I introduce you the ULTIMATE BOSS. Its over guys

66  2018-05-20 by ultrachad_


I want her to spoon me.

Spartan Girl.

More like an Amazon warrior.

Death by snu snu

I cannot even imagine myself interacting with her. Definitely sui fuel material. I bet she rejects 99% of men, including 6'3" Chads.

Yes....only gilga chads can handle with her.

Did you actually discover her on Tinder within your location or on internet images?

Its a crosspost from /tinder.

I bet she couldn't find any tinder dates.

It's over salno

I don't know man...even if she wasnt interested just in spite I'd look up at her and yell IMMA CLIMB THAT PUSSY LIKE SHADOW OF COLOSSUS

and I'm like five foot so I would literally climb on her back singing the age of colossus music


It will take a journey of three nights and three days from cock sucking to pussy fucking


She's guaranteed to date a guy shorter than her who has a nice face folks.

Cope. Did you read her bio? She hates shorter guys than herself.

Yeah and I've met girls on tinder who're there "just looking for friends". Turns out a nice face can change things a bit.

Are you serious? Is that phrase "just looking for friends" a sign of hope? I received that comment from a girl on Tinder days ago and I thought she was mocking my height. So face really does help despite of my 5'3" self.

"just looking for friends" = "8/10 minimum"

Your face is okay from what I recall, but I mean model tier. Also I'm not sure, I'm 5'8" and I have no problems with girls that are way taller than me. Recently went out a with a girl who I'd guess is 6'3". But 5'3" is a different thing entirely.

Haven't you seen my tinder frustration post? Apparently she told me she was looking for friends. But I was greatly frustrated due to the fact that she didn't see me as a real man at my height. I guess she considered me a friend since she right swiped me at my profile. Take note that I didn't include my height on my bio.

You need to stop coping. Your face is not handsome or attractive to women, it's just childish and harmless-looking instead of repulsive. You still have no sexual attraction to women

where did u read that?

It's in her first paragraph. Just read between the lines.

Thing is a freak of nature.

6' vs 5'11

6' vs 5'12


Pass on a pituitary disorder to your children. Great plan.

Males only.

She will literally step on sub 8's

No joke the women is photoshopped by some Deviantart morpher

Yuck. A foid of that height is just un-feminine.

cope, Id love to get her pregnant and have huge sons

Her vagina is probably as big as a canyon. Your dick would never be big enough to impregnate her.

That is true

Only Tyrone and Gigachad are have large enough dicks to handle a big bitch like that.

Cope. She will produce mega Chads.

I want her to give me 7'0+ warrior sons

she will but they will all be wakandan

I hate it when normie cucks say that guys dont want to date tall girls.

what fucking universe are these cucks living in?

Haha she seems cool

That's gross tbh. Fucking tall girls is like being hugged by a giant turantula.

Rick and Morty opener


Imagine the flap length on that thing if she was a roastie. Jesus



I want her to crush my skull with her thighs

thats a big girl

Giga stacey

Tfw no tall volleyball gf.

(ಥ ͜ʖಥ) we have to use all our powers and summon giga Chad for this thot

Damn. Even I wanna see her fuck a bitch.

I bet she couldn't find any tinder dates.