And tbh if youve come that far and have scars from that and somebody shits on you for it, fuck 'em. There marks of a huge life improvement, determination, etc. If smbdy shits on that theyre trash.
Holy shit did you literally dig in his post history to find the most biting shit you could? Sounds like someone needs a hobby other than making people feel as bad as possible.
Dude I'm scarred for life just from seeing this picture. I can't imagine any girl 4/10 or higher would put up with that body on them unless a lot of money or status was involved. Feels sad for the guy but I mean.. even at my lowest point in my life in my early 20's I ate shit but never got above 210lbs. IDK how people do it. I guess it's just fast food and chips every single day with beer and ice cream after work?
1 qwep-mi 2018-05-20
I vomitted
1 Former-Incel-User 2018-05-20
This is why if you're fat, you can't lose weight too fast
1 CaligulaWasRight 2018-05-20
once you get past a certain point tho, no matter how slow you lose weight your skin is perma ruined.
1 narutofan65 2018-05-20
this is a fucking myth
1 RedPillMGTOW 2018-05-20
Bad personality tbh
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-20
You can tell he has a horrible personality.
1 Fellicite 2018-05-20
I'm probably wrong but I vaguely seem to recall there being a procedure for this sort of thing?
1 FireAlarm911 2018-05-20
There is, instead of having pounds of drooping skin you have huge Frankenstein scars
That's definitely an improvement imo.
1 darklordcalicorn 2018-05-20
And tbh if youve come that far and have scars from that and somebody shits on you for it, fuck 'em. There marks of a huge life improvement, determination, etc. If smbdy shits on that theyre trash.
1 wvsfezter 2018-05-20
Actually the surgery has gotten a lot better and the scars hide fairly well after the recovery period.
1 FireAlarm911 2018-05-20
I'd rather be fat than look like that
1 sfcel 2018-05-20
With that amount of loose skin he probably was beyond morbidly obese, I don't think either choice are better.
1 Kwantuum 2018-05-20
This dude probably looks better than most of you with clothes on.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-20
Posts in /r/needafriend you won’t make any friends like that bud, no wonder your roommates left.
1 wvsfezter 2018-05-20
Holy shit did you literally dig in his post history to find the most biting shit you could? Sounds like someone needs a hobby other than making people feel as bad as possible.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-20
It was his last post, if you attack my brothers needlessly then expect to get some flak back, only we are allowed to abuse each other.
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-20
LOL omg the facts
1 YouAreWrongKid 2018-05-20
lol he got BTFO. Hilarious how most of these people talking shit actively post on cuck subreddits or /r/needafriend
1 TruthbeTold9999 2018-05-20
Dude I'm scarred for life just from seeing this picture. I can't imagine any girl 4/10 or higher would put up with that body on them unless a lot of money or status was involved. Feels sad for the guy but I mean.. even at my lowest point in my life in my early 20's I ate shit but never got above 210lbs. IDK how people do it. I guess it's just fast food and chips every single day with beer and ice cream after work?
1 Rishabh803 2018-05-20
1 BLACCEL 2018-05-20
How... and why.. and wtffwegyr am i looking at???
1 103359245T 2018-05-20
It’s over for deflationcels
1 emancipationproject 2018-05-20
The state should pay to fix him up.