Daily reminder: it's because you're unattractive.

115  2018-05-21 by maskedcel

Wondering about your lack of dating success? It's because you're unattractive.

Woman being standoffish or mean to you? It's because you're unattractive.

Woman giving you "normal" behavior (like a barista)? It's because you're unattractive.

People from IT/normies feeding you platitudes? It's because you're unattractive.

In all of these scenarios, if you were truly attractive (think like Orb from Sluthate), things would play out differently.

Pass me the rope.


Amen brother. Bluepilled thinking is slapping psychobabble onto biological truths.

I’m a mentalcel and have dozens of solid interactions to prove that’s my cause

Same although I wonder how much of being mentalcel is simply lacking the ability to slot into the requirements of modernity where being mentally sound is predicated on being attractive (considering our ego formulation through school so heavily defines us)

i dont like mentalcels because soon enough they make it while i am stuck in this invisible cage

I'm mentalcel, 29, and have zero prospects for the foreseeable future. So unless finding someone at, like, 45 is "soon enough," and a washed up, used up, ex cc riding single mother counts, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, boyo.

see thats the probleme man , you have no idea what being a truecel is , just from reading your comment i can tell.

not even used up post riding roasties thats wants a betabux wants me i am literally the bottom of the bottom

I have yet to be approached, even by post cc riding roasties. I'm guessing at my future.

OMG... Someone treated you "normally". You must be UGLY!!!


What do you want them to do? Strip naked and lie on the counter telling you to take them now? Fuck off. People can treat others normally. It doesn't have to be an endless round of flirtation. Besides, how many of those women treating you "normally" are in relationships or married? Would you want your girlfriend or wife flirting like a whore with every guy she met?

Your lack of dating success could be that you're shy or lack social skills. Someone being standoffish could be that you were rude to them, or they're having a bad day.

The word "platitude" gets thrown around a lot, but if you look at the meaning, at the core of it is the truth, but it's said so often it's become boring.

You look at how Chad gets treated. You look at how you get treated.

The reason isn't hard to deduce.

I get treated politely, because I am polite to people. I say "please" and "thank you". I smile. I hold doors for people and smile, because it is polite, and because I'm not selfish. I generally get a "thank you" and a smile back. It's not much, just little things, but it's little things that can make a day a wee bit brighter, and make someone else's say a bit more pleasant.

I don't make distinctions between young and old, male or female, ugly or good looking. You can thank my parents for bringing me up properly.

I get treated politely, because I am polite to people and I am not an ugly male


Shockingly enough, I am even polite to ugly males. If more people were brought up with good manners (something that seems to be dying out these days) then the world would be a much nicer place.

good for you

too bad that you are outmatched 3,700,000,000 to 1.

I think you'll find I'm not the only one with manners in the female world.

Guess I’ve had sht luck my whole life then, huh?

Or maybe you're just rude and abrasive so people don't feel the need to be polite to you and only go for tolerant civility.

Throwing baseless insults and random unproven assumptions doesn’t seem very polite... 🤔🤔🤔

And yet you do it.

And my insults are never baseless.

Really? Are you spying on me with a pair of binoculars?

No, I've seen your posts here.

Well luckily for me, I actually have the cognitive capacity to seperate the internet from real-life, thus my behavior on the internet is much different than in real-life.

Hey, Rhodri_Kraakman, just a quick heads-up:
seperate is actually spelled separate. You can remember it by -par- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

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stupid bot let me be retarded in piece

Well, jolly good for you. I'm sure you are a shining beacon of delight and manners, helping old ladies across the road and all that.

You're still a smug prick on here though.

Well, jolly good for you. I'm sure you are a shining beacon of delight and manners, helping old ladies across the road and all that.


You're still a smug prick on here though.

I know this is meant to be an insult, but somehow this specific one makes me feel as proud as... a smug prick. So... thanks! I try my best :)

" B-b-but i'm different "

We haven't scheduled our online date yet

People make promises about stuff like that, then never mail...

I mean, in fairness people do treat you better if you’re attractive. Yeah a shit personality will make a pretty person unattractive but a good personality will only take you so far with the public at large.

I flirt and use innuendos with female friends and acquaintances all the time. It’s a mutual laugh, and I of course cut the shit out if I sense any discomfort from it. I’ve seen other people get treated as creeps for the same kinda jokes because they’re not as attractive.

I think this is one of those “check your privilege” moments.

Not everyone thinks your unattractive. If you don't follow the 'beauty' standards that coolio in my opinion , you just need to have a good personality. People have preferences too , everyone has their own idea of what's attractive. And finding out your unattractive might be motivation for self improvement.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder bro!"

My parents tell me this every single fucking time.

It’s true. And maybe someday you’ll grow up and realize that.

And maybe someday you won't be a preachy, condescending nutsack.

Nah I’ll keep being one until you get it. The concept of beauty is subjective and varies widely across cultures and time and it’s fucking made up and doesn’t matter. All vaginas feel exactly the same. The only thing that really matters is personality. Attractive men have terrible personalities because they don’t have to be nice to people so why envy how much pussy they get? The women they fuck are fake and dumb because they’re attractive too.

Fuck them. Settle for a girl you can get and just be sexually satisfied instead of subjecting the internet to your collective tantrum. “Roasties” and “ugly girls” suck dick too you know, and they can be cool people and they’re capable of loving you. And That. Is. All. That. Matters. Period.

Stop torturing yourself. There are 7 billion people on this planet and most of them wanna fuck, you are more than capable of fucking another human being.

And if you’re not, then stop being such a fucking crybaby and get on with your life because posting and commenting on this subreddit is the least productive thing you could be doing right now.

Not reading your bullshit. Fuck off, judgmental faggot.

You’re only saying that because you know I’m right. Just give it up. Leave this fucking place and find a hobby that doesn’t include constantly shitting on yourself and others.

Look at this fucking guy preaching as if he knows anything about my life.

If you actually knew my plans and how I'm making ends meet day-to-day, you'd be eating shit right now. I post here to vent, I could give a fuck less whether or not it makes someone like you uncomfortable or not.

Don't like it? Don't fucking read it.

Seriously, "advice" like yours is counter-productive to survival and could get me killed.

"Just get a hobby bro" sounds nice, but how well do you know my circumstances? How do you know what I need to do in order to survive?

Fucking normies.

I wonder why women won't fuck you.

Because I'm physically repulsive. Bluepilled cuck.

Physically and personally. Does your family even like talking to you?

I'm late by about one post, but here we go:

And here come the ill-fitting normie platitudes.

Everything is everyone else's fault. Keep being you!

So accurate.

You and your 4 paragraph long text sounds more whiny than any incel here tbh.

It's true for men. They have a huge variety of preferences (just look at all those BBW sub). Women on the other hand all share a similar taste (look at the sub /r/ladyboners). On the surface they also have quite some variety but it's always about getting genetical superiority.

I dont get why its so hard for people to grasp the concept of "the top male fucks, and every other male doesnt" thats nearly ubiquitous in nature. It makes too much sense from an evolutionary standpoint to deny or dismiss it. Female sexual selectivity for the top guy literally is how nature ensures the fittest genes make it through the next "gate". Baffles me that people either dont get this or are too weak minded to accept it as a fundamental aspect of our reality.

Yeah they almost act like they were Evolution deniers.

How the FUCK am I going to self-improve the structure of my facial skeleton

Lol no, science has confirmed that there is a universal standard for attractiveness that all humans follow. Saying otherwise is just a cope.

Nah it's cause of my personality 😀 bruh


No matter what I do, women of all shapes and sizes are always standoffish, distant, contempt, etc.

my mom says im handsome

Mine doesn't. Pass me the rope.

Now finally just TAKE that fucking rope, instead of only talking about it! The world is totally overpopulated anyway so fucking hell end no one would care.

This is a bottom of the barrel IT member, don’t listen to this worthless sack of shit. Someone screenshot his posts and add them to the archive.

And another one who obviously has to much "anxiety" to just go outside and buy a single stupid rope. Shitting about women od on skittles and still not getting the job done themselves. Boring!

I remember a black twitter post that went something like "remember, looks matter. if you were better looking you would have the person you want"


You guys will find someone one day, then you'll feel fucking stupid for wasting this time pitying yourselves.

Nah. I'm not going to judge myself like an asshole (like you), I'll understand that it was a rough time for myself and needed to vent.

Yeah until that someone divorce rapes you and you realize you were betabux all along.

Looks are everything.

You look at how Chad gets treated. You look at how you get treated.

The reason isn't hard to deduce.

I get treated politely, because I am polite to people and I am not an ugly male


Well, jolly good for you. I'm sure you are a shining beacon of delight and manners, helping old ladies across the road and all that.


You're still a smug prick on here though.

I know this is meant to be an insult, but somehow this specific one makes me feel as proud as... a smug prick. So... thanks! I try my best :)

You’re only saying that because you know I’m right. Just give it up. Leave this fucking place and find a hobby that doesn’t include constantly shitting on yourself and others.

I wonder why women won't fuck you.