IncelTears unironically supporting alpha fucks betabux theory

213  2018-05-19 by SaltShaker8383


Yeah I just saw this. How fucking blind are they?

Well in life, some men do this too, we try out different types of women so we know what type of flavor we like the most. Kind of like ice cream. For instance, I dont like vanilla but really like strawberry. It's important to meet and eat different types of pussy so you know which one tastes the best, try to avoid smelly ones it will give you mouth herpes

I dont have the option to try any flavors except through illegal means.

Sure life isn't fair get over it, or it's ogre for you.


"We" refers to the "some men". He's using men as a generalized example to this, not portraying himself as someone who manages this.


What a hideous word.

ive never heard of men (especially young man, not 30+year old beta buxx cucks) who activly go for "asshole" women who threat them like shit

You're taking my comment too seriously, all I'm trying to say is men should also date different types of women to find out what they truly like.

ah yes, if it was that easy lol

Its not, it's risky and you'll probably get turned down a few times, but sometimes in life you have to take risks. If you don't you'll end up regretting it in the future. If you're normal looking guy, You just have to hope you are.getting better at talking to women and if you can't improve that it's probably ogre for you.

What's a pussy, mate?

I have zero associations or similarity to such men, but it's rather obvious that they aren't just 'trying out flavours', that's just an over-glorification for men and women alike. Both sides say the same bullshit of segregating sex from LTR, and it's fucking stupid.

They are literal bluepilled cuckolds, of course they don't see anything wrong with it lmao

Zero self awareness


No way is this real

It's real. Link

alpha fucksss

beta buxx

This is how real works boys, you're just taking it way to literally. People date around to find out what they like until eventually someone sticks. You just want arranged marriages or what?

This is how real life works *for women


Nope, for everyone. Otherwise men breaking up with women wouldn't be a thing. Use logic pls

Or maybe they break up with women because the women were fucking the bad boys, crazy boys, cool boys and commitment-phobic boys. Use logic pls

That makes no sense

That makes no sense

Girl is dating guy. She decided she also needs to fuck other guys to see what she likes because female hypergamy. Guy finds out and breaks up with girl.

That make sense?

That's someone breaking up because they were cheated on. Completely different topic to one originally discussed. Wp logic

Wp logic?

Your argument was men breaking up with women proves men also date as many different types of girls as possible (which is a completely ridiculous argument in the first place). I brought up another reason a man would break up with a women. How is that a “completely different topic”?

Cheating =\= dating around

Please point out to me where I said that cheating = dating around.

And IM the one that isn’t making coherent arguments. Lol

We also don’t see men posting quotes like this and getting tens of thousands of retweets.

Male advice is more like “don’t stick your dick in crazy”...basically the complete opposite advice

That great and all, but you're not really making a point that refutes what I've said or advances this conversation. Braincels seems very lacking in people who can form coherent arguments

This literally DIRECTLY refutes it, but ok bro

Also this quote isn’t saying date around until you find someone you like. It’s saying date (fuck) all the “insert bad adjective” boys you can. And then find a safe guy to marry who will take of you. Better advice would be “as soon as you find a guy like that, hold on to him. Don’t even fuck with the assholes who treat you like shit”

Most women I see breaking up with men are breaking up for stupid reasons compared to vice versa tbh. I only have a small sample size but is is what I witness.

So poor anecdotal evidence? And again veering off the point of the original argument. When you realise you're wrong, talk about some else ey? Popular incel strat

Women are much more likely to initiate divorces/breakups though

People date around to find out what they like

That's not what she said. It's not about finding what they like at all. She knows women want to fuck alphas so she's giving them advice not to marry them.

Again, you're reading this very literally and then misconstruding the facts (where does she say alpha, or that bad boy fits into your view on relationships?). She means dating different people, anyone who has dated knows it what it means. She's not aiming this at incels (who read this completely differently than intended). I can't convince you obviously because we're both reading the same text and getting very different ideas from it. Show it some other people (IN REAL LIFE) and see what they think.

Wtf are you even talking about? "Dating different people" in her case means "fuck bad boys when you're young, and then settle for a beta provider". However you want to misinterpret it, she did NOT say "date different people until you find what you like". She explicitly said to marry a beta.

While 80% of men stay virgin (unless they hit up an escort)

Fucking lol

Where did you make up those statistics from?

Females consider only 20% of men good looking search it up

A: I claim that X is Y B: where did you see that? A: look it up ?????? Pretty sure getting laid isn't a prerequisite to not being retarded

Imagine being this low IQ jfl

I gave you all the info you need to search it up, I don't need to be your mommy and teach you how to use google

Just CBA wasting time finding some 'research' that I'm guessing a basement dweller carried out. You're the one trying to prove a point.... So prove it

You aren't entitled to my time norman

You're getting downvotes while this actual retard is trying to argue that 80% of men stay virgins unless they start fucking hookers. This fucking sub, lmao

It's a very interesting place isn't it. Try to carefully give some alternative view points and they just insult you personally and say that you proved their point. Like being back in elementary school!

You just got fucking destroyed

If having my arguments ignored/turned into strawmen is getting destroyed, then yes, I have been destroyed :)

I'm glad you admit your wrong. Now go back to your echo chamber cucktears

People date around to find out what they like until eventually someone sticks.

Is that really all you absorbed from the post? You really think that's all it's saying? Fuck you're stupid lmao

She's not even telling them to date around and find out what they like, she's very specifically telling them to fuck Chads and then settle for a beta you fucking moron.

When did she say fuck, chad, or beta? Incels project way too hars

Quit playing dumb you fucking dipshit.

It's sad that you think I am.

Whats sasvis that you think playing semantics means that youre somehow smart and capable of winning a debate.

Typical feminist whore that got all her opinions and tactics from bullshit college courses.

Trying to stay on point and use evidence rather than speculation isn't semantics, it's forming logical arguments. Something I think I'm getting better at while finishing up my PhD in a stem subject.

I'd be one of the first to say I think this third wave feminism is poisonous bs.

This isn't about winning a debate. I'm just, like many others, trying to share their opinions on this sub in hope that some people here start seeing there is another worldview than the toxic one they're living by which is just making them miserable. You think we're trolling or trying to bully, but we're trying to help (for whatever reason). Hopefully you'll see that at some point.

Ps. I'm a dude

Didnt read.

Suck my dick faggot.

Can lead a horse to water..... Enjoy being forever alone I guess

HAHAHA fucking acorn brain

Thanks for proving my point :)

If you're past 25 and no woman wanted you so far, if one suddenly does it's practically certain that she is only interested in you as a provider.

Damn right. If she doesn't find you hot enough for just sex with no strings attached, she can't be trusted for anything serious.

Of course they do because if they have someone that's them ha

  1. You're
  2. It's called sarcasm buddy
  3. Echo chamber...... The irony

"I was only pretending to be retarded!"

"what is a reply button?"

"I'm only pretending to be a slut teehee"

Jesus these IT people are so fucking dumb

What does IT mean in this context? I assume it’s not ‘information technology’.

Edit: assuming it’s referring to r/IncelTears


I don't understand the strange phenomenon in which foids can't both fuck and marry the nice, stable, respectful guy.

This whore is saying "fuck all the guys you want, girl, but then find a guy who respects you and settle down with him." The fuck? She can't just find a respectful, loving man to fuck and date? She has to fuck herself to exhaustion and then marry a beta?

And before anyone with less than 10 IQ points trys to tell me that foids can't detect which man they're gonna marry when they first meet him:

first of all, what the fuck type shit is that? You do not have to fuck every guy you look at. This post isn't saying, "fuck who you find attractive", it's saying, fuck all the guys you want, and then find a nice one to marry.

Sorry you guys, I'm running on like two hours of sleep so I'm fucking all over the place, but what the hell type of nonsense is this shit? Fucking foids, man. What the fuck?

“She can't just find a respectful, loving man to fuck and date? She has to fuck herself to exhaustion and then marry a beta?”

Exactly. That is now our world.

White sharia now

Yeah I'm a Blackcel but go off bruh

I feel for blackcels, here; I'll pass the rope

She keeps trying to get commitment from Chad, but after years of getting pumped and dumped, she lowers her standards and gives up on her dream of marrying a guy she's sexually attracted to. Congratulations, nerds, you get the "honor" of being Mr. Consolation Prize.

I disagree with the theory that they compromise merely because chads aren't willing to commit, chads may be carnal with often no sincere thought but it's not as if they too aren't also victims of this 'sex and no marriage' mentality. And so if chads ARE willing to commit, then it's obvious that foids do actually go for the respectful guy sincerely, at least, whenever-they-fucking-get-around-to-it

But this also goes back to the question of why they dichotomize sex from this LTR? I think it's foids delasticating their own projected halo effect. Sure their attraction may seem split from personality given the sort of people they like, but as incels have exposed they seem to just associate some kind of inherent value with horrible people anyway, until they learn the hard way there is none. The quote says it itself, although I hate it - "These men exist, and, trust me, overtime nothing is sexier."

I'm not justifying any of the foolish behavior by foids however, just attempting to explain it

The idea is that foids are drooling at the mouth for all the Chads 24/7. She's telling foids "whore yourselves out to all Chads, get it out of your system, so that when you hit the wall and are forced to marry a betabux, you'll at least have tasted Chad"

Chad would never want a typical foid as a wife, he chooses only the elite. But he will pump & dump all foids until they hit the wall.


Marry the cuck and play with the boy who fuck

They are literally making our points for us. Fucking kek.

"Just wait until the girls are done slutting it up, bro."

i will never get how you can activly date "assholes" who threat you like shit. femaloids are subhumans

Their sexuality hasn't received an update in the last 10000 years

They need a patch.

Why not just go straight for the sexy guy who wants to settle down? Why even date the bad boy in the first place?

If you support feminism, we'll create a society where women are no longer attracted to bad boys and their macho bullshit. But for now, just don't judge our sexual choices.

Now I don't know when it'll happen exactly, but you should still support women either way.


What? That makes no sense, women are the reason why "bad boys", "macho bullshit" and toxic masculinity exists.

Nice shilling. Supporting feminism would only disenfranchise men like this further. Women aren't these paragons of mortal virtue, they're just as susceptible to hypocrisy as men are. MANY die-hard feminists are attracted to classically masculine men and that will never change.


KEK, I almost fell for it

Spend your days skipping school, walking to skate spots and shredding. Drink loads of water. In a year you'll be lean/tan and some people at school will be afraid of you. All the girls will gain interest but just ignore them. Skaters as people are awesome. You'll never have a better time.

KEK, I almost fell for it

The nerd doesn't become "sexier" when it comes time to settle down, just opportune. These women value commitment and security more than love, and will SETTLE for that nerdy guy if Chad won't commit. She knows damn well she ain't sexually attracted to the guy.

I have to ask this person:

'So what happens when you get bored of the "Husband who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious"...'

What happens when you start fantasizing about the 20 other guys who were much better looking, and physically 'sexier' then the soyboy you married because he let you be smart/opinionated/ambitious?

Do you: * A) Cite that you are no longer 'happy' (tragic) and want a divorce so you cans wipe on tinder again without feeling guilty.

  • B) Cheat, What he doesn't know can't hurt him and afterall your a strong independent women, and men cheat all the time so can you!.

  • C) Realise that if you just picked a decent guy at 18, never slept around you wouldn't be constantly haunted by chad's cock and might have actually had happiness over time.

these women will cheat when they get an opportunity for another chad later. She did it 30 times before, why not one more time?


do they really believe someone merely making a compromise for the nice guy is 'true love'? Also - "have sex with the commitment phobic boys then marry someone else" yeah that'll help.

I don't understand what's wrong with this. Someone explain?

If you're serious, this is just sad.

Uhh... Yeah. I'm serious. I also don't no why I've got so many downvotes.

Hi serious, I'm dad!

Eh, you seem genuine if a bit naive so I'll answer.

Firstly, the quote advocates for the dating of, and I quote, "the bad, cool, commitment phobic and crazy" type of boys. The OP thinks she's referring to four distinct categories, when in reality this is all one type of guy. Anyone who doesn't fit this description is shut out and sexually evicted until the girl in question chooses to "mature".

Secondly, and here's the real kicker, this empirically proves one of the core tenets of the blackpill ideology. Namely, "Alpha fucks, beta bucks". Women have their fun with the aforementioned type of guy and when she's done "riding the cock carousel", she settles down with a tame, safe and undemanding beta.

Since I've been so forthcoming, could you reveal whether you're a guy or girl? To me it seems like most guys would be pissed off with the above quote, so I can only imagine you're a woman.

Are you sure? Because in reality, I've met cool guys who aren't bad or commitment phobic and most of the guys I know that I'd describe as "crazy" certainly aren't cool.

Would anyone in their right mind recommend dating the guys you're thinking of? The crazy she's talking about is the asshole-ish type that comes with the future abusive husband starter package. Either way, the point remains that she's advising dating one type of guy and keeping the one who "deserves it" in the freezer. It's an extension of that "make the the right guy wait for sex". It's a punishment disguised as a reward and encourages guys to conform to self-destructive archetypes in order to succeed with women.

Also, you never answered my question but I suppose that's redundant.

Me neither

Can any uncucked mod pin this it's blackpill gold. Alpha fucks beta bux straight from the horses mouth


well betabuxing is the only way they could get a gf. and for the girls that way they get a provider

I genuinely don't know what is wrong with this

This is also applicable to men. I mean i'd advise all men to bang some sluts before you get married

That's what your twenties are for. Loose women and bad decisions

Shiiiiit the women that make you cum the hardest are not usually the kind you should marry.

Applicable to men if you are 8+/10

Please point out to me where I said that cheating = dating around.

And IM the one that isn’t making coherent arguments. Lol

When did she say fuck, chad, or beta? Incels project way too hars

Are you sure? Because in reality, I've met cool guys who aren't bad or commitment phobic and most of the guys I know that I'd describe as "crazy" certainly aren't cool.