
54  2018-05-20 by TurboTrashman


Would being a firefighter or some other high prestige/exciting job be a shortcut to chad lite? I mean it's very physically demanding but nothing a gymcel couldn't do and saying your a firefighter is a instant conversation starter and gives you big respect from most.

No. Only chad would be respected and loved as a fire fighter.

Idk maybe, it'd be worth doing an experiment though. Get a uniform and make a dating profile that says you are one see of you get more action that way. You could try surgeon, marine, stuntman whatever just steal valour. Obviously if you're good-looking enough you could have any job and still be more desirable but careermaxxing I think could be an option.

Not if you're a manlet, in my country being a firefighter has above-average height requirements for both men and women.

No it's better to just become rich. Roasties don't care if you're an incel firefighter other than "oh that's nice," before fucking your Chad coworker.

Becoming rich is a lot harder to do though if you're not bright. And yeah you'll never get to slay like chad, being a lifesaver seems like it would give more chance than doing factory work, or even being an engineer or coding.

If you spend less than 30k a year, and make 100k as an engineer, you could become rich through saving and move to a low cost of living country.

True but again not an option for dumbcells

Well I suppose when it comes to non-intellectual type job being a firefighter would be one of the best options if you enjoy it.

No. That used to be my profession and even if you are young (im 24 currently) it does mot give leverage. At least, in my case. Others may have better luck however haha.

Won't even help a little bit. It's like fashionceling, it only looks good for a chad

Yes. Firefighter or cop.


is that the lady from spongebob