Reminder that these poor deceased souls are not victims of Incel Terror. They were victims of a psycho murderer. /r/Braincels completely condemns all violence.

196  2018-05-21 by MountainViewSunset


Reminder that the Isla Vista killings took place in 2014, before the incel community existed

Weren't most of his postings on misc in body building forum too? Isn't that forum filled with wannabe Chad's and Chad lites? Yet the whole thing is blamed on incels for supposedly making him violent.

Elliot Roger was an incel. He cited incel ideology word for word before killing those people. Incels call him St. and their leader all time the time and you know it.

Denying it won't change it.

Was Jesus a Christian? "Denying it won't change it" fuck off you smug piece of shit.

Read his manifesto, watch his videos. He was one of you and this sub glorifies him.

The cognitive dissonance is unbelievable.

This sub does sometimes glorify him, I'll admit that. But that doesn't make him one of us. He literally wasn't alive during the periods that the incel community existed. What you're doing is like when Gary Johnson made a campaign video saying that if Lincoln were alive today, he totally would've been a libertarian.

The cognitive dissonance is unbelievable

The wishful thinking is unbelievable lmao. You want to blame us for his murders so bad you're ignoring how time works

The original incels sub was constantly posting about their 'saint' and glorifying him as a basitan of inceldom. You cannot blame people for relating him to incels if incels are the ones that perpetuated the connection, as well as the fact his ideology aligns intristinctly to a lot of what we see posted from incels.

I'm glad that people like yourself are condemning what he did and trying to pull your community away, but it seems opinion is divided.

You cannot blame people for relating him to incels

I totally agree. What I can blame people for is acting like we have the blood of his victims on our hands in the way the picture suggests. It would be like if you told a neo-Nazi that supporting the holocaust means they're somehow responsible for those millions killed. The distinction between "Elliot was an incel" and "Elliot is a figure that is associated with incels" might seem like nitpicking but it's not.

I mean, the nazi thing isn't far off tbh. If you're supporting an ideology that lead to the death of millions then no they're not directly responsible, don't think anyone has ever said that, but their damaging views are exactly the type that led to it and that's a huge deal. Condoning it and potentially leading to repeated incidents is a huge deal.

With inceldom, it doesn't matter whether he was one or not. The fact he has been seen as a figurehead by some incels is the issue isn't it? And I'm not talking a few, these were posts upvoted and posted again and again. It's scary that people with already skewed and potentially dangerous views about women, would then see a murderer who shared certain views as someone to look up to and relate them to their community.

I guess it's only people like you who can condemn ER and continue to put distance between him and yourselves. It's unfortunate that some people will continue to propagate a link.

I mean, the nazi thing isn't far off tbh. If you're supporting an ideology that lead to the death of millions

That's just being dramatic. Incels are neither a political party nor an ideology. We are a subreddit and a forum. There is no "incel ideology" because we can't agree on shit. You're not an incel unless you say you are, period.

I don't know if you frequent IT, but the fact that they upload every misogynist youtube comment, tweet and tinder profile and call it an incel is incredibly misleading. If it's not from braincels,, or maybe r9k, it's not an incel. And for the record, I don't like either of the latter two sites.

they're not directly responsible, don't think anyone has ever said that

The original post from IT literally said exactly that. Click "other discussions."

With inceldom, it doesn't matter whether he was one or not. The fact he has been seen as a figurehead by some incels is the issue isn't it?

No, it's not. Like I said, the IT post showed pictures of Rodger's victims and claimed that they were victims of "incel terror". Therefore the distinction of whether or not he was an incel becomes extremely important. If he killed people in the name of incels, then you can rightfully call it "incel terror." But the fact is that he didn't even know what an incel was, so you cannot call it that.

The amount of people on this sub who do support him is still a valid concern but it's not relevant.

I guess it's only people like you who can condemn ER and continue to put distance between him and yourselves

Really? There was a sticky saying that /r/braincels does not support the Toronto attack which had hundreds of upvotes. There was also another sticky saying that /r/braincels does not support any spree killers which also had hundreds of upvotes. And it's very widely known that the official position of /r/braincels is that we condemn all acts of violence. But sure, it's just a few people on this sub who don't support mass murderers.


Because you can make a statement like that. It is easy. People can upvote. That's easy too.

Then you see a bunch of supported comments talking dehumanizing women. You see posters with taglines of "All women are sociopaths" and no one seems to call that out.

The community adopted him as one of their own man. You can try to distance away from that by posters of incels didn't really mind dropping his name left right in center. And I don't care if it was in "jokes."

Most people don't glorify mass murders.

Wtf is this brigade holy shit lmao. Going ER is a thing anyway

The fact that you think he would ever identify as an incel shows how little you understand about him. Eliot never identify with any incel like group and thought bottom of the barrel groups were below him. He reportadly had great hatred and would not identify with "gamers" (although it's not really an identity) because he thought they were losers even tho he played wow many hours each day. If you told elliot he was incel he would have spat at you.

“Denying it won’t change it”

Lol saying it doesn’t make it so.

Which could be said for everything posted here

Lol stop deflecting. faggot.

Even if he did, what's your point? You, oblivious and uncaring normoid, are who made him. You made Minassian. You made this latest shooter.

Normie society creates the school shooters of the world by outcasting, bullying, ostracizing certain kids and ruining the formative years of their life, driving them into a mindset where they're willing to do terrible things either as revenge or as an exit from life.

A forum for incel memes never factors into that equation, the blood from every school shooting is on the hands of normies who are happy to bully and shit on the less attractive and less fortunate people of the world.

So I guess every murder is somebody else's fault but the murderer now, because some people were mean to the murderer when he was a kid, or something?

You really are sub-humans. Nothing else would explain such inferior cognition.

Everyone who goes through life faces problems. You freaks have deluded yourself into thinking you have a monopoly on loneliness and negative emotion, and then blame the entire world for it and your actions, even if they are abuse and murder. By completely absolving people who went out and murdered innocents because they were too repulsive for anyone to want to fuck, you sound like another one in the making. Thank god natural selection is weeding you fucks out.

did an incel kill your dog or something?

Did you know that elliot rodgers never even asked anyone out. He never even got bullied. He thought that the women should come to him and that he was entitled to one.

He was a mentalcel/volcel and that cannot be denied. Not a fucking incel/truecel

Being an incel only means being too ugly or too mentally handicapped for any woman to date you.

Elliot Rodgers was a chadlite and could have easily hid his pyschopathy if he wanted a date. He is not an incel. Never was. He was a sexist and a murderer. Not an incel. We're not a cult. Or a movement. Nothing.

ER really didn't cite "incel ideology". I made a post a few days ago about why so many Incels like him when he was far from an incel.

The incel community existed way before that... I used to post on puahate back in 2013. Stop lying

PUAHate =/= incels

Most incel terminology comes from PSL(PUAHate, SluteHate and Lookism). /fit/, misc and r9k where also incel forums before /r/incels.

Most incel terminology comes from PSL(PUAHate, SluteHate and Lookism)

This is true.

/fit/, misc and r9k where also incel forums before /r/incels

This is not true. Go on any of those forums and ask "you guys are incels right?" and tell me how it goes.

Back then they where, it's filled with normalfags now. A lot of the gymcel memes came from misc.

They may have been mostly occupied by bitter virgins but that's different from being an incel forum. It's an important distinction to make.

Not when you're stupid and need an excuse to demonize people who haven't done any actual harm. They eat this shit up. They don't care. See above how many mental gymnastics they pull to claim we're the reason those people were murdered when it's possible that we're an entirely different group of people.

'Incel ideology' is just some bullshit phrase used to apply to anyone to make the sub look bad when even on the front page it mentions we don't endorse it.

Such a vague and annoying phrase because people can attract and subtract vertain attribute that would apply to ANYONE, virgin or not, minus made up bullshit like 'incels want government-sanctioned gfs XD.'

4chan existed in 2014, bro, and I used to go there daily and this community existed under the 4chan banner.

This is ridiculously untrue.

The incel community was around at least in 2008.

Pin this please.

Not All Incels!!


To make a hashtag, put a backslash before the hash sign.


wait, wait. You group half of the worlds population of completely different people into one category...but you expect people not to group a tiny group of hateful people into one. You things are psycho.

You things are psycho.

Yes, the classic dehumanization of a group you don't like just because you don't like them.

Do you even know what you're actually saying, or are you just closing your eyes, crossing your arms, and arrogantly shouting into a microphone?

You don't see the irony of what you just wrote there?

And what does pointing out for you do for you?

I don't speak for this sub, and this place isn't really that organized as you thin. The fact that you even insinuated that means you can't even be bothered to explore.

hahahaha. coming from a group that hates half of the worlds population for no reason, that's not dehumanization at all....jesus you guys are insanely backwards.

Lot of Asians

“Unrelated” but reminder that asian women are some of the most callous.

Just an observation

Says this underneath a picture of murdered Asian women....

Really is sad. Some faggot who can't even distinguish Nazis and Communists ended these promising lives. Now only pictures remain, and for what?

murderer was a chad

RIP to the three incels on the bottom and the two guys on top right(the other guy Elliot killed looks pretty attractive imo). Rest in piss all the foids who were killed by the Supreme Gentleman and Pvt. Minassian.


Lol this sub is so cucked. Stop trying to be r/The_Donald, everyone knows incels hate women(which isn’t a bad thing). You’re not fooling anyone by “mourning” these women.

The Toronto dude clearly had an insanity episode. He had a history of delusional episodes including thinking he was a cat, vilonet twitching and not understanding reality. Also what he wrote was factually wrong he had quit the army somewhere around 6 months before only serving two weeks, but still introduced him self as a recruit for the infantry. The phrasing is also completely foreign to someone that actually visits 4chan or any incel board. Also there was no pre-planning of any kind to what he did. Chances are he had a vague idea of what 4chan and incels are, he became delusional thinking he was still in the army and was given a mission to kill all the chad and stacies. His brain was desperately trying to make seance of reality and in the moment that's what he scrambled together.

Do you have a source for that?

The media has been fond of painting the wall with the word "Incel" regarding the massacre so it would be interesting if it turned out that the guy was just bona fide insane

Here is the army thing. To me the dude just seems like he had somekind of episodic issue and it just turned vilonent

I bet boot camp was too tough on him mentally. only like half of guys make it thru. imagine a drill sergeant waking you at dawn and making you drop and do 50.

I don't think he got to the boot camp part of training. I believe it was just reservist.

they gotta do bootcamp and if he made it 2 weeks that sounds like he started but didn't make it thru to the end

I couldn’t care less that people get killed

Same but we usually don't say that because it's leverage.

whats the name of the chad on the 3 row.

I think the divide in the incel community is probably between those who are on the autism spectrum and those who are not.

The people whom this guy is a hero to may very well be the autistic group that sees what he did as heroic and brave. He did something that was not going to change his outcome, but just a vengence killings.

I'd be çareful with phrasing here. There are a lot of autistic people who see this in just the opposite way. I know you probably didn't mean it that way, but for the sake of people who are coming here to check this place out, it's probably best to stick to the strict definition of "autism spectrum" and what that implies. Austistic people aren't more likely to glorify violence.

That is correct I'm sorry to come across that way. I have a 17 year old autistic son and he would never hurt anyone or take joy in someone else's suffering. From my experience with my son he has very little emotion toward death or loss of loved ones. I don't know that for sure because maybe he expresses it differently or not at all. Emotions are hard to discern correctly sometimes.

I am in support of the incel community for the most part because from my own experience the line of thinking has been true. The best part about it is the lack of denial and the acceptance of life how it is rather than how it should be. The person that did these killings is not a hero and his actions changed nothing and it's good to see this sub accept that as well.

Yeah, as an autistic person I think all this is fucked, but I think I see where you're coming from.

La fitness that are too whiny about life that they resort to murder has been happening for awhile

Why are you tards brigading saying we idolize the killers and love what they Did? Straight up lies and delusion

I think the sub's days are numbered.

Bottom 3 were mercy killings.

How 'bout that "condemns all violence" yeah?

Damn normies deserved it (don't down vote I can't take (-) karma...

most of them werent white so i dont care

Violent misogyny extremism.

The École Polytechnique massacre, Isla Vista, Santa Fe... probably others.

Whether he was a member of this specific community doesn't matter. It's an ideology that this place does more to embolden than it does to defeat.

Then why are posts that glorify suicide the norm here.

Why does it not take long to find comments supporting an incel uprising.

Why does it not take long to find posts that are supported that dehumanize women?

If you wanted to condemn violence, yank the next post here that glorifies suicide. This seems like you are trying to cover yer ass rather than true thoughts and feelings.

What do you mean by glorifying suicide? Can you give me an example.

You got this wonderful post.

And I could find more if I wanted to, but I don't.

It's completely normal to make light of bad things in your life as a form of humor. Responding to sad things with levity keep a lot of people from actually killing themselves. That post isn't glorifying suicide, he's joking. It's no different than making jokes about being broke or ugly.

It isn't jokes. It is glorification.

You have people talk about how they have a plan, a time, they have started to think about how they are going to tell their family...and you get no one checking in to see if that person is okay. You get a lot of support for comments like that.

There is no steering away. There is steering towards. And it happens a lot.

That one, and posts like it, are a joke. Its a cope to help deal with the situation (Honestly, like alot of asinine shit in this sub) Nobody here glorifies suicide, the lot of us are depressed and suicidal and we understand each other. We are tired of hearing "Come on man, it's worth it, it gets better" and the other things people like to come here and say. It's sad that maybe some here have killed themselves, but it's their life to do with as they wish. It's selfish to try and talk them out of doing what they want and have them continue to suffer.

They are a joke that glorifies suicide.

You all have no idea of your branding. Zero. I've never a sub so ignorant of how it is actually perceived.

You have real points you could be making and you are choosing to make those points in the least effective manner ever. Which would be funny if it also wasn't so sad.

How does it glorify it? I'm really not understanding. Everybody should have the right to end their life if they wish, without interferencd, no matter how sad that may seem.

They could. But there are other doors out there.

There are other viable options that do work for lots of people. The sub forgets that ideas.

There are. And many of us have tried or are trying those doors, like me. But sometimes there is just a point when you no longer wish to continue on, and I think that's okay. Is it so hard to think, we are thrown in this life with no choice, and some of us get too overwhelmed and want to have no part in it any longer? It doesn't seem that strange to me. Im currently seeing doctors, and working on myself. But if I can't acheive success at a certain point, I'm ending it, and that's okay.

Hey, Chohi92, just a quick heads-up:
acheive is actually spelled achieve. You can remember it by i before e.
Have a nice day!

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Go away bot, I'll never learn.

And that's your choice to make. But don't funnel 18-23 kids into that choice by presenting it as the only outcome. That's just bullshit.

This isn't a support group. It is a hive mind indoctrination camp that likes to dehumanize people along the way. This sub doesn't get to ry to play the muddled middle where they claim they are against violence but posts that demumanize people are the norm and supported.

I don't want to say how many people I've talked to on this sub who commented that I just wait until the day of reckoning or some other version of that. There is a lot of violence here simmering under the surface. It doesn't take that much to find it.

And I see posts everywhere demonizing and even calling for the death of men that are ugly, virgin, or incel. I'm not surprised that there are ones who turn so hateful here after having to be subjected to that kind of shaming and hatred. That doesn't speak for everyone. Despite the bullshit, this place has people who share the same pains and it might not be a support group but it's a place to share how you feel with the same hurt people and to purposely not have to hear "It's okay man, it gets better" because we all know that's just not true for everyone, as goes with most of that type of consoling people like to do. We don't want advice, consoling, or any of that. We just want to bitch and make jokes. Nobody here is trying to "indoctrinate" anyone, I can promise you that at least. Like I said, its on their own behalf if that take something too seriously and go on a rampage. I'm 18 and I'm sensible and stable enough to separate good from bad, and as you said it's my choice to take my own life, it would be my choice and my choice only if I decided to do something like these kids who have been shooting up schools. Just as it was their choice to do so, and theirs only.

If I was 18 and on this sub. my life would be totally different.

The relationships that I had when I was 23-now probably wouldn't have happened.

I didn't have things figured out at 18. I didn't have them figured out at 27. But I didn't snap shut any doors.

Thus sub marches with a hive mind and attacks anyone who goes against that hive mind. There are lots of guys who have a hard time dating from 18-23 who then figure it out and have healthy dating lives. Thus sub pretends that doesn't happen.

It does happen. But those people are attractive to the average person and have charming qualities you can't exactly acquire in time going from a complete sperg to a Chad. I guess I should stop speaking for all incels though, because my intentions are a little different from what it seems most people want to know. It would be pathetic and nobody wants to be bothered with this in person, so here is where we go to talk about it and vent.

What are your intentions?

Itd be nice to have sex, but what I want more is a relationship, and a woman to have a real life with eventually, family wise.

Well that's a good start. You are 18 right? You have a lot of time to figure things out.

How much of your time do you spend on Reddit and how much of your time on Edit do you spend on this sub.

Yeah,I hear that alot. I spend too much time on here, and probably half of that on this sub. The only other things I use Reddit for is gaming shit and porn, the best combination.

Hey, Chohi92, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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You have time. What is important is how you use it.

Get the fuck off this sub or even reddit and do the shit that you say you want to do but never do.

And please don't think your dating life is over because you haven't figured shit out at 18. Once you decide it is over, it is over. But it your call.

I wish you the best and if I can help you let me know. And that's not bullshit. Everything you want you can have. It just depends on the choices you make here.


I wish it was me instead of these poor souls. I wish it would stop.

say no to rope, find some good cope

Thanks god no Stacies

(inb4 some desperate low standards say that they all are stacies, even guys)

ITT: People who just learned what incels were a couple weeks ago trying to tell actual incels about who is and isn't an incel.

Stfu Elliot Rodger is my prophet and I adore him.

The ironic part is that he didn't kill any of the Stacy's he was talking about. Those Asian girls look cute and I guess he took down a Chad/Chadlite but ultimate the dude sucked.

Not really into this sub, but people like to place blame on the shit they consider “bad” all the time. It’s far easier to just blame shit you don’t like than it is to see a situation as a complex issue with multiple influences and causes. I think it’s stupid to blame an entire group of people for the actions of few, but it’s easy, and easy is attractive to a lot of people.

Fuck, that guy from 2017 (not Elliot Rodger) killed some really cute asian girls. I would have try to date them if I lived in Toronto but unfortunately I live in Eastern Euthanasia (Eastern Europe) so there are virtually no asian girls where I live.

You don't see the irony of what you just wrote there?

Here is the army thing. To me the dude just seems like he had somekind of episodic issue and it just turned vilonent

say no to rope, find some good cope

hahahaha. coming from a group that hates half of the worlds population for no reason, that's not dehumanization at all....jesus you guys are insanely backwards.