When you're an incel, life sort of just happens without you

34  2018-05-22 by superman1145

High school love/sex: you were completely unaware about all the sex and dating that was going on behind the scenes, you had no idea, you just lived life thinking everyone is an asexual entity just like you because you are not socially involved enough to know what was actually happening.

College: if it wasn't for my roommate I probably would have though that everyone in college was studycelling hard like me, but I couldn't be any more wrong. Constant partying and hazing and sex, everyone is having the blast of their lives no fucks given at all, while you're in your room, COMPLETELY unaware that this is all happening.

Adult life: everyone else is starting to get married and getting a house and having kids meanwhile you are wageslaving every day just to come home and play video games.

As an incel you pretty much miss out on all of life, you don't know what is going on around you and you sure as hell cant participate. You are a small minority, most people are not like you, and you can do absolutely nothing about it, because of the arrangement of a few nucleotides in your DNA.

Life is just a cruel joke. I wish I was never born, better yet, I wish I was born as ANYTHING that isn't an incel. I don't know how to cope with this being my only shot at life and it was failed from the day it began. Fuck man,..


Lol same I thought pretty much everyone was sexless like me

Same here, like I just found out last week that a girl who i thought never dated anybody was LITERALLY gangbanged by a bunch of community college guys while she's barely 18. Awalt all the God damn way

damn really..

Yeah, she was this nice little Asian girl who sat in the library by herself to do hw. The last kind of person to get gangbanged

Same. Being raised by Muslim parents fucked me up to be fucking honest.

i don't know how to cope anymore

It only gets worse as you age. I wish all of us subhumans could just vanish in a split second.

Yup, you miss out on everything it's over.

I don't know why I'm still alive. What purpose am I supposed to have? Even my own DNA is like, " OK, fucking forget it. We're not going anywhere."

Heck untill my late teens I thought that women hated sex and occasionaly did it out of pity for their boyfriend. They always talked about how "men are perverts and only think about sex" so I thought all the guys being straight forward were stupid and how smarter I am for acting like I was asexual. What a dumbfuck...

Hey, sfcel, just a quick heads-up:
untill is actually spelled until. You can remember it by one l at the end.
Have a nice day!

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just delete yourself already

Holy shit that was my thinking exactly... so fucking blue pilled. Girls think about sex all the time - with Chad. They want to fuck a chad just as bad as you want to fuck literally any female.

Same here. Luckily, my female friends set me straight on that.

We all die in the end. Fuck it

Get some dopamine bursts in the meantime. Aka cope it up brothers

We're the disposable breed, God's unwanted children.

Jesus Christ, hold yourselves accountable for fucks sake. Life doesn’t happen without you, you make active choices to not be a part of it.

It's my fault that my nucleotides were misplaced causing me to look completely deformed

I have a friend who is literally deformed from having their face burned off in an explosion! They are married and happy and he’s a genuinely good a pleasant person to be around, no one cares what he looks like because he actually cares about other people other than himself. Stop blaming other people for your own personal decisions.

I didn't blame anyone. Inceldom is unsolvable and no ones fault.

But it's certainly not mine either, It wasn't my choice to be deformed.

I have a friend who is literally deformed from having their face burned off in an explosion! They are married and happy and he’s a genuinely good a pleasant person to be around, no one cares what he looks like because he actually cares about other people other than himself. Stop blaming other people for your own personal decisions.