Just found the head o the betabux division in IT

67  2018-05-20 by everythingagainstme


Fear grin + wii music. all that's missing is tyrone and his wife in the background

How can we hope to compete?

when your wife's boyfriends ex wife's sons friend allows you to watch him play on the wii for 15 minutes while your wife gets creampied

Dudes like this ruined that style of glasses. Those glasses are super versatile for a lot of different kinds of faces, and now they’re essentially the quintessential beta male glasses.

glasses r for cucks

People used to say hipsters ruined glasses and beards on men, well nowadays it’s even ruined for the hipsters by these degenerate cucks

This soy boy will be the final boss incels would have to defeat...

Lmao pathetic soy boys are the final boss the same way that Yu Yevon is the "final boss" after fighting Jecht.

Lmao nice one.

To think that mongoloid actually sat there on his own making this shit, probably doing multiple takes to get the best numale angles. Truly a pathetic soyboy degenerate.

Put him down ffs...

quite a talent

Someone put this thing out of it's misery.

That’s the face of autistic fibrosis

huge faggot

Translated to : IT Member

i think he's self aware and parodying.

i don't think someone can post this expecting actual reactions beyond dismissing it as a meme.

r-rright? g-g-g-g-gGUyS?

I hope his next hit is bird is the word song