort of debate, that’s pretty fucking low iq