Not even joking with these people

149  2018-05-20 by FinalFantasycel


These are the supposed people that are better than us. Literal cucks. It’s fucking disgusting why do they think they should be taken seriously when they’re CUCKS! LMFAOOO!

They told me that being a cuckhold degenerate is better than an incel because at least they “still get some” just fucking LOL at our “watchdog subreddit”.

if sex is comparable to food and incels have been starving all their life, cuckholds are the equivalent of eating shit out of a dumpster as food

kek! perfect analogy

cuckoldery = mental disability

and they’re the sane ones pfffft

you know actually one of the hardest things to explain to insane people is that they are insane lol '


Thanks to this meme I just discovered and will be jerking off to it.

well since ur a white guy, u already knew about stop lying

But being a cuckhold is just a means to getting themselves off since that’s what turns them on. Why give a fuck about what somebody else needs to get off?

because those are the people that claim to be better than me truly degenerate also found the cuck

Nah I wouldn’t enjoy watching someone fuck my boyfriend. But you can be damn sure that if that’s what it took for me to get off I’d be doing it. There’s no right way to love or fuck someone, there’s just ways that don’t work for certain people. You seem to be concerned about people acting like they’re better than you but you’re calling them degenerates. Like pushing people away before they have a chance to do the same to you. Most people are nice though.


And looking through your post history seems to show that “zzzzz” is what you say when you have nothing to say but still want to say “fuck off” to someone. Lovely. But speech is hard anyways, it’s what separates us most from animals I think. It allowed us to move so far forward and become such an apex predator that even nature doesn’t seem to just kill off the weakest of us. However natural selection still seems to have its own ways of curbing undesirables. Reading your posts here is like watching that process in action.

I say it when I’m presented with a very long paragraph of shit I don’t care about didn’t read this one either roastie LOL

Did you click your notification and read this one though?


VII is much better than X!


Pshhh it’s true everyone knows it. Summoning is cool or whatever but materia and lifestream are the tits. Then X2 was fun but it’s like a dressing room mixed with a pop music video.

there’s a reason why X has 3 sequels and a new one in the works

What’s the third sequel??

jfl at the brigaders downvoting all our posts. all these "successful people" have nothing better to do than browse a sub for lonely men looking for shit to get angry about.

and they wonder why they’re normie

Normie is too high of a station, they are incels in denial.

Nothing triggers me like IT claiming to be a "watchdog subreddit." Like how can any self aware person even say those two words unironically

It’s like back in high school when bullies claimed they were doing it ‘for my own good’.

I can never understand cucks

You're one of those white supremacists that don't exist in the incel community.

It’s hard enough to find whites at all in the incel community, let alone white supremacists.

then why are you here, you must be extra pathetic to be white and an incel, stormfag

I’m only kinda white and not incel.

no guy who has regular sex with hot young white females posts on the subs you do

I have regular sex with one hot young white female thanks very much

I'm confused. Who is the guy in the image. What's with the nintendo, soylent, random quotes, etc? This sub memes too hard for me

Not entitled to an explanation

what? lol

That's a soyboy. Super beta, low T-count male. Incels make fun of them. Pretty funny considering incels are worse than soyboys.

did you identify with the picture? Lmfao

no, thank god


Are they really? I don't think non-violent incels are worse than them.

Not worse as in worse for others. Soyboys are annoying as fuck and incels keep to themselves. Worse as in incels are the lowest of the low on the social hierarchy, lower than betas. They are also weaker and less confident than betas, and that's saying something.

I have to disagree man. There are certainly incels with social anxiety, but for every one of those, we have one gymcel who takes no shit. Being ugly and sexless doesn't mean a man has to be weak, even if he identifies as incel. I'm currently in the process of improving myself immensely even with the knowledge that I may never get laid. I'll admit I'm not a typical incel, but that's only my mindset (in that sex isn't very important to me and life-long suffering of any kind is standard fare for a world like this). However many still live fulfilling lives (or as fulfilling as possible for a life devoid of love and intimacy).

Soyboys also go hand-in-hand with cuckolding. Not all soyboys are cucks, but all cucks are soyboys. Are you going to tell me with a straight face that letting other men fuck your wife or girlfriend is better than not having sex at all? That once-a-month starfish sex while she thinks of England elevates you above all virgins? If that was my only other option, I would happily stay single my entire life. There are somethings you don't trade on, and your pride as man is one of them.

Unless you're on gear I probably have more serum and baseline rest than you.

Ugly guys can be high test too.

Why always gingers

"It's hardly a bad thing that I enjoy watching my wife get dogged by 3 tyrones every other day, this why ur incel op" IT should be the new zoo

Wonder how many of them are raised by single moms?

Relationships and faithfulness are meaningless anymore. Fuck them.

Why are you fucking losers hating on Jesse Cox?

fuck off cuck

Strippin cucked him so bad.

Jesse’s got a pretty hot girlfriend himself, he never had a thing for Dodger.

How gay do you have to be to get cucked?

“Take my upvote” makes this a high iq post. There’s something there.

You didn't even need to add "soylent", there's already a soylent drive-through in the background.

I noticed that but I saved the changes too soon

Pshhh it’s true everyone knows it. Summoning is cool or whatever but materia and lifestream are the tits. Then X2 was fun but it’s like a dressing room mixed with a pop music video.