My first year of University was like being hooked up to a blackpill IV drip

141  2018-05-22 by indianhedgehogcel

i'm at university in a "party city" of the UK. people go out to the numerous nightclubs in town at least once a week, if not more. sometimes people have house parties. everybody drinks, and most people do drugs like MD and Ketamine.

in the first month, I visited a second year girls house and they literally had a chart on their fridge about how many guys they'd "pulled" and also brought home, as well as how many times they'd puked, on a night out

soon after, I became friends with a couple of normies who had a few one night stands though the year. about 1/3 of the time, people shagged somebody they already knew (which meant that sometimes 2 friends had shagged the same girl), but most of the time it was a stranger

notable blackpills: * one guy, who's about 6'6, shagged a girl outside a takeaway. he also shagged multiple other girls in nightclub toilets, which is less weird. most people take girls home though. * one girl shagged over 30 guys in 5 months, sometimes pulling them off the street outside her flat - and still went on a romantic date with a normie who's FRIEND she'd already fucked * one chadlite got a girl he'd already shagged to bring her friend back with his friend, and they had a orgy * not a single person I know used a condom during a one night stand. one girl got pregnant from a random guy on a night out, and the cuck she was seeing went with her to get the abortion. * most people were not virgins, but 2 virgin girls I know lost their virginity on a night out

to be clear - I'm not passing judgement on any of these people. i believe in personal liberty

i found it weird how normal everybody was after they'd shagged. i remember being at pre-drinks watching two people greet each other casually, only to find they'd shagged last week or something


You're just getting started buddy boy. Life as a 30+ year old male is a permanent blackpill IV drip

Really? Figured by that point many are married and that those sex lives went extinct long ago. 50 year olds don’t tell their wives “let’s fuck” they say, “someone please fuck my wife!”

please fuck my wife

Produced by Shlomo Sheckelburg

I’m just saying being a incel sucks. God I know.

But it’s also sad that you might end up losing it later in life too. If you miss the sexcapades of your 20s, you missed out on the best stuff.

32 year old guy here, it's really not. Any adult with a modicum of intelligence and ability to handle their shit in life doesn't think this way.


What would intelligence and 'ability to handle shit' look like for these 35 year old gremlins?

I mean, they're not making unintelligent choices right now -- they're exploring their sexuality, seeing what they like and what they don't, and living wild and messy as one should in one's 20s. And then in your 30s you've got a much stronger sense of the things you like most in the world, and you pour yourselves into them.

I loved my teens, I really really loved my 20s, but my 30s are so far even better.

Right but if things aren't improving for them, life becomes a countdown to death because they don't see a chance for change.

The vast majority of people don't simply 'become' more or less attractive based on random happenstance. They make choices, and those choices have consequences for how attractive you are to any given person.


they're exploring their sexuality, seeing what they like and what they don't, and living wild and messy as one should in one's 20s

This comment was so feminine it should come with menstrual blood. Eat an onion boy

You say 'feminine' like it's a bad thing.

It is dude. Do you realize where you are?

I'm on a subreddit of people who make poor life choices and could benefit from someone who has better judgment than they do, yes.

Sure thing. Next lifetime I won't choose to be born in the bottom 80%

You could get a job and move from the bottom to the top

Circumstance is not a choice, cretin.

normalizing failure part deux

It's 'normalized' because it's entirely normal.

normal as in, it happens to a lot of people in your society, yes

It's still objectively speaking failure though lol and you're just coping

Just a heads up: When you use "objectively" for something that's transparently subjective to try and pull yourself up, it just makes you look weak and supplicating.

My ethnic male relatives would tell me that these people are my competition/obstacle for work. A lot of these people you mentioned are the future employers and leaders of large businesses.

Irrelevant, but I was told these set of words since childhood:

"If the white person pursues a Bachelor's, you better have a Master's to compensate."

I'm white and I've never had anything like this, it's like living in another world

No. Our societies won't last that long. This is a seriously sick society, a dying one.

Amen to that

them niggas aint gone be shit but some washed up, in debt, 9 to 5 working ass niggas while a young buck like me trappin all damn day serving these dumb ass white niggas.

I be crushin up my benzocaine mixin it with already stomped on yola and servin it up for £10 a point them dumb ass white crackers aint no the difference!

only crackheads be connoisseurs but they aint my audience

lolololololol just world fallacy. bullies tend to go far in life, face no consequences.

a rapist in HS I know is a mid-level manager at a bank thanks to his dad. lol.

Why A students work for C students explains this exact thing and why it happens. I love how normies love to cite the book but dont fail to realize or acknowledge the massive blackpills in it

Connections is the only thing that matter in a overly crowded world where BAs are same as a HS degree.

Good name dude.

Depends on country, work, etc. In some cases belonging to a minority is an advantage when applying.

what race?

I'm reading a book right now titled the Fate of Empires. What I found remarkable about it was that every empire that has fallen all fell with casual sex and general promiscuity being the hallmark of a failing civilization. Women really do ruin everything.

I think men are equally culpable in the acceptance of this behaviour. At least it helps you separate the minority monogamous women from the polygamous.

I think men are equally culpable in the acceptance of this behaviour. At least it helps you separate the minority monogamous women from the polygamous.

Promiscuous not polygamous. Polygamy, one man having several wives is far more honorable/natural than promiscuity, and "serial monogamy" is just another form of promiscuity. No hymen, no diamond.

You realize polygamy can be two guys and one girl right? It’s the new thing in polyamory

They used to have this in China a while ago, but it was really more like wive sharing.

It’s because when society accepts hypergamy like it does today, sub 8 men no longer want to contribute to society. Sub 8 men are the backbone of society and without them society will mot function. It’s gonna happen to the west soon

yep, there are now millions and millions of men who already have significantly less motivation to work hard because they didnt get married young and had kids with a faithful wife, instead they had to listen to how many guys his girlfriend slept with in her past. If you think that is motivating any man to do anything extra or work harder then you must be out of your mind.

The more sexually liberated a society is, the more NEETs. There's gonna be a breaking point soon.

stacies better watch out if there is, there's going to be a lot of bitter guys who are not going to offer them the slightest bit of sympathy. we will take what we want from them and chuck them to the wolves.

oh cmon, let's not delude ourselves. Stacies wont have a single problem being a permanent whore to some murderer. That's their element, they just use their new position to edge out some privileges. They dont give a single fuck, they dont have the forethought to care. Young women actively drive down to Syria to marry terrorists, it's in their genes. This world is shit for men and it will always be like this unless we forcefully apply "the patriarchy" for the betterment of everybody, even women.

Feminism is an socioeconomic destabilization weapon.

Even with their extra "rights", women as a group are less happy and satisfied than they've ever been in our nations history. Women prefer egoic satisfaction to anything else. Women want to feel like "alpha males" more than they want to wives and mothers, and do not/will not care about the consequences of chasing that feeling.

This. To think that Britannia used to rule the waves. takes two to tango though??!

Are you fucking retarded? Nobody is denying that. Both parties are allowing hypergamy because women in the west are all being treated like precious rare diamonds eventho there are billions of them.

Back to IT cuck

I think he was referring to the "women ruin everything" part pertaining to the correlative relationship between casual sex and the fall of empires. Can you see why "women ruin everything" is not a logically supported conclusion based on the evidence he gave? OP's argument was that casual sex -> fall of empire -> women ruin everything. There's a lot of unsupported assumptions between each of those. Imagine how you'd feel about an argument about your community with similar unfounded assumptions.

I recently read Sex and Culture and the author J.D Unwin (well known, renowned anthropologist) came to the exact same conclusion. Here's a summary:

There must be so much amazing personality where you are.

Yeah I'm curious. What city?

I’m gonna guess at Manchester or something


This is just degenerate. It's disgusting how sex has been reduced to a number, instead of being what it should be: a deep, intimate connection between a man and his wife. We need to bring back an uncucked Christianity to the West, or let Islam in; they're already knocking on the door.

Trying to force people into monogamy and waiting to save sex for marriage is not a particularly progressive idea. Do you think we should marry teenagers off to older men as well? Maybe we should start stoning women while we're at it for not conforming to your expectations?

Epic strawman

Not necessarily. Plenty of Abrahamic faiths across the world have done and still currently do shitty things to women that I mentioned above.

He wants things to go back to the way they were before when religion controlled peoples sex lives and relationships. And those sort of things are precisely what went on and still do across the world.

He is of course free to debate those points and specify his meanings, but none of the things I said are outside reality and history has taughr us much. No strawmen here.

No one should be forced into monogamy, but there should be a price to pay for socially harmful behavior like promiscuity. Sluts and libertines should be stigmatized as fallen women and degenerate men and excluded from the legal protections accorded to citizens.

The most humane solution is probably something like this adapted to modern times.

You can't be serious? You agree that we shouldn't force people into monogamy, but in the same paragraph suggest that we strip away the rights and freedoms of an individual for nothing less than being sexually active or otherwise adventurous. We are talking making it otherwise legal to torture, kill, rape, or harm a person for nothing less than enjoying their own body.

What an incredibly barbaric suggestion. Nothing humane about infamia either.

And libertines? Really...

I particularly agree with the core principles of Libertarians. What do you not like about it?

You can't be serious? You agree that we shouldn't force people into monogamy, but in the same paragraph suggest that we strip away the rights and freedoms of an individual for nothing less than being

sexually active or otherwise adventurous

On the individual level, there is nothing wrong with sex between consenting adults regardless of whether or not such acts take place in the context of a serious relationship or just as casual fun. If one takes a broader perspective, however, such things as adultery, incest, and promiscuity can and do occasion significant harm to the social fabric of society. Monogamous relationships between compatible adults are conductive to societal stability as well as long-term individual happiness. These should be encouraged.

Promiscuity, on the other hand, leads to the marginalization or exclusion of large numbers of young men and also makes it harder for averagely attractive women to find a compatible long-term partner. When a significant chunk of the female population spend their youth chasing after a minority of handsome top-tier men who won't commit to most of them, both men and women end up worse off.

Studies show that in spite of all the sex young women are having with handsome chads, female happiness has actually been declining since the sexual revolution. That is counter-intuitive, and can only be explained by recognizing that promiscuity comes with serious social costs.

We are talking making it otherwise legal to torture, kill, rape, or harm a person for nothing less than enjoying their own body.

Individuals who choose to live an ostensibly immoral and socially harmful lifestyle should not be entitled to the same legal protections as those whose lifestyle does not occasion harm to other people. I wouldn't want a man who makes it a habit to sleep with other men's wives to benefit from the same legal rights as a man abstains from such behavior. That's not to say that such a person should be killed or harmed, but he should definitely be stigmatized.

And libertines? Really...

I particularly agree with the core principles of Libertarians. What do you not like about it?

I wasn't referring to libertarians. I meant libertines, i.e the male counterparts of promiscuous women. I could have used the word "chad", but while not all chads are promiscuous, libertines are promiscuous by definition.

I agree with libertarians on many issues but not on sexuality. Although there are prominent libertarians who have been critical of some of the more negative consequences of the sexual revolution.

not a particularly progressive idea

I'm not a progressive.

Do you think we should marry teenagers off to older men as well? Maybe we should start stoning women while we're at it for not conforming to your expectations?

I've not known Christianity to do those things, I thought that was an Islamic thing to do. Regardless, I think shaming people for being promiscuous and sleeping around should be brought back to the West, and monogamy should be encouraged. Monogamous societies are healthier and happier, anyway. Why else have women, on the whole, become less happy since the 1950s?

I'm not a progressive.


I've not known Christianity to do those things, I thought that was an Islamic thing to do.

Well, you did say Christianity or Islam.

I think shaming people for being promiscuous and sleeping around should be brought back to the West, and monogamy should be encouraged.

Why? How are these people harming you? They aren't, in case you were thinking of a way to victimize yourself. There is nothing wrong with it. Who convinced you there was something wrong with it?

Monogamous societies are healthier and happier, anyway. Why else have women, on the whole, become less happy since the 1950s?

You'll need to provide unbiased data to back up those claims.

Wow where do I sign?

Do you think we should marry teenagers off to older men as well?

Yes I'm 21 and want a 17 yr old wife, not some old used up whore

Maybe we should start stoning women while we're at it

Brilliant idea, send those whores straight to the hellfire.

is not a particularly progressive idea.

lmao, you can't even conceive for a moment that maybe some people don't want to be 'progressive'.

Do you think we should marry teenagers off to older men as well?


Maybe we should start stoning women while we're at it for not conforming to your expectations?


Maybe we should start stoning women while we’re at it

Just shun them and tell them they’re going to hell and they’ll step in line.

You can still get this in many conservative parts of the country. Three of my best friends married their high school sweethearts and had 3-4 kids.

We need to bring back an uncucked Christianity to the West, or let Islam in; they're already knocking on the door.

Look into traditional European Paganism. Our early tribal societies were as close top Utopic as any I've ever seen.

Yeah, I've heard a little of it, and it certainly sounds promising, but its presence in the world is weak. Christianity's presence, on the other hand, is much stronger, or at least, more prevalent.

but its presence in the world is weak

It was of course at one time ubiquitous and enjoyed piety for many centuries, and personally I'm of the position that it never really left. Compare the dominant nominally Christian religious tradition in Europe (Catholicism) and its development since the Christianisation to the original proto-Christian Judaic sects -- it is worlds apart, far closer to Pagan sensibilities. I believe that a 'paganisation' of Christianity was necessary for it to gain the ground it did. Protestantism, on the other hand, as an attempt to return to the 'puritanical' (Judaic) Christianity, has essentially failed; compare the piety of the Catholic countries today with the rampant atheism-secularism of the nominally Protestant countries. We need Paganism, it is only natural to us -- and I think as this kind of thinking grows amongst our people we will find faith again, to fill the hole left by Christianity, only this time we will shamelessly and explicitly embrace our heritage and will cast off the veneer of Abrahamism.

Christianity's presence, on the other hand, is much stronger, or at least, more prevalent.

Not for long. Christianity is already dwindling in the West and atheism-secularism is essentially the default position of Western Europeans. (Real) Paganism, on the otherwise, whilst certainly still statistically insignificant, is gaining popularity and cultural ground at an ever-accelerating rate.

Yeah, you have fair points. Speaking of ThuleanPerspective, I have watched his videos (though I haven't seen one in a while), and actually bought a couple of his books, but I haven't given it any serious consideration, yet. I did not realize Catholicism was the paganization of judiac Christianity, though I was already aware that it (Judaic Christianity) did face difficulty spreading through Europe, similar to how it fared in Japan. Maybe I'll take another look into those books, though.

I have watched his videos (though I haven't seen one in a while), and actually bought a couple of his books

Ah, that's great. I don't know which books you have read but I would recommend the book he co-authored with his wife, Paganism Explained, as a fairly cursory introduction to theological, folk-mythological and orthopraxic elements of Paganism. I would also recommend Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World for an exploration into and a defense of the pre-modern tribal European societies from a Pagan perspective. And, of course, the Elder Edda (I have the Thorpe translation); the Younger Edda is certainly worth reading, but ought not be taken as sacred scripture (these, esp. the former, are the texts that form the basis of our understanding of the Germanic religious tradition; I don't know your precise ethnic heritage, but you may wish to favour, e.g., a reading of the Gaelic Cycles and Welsh Triads/Mabinogion if Celtic, the Kalevela if Finnic, the Delphic Maxims if Hellenic, etc.).

I did not realize Catholicism was the paganization of judiac Christianity

I imagine it is because its traditions are so inherently familiar to us; certainly a Hebraic individual might find its elaborate processions and papal veneration, for instance, at a distance to his 'anidolatrous' sensibilities (indeed as is made clear by the Jews in their opposition to Catholicism and comparable denominations).

though I was already aware that it (Judaic Christianity) did face difficulty spreading through Europe

The Christianisation was entirely nonvoluntary; the Pagans of the time were forced to convert, or face the torture and execution of themselves and their family (conversion 'by sword or by sermon'). There is unfortunately a common misconception that our ancestors simply and swiftly 'gave up' their Paganism, as the arrival of Christianity caused them to immediately apprehend its supremacy and realise the error of their ways, or some such nonsense. In reality, the Christianisation was a long, painful process (Lithuania, for instance, has only been officially Christian since the late 14th century, and many European Kings endeavoured to restore their native faith, most notably Emperor Julian), and it was only nominally successful; people continued to practise Paganism covertly their homes, and merely outwardly expressed their 'Christian faith'.

I have "Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia" and "Reflections on European Mythology and Polytheism" by Vikernes. Thanks for the other recommendations, though. I've got mostly Germanic heritage.

Yeah, I figured I'd befuddle some of the details; it's honestly been a while since I've read up on the Christianization of Europe. It's been a while since I've read up on anything, for that matter.

Paganism, like all unstructured faiths, will inevitably dissolve in on itself and lose to liberalism once again. If it would have worked, it would have been here. If it is not here then it would not have worked.

I think Islam might be the only solution. I've said it many times, but Islam has a concept of structural integrity whereby its tenets are not open to interpretation of sectarianism. People forget that 90% of Muslims are Sunni. NO other religion can boast such integrity among its adherents, every faith falls apart into multiple degenerate interpretations. All of you yearning for a Christian past forget that it lost in the first place. Islam hasn't lost yet.

You could have learned all of that just by turning on the TV though.

the media heavily exaggerates everything, so it's far more important to see what actually happens with your own eyes

Yes. Thanks to you posts like yours OP we get to know what kind of shit actually goes on out there. True, unexaggerated blackpills.

If posts like OPs is how you get the views about the world then you're in for a shock, because it's actually much worse.

Out of all the things Hollywood exaggerates, the amount of sex people have in college is one of the few things they may actually underrepresent

In a way I'm thankful I was too stupid and depressed and depressed to go to college. A blackpill of this magnitude is something I couldn't handle. What I imagine, I'll try my hardest to get a gf in the dorms and have no luck. then I'll go to the roof of the central building. Tie one end to a pole and the other end around my neck

Then jump

To be clear I am not passing judgement on any of these people. I believe in personal liberty.

naah, I'd rather people did what they wanted

eventually, their people and genetic lineage will die out

look at the current social left arguing against having children - they're writing their own genes out of existence

society will only become more efficient and producing good offspring as time goes on

then you're exactly the kind of cucked beta male that has ruined this society. I recognize your line of thinking from how my father thought. Just saying "oh it's their choice, they will die out. It's all normal" is a worthless evil attitude of society that directly contributes to nothing improving and everything going to shit. "the left" isnt just writing themselves out of the genepool as if they are some self contained group. They infect new normal people with their leftist ideologies every single day by the thousands. Your unwillingness to stand against it is exactly what allows society to fall.

cope I'm pretty stringent in who I date and make sure my female family members stick to religion and culturally enforced monogamy

i'm not going to force people to do marry incels and never have premarital sex because that's just as bad and can break down at any moment

i'm not going to force people to do marry incels

A disgraceful position on the GIG (government-issued girlfriend) question. Please reconsider.

Oh, yea, that's the answer. You turn to abusive religious idealogies, thinking that the answer to the "problem" is forcing women to behave in a particular way in concerns to their bodies and actions involved in them.

I don't think that will help you, or anyone for that matter. You might think it will, but it won't.

And just what sort of punishment did you have in mind for people who do what they wish with their lives and bodies? You berate them already, so words aren't enough because that isn't changing anything. Thinking about beating them, stoning them, burning, hanging, etc? Jail time, societal exile, public humiliation?

So godly of you to want to hurt people.

All because you want a piece of ass so badly that you will submit to psychotic religious ramblings in a desperate hope that it'll put you in a position to own a woman.

Reminder that there is a giant orgy out there and we're not invited to it

How I didn't rope in college is an absolute mystery to me


I roped in my first year and survived. Biggest regret of my life I didn't tie the rope tighter.

Couldn't relate more. Seeing this at uni destroyed me and made me drop out even though I was maintaining a first class degree, I'm from UK too

Of course it will. They will mary betabux, pop out a screamer and then divorce rape him. Set for life.

Is this really what you want to do?



wouldn't be able to cope with going to a shitty uni and experiencing this

Just eat your badams and do thel malsh bro

I can't imagine how utterly horrifying must be the UK and US college experience for subhuman males.

Uk and us? The whole world behaves like this

Wasn't nearly as bad in some countries.


US large state school graduate here, can confirm, it was an exclusive fuckfest orgy

You’ve just described every uni over here. Fuck I miss uni parties now

Fuck I miss uni parties now

Only those who got pussy miss it

Exactly, wasn’t even a struggle to get laid or you arrange it beforehand then go out, get hammered have a good time and meet up with whatever girl you were talking to then do the walk of shame in the morning

Reminds me of the good times.

Reminds me of my uni days.

One girl I knew in first year was trying to get off with a guy on every course at the university hahaha

This except my uni was even more blackpiled, just 20% of guys having sex with 80% of the women while 80% of guys tried unsuccessfully for years to get maybe one lay with a 3/10 or stayed in their rooms playing world of Warcraft.

If you stay in your room you will never get laid? And what’s wrong with 3/10 girls? If all you care about is getting laid just get laid. You think the guys getting chicks don’t mess with 3/10 girls because they totally do. Don’t limit yourself!

If all you care about is getting laid just get laid.

Huh? You're talking as if getting laid is an easy choice for people.


No wonder.

Who said anything about staying in the room? I said they stayed in their rooms because their efforts to get laid were unsuccessful.

It's over for the west. Just fuckin' lol

This degeneracy justifies Brexit. I m glad we kicked the degenerate brits out of the EU. Hopefully we will kick out the spanitards(biggest degenerates) and the french & german caliphates one day.

Brb moving to germany

In the grim dark future, there is only the black pill

Have you tried militarycelling?

You a dumb ass opp ass nigga for believing this type of shit.

nigga i got excluded from age 15 and i be servin up the fiends all damn day online and on the streets Fuck da opps

For realz nigga?


And keep in mind, this is girls just 'beginning' to play the game. Now imagine the girls that know the game, Spend 10 minutes a day swiping three to four 8's they want to get fucked doggy by over the course of the week... and the couple 5-7's they let take them out on nice dates inbetween. Not every girl does this, but in the mid 20's scene for girls without full time jobs this is hugely popular and girls don't frown on it.

Normies having casual sex and being approached by girls just for sex?


normie in 18 months mark my words

By blackpill you mean jealous pill?

It’s clear you’re not passing judgment but how is this a moral it’s called college.

Lmfao if this isn't Newcastle I'd be surprised

Mate let's be honest it could be anywhere in UK

True actually

Triggering. Uni was a total joke for me. Graduated as a virgin. Ugly face + socially awkward = no sex

Same thing OP

Which country is the capital of degeneracy? USA or UK.

We will never know.

Maybe the one where people seem fine about weekly school shootings. Smh

or weekly stabbings smh

So how does UK law allow degeneracy more than the US? Also I'm guessing you have experience with large amounts of women in both countries to be able to come up with that conclusion?

Its not the law. I am talking about women in US and UK. My experience in women is only through internet forums. Foids in both countries are shit, its just that the ones in UK are shittier.

I am talking about degeneracy which is acceptable under the law.

You're the one that said it, not me.

My experience in women is only through internet forums.

Because living and interacting on the internet is just like real life???

Point was that despite sexual degeneracy being legal in both US and UK, which nation has shittier women. I think UK whores are worse than US whores from what I see in articles and internet boards.

from what I see in articles and internet boards.

I honestly think this is why a majority of people on this subreddit who hold 'toxic' views have their skewed worldview on dating and such.

People get the motivation to actually write about relationship topics online when theyre unusual, different from the norm. Why write about your own average functional relationship? So if you're just reading material online you're going to be reading about the most extreme relationships, not a good indicator of the situation as a whole. It's just like on the news, it's the fringe and crazies that get air time, not your everyday Joe with a normal boring opinion that isn't going to get peoples' attention.

lmao, my real world experience in women is them looking away in disgust if I had the misfortune of making eye contact with them and giving a smile to not make things awkward. I have had hundreds of rejections with women. I am not just reading material online. I am contributing to it too. I am not an incel because I found an internet board. I lurk these places because I am an incel and wanted some clarity on what was going on.

The UK is world capital of degeneracy. The world hasn't seen degeneracy like this since the Weimar Republic -- and we know what happened there.

just lol if you think any nationalist group will get enough attention to leave a mark. They're beyond saving unless they ship the jews back to Israel.

just lol if you think any nationalist group will get enough attention

This isn't really what I'm suggesting. There is no political solution (part of the reason the Third Reich failed). We merely await a return to natural equilibrium (the Traditional Order).

The biggest laugh was when they did a sex survey with the women in the UK and they only claimed to have like 7 sexual partners in an entire lifetime.

Such a joke when British women are easily the most promiscuous in the whole western world.

These sort of posts make me cry...

They’ve been fucking since middle’ll NEVER catch up.

Manchester I'm guessing? This doesn't seem like a blackpill, just reveals how some students live their lives. This is far from how the majority live it though.

Tonight I finish my third full year of college and haven't made a single acquaintance let alone get laid.

To be clear I am not passing judgement on any of these people. I believe in personal liberty.

Cucked. these people should be culled

3 of my very close friends went to party unis and graduated still virgins. All 3 of them were super shy and not the best looking guys. Uni is pretty tough if you're socially awkward but it gets much easier once you get to your mid 20s. There a shitload of posturing and fuckary at uni. Anyway, as it happened 2 of them remained virgins till they were in their late 20s and are now engaged (not to each other!). 1 is still a virgin but is actively dating.

My point is - people do go through uni without sex but it's not a huge deal. Don't close yourself off from women because of it. You never know what's around the corner...

Are you fucking retarded? Nobody is denying that. Both parties are allowing hypergamy because women in the west are all being treated like precious rare diamonds eventho there are billions of them.

Back to IT cuck

No one should be forced into monogamy, but there should be a price to pay for socially harmful behavior like promiscuity. Sluts and libertines should be stigmatized as fallen women and degenerate men and excluded from the legal protections accorded to citizens.

The most humane solution is probably something like this adapted to modern times.

just lol if you think any nationalist group will get enough attention

This isn't really what I'm suggesting. There is no political solution (part of the reason the Third Reich failed). We merely await a return to natural equilibrium (the Traditional Order).