According to this article, the key is to be “original”...

55  2018-05-21 by Dangriffin141


It has nothing to do with being a male model with the smile of the Gods and everything to do with profile construction/personality.

His teeth LITERALLY shine. Like wtf

He had a procedure to have bioluminescent bacteria colonize his mouth. Every time he smiles they light up and release a fresh, minty scent.

It's just contrast bro

Lol he lives in the UK, when I was in the UK I got approximately 5 matches a day, in ny home country (Netherlands) I barely get a match a week

Fuckin rip my dude!

I can GPS passport to Ukraine and get matches like crazy.

Meanwhile in my Muslim country, ironically even with Ukrainian tourists on Tinder, I'm lucky to get 2 matches a week and they stop responding after a few messages and never meet up.

Dude needs some clear eyes though. Eyes are shot from replying to roasties on tinder 24/7.

Olivia Petter, thats all you need to know and realize this article is shit.

Good catch!

How is this rat faced cunt bastard the most right swiped? I refuse to believe. Fake news.

Lol he's Def not ugly. I'd say he's a 6.5/10, probably about 6'1", and probably has a high paying job. That's pretty much all you need to be successful on tinder.

He isn't good looking either.

Idk, I think he's above average. I kinda look like him myself, but slightly fatter. I think UK roasties are more forgiving than other countries, maybe that's why he got matches

Whitecels on suicidewatch

All these dating columns are the biggest scams in existence. She probably thinks that the reason she gets 3000 matches a week is that she’s “original” and not just because she’s female.

"I'm so original teehee XDD

Hobbies: Travels, Food, Netflix"


Are they counting most right swiped by proportion or by sheer number?

Cope. Bbc market is huge in uk

Heh.. thats a real kick in the white knackers buddy

most right swiped man

Literally how could you ever know that without seeing Tinder's database? What a load of bullshit.

Be original recipe versus extra crispy ... got it.