15 years after graduating HS, I still dislike leaving my house, like eating alone and hate huge social events and groups of people. And all of this is possible after years of therapy. And yet normies say that "bullying grows character".

114  2018-05-21 by geneticSubhumanTrash

normies = retards

But I guess that's not news to anyone on this subreddit.


Bullies destroy people

Bullies just teach incels to be self aware, if you didn’t know you were a worthless piece of shit who should not/will not reproduce and genetically inferior before high school you will afterward. I thought I looked normal before someone reminded me of my dime sized pores/pocked complexion every single day for four years.

the more oblivious you are, the happier you will be. now that i discovered the black pill, i hate the world.

The black pill has been a relief to me, I always thought I was doing something wrong but the reality all this time was I’m just an ugly short nigger fuck. I drew a bad hand and can just do whatever the fuck I want now instead of going out with “friends” continuing to think it will happen for me.

niggers shoot and steals you're a black man

niggers shoot and steal you're a black man

Chris Rock on the issue

I partly agree with you even though I am not part of the 'incel' movement and have no desire to be, I put it down to race more though.

I think the worst feeling was when I put effort in and felt no reciprocation in return, it's a lot easier just not trying in the first place.

By the way based on what I have seen being a black guy it doesn't really matter how you look as long as you act the part if you know what I mean.

Ignorance is bliss..awareness is pain.

High school is just terrible, but it does end.

If you are rejected in High School, you may or may not be rejected for life, but if you listen to many of the idiots in this sub, you are capable of making your incel status a self-fulfilling prophesy. More to the point, you shouldn't hang your self worth on anything you need to rely on other people for. It's a recipe for misery.

I empathize wholeheartedly with OP. Bullying isn't easy to get over and to this day I have a hard time being around other people. Stll, after a point all the bullys leave unless you've internalized the abuse. Then, you'll be doing their work long after they themselves stoped.

I am so glad this sub didn't exist when I was an incel college student. I would have ended up with a genuinely twisted view of the world.

I am so glad this sub didn't exist when I was an incel college student. I would have ended up with a genuinely twisted view of the world.

When I went to college, nobody had even heard about Reddit or 4chan. Hell, most people in my country did not even have Internet connection back then. Life itself can blackpill you easily enough, no need for the Internet or social media.

I was bullied in middle school, and deemed a loner, but some girls sat next to me at lunch and tried to be my friend, then I ran away.

In high school I didn't have a "clique" but I had many friends within the social circles (few drug friends, few party friends, few honor roll prep friends, few card game nerd friends, few thug friends... etc)

I was given the "nigga pass" by some black guys. They would say "oh that's just Nas he can say nigga." (I'm white)

I also fucked, 3 girls, one was the school whore, another was an uggo, the 3rd was one of the schools hotties - she only liked me after I performed something on stage at a school talent show and got a standing ovation..

Sometimes I have girls come up and say hi to me start conversations with me and try showing their interest by initiating convos with me, but I always dropped the ball.

Can you tell me if i have good or bad genes?

(I rate my looks as 4/10 Psl

Pm me a pic of you so I can rate. You sound like a mentalcel tbh

I PM'd you - this isn't a humble brag or anything - I'm pretty sure I'm ugly. I am seriously considering 100,000's of dollars in plastic surgery.

I'd say you're 4/10 low tier normie, but you could looksmaxx natty to a 5.5. Lose the acne and gymcel and you could get to a 6. Surgerymaxx will bump you up way higher. I'm about 4/10 as well and I'm planning on getting surgery for my jaw and nose soon. Good luck brother.

Thanks th3 analysis.

Can u tell me if this girl mogs me?

Which girl

I PM'd you

I'd say you guys are about looksmatched. You could easily mog her by looksmaxxing imo

Thank u so much

Np bro

Post me your pic for a second opinion

I PM'd you

pm me for a third

pmed, please tell me the truth

mentalcel. You could easily looksmaxx into a chadlite

can you tell me how?

You honestly to me aren't bad looking at all, just look like the typical eurasian guy.

was bullied a lot, now doing very well. you're wrong.

This,high school never ends , life is like a beauty contest and popular contest.and people love gossip and drama.

I'm a normie. I was bullied. And anyone who tells you that bullying develops character is a fucking idiot, normie or otherwise.

they be watching naruto or someshit

Bullied 'normie' here too: bullying most definitely develops character... im my case, it made my character paranoid, nonsocial and distrustful of others.

Development isn't always an improvement.

obviously not a 'normie' if you browse this subreddit on a daily basis lol

So true!

Bullies are the scum of society. If anyone ever tried to bully me I would send them to the hospital, either through fists or a baseball bat.

Your forgetting the psychological restraint placed on kids in a repressive environment. Kids fear disciplinary or legal action more than the wrath of a bully. Telling someone to fight back knowing their going to lose is complete bullshit that no sane person would ever actually believe, and the repercussions from the target wouldn’t just suddenly end after one incident. So a smaller kids only recourse is to even the playing field (baseball bat, brick, knife, gun, etc.) but they know they can’t do that, so it just breeds a hopeless situation. There is no recourse against bullies.

I think someone in Texas knew that lol

Never been in a fight huh?

Was bullied in middle school for being the fat kid.

It was minor compared to what others have gone through since I am a woman and eventually lost the weight, but those moments when people say hurtful things right to your face stick with you. sixteen years later and I can still vividly remember the exact words spoken by other women. Some I considered good friends.

Bullying developed in me a very self deprecating sense of humor. I became the funny fat kid to try and deflect. Voted best sense of humor at the end of the year because I tore myself apart in front of others for laughs. At least I wasnt getting bullied right?

Well now as an adult I still tear myself apart, except no one is laughing.

Cant even imagine what some others have been through and how its shaped them years after.

Would love to read anyone's personal experiences if they are up for sharing.



A bully stranded me 2 hours away from our hotel during a school trip, I walked back for almost 3 hours before my friends were able to get an Uber to me. Bit worse than people saying mean things to me.

Way worse.

Im so sorry that happened to you. Thats fucked up.

How are you doing now?

Fine I guess, but I’m still incel is am I really doing fine?

At least you're doing fine. :)

Could be better, yes, but could probably be worse.

How old are you?

I almost got set on fire multiple times and almost lost eyesight in 1 eye

Jesus. How did that happen?

Im so sorry. Who the fuck tries to set someone on fire?

First you get dehumanized, step by step. After a while youre worth less than an animal, then the hesitations go away. Its a slow build up but because they tried to make it look like an accident not to get blamed after, it didnt happen in the end.

You have truly had to face some evil people in your life. I'm hoping you're able to build yourself back up from that.

Eh, i have C-PTSD and nightmares every night but im working on it at least. I consciously dont hate people but I know my subconscious does, and it turned me into a shut in. I wince a lot in social interactions because I feel like if I missstep, people will beat me again. Thank you very much for listening though, i hope you can also get over your bullying (i didnt mean to one up your story) because all forms of it suck.

Good for you trying to stay positive and working on yourself. I cant imagine having nightmares nearly every night or feeling on edge consistently around others. If you ever need someone to chat with feel free to message me.

And thanks, Its been a long time and I only had some minor bullying. Would prefer to help others at this point. :)

Talking about it for healing doesnt work well I found, its a very lonely journey because no one can go into trauma structures for me only my own brain can (I do EMDR and shadowwork) I actually got used to it fast, till i was 20 i thought daily nightmares is a normal thing, denial is a powerful drug. I read accounts of jews in ausschwitz and i can relate a lot to those people, they also remarked how much the human body was capable to get used to things. I have quite a bit more stories like this but im not comfortable with sharing those publicly so yeah if youre interested in hearing the rest then pm me

I am very genuinely curious about what youve been through and how you treat your trauma. I have to head out the door now for work, but will try and remember to pm you when I have some time to talk/listen.

Thanks for sharing, I will be in touch.

The only thing you tear apart is your vaginal cavity in chad's and tyrone's dicks creating kilometers of roast beef.

You know me so well.

I feel the same, but theres no point being mad about it.

Being an adult is high school 2.0

Nah. High school sucks and then it's over. Then it's up to you and that's awesome.

People with shit lives have good senses of humor tho.

case in point: r/braincels

lmao anything that builds character according to normies is usually something that creates a long term permanent damage to your character. You become more conscious of other peoples reaction, more pessimistic and have emotional issues that will likely never be cured. Bullying also makes one more timid. Basically all things that girls find unattractive in a personality is what you get for being bullied.

I was bullied. I am now studying a good course and have a lot of friends and relationships. You're just stuck in a mindset you're too scared to leave behind

You are me, minus the therapy, plus gymceling.

Did cardio for years, good enough to run half-marathons semi-competitively. Didn't matter, though: if your face is busted, then your life is busted.

Categorically false. Physical training improves your life in many ways.

I remember when I was in 4th grade when I was shit at football, short, and weird I thought I was going to be a CEO while they worked at McDonald’s. Few years down the line one my prime bully from that year is a tall slayer while I’m posting here.

Plenty of ppl are bullied. Plenty of ppl get over it too

Plenty of ppl are bullied. Plenty of ppl got lucky with puberty

thar, fix'd that for you

Fuck society

Getting bullied sucks....and I'm assuming 99% of the posters here have been bullied. Anyway, if you are letting things assholes said to you 15 years ago STILL mess with you, the problem is now with YOU! It's high time you start figuring out what makes you happy (hopefully nothing misogynistic) and get control of your life.

You guys lambast others for being judgemental jerks when you yourselves take random photos of people you consider inferior and make fun of them, like 'blackops2cel'.

Stop taking the lord's name in vain, heretic

I want to give all normies a mega-wedgie.

Only advice I can give is learn to fake social skills, it makes going out a little easier

Well it depends how hard you get bullied, i got bullied in elementary and it has not left any traces on me. Actually it has learnt me to laugh at myself and i literally won’t give two shits about what somebody thinks about me.

I have never met another person than thinks bullying builds character. Ever?

I see more edgy rightwing/red pill types spewing this kind of shit. Like bullying or getting beaten by your parents growing up makes you strong. Utter BS.

Way worse.

Im so sorry that happened to you. Thats fucked up.

How are you doing now?

Np bro

mentalcel. You could easily looksmaxx into a chadlite