The last incel standing against the army of numales, landwhales, LGBT members of IncelTears during the Genetic Cleansing. 2018, colorized.

153  2018-05-22 by NutNotBusted


That guys looks like Chad, easly 6ft

Of course the last incel standing will be almost a fakecel, truecels will have been already detected and purged.

What's the context of this picture anyway? Is it IT doing a "peaceful protest"

Maybe he’s mentalcel or personalitycel or even micropeniscel



But his hairline, eye area and his weird downey chin?

Psh, underbites = large chins and jaws.

His eye area is good.

Chads and Incels formed an alliance if you didn‘t already know.

Sweden is long gone.

This is disturbing.

Lmao how? Theyre getting what they deserve

They were brutally attacked... how anyone deserve that after an obvious pacifist demonstration?

They were rightfully put in there place

Too bad they didn’t get bomba jacked though

Lmfaoo normie gtfo

I sorry... I didn’t realize I was in the incels subreddit :(

They should've gotten arrested for public disturbance.

People who act like autistic retards and annoy the fuck out of normal people get no empathy from me.

Like seriously, the fuck? If there were protests like that around where I live, I would be pretty pissed.

They should've been arrested for public disturbance.

too bad they dont arrest incels.

brutally attacked

They should be hung and quartered.

A lot of this guy's videos have been made private or taken down but they were good.

Stupid women deserve worse.

lmao at the cop manlet handling that woman. Time to release that frustration

Yep lol, anyways, western manlet probably got more frustration. Don‘t think heightism in Russia is as bad as in eg. the US

nah he's russian, they still have some degree of traditional romance left.

lmao this has to be one of my all time favourites. fucking hilarious.

This time was foretold in the holy book of cope inspired by the divine Saint blackops2cel. It is written that Azavii will return to save our people, incelshallah.

Holy shit I was at this protest.

Holy fucking shit I'm actually kinda sorta in this pic.

What was the protest about?

I see you on the far left clenching your fist.

nice work, op. very funny.

Fucking hilarious

This one always makes me chuckle:

Thats a incel, his jaw is too strong for this forum

I find it hilarious you guys think you are some kind of persecuted minority. Oh noes, the gays are after me.

What was the protest about?

I see you on the far left clenching your fist.