C’mon guys just think positive and you’ll be beautiful

58  2018-05-22 by Shotguhny


Just become an Edward Gorey illustration bro

The bottom picture she’s still ugly. You guys wooshed on this hard.

This is posted as satire; it's not ours.

No, it’s posted to make fun of it because everyone is always telling you guys to just have a better personality. But the actual post has a person who has a “good personality” but is still ugly. Its not saying a good attitude literally changes how you look. Another woosh

But the actual post has a person who has a “good personality” but is still ugly.

And will be treated as all ugly people are: as if we have bad personalities. Its point is the black pill; what is your point?

OP’s title is what makes this seem like it’s not satire, and does make it seem like they’re making fun of the “a good personality overrides a bad face” advice.

OP's title is sarcasm. It's dripping with it. And this ass burgery fuck picked up on it better than you.

Yeah sarcasm because “just think positive and you’ll be beautiful” is bullshit and it’s what you guys are told constantly.


This is the dumbest comic I have ever seen, and it is posted around IT a lot.

They're literally the only people I have ever seen that unironically believe that thinking the right things will make them better looking.

"Just think about how much you love females all day long bro, it'll fix your jawline"

and yet they criticize us for posting cartoons where attractive = good guy and ugly = bad guy


Just world fallacy.

Roald Dahl - fighter pilot, slayer, author, legend. RIP Sir.

Truly a legend

He also hated Jews, gays, asians, Mexicans, and blacks but IT never mentions that part for some reason

Are you sure? I have no evidence to refute what You're saying, but it seems at odds with the generally humanist tone of all his books for children. His villains are always villains because of their deeds and attitudes.

Literally google Roald Dahl racist, have fun

Slayer? I kinda doubt it.. he's so ugly he makes me feel like a 9 or a 10.

Her looksmatch's funeral is being held tomorrow

There's no reason for the person in the bottom to think positively about her looks.

I have to puke.

I know its not true but this picture always made me sort of happy

lmao this comic is saying even if you think positive u aren't gonna really be better looking.

Notice how it's a woman in the picture, because guys can overlook flaws. This will never work for men. A small skinny manlet, will always be a small skinny manlet.

Holy crap, this is from a children’s book I read as a child. The memories are coming backs! But I actually believed this bit and still sort of do

Literally google Roald Dahl racist, have fun

OP’s title is what makes this seem like it’s not satire, and does make it seem like they’re making fun of the “a good personality overrides a bad face” advice.