Demonization of low value males.

79  2018-05-21 by Grand_boy

I've noticed that over the last few years there has been a massive demonisation of Low SMV guys as horrible monsters. You don't have to look far to see it every where on the internet or real life. Quiet socially awkward men are being branded as evil "nice guys" and are apparently the real abusers and manipulators, although never showing signs of either, because they dared to complain. Neck beards are no longer just losers but evil "alt-righters" , even when they don't care about politics, so its all right to make fun of them, bully and harras. A low SMV guy minding his own business is an evil creep, that HR should fire. Bullying victims are the real aggressors if there low SMV. A low SMV presence is seen as evil in itself if he dares to be next to a woman. All this as high SMV males get away with more disturbing shit everyday. It seems that not giving woman tingils is no longer a sign of you being unattractive but a sign you're pure evil and filled with hatred.


Being sub8 will actually be illegal soon, the genetic cleansing is approaching fast

The trend is very worrying. I fear in the future this will be very dark place if people sence of justice is futher feminised.

Hey, Grand_boy, just a quick heads-up:
futher is actually spelled further. You can remember it by begins with fur-.
Have a nice day!

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Ugliness will be outbred naturally or artificially by 2050 guaranteed

no, i'd say 2100 or 2200 tbh theres still a decent amount of uglies having babies

If the normies had any sense of decency or grace, they'd issue each of us a bottle of Nembutal and let us finally have control over some aspect of our lives.

Please, who's going to slave away at work to get raped by taxes so their bastard children get raised?

No way in hell. Society needs its betabux.

Incel revolution when

Its not illegal in the same way that being black was never "illegal". Actually the measures taken are more effective: Massive "soft" discrimination. Harder to get a job, more scrutiny from women (and now law enforcement). As formerly male spaces become "feminized" and the incel stereotype becomes more widely-spread, even other males will start rejecting men for their looks. Anything is better than being associated with the "nigger of the world".

100% this. Especially the “nice guys are the real abusers because they dare to complain about women’s saying they want one thing and going for another.”

Nice guys are NOT the “real abusers.” That idea is just to shut them up.

this so much. I see real abuser Chad being displayed as "at least honest and not deceiving like nice guys" who actually never did abuse.

Ugly male discrimination, chad privilege and the mental gymnastics people go trough to justify Chad and blame ugly men are ridiculous.

There’s probably some kind of psychological term for associating unrelated negative traits with a person or thing that has a negative image. I’ve seen it in completely unrelated topics.

I do a lot of hiking, and anyone who’s done any hiking has probably heard the term “cotton kills.” This is because cotton clothing doesn’t dry after a day of hiking, and if the temperatures drop low enough you can be exposed to hypothermia. But when people list the negative aspects of cotton (abrasive, heavy, stretches wen wet, etc.) it’s innevitable that someone will mention that it smells bad. Odor is a problem with synthetics, not cotton, but because cotton is the literal worst, it simply must contain every bad aspect of hiking clothing.

When I was heavily involved in BMX there was a debate about aluminum frames (they never did catch on). Everyone knew they wher weaker with a trade off for less weight, but again someone would chime in to say they flexed more than steel frames. Aluminum is extremely stiff compared to steel. It’s pretty common knowledge. But aluminum is bad because it breaks easily, therefore it must be bad in every way.

I’m sure you could find examples about videogame consoles. Maybe someone is claiming one model has fewer exclusive games and everyone agrees on that, but it’s also less powerful or something when in reality it’s just as good or better than its competitor. I don’t now anything about vidya.

Very good observation.

its just the reverse of the halo effect. call it horn effect or whatever.

When you don't have good enough reasons to dislike something you do dislike, you make up shit about the thing in question to make your hate just. As minoxidilcel said, it's the reverse halo effect.

Well this was inevitably going to happen when there were public campaigns that treated low-SMV men alone in public as potential child molesters and other sexual criminals. Of course the hysteria is going to get worse and worse.

Look, guys, if you looked like the first Homo Neanderthal, women would still want you if you had 💰💰 so work on that

The cope is strong with this one

She wants the money, not the man. She's already planning on stealing the money via divorce. It's her "starter marriage" and she already has people cheering her on for stealing your money, even though she hasn't met you yet.

You guys take away our youth and beauty, you make our vaginas wider with your offspring, you never make us cum, you give us wrinkles and you eventually cheat and call us names, you deserve all of that and more, taking away your money is the least we can do you cheating lying pieces of shit

can u pm me nudes?

You guys take away our youth and beauty,

No, father time did that.

I joking used to say that women would blame men for time. Here it is...

taking away your money is the least we can do you cheating lying pieces of shit

nah, I had a woman financial advisor tell me at age 15 never to get married because you dumb sluts age so fast that you're not a wise investment.

Good, go invest in a yacht, that'll bring you women, what are you waiting for

Waiting to see a picture of your (self-proclaimed) gaping vagina, wrinkled face, eunuch/orgasmless face, and your low income surroundings.

You painted quite the picture of your brothel. We want to see!

I'm non of these things actually, and I'm not a feminist, but I sense a lot of misogyny on your side, like I said, invest in that yacht already, maybe women will start loving you and you'd stop being a pathetic incel :D

Posting an emoji at the end of your argument is the definition of trigger roastie.

Enjoy being a complete failure who can't even properly troll the internet.

Who more triggered? A guy who analyzes every single sentence and responds with a paragraph or a girl who posts a smily? :D

I'm not triggered at all, keep your paragraphs coming, its the Internet, nothing really matters here, I can just block you and it'll be it :D


I'm not triggered at all, keep your paragraphs coming, its the Internet, nothing really matters here, I can just block you and it'll be it :D

That emoji tho. Why you so mad you old wrinkly skank. Go get that alimony and live your life, sheeesh.

☹️☹️ ok incel

Posting an emoji at the end of your argument is the definition of triggered roastie.

yep good catch

u can make a documentary on the downsides of feminism and rudderless aging sluts, starring yourself. It'll be the most attention you've ever had.

fuck that is word rape.

you prob some ugly 6.5/10 looking ass bitch because 1. your on reddit and 2. you don't realise you can just not fuck them xd

Not every guy is interested in being settled for and used as a beta provider. If the physical attraction isn't there, her "interest" in him essentially amounts to prostitution.

This comment is right on the money:

"This nice guy hatred is an elaborate method to hide the fact that women's sexual preferences are not nearly as virtuous as women and society claim they are. So, in order to rationalize feeling much more attracted to primitive men, the nice guys must be painted as super evil."

big comment

so sick of stupid slut girls rejecting me

Sub8s will be publicly hung pretty soon

Project mayhem now

The trend is very worrying. I fear in the future this will be very dark place if people sence of justice is futher feminised.

Hey, Grand_boy, just a quick heads-up:
futher is actually spelled further. You can remember it by begins with fur-.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

If the normies had any sense of decency or grace, they'd issue each of us a bottle of Nembutal and let us finally have control over some aspect of our lives.

No way in hell. Society needs its betabux.

Incel revolution when

Its not illegal in the same way that being black was never "illegal". Actually the measures taken are more effective: Massive "soft" discrimination. Harder to get a job, more scrutiny from women (and now law enforcement). As formerly male spaces become "feminized" and the incel stereotype becomes more widely-spread, even other males will start rejecting men for their looks. Anything is better than being associated with the "nigger of the world".

Ugliness will be outbred naturally or artificially by 2050 guaranteed