This image was posted by a female journalist from a major conservative newspaper preaching family values

116  2018-05-21 by Idk12344482305


Ftm frame tbh

"he" has child bearing hips


generally yes, but a good face wont save you if you're 5ft3 and have the frame of a 9 year old girl like myself

Copus maximus

It's ovER.

surprised hes not black.white conservatives fantasize about black cock the most

"Family values" = sit on your arse while Chad pays for your extravagant lifestyle, raises your kids, keeps you entertained, impresses your gal pals, does the housework, cooks, and role plays your most degenerate fantasies to keep your tingles aflame, meanwhile the sword of Damocles aka divorce is always hanging over his head the second he missteps. Don't fall for the tradcuck meme boys.

Highest IQ comment

We just need to get rid of diverce so men have all the power in a relationship

The blackpill knows no demographic.

Always makes me lol when conservativecels talk about "traditional women".

The rise of inceldom is very closely connected to the prominence of progressive ideas

conservatism goes these ideas

go fuck yourself faggot

You mad your "traditional women" are sluts deep down like the rest of them?

Fuck you and your fantasy, right wing fruitcake.

If you were born 20-30 years earlier 90% of us wouldn't be incel. FACT.

That word, I do not think you know what it means.

“Right wing” women are the biggest hoes in my experience. As a black dude, I could post some Tinder screenshots that would blow your mind.

Women don’t have any ideology though.

very low iq post. Women are way more susceptible to following norms and these norms have changed because of progressivism permeating through the schools and all of media. Men could control women before and we can do it again.

“Conservative” women are just as slutty. Women’s nature doesn’t change.

I've literally mentioned in every post in this thread how inceldom very much is a product of modern times and the incels of before were the drug dealers, criminals or retards, people who deserve to be incel. It was 100x easier to find a wife just 30 years ago, and even easier before that.

But you just won't respond to that argument.

Because I totally agree with that. I don’t question that conservativism is an inherently better ideology than liberalism. I question whether so-called “conservative women” are really better than liberal ones. I say no.

In that case I agree. Conservative women are like gamer girls, just trying to find some niche.

I thought you wanted a slutty woman.

did i really?

They act sanctimonious, called "reformed whore syndrome"

pecs are deflated

AWALT. All women are like that; there are no mystical unicorns. Time to stop being surprised by this. If a woman is "woke" or "conservative," she's not, really; she just understands that not crossing the line is a safer option for her in the long run. They're all fueled by extreme self-preservation and narcissism, some are just slightly smarter about it than others.

"Conservative" just means "pay for my shit" in this scenario.

If she isn't a virgin who doesn't talk about sex, she isn't conservative. PERIOD.

"I'm a conservative woman and yes I have sex with men, and yes, I talk about sex and attraction, and yes I write for a major newspaper but I'm actually traditional still because I expect you to pay for my shit.

Not that liberal women are better. Liberal women are basically inside out at this point from all the dick and abortions.

That guy is actually not that attractive face wise. It's only his body.

maybe by PSL standards. but by normie standards, decent jaw structure and nice smile = good looking

He has a good jaw. and his eye area/harmony makes him BEAUTIFUL by normie standards.

IRL, ive never seen a guy with a receding chin or bad jaw structure get any positive attention from girls, unless he was running beard game or was a teenage boy with fuccboi hair.

Chicos jawline is literally closer together than his skull so you can't even see the right side of it at that angle. True Chads have thick jawlines and yuo can see the whole thing. Also Chico has a receding chin.

unphotoshopped is chico in the middle.

Not that receding. looks normal. I think i have a different picture of what a receding chin in my head than what you think

Mhmm. Interesting. I think your right.

I know one asian chad dude that has a slightly receding chin, but slays more than me because he has a god tier jaw and muscles. Basically a more chaddier version of me. I'm 5 10, and he's 6 foot flat.

chico has a bad jaw and slays


AWALT. It's over.

All women, regardless of political ideology, are still women. In fact most "conservative" women are just doing it for the money, I doubt they seriously care.

You’d expect them to post a loving family with an average dad and mother with kids, but even they lust over Chad.

The rise of inceldom is very closely connected to the prominence of progressive ideas

conservatism goes these ideas

go fuck yourself faggot