The absolute state of roasties

81  2018-05-20 by SchlomoSilverberg


eat, pray, fuck chad

Aka r/ mgtow

voids just being voids.

easy mode

Look at that smile. Must have been lot of good "dates". She can barely stand straight anymore.

Imaging being so valued by default just for being you.

Just breathing*

cosmopolitan is suifuel my sister used to read them

Women’s mags and their dime-store smut books are filled with stories of women who leave their husbands and sometimes even children to go “find themselves” AKA ride the unclipped international cock carousel. Women actually find this inspiring. It just further proves our points about them.

50 shades of chad

Could you imagine as a guy, you could just go to a foreign country with a small amount of money and have all your needs taken care of by women you fuck?

that happens in reverse though

Can't imagine tbh

Not only do you get to see the world, but you get loads of sex and freebies at the same time.

sex tourism from white females ends up in countries with dark skinned men

its really over

i bet this girl meant Spain and Italy, not Sweden norway or germany

Slay girl slay!!

betabuxinx maxing out. lol