Male vs Female Depression

227  2018-05-20 by photographypersonguy


13 reason why. KEK

7/10 suicides in America are white males. 7.9/10 are men in general. Just lol at female "depression". Chad not wanting to sleep with you isn't an excuse to OD on skittles.

No doubt bro no doubt

Women get off on their own lies. Its like a hypnotist practicing on himself.

Change it


Tis the life of a subhuman

It's a fact women just have more support when it comes to depression, what a shame. If you have a penis, nobody would care if you blow your brains out, unless you're Chad.

Seriously, Some bros are worth remembering other bros aren't. It's a bro eat bro world.

Also, a man showing any signs of weakness like saying they are depressed or have anxiety automatically make them a beta faggot to women.

Women have absolutely no empathy whatsoever without thinking you are a pussy.

My first actual girlfriend dropped me the day after I admitted to her that I had been taking anti-depressants. Said "I would cause her to dive into depression as well"

Lol you did tell her depression wasn't a new hippie swimming place right

Hi, I’m a girl with major depression disorder. At least attempt to hear me out. I understand some girls go way out of bounds with this. I get pissed myself when someone is just plain sad and they say they’re depressed. Depression is horrible. I tried to kill myself when I was nine years old. And believe me, nine year old me didn’t care about others opinions. I was a kid, but still woke up every morning not caring if I just starved to death right there in that bed. I got attention only when bleeding out on my bathroom floor. Suicide and Depression rates are way too high, way too horrible. Everyone should be helped with their suffering. Remember everyone has totally different experiences and lives!

Also: 13 Reasons Why is an absolute shit show and Hannah Baker is an absolute bitch.

Lol Hannah baker is fucking gorgeous, IRL she would be pampered from chads and beta orbiters all the time. At least they should have used an ugly girl to make it more credible.

I liked watching her die, that was a pretty good scene

Some girls get sad for actual reasons, like the death of a loved one or parental abuse. But don't deny that most roasties get "depressed" because Chad doesn't want them.

Aren’t Incels sad because they can’t get Stacy?

No. I'm depressed because I can't get anyone.

That sucks, dude. Never give up!

I've already given up. Just waiting to get enough courage to end it all.

Dude no. Come on. Don’t let yourself become just another number. You were born for a reason, don’t let that reason become corrupted or useless. If you’re feeling lonely, truly lonely, with absolutely nothing to help you, get a fish. A small fish. Or a plant. Take care of those things, because they’ll depend on you. It will give you reason to live. Or call the suicide hotline. Talk to people. Fuck, just look at the stars, the water, anything you’re passionate about and decide that you have to live another day to see more of it.

Will you date me? If no then your words are pointless.

“Why don’t you just go fuck one, you can solve the problem”

My boy Louis CK lmao

I won’t, because I’m a minor, and a lesbian. But why should that make my words pointless? In the end, it’s you who gets to decide if you want to use your life to be a better person. Not me. Me dating you won’t solve a thing, trust me. If you’re still feeling suicidal, I suggest hopping in the suicide watch reddit. Please try and look for help.

Because words are pointless. I don't think my life is worth anything. So the only rational thing for me is suicide.

I didn’t think my life was worth anything, either. Not until I survived a cut to the throat, and found I would have regretted dying the minute I saw my pet fish. (I was 9 and loved that fish, lol) plus, words are far from pointless. The “I have a dream” speech was one of the most influential and powerful speeches in history, and the man did nothing but talk. So, the rational thing wouldn’t be suicide, it’d be finding purpose in your life.

We'll all be just another number at some point

Wow! That’s the most bullshit thing I’ve heard. We might be some kind of statistic, but to the people who knew us, our family, our friends, hell, even our pets, they all know who we were. And we’ll become a story to tell. It’s your choice whether that story is good or bad.

And they'll die too, and in 100 years no one will remeber us

Hey, NewLoadsOfFun, just a quick heads-up:
remeber is actually spelled remember. You can remember it by -mem- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

True. But also, who the fuck cares what happens in 100 years? If we’re all dead by then, and nobody remembers us by then, then why should we care?

Then why should we care now? We'll all die eventually

We just went full circle man. I wish you find happiness.


why dont you give him your "small fish" you dumb cunt? -_-

The fuck are you on about? I’m not going to mail a fish. And if this a sexual innuendo, that’s just gross. Sex will, sure, make you happier in the moment, but depression is internal. You absolute cunt.

What a load of blue-pilled horseshit, "just look at the stars bro and your depression will go away"

I didn’t know it was “blue-pilled” to care about another persons well being. And, never did I saw his depression would go away by looking at the stars. That’s bullshit, and that’s not how depression works. I said to find something to look forward to.

Fuck it. I appreciate the sentiment that youre going for but it just plain doesn't work. You should know that.

You were born for a reason

Nobody is born for any reason

You were born for a reason

That reason being solely that we won the one thing we shouldn't have in life - the sperm race.

There is no cosmic reasoning for us being here, we just are, because our parents had fun time. That is it.

Huh, so cucking out to ham_gaming didn’t work out then?

Dude no. Please. There are too many things to enjoy and discover that is completely separate from sex. Think about it, Rick and Morty has 70 more episodes coming out, game of thrones is due next year. We are getting closer to technological endeavors that will blow our minds! You are here for the ride. Literally all of humanity amounts to basically nothing in the grand scheme of time and space, but you have the ability to comprehend your existence. Enjoy it please. I'm really sorry you got dealt shit cards, but throw them to the ground and play a different game.

Don't watch Rick and Morty. Game of Thrones is shit now. I don't enjoy anything and everything sucks.

:( what about video games? Or a certain subject. Like when I took physics (which I am ass at) I felt genuine joy when I solved a problem correctly. Maybe work towards a career that you can genuinely enjoy c: if you have a good family take them out on nature walks and just enjoy the simple things in life. Maybe try to learn a new hobby, like drawing or piano. Dude I would even send you drawing supplies if you would like.

Am shit at drawing. Don't have much time to spend with family. Already learning new subjects and still feel like shit.

Just hang in there man. Dont listen to people here saying "Its over," never give up on yourself. You deserve better :(

Game of Thrones has turned into feminist garbage

That's besides the point :(

It's nice you're trying to be positive. But it sucks you got downvoted. It seems like they would downvote any answer you gave to that statement.

Thanks! I know depression will a lot of the times blind people from even wanting to get help, or listening to help, because it all feels so useless. Forcing me to date them won’t help anything, especially because I’m a minor, and lesbian, but I hope at least some of them will try and right themselves.

depression will a lot of the times blind people from even wanting to get help, or listening to help, because it all feels so useless.

Np, and so damn true. And yeah, you dating them also won't help because in addition to being a lesbian and a minor, you can't date the entire sub, lol.

I hope at least some of them will try and right themselves.
I hope the same for them, but the sub considers that to be coping. They rather rot, sadly.

I guess I'm a 'normie' who stumbled upon this sub after the Santa Fe shooting. I'm baffled as to why first-world incels don't just scrape together some cash and fly to Thailand or some other poor country. Take on a job teaching English or something. Just by virtue of being an ex-pat you'll move up several rungs on the social ladder. Going abroad may be nontrivial if you're under 18 and/or broke but it's achievable.

Just be betabux for some stranger dude.

It's not safe to marry or date abroad

Why not? Anyways, if OP is talking suicide, 'safety' shouldn't be a dealbreaker.

I'm in a third world country so it's impossible for me to move to a worse one.

Ouch. That's a bitter pill, dude.

I don't even want a Stacy, I just want a nice girl that won't cheat on me and make me feel better. But not only can I not get that, I don't know if girls like that even exist anymore. Every girl now a days is a bitchy egotistical slut who contributes nothing to society.

They totally exist! I’m sure you’ll find someone. I know it’s infuriatingly difficult to wait, and I get that telling you “personality matters” is something you’ve heard before, but trust me when I say it does. Notice how ‘Stacy’ and ‘Chad’ always break up/divorce? Anyone can correct themselves, it’s never ever to late to start. In fact, by just responding to me in a polite manner, instead of calling me fat or demanding to see my body, I can tell you’ve already got it going. By the way, do you have a pet?

They don't exist you dumb whore, women hate us because we are not Chad. They want us dead

Notice how ‘Stacy’ and ‘Chad’ always break up/divorce?

Not what the data suggests:

In short, most women prefer monogamous marriages to wealthy, socially dominant, and physically attracttive men, and want these men to be devoted to them and their children. For most women, this preference is not achieved. Some women attempt to achieve a compromise of sorts through relationships with several men. The implicit goal appears to be to get the best material investment from one man and the best genetic investment from another (Bellis & Baker, 1990; Gangestad et al., 2002).

This study provides further evidence that when conception is most likely, females prefer testosterone-related facial characteristics

The result of this dynamic is a high rate of infidelity, presumably amongst women employing the alternative mating strategy aka women who failed to secure Chad as a monogamous partner.

And a smaller number of male ancestors than female ancestors

To supplement the above points, we again observe that women only care about physical appearance for a short term partner

And a minimum physical appearance of at least "moderately attractive" to be considered the most desirable partner in a long term relationship

Men who do not meet this minimum are doomed to be in the alternative mating strategy, described earlier and known here colloquially as "alfa fux beta bux".

A perfect example of the culmination of these drives is this:

Exterminatus-level blackpill. Good one, brocel.

Used it many times, the only response I ever get is a tu quoque, "men cheat too!".

I'm saving this, I'll spread this comment around

Thanks for the data, I read through some of it. All I can tell you is, go find a girl who doesn’t live her life through “what the data suggests”.

All women are the same

I have 2 cats, how is that relevant?

Live for your cats! Those cats depend on you and love you. (Even though cats can be assholes sometimes, lol.) Cats don’t judge you or anything. I always help de-stress by petting my cat.

Lol common misconception. It's not like this guys are drooling in ugly women's attention. They get no attention at all.

Hi, I’m a girl

You´re fat.

Fat with muscle! 1 hour of boxing a day goes a long way. And it really helps out with anger issues. I’ve managed to stop clutching my fists at night. I highly suggest it.

Fat with muscle!

You´re fat.

Yeah, there’s no helping you.

why do women always post pictures lf their pets?

anger issues

choke me mommy

Well, I don’t choke the punching bag, so no.

Punch me until I cough up blood 😍



Hi, I'm a girl with major depression.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck off, stupid roast.

You understand that depression can be a biological burden, completely void of experiences and environmental factors? People can have every reason to be happy, but still legitimately want to blow their brains out everyday? Something is wrong with their mind. It doesn't have to be triggered by "no femoid will touch me"

You do understand that I don't give a fuck and your mother should have aborted you.



Damn seems like you are lacking in the logical and reasonable thought department. Based on your cancerous replies, I can only assume you come to conclusions via emotion. Thus you cannot be reasoned with.

I can dial back the trolling when I want to. Just not entertaining dipshits like you one iota.

Take your condescending bullshit and shove it.

Oh you're just an edgey troll, alright bro. It's honestly hard to tell on this sub.

Or, you can put your feelings aside and lurk more, and you'd get it.

I find it funny how you have the nerve to sit here and condemn the use of feelings when the great mathematicians remark about the use of their feelings in such a stone cold, logical field.

What was that about feelings again? :p

I'm not using emotional language to try and state "facts". Their is a difference with being passionate about your beliefs and straight up obsession and rejection to anyone who challenges you. It makes you and your argument look weak. :)

Do you expect people to take you seriously when you condescend them?

I'm not trying to be condescending. I'm just being blunt.

That being the case, no shit anyone can experience depression. This isn't news.

Also, I would suggest lurking more. Not just here, but all the incel forums, if you want to get a good handle on who's trolling and who's serious.

Your inexperience is evident.

Didn't mean to cause offense. I don't have anything against incels. It's just some say outrageous things and I like to challenge it, to have a discussion.


Thanks for this- depression is a seriously devastating mental illness for any person, no matter the gender. Hope you are doing well, and getting the help you need!

Thank you so much. You’re a wonderful person. This means a lot to me.

Well I wouldn't go that far, but thank you! If ANYONE dismisses your depression because you are a girl, or for any reason at all, please don't pay them any mind. What you have been through is real, and it seems like you are powering through it in healthy ways, and people like you give me hope for my loved ones with depression! I wish you the best of luck


Thanks sweetheart, you have a heart of gold

Cucking for a lesbian. You White Knights cannot sink any lower.

I am a woman, and even if I wasn't I wouldn't be a cuck- just a person that thinks depression is serious is all.

Shut the fuck up, depressed men should be fertilizer and nothing else!


Hi, I’m a girl with major depression disorder. At least attempt to hear me out.

Stoped reading right fucking there. Fuck OFF you roastie cum dumpster.

Lol. "So much support for the roasties." A man could scourge the Internet looking for a reaction like this one never get it.

Don't patronize us. You post in a subreddit dedicated to making fun of lonely virgin men, and that makes you a bad person.

You post in a subreddit dedicated to calling women whores, that makes you a horrible person.

Yes, but unlike you I don't pretend to be a good person

I know I’ve got flaws, but I also know that I know how to self correct myself and not judge people based on their gender.

No, you just judge people based on bone structure and virginity. Now fuck off.

Don’t you dare assume what I judge people off. I don’t know what you look like, or if you’re a virgin, but I can sure as hell “judge” by your terrible personality that you’re an equally terrible person.

You post in IncelTears and your posts are making fun of people that post in this sub. This sub is for ugly, suicidal virgins. I don't have to assume anything. Your actions make everything quite clear.

I post on IncelTears because of people like you. If this sub was actually for ugly, suicidal virgins, I wouldn’t be as ridiculed and insulted as I am being right now. This sub is for women-hating. I genuinely hope you meet someone that can change your mind.

You're right, you judge them based on whether they have mental issues and whether they're weaklings that capitulate to women. At least, unlike you, I'm not too weak to admit I'm a fucking monster.

Fuck off cunt

I'm not trying to disparage your efforts, but there isn't really much of a point to posting this here. It's too far gone

Yeah, I’m going to stop replying. Some of these people are just looking for someone to bully, and it’s not my job to acknowledge their stupidity. I hope they find out the reasons they’re all virgins, because it’s literally right in front of their eyes, the minute they decide to press “post”.

I got attention only when bleeding out on my bathroom floor

Zero self-awareness

Please be my girlfriend

Seen this many times before but always a good reminder.

that guy just staring and contemplating the nose always makes me kek

just stop having depression bro

holy shit the twox post

that sub is pure cancer i got banned for telling them abortion is forbidden and a grave sin

I mean, your very existence is clear proof that that statement is false.

cool story

Lol religion is just another bluepill to keep betas from revolving.

that doesn't even make sense.

so many new fakecels here downvoting me. this place isn't a spinoff of reddits hivemind against religion.

tuck away your arrogance.

Religion is shit. The only good part of religion is the one that opress women.

Society would sooner step over a man than help him. Any failure we endure is perceived as being 100% our fault. It’s why the vast majority of the homeless population is male. Women are victims of homelessness. Men are homeless because they fucked up. The lack of support for men stretches far beyond just suicide. They don’t care If we die.

Reminds me of these awareness posters we had at school where every bold highlighted fact was something like "1 in 4 homeless people are women".

Huh I wonder what the other 3/4 are. Meh, who cares?

Is that 13 reaosns why meant to say guys have no shows about depression? What about Bojack Horseman?

Negative 1 text messages


Man says he has a depression - "HURR MAN UP U PUSSAY"

And that's fucked up. It's also fucked up to egg people on to commit suicide as I have seen done here in this subreddit. The right thing to do is to give that person genuine support and resources so that they may have a chance at beating depression

Seriously guys... Somebody puts some clipart together and lots of responders are taking it as fact, some of you seizing the opportunity to use this as evidence of girls being cheating sluts.

Can we not take a more balanced, critical view of our assumptions here? Why not try to make the world a better place?

Hate has never led to a positive outcome.

Die in cancer

what do you mean positive outcome?

One where no party suffers avoidable harm.

yeah, but how?

You try your best not to harm or hurt others.

yeah, but people care more for a woman who is getting harmed than a man.

Well, this is a really big generalisation but, even if it were true... So what? This doesn't stop you doing your bit, trying not to harm or hurt others.

no. i'll hurt them because they hurt me.

Female depression is a meme

How To Deal With Depression

Step 1: Remove Tinder

If you are ugly, tinder can be devastating when you get 0 matches for months. Speaking from experience.

Tinder is the wrong tool. Not trying to be mean, but complaining about Tinder not working for conventionally attractive people is like complaining about your soup not being edible with a fork.

It's true, i know.

Tinder's the only tool. It's the most used (read: biggest pond), and sites like OKCupid have implemented changes that work against ugly men, so they just wind up being slower, shittier versions of Tinder.

That's as I said, like saying a fork is the only tool to eat a soup.

Tinder is for hookups and is inherently designed this way, and online dating in general puts too much weight in characteristis you aren't confident about or straight up lack.

So, if you want your life to be better, avoid online dating like the plague

Any man that wouldn't succeed on tinder should be put down

That would include me, so far

And so it would. What's your point? I think most men would be better off dead in this society.


I can give two:

  1. The weak deserve destruction, it's women who determine what man is good enough, if women don't like a guy he doesn't deserve to live, IMO

  2. What women want for most men is to be slaves, just killing off the 80% and forcing women and chads to survive without them is a combination of revenge and emancipation

Bonus: Killing about 2 billion people would curb overpopulation a bit

I forgot I was arguing with an inverted celery "involuntary" celibate which are resistant to other opinions

Fuck you too

Tinder's the only tool. It's the most used (read: biggest pond), and sites like OKCupid have implemented changes that work against ugly men, so they just wind up being slower, shittier versions of Tinder.

It is hilarious how closed-minded this post makes all of you idiots seem. You do realize that most women don't commit suicide because we apparently choose less effective methods of killing ourselves, and not because we are not depresse- no fucking of course you don't.

if you choose a less effective method then do you really want to die? i knew a woman who had "attempted" suicide over 20 times. her methods were either taking a random amount of pills while all her family members were at home, or slowly walking towards a train track in full view of everyone on a station. forgive me for saying this but its obvious her attempts were for attention rather than an actual desire to die.

Well that one woman you know proves that women are not depressed and none of us want to die! Thank you for clarifying that one for me.

I am not even saying some women are not like that, but I know several people who have made earnest attempts to kill themselves but failed because they did not have a gun or whatever handy. Thank god.

no problem roastie, always exhilarated to educate you.

but I know several people who have made earnest attempts to kill themselves but failed because they did not have a gun or whatever handy.

why do men have a gun in handy but women do not? is it male privilege? to me the obvious conclusion is that women do not want to die as much as men, which is why they choose less lethal methods.

No, it is because most men are actually idiots and think keeping a lethal weapon that is more likely to be used on THEM than anyone else is a good idea.

What the actual fuck is a roastie?

I mean you do realize that women CAN legally buy firearms too.. No of course you don't.

that was my point, roastie. if "depressed" women want to die as much as men do, why don't they buy guns and kill themselves easily? because they do not want to die. female suicide attempts are for attention.

The fuck is a roastie.

What amuses me is that I did not read ANY of your comment before hitting enter. But after having read it, I made the right call.

its those batwings between your legs. so if guns were banned, would male/female sucide rates be equal?

The fuck are you even talking about. Speak the Queen's english please.

I mean I know you have spent like the last few years of your life learning some weird lingo but none of us regular people understand any of that. And you just come off as as dumb when you say non-sensical shit in response to a fairly straightforward question.

this is r/braincels. like a female would put it, you are not entitled to have our lingo spoonfed to you. go ask our fanclub at r/inceltears.

I am a paralegal. I find it just ADORABLE when men try and mansplain how entitled I am. Because unlike you, I know what the term means. You are welcome for this lesson!


I am not entitled to anything, to clarify. But you are still an idiot and an assh@t. And you won't win this one. Because like, paralegal.

a grown up woman watching disney pixar films and unironically using the word "mansplain" jfl its over

I also regularly appear in court to destroy idiots like you! My life is good. What I was listening to while I posted that comment. Try and sass me! I enjoy a bit of a challenge ;-)

so good that you spend your sunday afternoons trolling a sub for lonely and depressed men

That is literally what I am doing. Is your thing stating the obvious :-D?

They may be less lonely and depressed if they were less jerks about the whole sex and relationship thing! #justsaying.

I just kek @ these cringy leddit feminists tbh

we apparently choose less effective methods of killing ourselves

And why is that, do you think?

Just said it. Am not sure how to say it MORE plainly. Because men tend towards showy and stupid weapons to make themselves feel adequate! NRA! For the win. Or, you know, Loss! Because we live in the 21st century.

No you did not say why, you just stated that it happens. Do you even know what you're typing

showy and stupid weapons to make themselves feel adequate!

It's extremely ironic how you complain about the OP being dismissive towards women and then go on to say men kill themselves with "showy weapons" to feel "adequate", not even entertaining the thought that it's because they, you know, actually want to die

But then again there's not much self-awareness to be expected from someone unironically using the term mansplaining. Your solipsism is bordering on mental retardation tier

inb4 emotional derailing response

You uh. Might want to read what I posted. If you can work your mouse, which I strongly doubt based on the content of the (supposed) response! That is not a valid argument, or a comprehensible one so I will not bother to dissect it.

Instead I am going to focus on the fact you implied I am not self-aware. I am. I won't even address the attack on my intelligence (outside of this offhand reference) because, well, I know I am SMRT and you do not seem to be.

So women are never ugly, friendless, judged, socially isolated, lonely, or contemplate suicide?

You incels really act like you have a monopoly on everything.

Except sex, of course :P

-1 message. lol

very true

You guys know that sadness and depression are different things, right? And therefore people who have every reason to be depressed may not be depressed and people who you’d think should be happy with their lives can suffer from depression? And how whatever happens in your life can aggravate or trigger depression, but not necessarily cause it since the root is mainly chemical? And even if your premisse were true: do you think women can’t have awful things happen to them at all (considering that life doesn’t revolve around sex in the real world and people care about other things such as family)? How about little girls who will become women and bring whatever traumas they have into adulthood (please don’t say something like young girls are never victims of sexual abuse or neglect because that is just cruel) You’re right when it comes to how society percieves depression in men and women though. Just don’t make it into something it is not or you’re just being ignorant. Tldr. Depression - you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Haha - 1 message

Impossible for femoid to be depressed unless it is self inflicted

They live their life on easy mode unless theyre a sub 5 and endlessly hold out for Chad

Well, I don’t choke the punching bag, so no.

Lol you did tell her depression wasn't a new hippie swimming place right

Well that one woman you know proves that women are not depressed and none of us want to die! Thank you for clarifying that one for me.

I am not even saying some women are not like that, but I know several people who have made earnest attempts to kill themselves but failed because they did not have a gun or whatever handy. Thank god.

You post in IncelTears and your posts are making fun of people that post in this sub. This sub is for ugly, suicidal virgins. I don't have to assume anything. Your actions make everything quite clear.

Or, you can put your feelings aside and lurk more, and you'd get it.

I find it funny how you have the nerve to sit here and condemn the use of feelings when the great mathematicians remark about the use of their feelings in such a stone cold, logical field.

What was that about feelings again? :p

Didn't mean to cause offense. I don't have anything against incels. It's just some say outrageous things and I like to challenge it, to have a discussion.

You're right, you judge them based on whether they have mental issues and whether they're weaklings that capitulate to women. At least, unlike you, I'm not too weak to admit I'm a fucking monster.
