Never Forget

174  2018-05-19 by RaginAssholeThroaway


never forgetti

rest in spaghetti

LMAO I remember that thread, good times

link me pleaswe!!!!1

it got deleted when r/incels got banned

Haha thanks for posting. I wanna buy that dude a beer!

explain this mem aside from the saint please!


I remember a calculator thread where a kid refused to give a femoid a calculator thats what its about right? back when incels wasnt banned?

Yeah, she ended up failing the test and failing her class

Hi, had to create a throwaway just for this.

I'm an incel and I look like a clone of that guy.

Can you tell me who he is and about him?

He is blackops2cel. Since the old sub /incels(banned now) everyone worships blockops2cel. He has never visited this sub as far as i know but everyone just agreed to make him the incels leader... I believe he lives in iran or something like that idk but they got his pic from a gaming forum as far as i remember.

Our Lord stblackops2cel pbuh Is from Bosnia but yh otherwise correct

We already have a doppelgänger for him you need to make a post and post your pic.

i miss the old sub

it was less cucked

it was uncucked

it was uncuckable

moderated by azavii :(

what ever happened to azavii?

During the legendary Battle of Incelistan, the normie hordes overrun the subreddit so he commanded a tactical retreat from /r/incels. All the incels elite safely ran away to and others. He sacrificed himself to defend us. He was a wall that kept our brothers safe. Legends say that he defended /r/incels for a whole day all alone, striking thunder from above at the rabid normie hordes until they managed to tear his body to pieces. Never forget our hero, our defender, our one and only Goderator /u/azavii , St. Blackops2cel's right hand...

He shall forever remain alive in our memories. Cucks will pay for what they did!

That's why it had to go, (((they))) couldn't afford to have the sub around.

i miss when it was before it got popular, back in the day being a non kissless virgin would get you ignored by the whole community

IT compared us to Professor Chaos after that one.

Anyone have a copy of great threads from the old incels sub?

Based calculatorcel taught me how to live. Inspired by holy Saint blackops2cel(pbuh), I'm sure.

I remember calculatorcels story, great times


Holy shit. I forgot about that. That was epic life fuel.

who would win -a Stacy surrounded by hundreds of orbiters and 5 Chads on call to tend to her every need -one calculator

lmao why is the calculator story remembered out of all the other stories of /r/incels? What about the other stories? What about the dude that stole his sister's panties?

Omg calculatorcel

Forever remembered

Feels so good man


Not entitled to a calculator roasties, I love this story

I remember Eat shit bitch