This is the only place on the Internet I know where vulnerable men can vent and be comforted.

74  2018-05-21 by GymcellingisCope1

I haven't known of any male support group that comes even close to the r/braincels community.

Here, guys open up about their insecurities, their experiences in life, their feelings, and are gladly received.

Anywhere else, a man expressing his opinion is told to man up or stop being bitter or any other male shaming tactic used to strip men of their right to feel and express.

r/braincels ironically tackles toxic masculinity in a way that not even the most radical of feminists tackle it.


I haven't known of any male support group that comes even close to the r/braincels community.

r/Incels was ten thousand times better than r/Braincels. And besides or or whatever he site now is, this here is really one of the best sites for Incels

r/Incels was the funniest subreddit ever, I would kill for it to come back.

I would kill

See you soon on Inceltears frontpage

yeah it'sa tough for this to be a place where guys can "open up about their insecurities" when this is infested with bullies

the end of r/incels was honestly devastating for me I felt a void untill I found this sub, even though it is not as great I think this place does just fine

Hey, headforthehills, just a quick heads-up:
untill is actually spelled until. You can remember it by one l at the end.
Have a nice day!

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really makes you think doesnt it

Isn't that the truth. I like to vent in this sub about my insecurity.

That's why there's a war on men's spaces, especially today. The dominant culture does not want men talking to each other, especially about their observations of women.

What Ive noticed is that they want you to try and buy objects to make up for the way women treated you. ($)

They want you to drink your pain away or take medication. ($$)

They want you to talk to one of their cult of positivity "therapists". ($$$)

......but they do NOT ever want men talking to each other about their pain. I wonder why?

All what you wrote makes sense but it´s not because of a conspiracy but because of gynocentrism.

Gynocentrism is profitable af.

Almost everyhing is good for some people and bad for others.

not black pill tho. stop being a cuck and take it

I took all thed pills, fag.

Do you really think we live in a gynocentric society? Or is it really that you are being outcompeted by other men, and are ashamed that given your gender holds all the cards, you still are still so below average you can't make the cut (whatever that is for you)? I'm sure you wish things would revert to how they were maybe 2, 3 hundred years ago, when women literally had zero rights, because then maybe you would have had a fighting chance. But unfortunately, women have fought back, and there are enough men around that women do want to be with, and those men see women as equals, and also, surprisingly, tend to be 'better at life' such that, those men and women, as equals, really hold all the cards. You are an outsider due to your own failings. Ever consider? Or is it the big bad women who run everything and have done this to you?

low iq comment tbh

Is that what you say to everyone? Seems to be your reply when you have no reply. In which case, it seems like a low iq reply. Funny, you need to resort to them so often.

In my world high IQ = not delusional // low IQ = delusional.

If you want to keep on thinking you're smart, you're going to have address why your version of reality is correct. Otherwise... as I said, your perception of reality seems like a rather convenient narrative to justify or otherwise explain your life's failings to yourself and others, coupled with a few other assumptions like, women are out to get you, or something like that. Those beliefs are something, but they're certainly not high IQ beliefs, because they're, as far as I can tell unsubstantiated. It's pretty easy for me to appeal to facts in the world that substantiate my beliefs. So why can't you do the same?

Maybe your life is centered around what women think of you, so you hate the object of your desire so intensely because it constantly disappoints you in some way? So you are mistaking the way the world is, for what your preoccupations are? I mean, given you're getting defensive about your intelligence this early, and as a routine way of dealing with anyone who disagrees with you, I would say some introspection on that count is in order. It seems like, at least, you're conscious of some mistake you're making, though that doesn't make the feeling of it any less real.

Most every other place on the internet blames men for any negative circumstance they experience, from being cheated on to being bullied. This place men do confide in one another our experiences and use humor to help support one another, but normies still come here everyday and tell us if we lift weights we’ll grow several inches and look like Chad.

Have you tried holding frame in the red pill reddit

Full of retards trying to "talk tough". If you say anything about being lonely you could get banned pretty quick. /r/asktrp is better since they actually consider the reality of human experience


Hold frame bro!

There are not nearly enough support groups for men.


Stay AWAY from this sub if you want good advice. This place is full of jaded, bitter, and toxic people. They share stories (most of them are made up) and then reinforce this anti-woman rhetoric that will brainwash anyone with low self esteem. I feel bad for any younger man that stumbles across this place and gets brainwashed by the evil, garbage people on here.

This sub only good for a face palm.

this sub is truth

blackpill keeps conforming itself

“Most of them made up” holy shit this is so incorrect. I’ve had similar experiences to most of these stories.

I've only been browsing this thread for a couple weeks, and it's very clear that most of the stories here are heavily embellished, or flat-out fiction. I'd take anoth wild guess that most of the posters here are still in high school. It would explain the lack of maturity and understanding of the real world.

You are so wrong it’s not even funny. Please give me an example of a story that is fiction

I'm not trying to be funny. This sub is a very dangerous place for a impressionable young man to stumble upon. It's fun to vent and rant, but this sub promotes dangerous lies about the female population. This place is like a cult. As for proof, it's everywhere in this sub. If you can't determine "truth from fiction" then I'd suggest getting off this sub ASAP as you're already brainwashed.

Lmfao so you can’t show one example. How about you leave the sub ASAP and stop spreading these lies

LOL, want me to copy/paste every lie that's been said about a woman here?

No. I just want one example of a made up story

One example. My comments keep asking for one example

Thats why the cucks and feminist women on inceltears want to bully you and want this community banned. They dont want you to have a male support group because it might blackpill or redpill some of these normies about our feminist society.

r/Incels was the funniest subreddit ever, I would kill for it to come back.

yeah it'sa tough for this to be a place where guys can "open up about their insecurities" when this is infested with bullies

No. I just want one example of a made up story

One example. My comments keep asking for one example

the end of r/incels was honestly devastating for me I felt a void untill I found this sub, even though it is not as great I think this place does just fine