Reading normie subreddits is suicide fuel

73  2018-05-21 by bcat124

I was never anyone's crush, and never will be. I never got to experience what it feels like to make your crush smile. I never got that mindblowing first kiss. The intense yet clumsy first love. The second gf that picks you up from your first heartbreak and makes you enjoy life again.

All these emotions, these necessary life experiences that everyone keeps talking about. and Im just sitting here in pure agony. Only to have an IT scum tell me that it's "no big deal", and that im "not entitled", or that it's all my fault and I deserve it.

Man, Fuck this life.


Pretty sure some girl liked me during Highschool. It wouldn't have worked out though because we were both quiet. Probably the most quiet girl I'd even saw.

teehee that quiet guy in hs was so creepy, good thing chads got my back

and then she goes on to "find herself" in college, or at least let chad search through her insides

Reading stuff of that nature is pure unfiltered deathfuel. "It's no big deal. I mean I've had around 18 sexual partners this week but that doesn't mean anything it's just sex, yes it's something I'm clearly not deprived of. But that's not important just don't be so entitled fucking ew." Im dead

Normies talk about love like it's some sort of everyday thing.

I wonder what it's like to be in love, or have someone love you.

From my few experiences, being in love with women = they cheat on you when they find better.

I hope reincarnation is real.

How are you so sure we'll come back as something better?

Can u be worse?

Yes definitely. If you can type on an Internet forum, you probably can too

I hope it isn't real


I don't wanna live again... It's too hard

Why? Do you hope to come back as something in particular?

That's what hurts the most, to be honest. To know nobody will ever have a secret crush on you. Nobody will ever confess their love to you or be happy when you ask them out. The best I can hope for is someone settling for me and, if I'm lucky, eventually getting to kinda like me. But nobody will ever be head over heels for me...

You were never anyone's crush, not even like a fat girl's in elementary school?

Such is the life of us subhumans.

They're pretty much every. For some reason in pretty much every community full of virgins they shove themselves in in some way or form.




I also remember using FA years before incels were a thing and they were saying the exact thing about them even though they weren't hostile. Their gripes weren't even that bad. At the time though I didn't realize my situation. Back when the sub had a lot of rage comics and I assumed it was only that. Good times.

Seems now that they see a group of people like us who had crazy people and shit on us. But it's fine because they find a few people saying negative things against women and that warrants torturing others. The fact that there's a rule against virgin shaming says a lot. I have to deal with this shit online and in real life since people can take one look at me and tell I'm a loser.

I'm tired. Waiting for my mom to take me to get my ID and Drivers Liscense so I can get a proper job without interacting with people. Maybe I'll buy some dmt to experience something other than this. I worked at kroger bagging and let me tell you, I'm never working with people again. People and coworkers are mean. They're pretty much the reason I started self-reflecting and hating myself. Then I put the puzzle together and I have no idea how I haven't seen it before. All of the people calling me ugly, on the street, at school, by each and every one of my friends, family members, co-workers, strangers and so on. I felt so fucking stupid. If psychedelics don't change anything then I'll just kill myself.

Fuck you IT. You may not realize it but you're just making people feel even more depressed and resentful. Get off your fucking high horse and stop fueling the fire. We already deal with enough.

Ugh, fuck grocery store work. My only cope right now is that the job I get after graduating will be slightly better due to being in an office...

Some personal advice: You shouldn’t look at psychedelics as something that will change you by themselves. You have to have an open, positive mindset and be humble. They’re a tool that can give you the insight to make changes to your life, or even change your whole outlook on life in general, but going into a major trip like DMT while depressed and frustrated can fuck your shit up, even exacerbate underlying mental illnesses.

Before tripping, I suggest you try and clear your mind of your ugliness, your frustration with others and with yourself as much as possible. Focus on the bigger picture, outside of human social constructs. Find one thing that makes you want to live and dedicate yourself to it.

You may even achieve the ultimate “cope”: not giving a fuck about what other people think of you.

Listening so sad songs in the background as I browse. This hit me hard :(

From my few experiences, being in love with women = they cheat on you when they find better.