Numale humor

229  2018-05-20 by Gaydolf1932



You can always tell how shit their relationship must be if you have to escape via video games most evenings till the early hours. It’s over for gamecels in 2018.

This sub really doesn't understand relationships at all. This meme is actually really accurate and speaks to a few people I know.

If you think just because you're in a relationship you give up all of your hobbies, you're in for a very unhealthy relationship. I've been gaming my whole life and just because I have a girlfriend it's not going to change. Sometimes I play games to blow off steam, other times I do it because they're a challenge and I get enjoyment from overcoming a challenge.

To understand the whole "getting away with things" aspect of a relationship, it's not because either person really feels like they have to do something in secret, nor is it because the other person is going to be angry, but its a bit of a game. I've done exactly what's in the meme several times. Usually, I tell my girlfriend the next day and we have a laugh about it. My girlfriend does the same thing to me, she'll rename some of the files on my PC to something funny and we both have a laugh about it, or one of us will draw something subtle but funny on our message of the day display in the living room, or even simpler, sneaking something into the shopping trolly. Its the little games that we play that breaks up the routine parts of normal life.

high iq normie is here to tell you do not understand relationship at all.

Sorry but if you're all upvoting this meme because you think its a sign of an unhealthy relationship (which it seems to be considering the top comment is one making that suggestion) then someone needs to set the record straight. If you have fucked up expectations of a relationship, its better for someone to say it straight up than allowing an echo chamber to distort your viewpoint further.

thank you messiah

Your post isn’t countering what I’ve said at all, blowing off steam on a game is fine, doing so pretty much every night till the early hours is a bit different to that. Most of your post is just ranting about utter bollocks, renaming files is hilarious bro.

I thought this sub hated "Chad"? Why do you have to compare all relationships to that alpha male image that some people like to portray? Do you want to be a Chad?

I don't get to game nearly as much as I did growing up. When I was growing up, I didn't have many games but I had all the time in the world, now I have too many games but no time to play them. I've a lot going on in life and the few times that I have nothing on at night and nothing going on the next morning, why wouldn't I take the rare opportunity to do something I enjoy. It's not something my girlfriend likes to do, so she does her own thing at that point. Also no where in my post, nor in the meme, does it suggest that its like that every night, that's you're own internal biases influencing your perspective. Doing it every night would be unhealthy, your body needs rest.

No this sub doesn’t hate Chad, where have you made that assumption from?

Norman’s of reddit are addicted to video games, take some random inceltears posters and look at their history. It’s over for them.

I mean, I'm not some numale Reddit user. I'm very social, I'm in a popular, I'm fairly popular with women. I still game til the early hours though.

For me though, it's a competitive thing. I just like having something that I can hone my skills at in a competitive environment that is also non-consequential. That doesn't make someone some beta.

I'm in a popular

In a what?

You're not popular with anyone. You're on reddit, no even worse, you're on /r/braincels instead of fucking women. What the fuck are you doing with your life?

I'm on this sub because incels are interesting. It's like everyone is brainwashed. I mean, your reply to me shows me that. You honestly think that if someone is on Reddit, they must not be popular. They must not get girls.

Do you realize how many people use Reddit? I know 10/10 Chad's who use Reddit.

I don't believe you. Prove it with a picture.

Prove that I know 10/10 Chads that use Reddit? I don't sneak pics of people on their computers sorry

Dude, that all sounds...just, terrible. Lol

How would you describe your ideal relationship?

I ride solo bro.

I was going to make a joke about how I'm the guy that was actually responsible for changing the file names on your computer and the weird notes while you're at work and your girl is just covering for me because she has too.

...but that wouldn't be funny, now would it? :)

It's actually hilarious that you think you're so witty and funny. That was probably one of the smarmiest things that's ever been said to me directly, so congratulations on that achievement.

Haha well thanks man, I feel accomplished now.

You definitely don't understand how an adult relationship works dude.

I get home after working 10 hours. My fiancee and I eat dinner and watch a show. We do dishes and talk for a bit and then she goes to bed and I wind down the night by playing some games.

Sometimes I get carried away and I go to bed late. Then when I crawl in I do exactly what the comic suggests.

I agree it's not a funny comic. It's stupid but it doesn't make it less true.

Playing games or reading a book or doing other shit that doesn't involve sex every single night is not a bad thing.

Thanks relationship guru.

Why the fuck would you be scared? I doubt Chad would be scared. I don't understand numales.

Because Chad's play Starcraft and Dota and he was probably playing Fortnite and doing really gay stuff like building Forts for 6 hours while using like 10 keys per minute and no brain power.


numales understand they're the guests in the relationship and can be asked to leave at any time.

High IQ comment.

low IQ reply

disagreed. it was a necessary addition to the comment chain.

Lol guests

You're always a "guest" in any relationship, if you like to call it that way, since every partner can choose to leave if s/he's not interested in the relationship anymore. Being beautiful doesn't protect to not be left for another person. Not even marriage.

Relationships are always a matter of "being guest in another person's life".

wrong its til death does us part

Divorce exist. You can' really tie someone who doesn't want to be with you anymore.

not in my religion

Glad it's not in my country then.

im canadian, so it might be



She's not yours. It's just your turn. RP gets some shit right.

Chad would tell her what time it is and fill her mouth and throat with his cock if she complained. Over.

why would any man be afraid of their wife? you should be able to leave the room and enter whenever you want

because they will bitch at you for 10 hour straight and you can't even hit them

You cunt

This guy wives.

Take a knee and run out the clock. Silent treatment? Even better ill be in the garage making shit

Take a knee? How dare you offend our veterans.


Because wives still judge you on stupid decisions you make like playing video games until 4 in the fucking morning like some kind of child.

Mega Chad says shut up bitch go make my money.

Cos she gon bring that swag bruh oooh snappp

No Tyrone deep dicking his wife? This is not accurate

Who would choose vidya over sex with their wife? A soyboi cuck, that’s who!

They know the truth deep down this is why numales are scared bcs they are afraid to losing them. They are betabux brainwashed who think women really loves him and they think personality matters. Women are the Men in The House in 21 century. They are incels like us.

Is she your wife or your mom? How pathetic numales are. Can't let the wife know I was playing Mario until 4am again!

le faggot

The click-clacking sound of his chastity cock cage probably woke her up.


Fucking kek.

Rage comics are cancer.

Okay, this is epic


Yeahhhhhh fuck how boring are their cliche sitcom lives

why wouldn't you molest your wife to sleep everyday and play video games instead?

ahh the good ol rage comics :)

Understandable. He had to attack Lord Elric's castle and smite his army to obtain the elven boots and Sword of Mystery, there are priorities in life.

Plot twist: Chad just left.

Just gonna take this for r/comedycemetary. Thanks

That was me when I was married only I wasn't as smooth.

Nigger that ain't shit. Literally someone from Grindr recognized me irl and i was like naw that ain't me. I mean it looks like me doesn't it? But I'm in college and this is just a side job. Thar profile says he's an engineer

"That's true... You also seem taller than him. My mistake."


in my opinion, after having the same pussy for more than one year, video games legit sounds more appealing sometimes lool. like I can't play games with my friends whenever I want (we in college so busy busy) , but I can fuck my girl whenever I want

stfu incel

Cuck at it finest

xkcd too

It doesn't even fucking make sense! Lol he got caught, it was his speech level, or charisma or some shit that got him out of it.

If you have a girlfriend and still play vidya you are complete failure

high iq normie is here to tell you do not understand relationship at all.

Your post isn’t countering what I’ve said at all, blowing off steam on a game is fine, doing so pretty much every night till the early hours is a bit different to that. Most of your post is just ranting about utter bollocks, renaming files is hilarious bro.

Dude, that all sounds...just, terrible. Lol

I'm in a popular

In a what?

You're not popular with anyone. You're on reddit, no even worse, you're on /r/braincels instead of fucking women. What the fuck are you doing with your life?