How normies read the news now that incels are mainstream

149  2018-05-21 by TurboTrashman


when an entitled norman trying to bang his ex-gf's friend is now an incel


Anyone who wears trench coats, smells, and looks like that is clearly an incel.

He had a girlfriend. He wasn't always that chubby apparently. Earlier photos are more flattering. Looks like he just went on a downwards spiral. Failed norman.

Anyone who (actions I don't like) is clearly an incel

lmfao. I love this

I'm not any of those things. Hmm, guess I broke your shitty stereotype didn't I?

Yes it is and the only solution is legalizing prostitution, not banning basic need then questioning about craziness of banned ppl

The government gets extra tax money, sex trafficking would go down, ugly bastards would have an outlet for their needs...

Everyone would win.

OR, you could ban titty streamers.

And previous incels themselves will fight conservative and violent incels if they harmed a woman and will be no more negative

the incel community is just virgins who want to insight violence and hurt others. They celebrated when that one guy killed all those people with his car. I’m tired of hearing that, and I don’t even consider myself an incel (I’m a girl, so I guess I can’t be). I can’t imagine what it must be like for you guys to finally find a place where you can express yourselves only to be condemned by everyone who’s never been on this board.


Please be my gf

Wouldn’t you be shunned from the incel community if I said yes? I thought this was a place people wanted to stay, but idk.

the incel paradox: either lose your new online support group/friends or go experience what you've always wanted

Yeah, I’d recommend staying with your friends lmao I’m not anything worth writing home about.

Wouldn’t you be shunned from the incel community if I said yes?

If I got a gf I would have no reason to post here and would leave asap

I thought this was a place people wanted to stay

Nobody wants to stay here lmao

Please respond

I’m 16 so legally I can’t send you photos of anything sexual. Also, we have no idea who the other is?

I’m 16

monkaGIGA I had no idea she was underaged officer monkaGIGA

What compels underage girls to come here ffs, you shouldn't be here

Why not? I think that incel’s are painted as the bad guy too often. There are some rotten apples, but that doesn’t mean you should throw out the whole bunch. Aren’t you too young to be an incel? Also...

musiccel dota2cel

You like musicals? I’m actually wearing my kinky boots shirt right now, assuming you know what that is.

Aren’t you too young to be an incel?

??? You don't even know my age lmao

You like musicals?

Kek no. Girls don't listen to the music I like so therefore I am musiccel. Also no girls play dota. Tfw I will never have a gf to listen to music with and play dota with

the goddamned side arrows again.

What did she mean by this

I’m sorry I thought you said you were sixteen. And the side arrow thing was about how you

indent the text like this.

What type of music do you like? And I’ve never played Dota specifically, but I like a lot of games like it. I’m sure there is someone out there that you can relate too like that.

I’m sorry I thought you said you were sixteen.

I was quoting you, that's what the "side arrows"/indentation is for

i listen mostly to rap/hip hop, like i'm listening to this right now for example. but i can listen to anything really, as long as it sounds good to me. but rap/hip hop really doesn't seem to be popular with women lmao

everyone is a league babby, it's a really popular normie game. i also played it for like 6/7 years before swichting to dota. dota seems to be league's more hardcore/autistic big brother. i don't know why it's so popular among non-westerners

I'm just here for the Black Pills and the cynic humor.

“And Jan, we’re hearing now from sources on the football team that the shooter absolutely did not touch tiddy.”

this latest dude in texas shot the girl that rejected him for FOUR MONTHS and then some other people he couldn’t take no for an answer.


lmfao. I love this