Are Normie cucks starting to wake up?

140  2018-05-20 by shockinghillaryquote


I'm sure a bunch of white knights rushed in to give her attention after she wrote all that.

no question.

It almost seems like that was her plan all along...

Never understood the whole "gamer girl" thing. Why not just call yourself a gamer?

they want special treatment for having a vagina

Maybe some, but I also know plently of gamers that happen to be girls. They call themselves gamers like everyone else.

I'm sure they do, sweetie

All female "gamers" are attention seeking whores. Btw video games are a male invention, just like everything else. You truly are a race of worthless parasites


Why are female parasites enjoying male inventions?

What have you invented recently?

Butthurt? Women have not created anything of value in this world. We have men to thank for the inventions we use today. Women are parasites. And their brains are smaller than mens brains. Women are attention craving whores. All of them. Worthless trash

Everything you're saying is nothing new dude...been used for centuries. I asked you a question, and you couldn't give an answer. What have you invented recently? I'm sure the answer is.... NOTHING. Your a parasite as well. You thrive off of trying to get under other peoples skin. It's the only way you feel remotely good about yourself. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Have you invented anything yourself? White knight beta faggot like yourself need to be hit by a car

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Doesn't take much to set you off. You should work on controlling your emotions or you'll always be a slave to them. I never claimed to have invented anything. Focus dude.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Doesn't take much to set you off.

Yeah, because provokers like you are soo endearing. Is this how you interact with easily agitated people IRL too?

If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black!! πŸ˜‚ I'm the provoker?! Are you sure you aren't one of those blue-haired SJW types? The victim complex you've got going there could sure fool me. I've said nothing hateful or mean. I've simple commented and called others out on their hypocrisy.

The guy you quoted didnt claim to have invented anything either you faggot.

You use the invetions of those long before you to try and boost yourselves...that is a parasite in my book. You had nothing to do with any of the great thinkers of the past, and have contributed nothing! If you are all so smart we should be seeing all the new inventions you have to offer....but you have NOTHING!!

Neither have you. Faggot

You have a strange obession with homosexuals. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

yeah man! Who the fuck is Marie Curie?

Besides her? Please cunt. 99% of all discoveries and inventions were made by MEN. Enjoy living in a world were everything was made by men.

Imagine being such a sad virgin nerd that you spend your time on the internet posting this kind of shit.

Imagine hundreds of years and generations later and some socially inept retard like you in the bloodline ends it because you don't want to work for some pussy, you expect it flaunted at you.

I have seriously never pitied anyone more than I do you right this second. I'd almost feel bad for you if I didn't already know you brought this on yourself with your complete and total lack of social awareness.

(PS: I was a virgin til I was 23, and I never once got so butthurt about it I posted shit like this or blamed anyone, grow up.)

Imagine being such a sad virgin nerd


Whatever cunt. You are living in a world were everything was made by MEN. Your kind is worthless trash and nothing more. I am glad that women get raped and traumatized for life. They deserve it. That's how you put women in their place. You live in OUR world cunt. This world and everything you see around was created by MEN. Your kind are nothing more than parasites. And i bet you are either ugly or a landwhale and it gives you boost in confidence to hack on others. You are the one who is pathetic. Enjoy using a computer? Using the web? Men invented those as well..........

You know I have a penis, right? My name is a fucking television show reference.

By god you are legitimately fucking stupid. I'll send you a dick pic with your username written on it if you want, because swear to god the majority of you idiots in this sub are just closeted as hell and don't even realize it yet.

Whatever. If you had a "life" why even bother to come here at first place and pick fights with deppressed people? You are even more pathetic than the people here. Scram

the amount of nagging you're doing makes me think you've got a vagina and not a cock, or a torn asshole. no self-respecting male would waste his time lamenting about the internet because he can't score for the night.

Whatever. You are cuck like all pathetic numales are now these days. I bet you enjoy watching your girlfriend getting fucked by a pack of niggers while you jerk off to it. Ewwwwwww 😦

lmao, the projecting and assumptions here. hold on, my popcorn is almost ready, but go on and tell me again how my (non-existent) gf is being fucked by other men.

Go watch some Thats what you cucktards consume now these days. Get the fuck away from me freak


top fuckin wew, lad. you should consider suicide if the highlight of your day is logging onto reddit and complaining about girls.

I would rather enjoy strangling girls instead. And slit your throat with a hunting knife and piss on your decapited head. Would you kindly give me the number of your family members? I would like to pay them a vist and shoot them in the head. Please give me their adress and phone number. I want to have some fun..

also, i'm curious, is your hairline receding or thinning at all?

Give me the adress and phone number of your family members

I am stil waiting........

Literally, 4 times the response, all filled with indignation. You're very butthurt.

Can you tell me off the top of your head what Marie Curie invented? Probably not. So shut up the fuck up and show us your tits, or gtfo, cunt.

>being such an attention seeking whore you choose to use "Suicidal" in your flair

If you get some bolt on tits I bet you would do well as a Twitch Thot, they thrive on that sort of attention seeking bullshit.

Something to keep in mind for the future my guy.

not addressing my point with heavy usage of ad hominem

Lmao saying I'm suicidal is attention seeking? You must be new here you fucktard. Literally every incel is suicidal. Shut the fuck up you ignorant ass faggotfucker. Fuck off

I assembled a 2000kw biogas generator at the sewage plant today. But I'm sure having a vagina means that doesn't matter

Well, congrats! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Incel power. Renewable energy for reddit shopping. Also I should be honest, I am the foreman, so mostly my grunts built it but the buck stops with me. I still had to verify and pressure test everythinf

Yeah, just like all the femoid twitch streamers. They definitely don't crave attention and exploit lonely men for their money.

I'm not talking about twitch streamers. I know plently of women who game and don't stream on twitch for that very reason. Most all of you on here are the male equivalent of a hardcore feminist. You make sweeping generalizations about the opposite sex. You look at one group of individuals and assume everyone must be like that. Kind of like outsiders awesome that all incels are misogynistic, rapists waiting to shoot up a school any minute.

All femoids are born whores.

And all incels are destined to die alone and miserable. What's your point?

It's funny how you're trying to rile me up by telling me something I already know.

Went right over your head bud. It was a generalization like the one you made above. Of course I don't think you'll die alone and miserable. You have a chance to go out, enjoy life, and meet people. Instead you sit on here feeling sorry for yourself. I wish you all the best though. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Nice attempt at saving face.

It's true. Don't have to save face. Of course you won't believe anything I'm saying because you're hell bent on seeing the worst in people. Enjoy.

Lol you post in IncelTears, a virgin shaming sub. The people who post there are bad people.

Did I virgin shame anyone???

Doesn't matter if you did. You post in a virgin shaming sub so you're just like the rest of them.

What did I post?

It doesn't matter what you posted. All you IncelTears members are the same. Now leave me alone, you hate filled virgin shamer.

It's matters because I didn't post anything, so therefore you lied.

Anyone can delete their post history. I asked you to leave me alone. Stop harassing me.

Oh shut up snowflake. No one is harrassing you!

If you message me one more time I'm reporting you for stalking and harassment. Leave me alone

Go a right ahead.

cope, female voice alone will get you 100 free skins, lootsboxes, free boost to rank 1 on your game ladder, and 100000 friend requests

Tits or GTFO only works in an environment like imageboards though sadly, now it's too has been penetrated by normies.

We must always maintain the rule.




"the normie rebellion has begun"

I have nothing to add to this. The OP speaks volumes by itself.

Good. I wish she would just get flat out ignored or treated like an incel but that def wont happen

Awww, diddums didn't get all the attention. You're a girl on a computer game, not a performing dog. Get over it.

it’s satire

Imagine actually living this life. Being pampered, praised and cherished wherever you went. You will never, ever, EVER get to experience this.

I'm holding out for the possibility of being transported into an alternate dimension where I'm the only male and everyone else is a horny 9+/10 girl with big anime titties

This is beautiful. Some real life fuel right here.

You're not entitled to privelege.

Lmao this is not real

You're all a bunch of idiots if you can't even read the sarcasm in that girl's comment.

Anybody who calls themselves a gamer is asking to be called a loser lol it’s chill to just play video games but just don’t call yourself a fucking gamer

gentleman gamers rise up!

The normietariat is growing its class consciousness. It won't be long until we overthrow the chadgeoisie and seize the means of reproduction.

Incels of the world unite!

Imagine being such a sad virgin nerd that you spend your time on the internet posting this kind of shit.

Imagine hundreds of years and generations later and some socially inept retard like you in the bloodline ends it because you don't want to work for some pussy, you expect it flaunted at you.

I have seriously never pitied anyone more than I do you right this second. I'd almost feel bad for you if I didn't already know you brought this on yourself with your complete and total lack of social awareness.

(PS: I was a virgin til I was 23, and I never once got so butthurt about it I posted shit like this or blamed anyone, grow up.)

lmao, the projecting and assumptions here. hold on, my popcorn is almost ready, but go on and tell me again how my (non-existent) gf is being fucked by other men.

Did I virgin shame anyone???

Go a right ahead.