Royal Cash digger

94  2018-05-19 by Mr-5-5


They offed Diane, you think they wouldnt off her too?


Oh, if she misbehaves, they most certainly will. Monarch families don't like being cucked. Lineage is literally their reason for being royalty.

I should have sent this photo to Prince Harry a few months ago...

Is that the new fangled anti-gravity cash?

She legit used her last husband to climb the hypergamy ladder.. she was a nobody and he was some hollywood producer or some shit.. a couple of seasons into suits when she didn't need him anymore, she divorced him and the guy said he felt like something stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

Whats it like to be such a hater? Especially as a man?

Pray tell

This is her without photoshop. She's literally average. This marriage is only occuring because it furthers Royal ties with the black community. I can guarantee he is fucking actually attractive white women on the side.

Hey, TruthbeTold9999, just a quick heads-up:
occuring is actually spelled occurring. You can remember it by two cs, two rs.
Have a nice day!

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Do you really think / feel / believe what you are saying here? What do you actually, actually know about either of them or the royal family? How can you guarantee anything - other than by saying you can guarantee it?

Not hating, just curious.

If you think a fucking PRINCE is going to marry a 5/10 without a damn good reason, you've watched too many damn Disney movies.

So this is about what you feel, not what you know?

This is the equivalent to a 5 year old arguing with an adult and saying 'but why'. You're a child and a future incel.

:). Genuinely, I wish you all the best and I hope you find a positive place for yourself.

Thank you, incel.

Sure you do. You're seething, cuck. I hope you get killed by a nigger and I mean that.

Hi hater.

This woman is stunning and whatever your peon opinion about it, this man chose to take her hand in marriage before the entire world. Knowing people like ypu are rabid with hate.

Its such a beautiful thing

For as many angry people therr are flinging shit trying to prove superiority, people love and marry anyway.

Uplifting. Imagine being this vicious over strangers because you have no reason to smile.

I take solace in knowing you are so mentally weak you can't even spell words like 'you' in a basic response. She is not stunning at all, she looks pretty good but if I heard she had a sex tape released I'd yawn and watch some 4/10's get boned on xvideos over watching. She's 36 and had tons of plastic surgery already.

I take solace that picking through a rushed response on a mobile app leaving typos is the best you can do for self esteem. Lol.

Plastic surgery or not, she is gorgeous and enough people agree. While you bitterly mumble fist to the sky as to why the unfair and YOU couldn't marry Prince Bae Harry, I am abput to drop just about a cool G at Sephora for more of that unfair advantage that cripples ypu all day and night.

We all do what we must to be and look our best. Its fine if youre a purist and cant count but I tell you what, on yoir deathbead, no ine is going to cuddle you and say at least your ugly self was true.

Ripping this woman down for aging, as we all will, drrssing up as anhone with self esteem does, and being the apple of the eye of the man that you are not.

Self reflection would be useful here but if you had any, you would have stopped hate fapping comments ago.

In other news, I wanna doll up for a certain somebody in England today. We can all have our adoring princes if we wanna, salty.

I have an 'odd' feeling you dolling up involves taking a shower for the first time in 3 days to get the scent of a fast food restaurant off of you.

This female attention ypu are so poorly seeking can be provided with a cash app and crowd sourced ideas on what to say. Failing at trying insult me just hihglights how pathetic the state of your being is right now. I dont believe that's your end goal. Pulling my hair like a schoolboy wont make me like you. Take your arrested development and channel that enerfy else where. Bye now

she is gorgeous and enough people agree

How much soy did you consume to become this much of a cuck?

  • Unoriginal personal insult
  • Double back at surprise that I am female
  • Mysogynistic reach to suggest that I have no point due to my being female
  • all this, because, someone certainly not on a 24 hr diet of soylent is raging hard af because of a royal wedding between a handsome readheaded prince and a lovely mixed raced actress

Whose fault is it that you to the TRP and whatver other support group for dejected men had the final say in relationships, beauty, attraction, or any if it? You made it youjr bible and now your sky is falling because the world does what it wants despite whatever frat mind you worship as a cult.

I for one wish thsm. Long, blessed, deeply loving marriage with a lovely family and a long lineage of progeny who gives zero fucks just like Harry gives zero fucks about the likes of you. Alpha as fuck. Imagine that. A man doing what he wants instead of lapping up the collective semen of an internet circle jerk.

On a less mean note, I hope one day you experience love. Youll be deeply ashamed of your behavior here but at least youll have the bandwidth to u derstand what makes you wrong.

Oh and btw. We're done here.


A suitcase of cash?

She's going leave with like... a county.

Lol the only thing i don't like is there are some alt-right faggots going after her just because shes half black. Just lol i'd fucking tongue punch her fart box if i could lol.

This is the equivalent to a 5 year old arguing with an adult and saying 'but why'. You're a child and a future incel.