You're not shy, you're just unattractive
78 2018-05-21 by Blueice607
Brutal blackpill from an old thread:
Hey, this is to you fucking incel dimwits who seem to be under the impression that your "personality" is the problem. Well, guess fucking what? This isn't, this isn't, this isn't fucking If you want to blame your shyness or so called autism for your complete lack of success with the opposite sex, that's all fine and dandy but then get the fuck off a website devoted to the discussion of looks, you thick skulled, low grey matter incels.
Heads up: the reason you're spending a Friday-during summer no less-punching your keyboard with fury, congregating with other losers and morons, theorizing in hopes of one day receiving eye contact from a female, instead of chilling with girls and playing Spin the Bottle, isn't because you're "shy" or because of your aloof social mannerisms; it's because you're fucking unattractive, bordering on ugly. Nobody here is hideous or that ugly. But you're about as far away from being attractive as you are from smelling your oneitis's vagina.
The reason you don't do well with girls is because you are NOT ATTRACTIVE. You fucking morons. Common sense should tell you so, but for the dimmer of you there were the countless experiments and studies shown here. But I guess that wasn't enough, was it? Get this through your fucking skulls: if you aren't literally attracting girls, you're unattractive. It is a complete paradox to be attractive and not attract girls. And I know that you sex-starved, pussy deprived incels would do ANYTHING for female attention. So don't pretend that even a semblance of acknowledgement from the other gender wouldn't be enough to get you off this website.
It doesn't matter whether you're average, below average, ugly, a 5.3 or a 5.4-it all comes down to this: YOU AREN'T ATTRACTIVE.
Unless you have a horde of girls pulling on you, forcing you to come back to their bedroom for an orgy, and you physically push them away because of fear, you can't say you're shy, you blockheads. Sitting in the corner, being invisible and physically repulsive to girls because of your facial composition does not equate with SHYNESS.
If you were attractive, in NO universe or multiverse would it even be fathomable that'd you be in your late teens or adulthood bemoaning your lack of experience. Even if you were shy, anxious, autistic, brain dead, you would still have tons of girls wanting to jump on your dick because of your LOOKS. Where in God's name did this myth that being shy or unconfident is unattractive come from? You've got it all wrong, dipshits. Being shy and unattractive is unattractive. Being shy and attractive is attractive. Again, it's as simple as that you fucking cretins. Or do you think girls get wet over bad boys and guys who can string a few sentences together without stuttering Giggle ? Or that girls are attracted to confidence and how you present yourself Icon_lol ? If you were attractive, girls would approach and compliment you enough to give you some confidence to reciprocate the interaction--and even if you were too autistic, too in your head to do so, they would still do 99% of the work for you.
"Social circle" is for those people with normal brains WHO ARE ATTRACTIVE to get laid. Tinder is usually for the shy or weirder people WHO ARE ATTRACTIVE to get laid. Let that sink in. No matter how quirky you might be, if you only looked a bit different there would be hundreds of girls on a stress free, no pressure dating app, willing to open their legs for you on your command. Girls do not care about your personality insofar that you can at least manage a conversation of "hey", "what's up". If you're attractive, they can overlook all your autistic mannerisms. Social circle is for "NTs" and Tinder is for the shy guys--but both are denied to you because of your LOOKS.
If you think your shyness is the problem, put a grenade in your fucking mouth.
1 Revoltization 2018-05-21
its both, im a mutecel
1 TheGodPlant 2018-05-21
There’s a thing called autism or brutal up bringing that turn people into mutes.
1 nigbuck 2018-05-21
Never met a stranger, I talk to everybody, I’m just ugly to the point I feel bad they have to look back at me.
1 Old_Edge77 2018-05-21
is this the tsar bomb
1 endmysuffering1 2018-05-21
It's so fucking over.
1 literallyarealperson 2018-05-21
A big skeleton and a chiseled skull mean more than anything else to women. Being "shy" is a coping mechanism help a guy avoid rejection for lacking these features.
1 Hnjkxc 2018-05-21
What does it mean when girls look and smile at you a lot ?
1 Blueice607 2018-05-21
That you're a fakecel
1 Hnjkxc 2018-05-21
Yea but chad fakecel or just normie fakecel?
1 Old_Edge77 2018-05-21
you are probably delusional lmao. also, only a fucking retard would ask this kind of question. "what does it mean when a girl suddenly grinds on me teehee"
1 Hnjkxc 2018-05-21
Fuck you asshole
1 Old_Edge77 2018-05-21
normie triggered
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-21
This is true. It is cope to believe my autism keeps me incel; Tom Morgan is the chad autist who proves that.
I've been told by the few friends I made in adulthood that I'm fun-loving, and I have no trouble socializing with them, or approaching girls. It really is because I'm unattractive.
1 Enigmatic93 2018-05-21
Brutal blackpill
1 Legoman24 2018-05-21
Brutal but true.
1 LightBringer777 2018-05-21
This is absolutely correct. Women don't give a damn if your a nice guy or if your a bad guy. Both want the most attractive mate as possible. The most prominent exception is when a women dates an ugly man because he is rich and when a man dates a poor women because she is attractive. Plus you need to have better personal skills than someone with autism. No matter what your crazy brain thinks your not entitled to someone eases body or consent.
1 VartanX 2018-05-21
You need to post that on r/foreveralone cuz they're in dire need of some atomic blackpills.
1 based_meme 2018-05-21
MOAB just got deployed, boyos.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-21
My biggest compliment I ever get is,you aren't that bad, but it isn't enough. Women never call me cute,handsome or sexy. I have been called a creep, and made up stuff like I look like a pedo or rapist.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-05-21
Ehh, giirls don't even comment about me... it isn't even unusual for them to reject me as soon as I try to have a conversation just so I can pretend I'm closer to getting girlfriend.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-21
Well atleast they don't say your Norman bates
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-05-21
And of course because women are entitled fucking whores who just want sex and would rather be chad's side bitch being average isn't enough to get a single girl.
1 UglyVirgnLoser 2018-05-21
These daily reminders are helpful.
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-21
200 IQ post
1 mrThesselrot 2018-05-21
Can't get one in Australia... Maybe I should make one.
1 question4477 2018-05-21
In a nutshell you are right but what you're really getting at is the fact that you yearn for the playboy or hookup lifestyle, if you're not in a position where you think that you can realistically achieve that then why not just settle down with the prospect of settling down with just one woman.
1 Blueice607 2018-05-21
I’m just reposting this, I’m not the OP. I’m no where near incel
1 question4477 2018-05-21
Even so, what you are referring to is specifically the hookup lifestyle. As long as someone has settled down with one person and they are content then what's the problem?
1 angrycoffeeuser 2018-05-21
This should be on the sidebar tbh