Finally got laid

174  2018-05-22 by JesusFromTheSouth

Off. Going to have to start looking for a new job.


Jails and Prisons will always need help.

This but unironically. I got caught being a lazy depressed faggot. It's fucking over

If you had a gf you would have been more productive at work. Yet we still don’t get government compensation smh

Please tell me this is sarcasm??

What happened?

Usually I'm decent worker but I was in a depressive slump and I was working really slowly and taking a lot of breaks. Supervisor yelled at me saying it was the last straw but the next morning I got called and they said not to come into work. Now I have a permanent stain on my record and I probably won't be able to get another decent job

Being a neet isn't an option either.


Im sorry to hear that. You don’t have to use them as a reference anyways, they sound like asses anyway. I hope things turn out for the best

How old? Have you tried army life?

Holy fuck. I was doing the same thing as you while working a couple of months ago. I had an office job managing phone calls and filing paper work. I spent my 8 hour work day watching Netflix as my supervisor only checked in with me once a week. I quit that job and I’m glad I quit (too boring, too far away from home). After reading your reply, it occurred to me that I could’ve had a permanent stain on my record too for not doing any work. That’s some scary shit.

What does your permanent stain on your record state, exactly?

I think what he means by stain is that he has put a lot of time at that place, now he can either not use them as a reference and have a huge time gap he needs to explain on his resume. Or say he was fired for whatever reason on his resume. Neither of those look too good when competing against other candidates

He could possibly work out back on the company ("I was unfairly dismissed for having a depressive episode") but then sadly the new job may not hire you because of your depression. It's a shit cycle.

What does a permanent stain on your record entail exactly? Are you fucked on the job market because you were fired once?

You can't put them down as a reference, firstly. You have to mark no when they ask if they can call your previous employer. You'll have to explain why. I can lie but it looks suspicious. Employers know what someone trying to hide a firing looks like

The best skill in life to learn is how to bullshit, literally. It literally is the highest paying skill and talent a human can possess. I've been fired and walked off so many jobs now but I can still get a new job because I can lie my ass off and bullshit so well.

Employers will only know what someone who is trying to hide a firing looks like with someone who sucks at bullshitting/acting. I also understand it maybe something genetic that was gifted to me but you can still get better at it like any other skill.

Literally the same happened to me except it was because of health issues with stomach pain and depress, they told me to not come back ever again.

I dunno what HR laws are like wherever you are, so these might not apply but: 1) if you have proof (doctors note etc) of your depression, you can get them for discrimination 2) is this your first and only warning? Generally it's verbal/written, final, dismissal. If they haven't followed those, you can get them for unfair dismissal.

I'm not diagnosed. I have to look into how to do that. This was my third or fourth warning

You need to get diagnosed. Then you probably could have had some protection for a having a disability

That's so shitty. This just goes to show depression and crippling loneliness can be as impactful as any illness. I'm fucking sorry man.

Been there. Stay strong, trust in Saint blackops2cel's plan for you, peace be upon him.

Neet life bro

You actually played me. Damn you JesusFromTheSouth.

Who's the lucky guy?

Well they didn't fire me, i just quit

You had a job? Fakecel. Truecels are NEETs.

I think what he means by stain is that he has put a lot of time at that place, now he can either not use them as a reference and have a huge time gap he needs to explain on his resume. Or say he was fired for whatever reason on his resume. Neither of those look too good when competing against other candidates