Wallow in it like the virgin pig you are. I'll be over here with the smart people having heaps of sex while laughing at pathetic losers like you. You're probably not even white.
Yea I noticed that. It’s still incredibly fucked up to say shit like that, even if it’s trolling. You get one person in a certain frame of mind and you could have a suicide.... Anyone who trolls other people like that is a fucking asshole. Self-esteem is not a joke. And racism is fucked up no matter what.
The more that you incels mock the fact that people incorrectly think all Incels hate women, the higher the probability that the outside groups trying to brand "Incels" as women-haters will realize that Incels don't actually hate women.
I don't doubt it. I had a major change of heart recently about incels. I don't fit the bill personally, but it must suck to get rejected all the time - and then told that you are a nazi for no reason. That is fucked up.
I don't know, I was thinking about it since the other guy asked. What would you guys call someone that would be an incel but has no need for companionship at all?
like , its hard to say you are an incel if you aren't actively being locked out of anything, right? I am still figuring out the lingo, and its even more confusing when most of the labels are talking about things I don't think about lol
For sure bro, theres a drop off bro for sure. Incels have never had sex. But I'd say if you haven't had sex before 21 you are in a way always sexually challenged because you didn't get to experience taking a sweet teenage virgin. And every man should experience that cause its one of sweetest things a bro can do.
Don't listen to this guy. An incel is someone who is unlovable by women due to poor physical features. i.e. no matter how much they try, they will never get to enjoy one of the most basic feelings all humans crave: love. The name 'incel' doesn't tell the whole story, as sex is not the thing we want, but a relationship. Actual incels are called truecels (truly limited by poor genetics) but many here are trolls and volcels (voluntary incels, i.e. genetics are fine but have a poor mentality). Hope that helps, normie.
See, that was my original understanding , so the idea of dating at all for an incel was kind of hitting me odd. The way you described it makes a little more sense.
also, I don't think I am a normie. I don't know what I am..you know that movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Whatever label Benecio Del Toro is in that movie.. I'm that.
I was a kissless virgin until 21 years old. I was a tall mentalcel who lost about 20 pounds and then socialmaxed and looksmaxed until I could finally hold a conversation with a female. I feel like an ascended incel and until I got my gf I felt like I'd be a kissless virgin incel forever. Looking at this reddit though I'm a rare exception and incels have my infinite sympathy because I know that shitty feeling when you're hanging out with a few guys and a girl and the girl is so much more into the other guys because you're an invisible weirdo
taking a sweet teenage virgin. And every man should experience that cause its one of sweetest things a bro can do.
There is one prime teen pussy for every man but we all missed out because some men decided that they felt like taking several and leaving others with nothing. Literally how am I supposed to accept this? How could I NOT hate cunts and chad? Just lol at expecting us to just lay down and be okay with that.
Same, I thought I was incel for a stint and after lurking here and meeting real incel, I realized that these dudes get way more hate then they deserve. I love you guys that can joke about this terrible reality
Brah, you gotta stop bowing down to Chads. Are you really gonna kneel before Chads, and let us take that sweet young pussy too. Work on yourself and get some of that tight virgin pussy. It's not to late. I've deflowered 3 girls in my short life and my goal is to have 5 in my trophy case. Dude, stop bowing down and get some.
Is that the crux of all this? That incels don’t really hate women, and that it’s all a show? Is that why you guys say that this isn’t your real life personae? I think I might be starting to get it. Say what you will, call me a stupid femoid whore and downvote me to oblivion, but I think I get it.
Btw, when I was 19 I dated an incel before the term became well known. He was 25 and had never kissed a girl. I thought it was endearing that he shook the first time we kissed, and I can guarantee that other girls feel the same way about dating guys who don’t have much experience.
I mean, I am not a member of this group so I can't speak for them - but personally I think its odd you would respond to me and just assume I would say/think those negative things about you.
I am not even sure where the line is. Like, does that make someone an incel? They were able to get a date eventually so after that point I don't even know how this community views them.
You’re right. I guess I wasn’t referring to you explicitly. I did see that you said you don’t identify as an incel. I’m just anticipating the backlog of hate I’m about to get from the other readers.
Truth is, if the ability to ever get a date in the future negates someone from being an incel, most of these guys aren’t incels either. Bc despite how hopeless they feel now, most of these guys will eventually meet someone. Just because someone is a virgin at 20 or 25, it doesn’t mean they will be forever.
That is true. I would imagine if dating means that much to them, they will eventually find someone. I don't date at all because that is what works for me, but I would imagine feeling like you are "blocked out of dating world" would really suck. These guys end up with far more of my sympathy than anything else, because I get where they are coming from - and there will also be some incels that never find anyone and truly are incels. They would say that all the guys we are talking about aren't really incels either because if you could surmount the issues holding you back then they were never insurmountable to begin with.
It's a little confusing. lol At the same time..I can see how they probably don't want to hear that. It's like if you fell and broke your arm , it would suck if someone walked up and said "Hey, you will be better in 8 weeks! ;)" and walked off it would probably piss you off. I think hearing from women here ends up being a negative experience because ultimately women can't relate to the struggle of finding someone in the ways they can. This is how I see it, for now, I am still learning.
I think a lot of things would piss me off if I was an incel. That’s why I say I’m starting to get it. And I’m sorry for talking about incels as if I wasn’t in an incel sub. It’s fucked up and I would hate being talked about by outsiders if I were in the comfort of my own community. But the truth is that most things seems insurmountable until you achieve them. Things have a very weird way of working themselves out over time. That’s all.
I am totally in the same boat. I try to really just ask questions here because I am interested in how they feel as a group and what their ideals are. The one thing that became pretty clear to me is that a group that "hated women" wouldn't be so upset over not being able to attract women.
Like I said, I personally dated a guy who thought he’d be alone forever and who never kissed a girl until he was 25. Seriously, life gets better. Girls aren’t stupid cheerleaders forever. They grow up and mature, too. Priorities change when you go from one stage of life to another. Sure, a lot of women suck. But a lot of them learn how to identify a good guy when they see one.
And besides that, 30 is still young! I truly, deeply believe that anyone who wants a relationship, and who keeps trying to find one, will eventually be successful. The first step is to acknowledge that the game is bullshit. Pick up lines don’t work, and neither does Tinder. Make more friends, widen your social circle, keep as busy as you can, and do the things that make you feel good about yourself. There is nothing sexier than confidence.
30 is not young. I've given up on ever finding a girlfriend. The only reason I haven't roped yet is because I keep myself busy, which resulted in my own business, but that's all I have going for me. Even that doesn't make me feel good anymore though. I don't think a human being can genuinely be happy when they're isolated and unwanted, but very few people can comprehend that because they'll never experience it.
30 is definitely young. There’s still a good 40+ years ahead of you. Truthfully, I don’t think most people are even ready for serious relationships much before 30.
And it’s fucking impressive as hell that you have your own business, especially in the economy we’ve had for the past decade. To have your own business by 30 is even more impressive.
I understand isolation and feeling unwanted. I’ve had severe depression my whole life (since I was 7). It fucking sucks and it makes your brain see things that aren’t real. It’s hard as hell to break out of and it really is self-perpetuating. I’ve had a good week, but as recently as last Saturday I was ready to end things myself. Just know that you aren’t alone and that there are people who want to listen to your story.
My depression can't be broken out of because it's a natural response to my horrible circumstances, that's called being human. I'm not supposed to be happy in this state.
Most people are depressed due to mental illness, I'm not.
How about 35? Or 40? Or 45? There's a few 45 year olds on here.
There is nothing sexier than confidence.
Fuck off, roastie. There's nothing sexier than confidence from a sexy person. Confidence from an ugly person doesn't change them being ugly.
Fuck off with your just world fallacy bullshit. My grandmother's brother never got married and was an incel his entire life. He lives in solitude 5 or 6 hours away from my state's capital city.
Lol ok. That’s a word that seriously should stay on the playground. Any time an adult uses it, it’s much more indicative of a problem with the user than with the target.
Regardless, plenty of bad things have happened to me. Some terrible things, in fact. Bad things happen to everyone. But I keep trying, don’t blame others, and work to improve myself.
You’re right, and I feel bad about it. That was back when I thought you guys really believed that stuff about hating women. I see I was wrong, and I apologize.
And how could it be virtue signaling when I know all it’s going to get me are downvotes and a bunch of slurs? It’s not getting me status. No one is going to like me more because I said it. Just the opposite.
This just isn't true, I don't know why people like you continue to perpetuate this lie. You need to be going out and looking good for that possibility, but if you look below average you're fucked.
You definitely need to be going out, you’re right. Isolation doesn’t help at all. But plenty of below average looking people find love. Lots of relationships start out as friendships and turn into something more over time. Call it a lie, but I’ve seen it happen many times.
I totally agree, everyone should! Sadly lots of people don't get the chance because they are overworked. Companies should start offering sport and wellness benefit packages to their employees, especially women, as it not only helps the employees healthy and makes them live longer, it also helps productivity.
These posts are some of the most wholesome stuff I've seen on this sub. The hilarity of baiting + a well intended message is super funny and great for counter arguments for people who claim all uncles are bad people/woman haters.
I don't doubt it. I had a major change of heart recently about incels. I don't fit the bill personally, but it must suck to get rejected all the time - and then told that you are a nazi for no reason. That is fucked up.
Wallow in it like the virgin pig you are. I'll be over here with the smart people having heaps of sex while laughing at pathetic losers like you. You're probably not even white.
Is that the crux of all this? That incels don’t really hate women, and that it’s all a show? Is that why you guys say that this isn’t your real life personae? I think I might be starting to get it. Say what you will, call me a stupid femoid whore and downvote me to oblivion, but I think I get it.
Btw, when I was 19 I dated an incel before the term became well known. He was 25 and had never kissed a girl. I thought it was endearing that he shook the first time we kissed, and I can guarantee that other girls feel the same way about dating guys who don’t have much experience.
1 Salvador66 2018-05-20
Quality title, indeed.
1 IWillRopeAnyDayNow 2018-05-20
I love these lmao
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
That is a damning statement about yourself. These are cancerous garbage lacking any creativity or wit.
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-20
Sure, whatever you say bud.
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
Enjoy your stupidity.
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-20
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
Wallow in it like the virgin pig you are. I'll be over here with the smart people having heaps of sex while laughing at pathetic losers like you. You're probably not even white.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Wow, that’s a fucked up thing to say to someone. Fuck you. I don’t agree with the shit these guys say, but it’s no reason to be a racist prick.
1 Pyrokill 2018-05-20
His name is chad the mad lad, it's a troll account
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Yea I noticed that. It’s still incredibly fucked up to say shit like that, even if it’s trolling. You get one person in a certain frame of mind and you could have a suicide.... Anyone who trolls other people like that is a fucking asshole. Self-esteem is not a joke. And racism is fucked up no matter what.
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-20
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
Said every girl you've ever flirted with.
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-20
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-20
1/10, please do not try again.
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
You're probably gay.
1 PhucCheet 2018-05-20
Says the reddit neckbeard larping as Chad
1 TehArkhamKniggit 2018-05-20
Damn dude go outside and get some friends or something. Maybe you’ll have some actual attention that way.
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
You are gay and and likely prefer men of color.
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-20
Just fuck them while you have a UTI
1 Revoltization 2018-05-20
fucking hahaha
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I think posts like this are super important.
The more that you incels mock the fact that people incorrectly think all Incels hate women, the higher the probability that the outside groups trying to brand "Incels" as women-haters will realize that Incels don't actually hate women.
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-20
The blackpill is the religion of peace.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I don't doubt it. I had a major change of heart recently about incels. I don't fit the bill personally, but it must suck to get rejected all the time - and then told that you are a nazi for no reason. That is fucked up.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-20
Are you a blackpilled normie? If so, you're cool in my books. Blackpilled normies are cool in my opinion.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I don't think so? I don't get the whole label thing though.
1 Lovemesometoasts 2018-05-20
Definitely a normie
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I don't know, I was thinking about it since the other guy asked. What would you guys call someone that would be an incel but has no need for companionship at all?
like , its hard to say you are an incel if you aren't actively being locked out of anything, right? I am still figuring out the lingo, and its even more confusing when most of the labels are talking about things I don't think about lol
1 virgin_nerds 2018-05-20
Bro you're an incel if you are a virgin past the age of 18.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
yeah but what if you get a gf at 19? but she dumps you at 20.
are you an incel still? or what? There's gotta be a drop off
1 virgin_nerds 2018-05-20
For sure bro, theres a drop off bro for sure. Incels have never had sex. But I'd say if you haven't had sex before 21 you are in a way always sexually challenged because you didn't get to experience taking a sweet teenage virgin. And every man should experience that cause its one of sweetest things a bro can do.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
haha true, but the real question here is will passerbys in this comment thread be able to read your post as the satire it is? It's pretty dry! lol
1 virgin_nerds 2018-05-20
Bro it's not satire. Its the life of a Chad. I know that hard for a normie/incel to understand the life of a demi god.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
1 akillersquid 2018-05-20
Don't listen to this guy. An incel is someone who is unlovable by women due to poor physical features. i.e. no matter how much they try, they will never get to enjoy one of the most basic feelings all humans crave: love. The name 'incel' doesn't tell the whole story, as sex is not the thing we want, but a relationship. Actual incels are called truecels (truly limited by poor genetics) but many here are trolls and volcels (voluntary incels, i.e. genetics are fine but have a poor mentality). Hope that helps, normie.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
See, that was my original understanding , so the idea of dating at all for an incel was kind of hitting me odd. The way you described it makes a little more sense.
also, I don't think I am a normie. I don't know what I am..you know that movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Whatever label Benecio Del Toro is in that movie.. I'm that.
1 cardstoned 2018-05-20
I was a kissless virgin until 21 years old. I was a tall mentalcel who lost about 20 pounds and then socialmaxed and looksmaxed until I could finally hold a conversation with a female. I feel like an ascended incel and until I got my gf I felt like I'd be a kissless virgin incel forever. Looking at this reddit though I'm a rare exception and incels have my infinite sympathy because I know that shitty feeling when you're hanging out with a few guys and a girl and the girl is so much more into the other guys because you're an invisible weirdo
1 RoastBeefEnthusiast 2018-05-20
There is one prime teen pussy for every man but we all missed out because some men decided that they felt like taking several and leaving others with nothing. Literally how am I supposed to accept this? How could I NOT hate cunts and chad? Just lol at expecting us to just lay down and be okay with that.
1 Hideouslyric 2018-05-20
Ayy, you're just like me! Except I never really hated incels to begin with, just didn't realize how bad the other group was.
1 based_meme 2018-05-20
Thank you for understanding.
1 Duad-mib009 2018-05-20
Same, I thought I was incel for a stint and after lurking here and meeting real incel, I realized that these dudes get way more hate then they deserve. I love you guys that can joke about this terrible reality
1 terminopia 2018-05-20
Cope my entire race needs to be wiped out like the vermin we are.
1 virgin_nerds 2018-05-20
Brah, you gotta stop bowing down to Chads. Are you really gonna kneel before Chads, and let us take that sweet young pussy too. Work on yourself and get some of that tight virgin pussy. It's not to late. I've deflowered 3 girls in my short life and my goal is to have 5 in my trophy case. Dude, stop bowing down and get some.
A total bro
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-20
I support you, brother.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Is that the crux of all this? That incels don’t really hate women, and that it’s all a show? Is that why you guys say that this isn’t your real life personae? I think I might be starting to get it. Say what you will, call me a stupid femoid whore and downvote me to oblivion, but I think I get it.
Btw, when I was 19 I dated an incel before the term became well known. He was 25 and had never kissed a girl. I thought it was endearing that he shook the first time we kissed, and I can guarantee that other girls feel the same way about dating guys who don’t have much experience.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I mean, I am not a member of this group so I can't speak for them - but personally I think its odd you would respond to me and just assume I would say/think those negative things about you.
I am not even sure where the line is. Like, does that make someone an incel? They were able to get a date eventually so after that point I don't even know how this community views them.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
You’re right. I guess I wasn’t referring to you explicitly. I did see that you said you don’t identify as an incel. I’m just anticipating the backlog of hate I’m about to get from the other readers.
Truth is, if the ability to ever get a date in the future negates someone from being an incel, most of these guys aren’t incels either. Bc despite how hopeless they feel now, most of these guys will eventually meet someone. Just because someone is a virgin at 20 or 25, it doesn’t mean they will be forever.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
That is true. I would imagine if dating means that much to them, they will eventually find someone. I don't date at all because that is what works for me, but I would imagine feeling like you are "blocked out of dating world" would really suck. These guys end up with far more of my sympathy than anything else, because I get where they are coming from - and there will also be some incels that never find anyone and truly are incels. They would say that all the guys we are talking about aren't really incels either because if you could surmount the issues holding you back then they were never insurmountable to begin with.
It's a little confusing. lol At the same time..I can see how they probably don't want to hear that. It's like if you fell and broke your arm , it would suck if someone walked up and said "Hey, you will be better in 8 weeks! ;)" and walked off it would probably piss you off. I think hearing from women here ends up being a negative experience because ultimately women can't relate to the struggle of finding someone in the ways they can. This is how I see it, for now, I am still learning.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
I think a lot of things would piss me off if I was an incel. That’s why I say I’m starting to get it. And I’m sorry for talking about incels as if I wasn’t in an incel sub. It’s fucked up and I would hate being talked about by outsiders if I were in the comfort of my own community. But the truth is that most things seems insurmountable until you achieve them. Things have a very weird way of working themselves out over time. That’s all.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I am totally in the same boat. I try to really just ask questions here because I am interested in how they feel as a group and what their ideals are. The one thing that became pretty clear to me is that a group that "hated women" wouldn't be so upset over not being able to attract women.
Still, it's a learning process. lol
1 sleepingforever1 2018-05-20
Stop saying stuff like this.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
You don’t have to believe it. No one is forcing you to.
1 sleepingforever1 2018-05-20
You don't believe it either.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Lol then why would I say it?
Like I said, I personally dated a guy who thought he’d be alone forever and who never kissed a girl until he was 25. Seriously, life gets better. Girls aren’t stupid cheerleaders forever. They grow up and mature, too. Priorities change when you go from one stage of life to another. Sure, a lot of women suck. But a lot of them learn how to identify a good guy when they see one.
1 sleepingforever1 2018-05-20
Virtue signalling.
I'm 30 and no girl has ever wanted to kiss me.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
You don’t know that. You can’t read minds :)
And besides that, 30 is still young! I truly, deeply believe that anyone who wants a relationship, and who keeps trying to find one, will eventually be successful. The first step is to acknowledge that the game is bullshit. Pick up lines don’t work, and neither does Tinder. Make more friends, widen your social circle, keep as busy as you can, and do the things that make you feel good about yourself. There is nothing sexier than confidence.
1 sleepingforever1 2018-05-20
30 is not young. I've given up on ever finding a girlfriend. The only reason I haven't roped yet is because I keep myself busy, which resulted in my own business, but that's all I have going for me. Even that doesn't make me feel good anymore though. I don't think a human being can genuinely be happy when they're isolated and unwanted, but very few people can comprehend that because they'll never experience it.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
30 is definitely young. There’s still a good 40+ years ahead of you. Truthfully, I don’t think most people are even ready for serious relationships much before 30.
And it’s fucking impressive as hell that you have your own business, especially in the economy we’ve had for the past decade. To have your own business by 30 is even more impressive.
I understand isolation and feeling unwanted. I’ve had severe depression my whole life (since I was 7). It fucking sucks and it makes your brain see things that aren’t real. It’s hard as hell to break out of and it really is self-perpetuating. I’ve had a good week, but as recently as last Saturday I was ready to end things myself. Just know that you aren’t alone and that there are people who want to listen to your story.
1 sleepingforever1 2018-05-20
My depression can't be broken out of because it's a natural response to my horrible circumstances, that's called being human. I'm not supposed to be happy in this state.
Most people are depressed due to mental illness, I'm not.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-20
How about 35? Or 40? Or 45? There's a few 45 year olds on here.
Fuck off, roastie. There's nothing sexier than confidence from a sexy person. Confidence from an ugly person doesn't change them being ugly.
Fuck off with your just world fallacy bullshit. My grandmother's brother never got married and was an incel his entire life. He lives in solitude 5 or 6 hours away from my state's capital city.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Believe whatever you want to believe. I choose to believe that there’s hope for everyone, as long as they keep trying.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-20
You're a delusional retard and when something terrible does befall you (and it will it's inevitable) you are not going to handle it well.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Lol ok. That’s a word that seriously should stay on the playground. Any time an adult uses it, it’s much more indicative of a problem with the user than with the target.
Regardless, plenty of bad things have happened to me. Some terrible things, in fact. Bad things happen to everyone. But I keep trying, don’t blame others, and work to improve myself.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-20
Not enough.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Lol ok. Take care of yourself.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-20
1 ap018734 2018-05-20
You called us degenerate on Incel Tears. It's a safe bet you don't care one iota about our wellbeing. Like most females.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
You’re right, and I feel bad about it. That was back when I thought you guys really believed that stuff about hating women. I see I was wrong, and I apologize.
1 ap018734 2018-05-20
Fair enough. I respect that you admitted it and apologised.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
And how could it be virtue signaling when I know all it’s going to get me are downvotes and a bunch of slurs? It’s not getting me status. No one is going to like me more because I said it. Just the opposite.
1 thirdaccbby 2018-05-20
This just isn't true, I don't know why people like you continue to perpetuate this lie. You need to be going out and looking good for that possibility, but if you look below average you're fucked.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
You definitely need to be going out, you’re right. Isolation doesn’t help at all. But plenty of below average looking people find love. Lots of relationships start out as friendships and turn into something more over time. Call it a lie, but I’ve seen it happen many times.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-20
Oh, some of them absolutely do.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
Every group has it's crazies.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-20
I think all women belong in the mines. Is that crazy?
1 ap018734 2018-05-20
Plus it will make them feel better about themselves and improve their self-esteem. Go forth and burn, women!
1 BubolKawaiiFace 2018-05-20
so should you bruh
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-20
I totally agree, everyone should! Sadly lots of people don't get the chance because they are overworked. Companies should start offering sport and wellness benefit packages to their employees, especially women, as it not only helps the employees healthy and makes them live longer, it also helps productivity.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-20
Baited. You must be a master at being baited.
1 Zangano1 2018-05-20
Death ti the landwhales
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-20
Death to the landwhales’ fat cells you mean.
1 Legoman24 2018-05-20
At least the title was good.
1 yaogauiasaurus 2018-05-20
Thank you! I'm trying my best!!
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-20
I’m rooting for you!
1 yaogauiasaurus 2018-05-20
:D this post made my day. Idgaf
1 gufestus2 2018-05-20
You're a nice person. You deserve to be happy. 😄
1 yaogauiasaurus 2018-05-20
And you do yoo!
chicken has more protein
1 HELIOS108777 2018-05-20
Quality baiting
1 Mediocre-banana 2018-05-20
These posts are some of the most wholesome stuff I've seen on this sub. The hilarity of baiting + a well intended message is super funny and great for counter arguments for people who claim all uncles are bad people/woman haters.
1 Pyrokill 2018-05-20
Can't go judging my uncle like that man
1 Mediocre-banana 2018-05-20
I read this comment and was so confused until I reread what I posted.
Don't comment on Reddit while drunk, kids!
1 commander_zoidberg 2018-05-20
KEK. IT going into full autistic screeching.
1 jak1ns4to 2018-05-20
this. so much this.
1 LooksMatterToWomen 2018-05-20
I'm thinking about all those lurkers just looking at the title without actually reading the thread.....
1 Chrises18 2018-05-20
1 Satanic_Ghost_Scum 2018-05-20
1 LateraLincisor 2018-05-20
I dunno man...
> I want all women to burn calories and get lean. It has numerous health benefits.
Surely for the rare 1% of women who are under-weight, they don't need to burn any extra calories.
1 trevmon 2018-05-20
but muh thyroid
1 incelinthirty 2018-05-20
high iq post. keep them coming
1 WickedAndWorn 2018-05-20
Thanks for the inspiration! I’m working on it, but I know it’s well worth the effort!
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-20
Lmao 😂
1 Kevioli 2018-05-20
I like such posts
1 harambeazn 2018-05-20
I feel like this is the one where people get offended
1 jak1ns4to 2018-05-20
IT stuck in a time space paradox
1 AlonsoHV 2018-05-20
Ye boi
1 grizzzzzzle 2018-05-20
fucking idiot
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-20
The blackpill is the religion of peace.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I don't doubt it. I had a major change of heart recently about incels. I don't fit the bill personally, but it must suck to get rejected all the time - and then told that you are a nazi for no reason. That is fucked up.
1 Rambo1stBlood 2018-05-20
I don't think so? I don't get the whole label thing though.
1 terminopia 2018-05-20
Cope my entire race needs to be wiped out like the vermin we are.
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-20
Wallow in it like the virgin pig you are. I'll be over here with the smart people having heaps of sex while laughing at pathetic losers like you. You're probably not even white.
1 AelizaW 2018-05-20
Is that the crux of all this? That incels don’t really hate women, and that it’s all a show? Is that why you guys say that this isn’t your real life personae? I think I might be starting to get it. Say what you will, call me a stupid femoid whore and downvote me to oblivion, but I think I get it.
Btw, when I was 19 I dated an incel before the term became well known. He was 25 and had never kissed a girl. I thought it was endearing that he shook the first time we kissed, and I can guarantee that other girls feel the same way about dating guys who don’t have much experience.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-20
Oh, some of them absolutely do.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-20
You're a delusional retard and when something terrible does befall you (and it will it's inevitable) you are not going to handle it well.