You lost the genetic lottery, your life of copes is nothing compared to the life of Chad

267  2018-05-19 by NutNotBusted


Sand castle dude is my new hero.


This is more mgtow than incel

I am unapologetically the guy digging a hole on the beach. That is some of the best fun to be had on the planet.

Chad built a castle with power tools. Get over it, go home and learn to be useful... complaining about women is not going to help you.

If you're 9.

That sexual dimorphism is impeccable. How can soyboys compete.

That's a good looking woman. Is she famous?

Also, the guy forgot a bridge.

Yep shes famous alright, on instagram of course.

I'm willing to bet she has her whole page stacked with pictures of duck-faced cleavage-revealing "look at me" while I travel, gym, drink shit w/e

What's her instagram? I need it for tonight business.....




Disappointed. She isn't as hot as I thought she would be.

I've never see a female who wasn't a little girl, or a mother helping her children, build a sand castle. What happens after puberty and before motherhood? Do their brains just turn to mush and become Chad-radars?

Wait. Does something not exist because you’ve never seen it?

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but that it's just the statistical outlier. Women in general are extremely conformant to society (when they try to discredit you, they use social shaming), which means staying away from stuff no one does for fear of being unpopular.

I think that most people (not just women) fall into the category of caring about what others think far too much at certain times. Society teaches us to feel that way and it’s our jobs to deconstruct that thought process after we become self-confident adults. How old are you (hope that doesn’t sound pointed)?

No, that’s how society stays functional. This is how human species has worked troughout it’s short history. A person who is dysfunctional in society gets outed and as a result that person often fixes the problem. This is how humans avoid conflicts between groups of people. You either conform to the standard, or get outed until you do. Humans naturally seek for validation and our brains rewards you with serotonin when you get validated by your peers. It’s a very automated and smart system.

No, that’s how society used to stay functional. It’s an almost completely unnecessary function in modern society.

I really want to have a discussion about this but you are too dumb to even talk about it. Society works exactly like this. To have a functioning society, people need to conform to certain standards, otherwise we only have chaos.

You don’t agree with killing people. You are conforming to society standards. If you don’t, you get outed. I’m not talking about some sand castles.

We simply don’t need to conform to societal standards to survive anymore. To use your murder example, most people don’t agree with murder but many murderers still survive in prison even after being convicted of their heinous crimes. We’re simply a less brutal race than we were thousands of years ago. Failing to conform is no longer a death sentence and is for the most part unnecessary in modern society.

And I was talking specifically about nuanced conformity (like believing that building sand castles is for only children and moms instead of young women). So, I’m not sure why you’d stray from that 🤷🏽‍♀️



You could cut a steak with that jaw.

i just have a bunch of Chads in my kitchen so I don't need to buy knives

I'd rather be the sand castle guy to be fair. Looks more fun.

And now that the waves are at the gates

Neither compare to a life of not giving a fuck about how you or others look because nobody ultimately matters.

It's over

hes probably digging his own grave because of the suifuel he saw

Being a genetic dead end is not sufficient reason to deny us sex.

All the women who are using contraception and abortion so they can be sexually active without having children are also genetic dead ends, considering how many of them will wind up as sterile cat ladies. But no one tells these women that they need to give up sex because they won't leave descendants.

Instead feminists celebrate these women's dead-ender status as some kind of self-actualization and empowerment.

it's the ugly men who build civilizations in order to get laid, not chads. Chads don't care about civilization. They can get women without elaborate plans of controlling women.


isnt the chad on the top a camera fraud

We simply don’t need to conform to societal standards to survive anymore. To use your murder example, most people don’t agree with murder but many murderers still survive in prison even after being convicted of their heinous crimes. We’re simply a less brutal race than we were thousands of years ago. Failing to conform is no longer a death sentence and is for the most part unnecessary in modern society.


What is the obsession with hot women? No really, why does /r/Braincels even care? We accept that if we got a woman she wouldn't be that hot, so why dwell on shit we'll definitely never get?

that's what i've been asking myself everytime I end up here

Why wouldn’t incels be able to get a hot girl? People date based on personality, so maybe I will get with an ugly girl with a matching bad personality or maybe I will get with a hot girl with a bad personality to match mine.

ooh good point

If you are incel it is not anybody's fault. Living a life of envy will bring you no satisfaction.

Consider this. In nature, throughout the animal kingdom, there are segments of animal populations that have far less opportunity to participate in mating rituals. This is totally uncontroversial observation until it is applied to humans. But sad reality, it happens in humans too. So those people have taken to calling themselves incel. So it is a nature vs nurture debate in humans. There is evidence that definitively shows that there is an objective measurable aspect to human sexuality. Sexual attraction in humans does have a biological factor. But humans are also very adaptive, so the individual also has some control over how reproductively competitive they are.

Being an incel just means you are objectively disadvantaged compared to the average person. That is not necessarily entirely your fault. Nor are women to blame because women can't completely control what they find attractive.

What does this mean for the incel?

It means you have to accept that reality and move on. All you can do is make the best of it. Fixating on blaming yourself or women for the problem is a formula for misery. My advice, don't make female validation and approval your priority in life. Don't fixate on why you fail at what comes naturally to others. I am not saying it is no big deal. Sexual reproduction is how our species survives. Mating rituals play a major role in culture and in individual lives. Being an incel is isolating and when prolonged can be psychologically damaging. The incel experience is emotionally traumatic and very much a big deal to those that go through it. But, that being said, lustful and romantic successes is not all there is to life.

There are other ways to find a feeling of worth and a feeling that you are valued. I am not saying you have to give up hope in ever finding a mate. But if you are an incel you can't fixate on that, you have to find something else to focus on or you will be miserable. I recommend self-development. I understand. When you are unattractive it can seem as though some women sense that you are attracted to them and they are resentful and hostile about that. But your attraction is natural. You have every right to exist, even if others are inconvenienced by that.

Hope this helps.

Fuck accepting reality, that's what weak-willed faggots do. History remembers those who dare to change it, regardless of whether they are on the wrong side of it.

Ok martyr. Maybe you think female validation and approval is all that is worth living for...but I am not going to delude myself into believing that...and I am not going to bs other people that it is either. Good luck tough guy.

What a fucking sad strawman. I never said that female validation and approval is all that's worth living for. Fuck, I don't even want any bit of female validation. What I meant by changing reality is conquering society and reforming it at its core(i.e., bringing it back to the glory days of the patriarchy) in such a way that females don't even get to give us their approval. Only our validation and approval should matter, not theirs.

Yeah, in the past when this was done, and in cultures that do it now, the outcomes for most men are worse so good luck convincing people that when you are the "benevolent" authority that knows best, you will be different and not corrupt at all.

Western values of liberty and a free sexual market results in a more level playing field for more men, and greater equality of opportunity among all men than any other system.

You are daft if you think you can engineer more just outcomes than the free market.

You have no fucking idea what a free market is. A society that abides by restrictive cultural norms(assuming there are no govt policies enforcing them) is still a free market. You'd be foolish to think that a free market is merely people pursuing their respective wants. First, define people and wants. Who get to be people with autonomy? If we get to deprive other animals of the recognition of their right to private property, then we can also do the same to women. As for wants, not much can be changed which is why reducing women to the level of non-human animals is the solution.

The concept of a just outcome is bullshit. There are only two types of outcomes, good or bad(relative to the person). The only way any male would get a good outcome in your paradigm of a 'free' market is by winning the genetic lottery in the first place. I will admit that in any type of society, the losers in the genetic lottery will more or less get the short end of the stick. What I am arguing is that the market now is skewed against ugly males and that performing grand schemes subliminal shit to skew the market to their favor(without the use of government force) will still produce a free market.

taking a different angle, what are you doing to change your reality?

MKULTRA and strategic distribution of propaganda using data science.



There's always hope. I'm saving to get jaw implants some day(I'm 20) so I have time. Just watch Tom cruise when 15 and now! . But it's over for brokecels😂😂😂😂😂

To girls you'll look like the chin from fairly oddparents

I'm 27 and the one of the saddest parts of my life is that it's no longer socially acceptable for me to build sand castles :(