r/feminism is gonna be pissed

188  2018-05-20 by NegroHunter43


Kek'd. Foids are simply inferior, why can't they accept this?

Idk there are plenty of women smarter then you, hold degrees you aren't smart enough to get, from colleges you weren't smart enough to get into, but somehow I bet you aren't going to say women are smarter lol

Please fill this out, thanks.


Man, that's some old school

Yeah no matter how many degrees they get they'd still be raped by the local 5'2 bald Indian janitor if he wanted to do so. Foids are inferior.

u mad at events form two years ago, dwag? yeah, u mad roflmao pwned.

That's because of affirmative action. There were loads of smarter nerds than these femoids that were much more qualified, but leftists encouraged universities/employers to view race and gender as the primary qualification.

God I hate white knights

He clearly means on average dumbfuck

Especially with regards to athletics, it's biology. Athletic men will spoke athletic women in practically any competition.

Women are inferior on average both physically and mentally.

degree in gender studies maybe lmao


Name ten important male inventors/innovators/scientist active since the 1980s who have made a significant contribution to their fields, and then name 10 female scientists/innovators/inventors. Let's see how many females you can come up with without using Google.

Dude, that's not fair. You only need about 5 years for men. Any more, and you'll max out the character limit.

women's studies is a clown degree

...and you wonder why you are in this sub?

I was just thinking that. Hilarious that the complaints in this sub is that women only want to date "chads" instead of "betas". Next post: women belong in the kitchen, let's all laugh at women failing.

Gee, you ever think women won't date you because your attitude towards them is obviously shitty?

Yeah... and then they pull out "Kek'd" and other statements we know the FBI is watching... I mean if I were a Russian spy I would be personally asking myself why /r/incels is gone and I am using /r/braincels now.

Gee do you ever think we act don't act like irl in front of women, normitards??

If it's your genuine opinion you won't be able to hide it in real life. You may not think people notice, but they do.

Kek, women can smell misogyny off of incels theory strikes again while all their detection systems seems to malfunction when asshole chads treat them like crap

If you had to choose between a girl who's a bitch but attractive, vs a girl who's a bitch and ugly it's an easy choice. At least one has something redeemable.

It's no different for men. How about you try just not being a misogynist? I'm assuming you think you're hideous and ugly, so why would you further cripple yourself in finding love by being a cunt too?

We don't act like misogynists in real world you dumbfuck . Also we didn't choose to bitter misogynist, we were made into one by complete rejection and humiliation by foids whenever we tried to approach them. If pointing truth about hypergamy in females and gynocentrism in our shit society is being a cunt then ya I am happy to be a cunt.

Now you can fuck off professional whiteknighting cuck

It doesn't matter if you do it in the "real world". The fact is these are your genuine opinions and you can't hide them for long in a relationship.

You were made into what you are by yourself. Everyone gets rejected, EVERYONE. The only difference is the rest of the world accepts it and moves on, you dumbfucks choose instead to come online and hate everyone out of pure envy.

Talk about yourself. People are good at hiding things. Hypergamy in females are a fact and not just an opinion. It's your choice to ignore it and being a blue-pilled cuck.

No one gets rejected all the time like we do you numbnut. They don't just accept it cuz they eventually land a girl cuz they're not as ugly as we are. We deal with it in healthy way by venting our frustrations on this sub. Also why won't we hate others if they hate us look down on us cuz of the way we look. If it hurts you so much why don't you get the fuck off of our sub and leave us alone you cunt. It's easier to say all this shit when you can enjoy a normal life which we don't solely cuz of how we look.

You're delusional if you believe only attractive people can enjoy and have a normal life. Enjoy your self-pity circle jerk.

No you're the delusional one here if you believe being ugly cannot mess you're life up. Enjoy being in denial you blue-pilled whiteknighting cuck.

It's strange, because I see ugly people in happy relationships every day. Weird how their lives aren't messed up, no?

Also, more general note: calling people "blue-pilled whiteknighting cucks" sounds like an insult to you because you care about this made up shit, but to the rest of us it means precisely nothing.

It might "mess your life up" but that doesn't mean you can't be happy or have a partner. That's entirely on you, not your looks.

enjoy your self-induced depression and shitty life then.

Awww who hurt you

No one. Who hurt you? You're the one with the problems, not me

Nah man you sounds lot like a butthurted self righteous person who gets his kicks out of thinking he's helping others while just acting like a lunatic and making situations worse.

I'm not trying to help you. You're very clearly beyond help.

Then why don't you shut your trap and fuck off

I don't have too, i'm free to be here no different than you are.

Then stay here normoid and get butthurted again and again

I'm not butthurt. Again, you're the "incel" not me.

You are. All blue-pilled whiteknighting cucks like you are.

Am I a white knight now? and a cuck? where did this realisation come from?

You started this whole argument cuz you wanted to save milady's honor you feminist scum.

Stop being in denial whiteknight cuck

Your memory, quite like your social skills appears to be lacking. This argument started because you stated that you can fake being normal in real life and no one would know you're really a misogynist.

If you wish to insult me then so be it, I'm not the one who's a lonely bitter virgin.

Then why do women not smell my misogyny? I lurk and comment here in favor of men quite often. No woman irl ever shunned me. Meanwhile these guys have been outcasts their whole lives. So your theory is shit buddy!

It's not a theory, it's real life. If you spend your life believing all women are pieces of shit who abuse and take advantage of 90% of men then you're setting yourself up for a shitty lonely life. I don't care what you do with your life, it only effects you. The rest of the world will continue to be normal human beings while you and your band of cretins cry in the corner over how unfair society is while not even trying.

You don't have to stay here if you don't like it, you know?

This question can be re-directed at the this entire community

Women are not equal to men

sure, if you say so

Misogyny has little to do with any of this. Every person I've ever known IRL that has shown misogynistic behavior is sexually active, has a gf, wife, etc...

This is about anxiety, bad experiences, and lack of social skills. In general being a social outcast.

You believe frequenting forums such as this will help with your anxiety, bad experiences, and lack of social skills?

Rather than actual social interaction with people who aren't envious, hateful, and toxic?

You believe frequenting forums such as this will help with your anxiety, bad experiences, and lack of social skills?

No, but it's not my goal either tho. BTW, the only friends I've ever had, I got them from places like here. All of them women with only one exception.

Rather than actual social interaction with people

That implies I'm capable of such a thing.

Everyone is capable of such things.

I used to think I was incapable of public speaking, but I made myself do it.

Hey. I get it. You've never talked to someone like me in real life. You've never known someone like me. I never had a friend, family member or coworker like me. I know you have no real experience with someone like me, because if you did, you'd get it. So it's fine, really. You just don't know what you're talking about :)

You get nothing. There's no such thing as an Incel. It's all voluntary.

If that helps you :)

You don't understand proper, real anxiety, that is so bad you can't even ask for help.

There's no such thing. If you're not willing to ask for help then that's on you.

so... how should I do that? :)

I can't make phone calls, I can't talk about this shit with my parents... and there's nothing else.

I don't know what country you're from, but there are numerous organisations devoted to this kind of thing. Plus doctors will offer help if you go. There's real support groups that aren't reddit forums.

yeah... you have to contact them. Which is something I can't do. I have to show up. Which is something I cannot do.

that burn hurts more than their herpes

just lol.

literally every single one of you robots goes through this:

"dis is y ur insel"

nope, I dont even act like this irl

"u cant hide it irl!!!!"

yes, you literally can, you absolute moron. haven't you ever been nice to someone you don't like?

And then the conversation is over.

If you people had the ability to successfully fake being a normal human being, you wouldn't be incel.

Yeeeah, you can't actually cover up shit like that. Maybe for five minutes, but hatred like that radiates off you whether you try to hide it or not. The women you meet know exactly how shitty you are.






women are the inferior sex. Equality is a social construct

Is that why you are the incel?

If women are shit at soccer it's not our fault :^)

Mate, that's not inferior, that's incomparable.

Aye boi dis shit richere doe lmao

Female football is painful to watch. Is like when those almost disabled kids try to play football in school.

Unfortunately, the US men's team is so shitty and the women's team so good that your claim isn't really true here in America.

They're playing an entirely different level of competition though. It's like being the best in the special Olympics vs being the worst in the actual Olympics. The latter is going to be far superior if they played each other.

I'm just saying. We don't have very good soccer, here. Hell we didn't even make the World Cup.

Hell we didn't even make the World Cup.


I mean my 2nd team, Italy (because I'm Italian) didn't make it either

So now I'm rooting for Germany (as I'm also German)

how? Italy and Germany have got a big rivalry

They're the worst top players in the world. Women's teams lose to highschool boys.

If the US mens team played against the womens team they could easily win 30-0 or even more.

They're so bad that I could see them losing


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I'm going to post this to r/feminism and r/twoxchromosones. Wish me luck boyos

What happened ?

R/feminism deleted my post but r/twoxchromosomes didn't. it only has like 6 upvotes though


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R/feminism deleted my post but r/twoxchromosomes didn't. it only has like 6 upvotes though

I wonder if they would accept it without the bottom part.


R/feminism deleted my post but r/twoxchromosomes didn't. it only has like 6 upvotes though

What the fuck does this have to do with incel culture?

...everything... cant get laid gotta blame the women! That is what incel culture is.

I have a girlfriend and even I can see there's more to incel culture than just blame women.

Have you read the replies people give me? Lol.

Women are to blame. Women over 200lbs hit on me cause im tall when they're a strong 3/10

Yeah... if 3/10 women hit on you it's probably because you seem to be in their league.

What the fuck is "incel culture"?

What does pointing out women's shortcomings have to do with a lot of men angry at women?

what indeed

Incels feel rejected by women. So they come by downplaying women. It's simple rationalisation.

high iq

Women are so useless, that the welfare state is a trillion a year.

Women bad uptendies to the right




And they want equal pay. For that level of performance.

Lol "feminism"

Kek. Femoids are a fucking joke.

I bet a team full of trained incels could probably put up a decent match against them too.

One subreddit I'm proud to be banned from.

i saw a WNBA commercial earlier during the ECF game where they made nba players say they love it. steph curry said he learned some things from it. was lol'ing

Curry learned what not to do from the WNBA lmao

gonna be?

they're always pissed, that's what makes them what they are

The scoreboard never lies

It's not a theory, it's real life. If you spend your life believing all women are pieces of shit who abuse and take advantage of 90% of men then you're setting yourself up for a shitty lonely life. I don't care what you do with your life, it only effects you. The rest of the world will continue to be normal human beings while you and your band of cretins cry in the corner over how unfair society is while not even trying.

Have you read the replies people give me? Lol.

Am I a white knight now? and a cuck? where did this realisation come from?