50 2018-05-19 by gg_slayggx
I've wanted to post here for awhile now but thought people would look down on me for undergoing a rhinoplasty.
My story: I had a gigantic arab nose (I'm arab) and all my fucking life girls have expressed disgust when just looking at me. I could be in class and girls would walk right past me and "eww lol" me every now and then for no reason. I was just this nice quiet kid sitting in the back of the class sleeping. Once I got to college I had no friends, the ugliest fucking whales said I was ugly behind my back (I wasn't attracted to them anyways so lol?) AND I was failing my classes hard. All of this caused me to drop out and isolate myself with my depression for 2 years without going outside (watched twitch and played videogames lol). This really didn't help as it lead me to to have suicidal thoughts thinking "wow 2 years went by and I still can't even look at people in the eyes/stutter when I talk to them, life will never get better for me". Oh yeah, forgot to mention looking at myself in the mirror has alaways been a struggle for me to just accept that I'm really fucking hideous, even the my own mom told me that since I'm ugly I'll find my own ugly wifey lul. I was also fat btw sorry for not mentioning it earlier.
The fact that I was ugly didn't only impact how women view me sexually, but it also impacted how grown women valued my existence as I began to work canadian minimum wage. I worked in a fucking mcdonald's for 4 months straight just so that I could pay 8100$ for a rhinoplasty! 4 fucking months of waking up every day like "woah I'm about to go flip some burgers and clean that toilet no1 wants to clean but it'll be worth it once I get my nose job my life will change drastically so I shouldn't kill myself and give upjust yet".
After rhinoplasty: I finally got my nose job and it fixed my entire facial proportions, the surgeon I saw even admitted that most people don't need nose jobs but that he does plastic surgery to help ppl like me. It's still big and swollen my it's a million times better than before as I never intended to aim for anything unrealistic. I CAN FINALLY LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND FIND MYSELF PRETTY LIKE I FUCKING CRIED BECAUSE THANK GOD THIS CHAPTER OF MY LIFE IS FUCKING OVER. I NO LONGER HATE MYSELF AND FEEL LIKE A SUBHUMAN YESSS. ON TOP OF THAT I LOST 45 POUNDS (went from 5'9 180 to 135 skinny) I counted calories, replaced drinks with water and ate 1200 to 1500 calories a day.
Many of us incels actually fucking hate ourselves and have insanely low self esteem and I really apologize for bragging about my newfound self worth. I regret wanting to kill myself because it was entirely due to how much I hated myself and my life. All that to say that we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves and view ourselves negatively, this is the worse mental torture and earth and it resides entirely in our head :(. I'm really happy to say that I'll be going back to university to study computer science in September!
VIRGINITY LOSS: With my weight loss and my face I'm a solid 8/10 for women who don't hate arab features! After my rhinoplasty recovery I got enough courage to get a job at a drugstore where I found my gf. She's a 10/10 face but a little THICC/chubby who is about to go to law school. She's been dicked down by 8 dudes before me which qualifies her as a slut in my eyes but fuck it I'm a rare case. She's the reformed high school bitch white girl type who gained a few pounds after and complements me all the time about not being a fuckboy. I lowkey laugh at those complements cuz that just means she's a thottie who got played by a bunch of chads out of her league and decided to settle with me. LOSING MY VIRGINITY WAS A DELIVERANCE TO STOP OBSESSING OVER SEX AND GAIN SELF CONFIDENCE. It made me understand how good sex actually is and how vital expressing my sexuality is to me cuz it's a basic need. But it is by no means should be the center of my fucking life like it used to and I feel that with this basic need fulfilled, I can accomplish so much more with my fucking life like going back to university!
Having lost my virginity legit makes me want to hit the gym and better my physical appearance in order to make it easier for me to fulfill this insatiable need to get laid and i REALLY REGRET not having done so sooner. I can say that every time I hit the gym (it's been 1 month and I can see the results) I feel so much better about myself and my confidence grows even if I have a gf. Working out is pretty therapeutic and I really recommend it to every1 of us!
NOTES: - There's this rule that states that in 99% of relationships the guy must be better looking than the girl and I think that's factual as I'm better looking than my SO because she's a cute girl she could get literally any chad to unzip his pants for her. - That's why I'm working on bettering myself physically cuz once I get back to university I'm love to fuck anything that moves since I've been a virgin for so long lol (YES EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A GF). - For all of us, I think it's not about chasing women and cold appreaching them trying to pick them up, I think it's about putting work in bettering the conditions to attract women (career, lifting, fashion, diet, nose job :/). - My biggest victory is my mental state, I'm so sorry to be bragging about this shit to you guys cuz I know some of us are really depressed but I'm so fucking happy nowadays. I almost entirely got rid of my social anxiety/autism and finally have a good outlook on life. I'm so fucking proud of having worked 4 and a half months at a dead end fucking McDonald's while sucking the pain in. Like I really spent 8hours of my day every fucking day flipping fucking burgers thinking it would never get better than this. 8 hours is an insanely long time flipping burgers it may seem like just a day job but it's actually physically/mechanically demanding. - Also, I fucking hate beta fags who orbit around average ass women making it hard for decent looking guys to get to them because they expect us to be as nice as those fags lol - I didn't tell my gf about my nose job, I never fucking will and she really doesn't know anything about what I went through because opening up to a girl who has a ton of reach with men will make me unattractive in her eyes. I don't have to open up to her to feel loved by her! I just told her that "i worked in a mcdonald's to pay off my student loan hahaa" - Right now I'm entirely dedicated to loving myself and being self sufficient because my gf loving me doesn't change anything for me, it just gives me essential validation.
1 dullsite 2018-05-19
trade up asap tbh
1 1122334wy 2018-05-19
lifefuel for me as I plan on surgerymaxxing
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
surgery for what my dude?
1 1122334wy 2018-05-19
jaw/chin implant and getting my ears pinned back
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
chin implant for weak chin is only 3500$ i saw on my surgeon's listing it's pretty easy surgery that recovers fast and will usually look like your doctor's shown you. Wish u the best bro!
1 throwawayNGUK 2018-05-19
Too bad I am a poorcel in a bankrupt country lmao
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Unsupportive minimum wage is always there for u :3
1 Revoltization 2018-05-19
now gtfo
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Yeah bro I'm sorry I've been off the sub but keep coming back for the memes =(
1 migoo519 2018-05-19
Shouldn’t you be happy one of us ascended incel status?
1 Revoltization 2018-05-19
Nope, hes just bragging. he should GTFO.
1 INCELIUS-DANKUS 2018-05-19
i think that was more tongue-in-cheek than anything
1 currywristcel 2018-05-19
Life fuel for surgerycels
1 Ropeismycope23 2018-05-19
Could you send me a before and after pic? Im curious
1 fiiiiz 2018-05-19
Can you do that for me as well?
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
I wouldn't bc it's not fully healed and I'm not confortable doing that but I asked the surgeon to keep a little hump and to not rotate the tip upwards at all. It's not perfectly small, still mainly long but MAJOR improvement. These youtube videos show good results and helped when it came to what to expect: https://youtu.be/rhCs2MGC_sY https://youtu.be/g8ie9d7HwDo You can do research online to find some good and shitty results
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-19
I'm getting rhino soon too (for free though, broke my nose several times so it's insurance-covered). This is very enlightening
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-05-19
Fuck imma go break mine too a couple of times maybe my insurance pays for it.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-19
you can't surgerymaxx a fucked up skull or frame, or shit skin, etc.
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-19
That means you're BB.
1 vladimirlenincel 2018-05-19
Nice job with the self improvement man. If I was you though I would focus on pumping and dumping sluts rather than staying committed to a confirmed slut, there is a chance that she reverts back to her old ways and cheats on you. You can never trust women these days, especially when they can find a guy to fuck in 5 minutes via tinder.
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
True, thats what I plan on doing while in university lol. But seriously my gf is still fucking awesome she's a beautiful law student and that's a keeper. I came to the conclusion that most girls my age are just sluts in general tho. My gf could easily get dicked by any1 and that's hard to get over though.
1 sandwich_paper 2018-05-19
So your girlfriend is a slut because she slept with 8 men before you. But you want to "pump and dump" other women while still being with her and you don't see anything wrong with that?
Your hypocricy and douple standards suck.
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Normie or troll?
1 sandwich_paper 2018-05-19
It does not matter who or what I am. Planing to cheat on your girlfriend is selfish, disrespectful and inconsiderate.
Judging her for the number of men she has slept with while planing to sleep around is hypocritical.
The fact that I am a woman does not change that.
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Oh so women browse this sub, weird lol. It was pretty easy to get my dick sucked by a hottie once I became good looking and would have never happened otherwise so you can take your thinking cap off and fuck off with that sjw bullshit!
1 sandwich_paper 2018-05-19
I'm honestly curious: have you pursued ugly women, before you got your nosejob? Why not/ what happened?
1 Korangar_Begins 2018-05-19
Don't listen to this shit. Yes relationships break down, but thinking like this will 100% make it a self-fufilled prophecy. Be honest to her. Never cheat. If you don't like where it's going, end it then, but not just because you think she might do something in the future (talk to her about it if it's bothering you).
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
True but I'll cheat on her if I want or can get an upgrade. Women have it a million times easier when it comes to getting laid is what I'm sayin
1 Korangar_Begins 2018-05-19
Yeah they do. Doesn't stop you from being a shit for thinking like that. You're obviously not emotionally mature enough for a proper relationship if that's your attitude about it. Enjoy your time with her buddy, because if you don't change your attitude it won't last long (along with any other relationships you probably won't get then).
1 sailorgangordie 2018-05-19
I disagree. It takes a massive amount of effort to pump and dump sluts, having a gf means pussy on tap plus you don't have to fuck her with shitty condoms like you would with some random thot you met off Tinder.
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-19
are you octopusgun
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-19
What country are you from?
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-19
Probably easier there then USA ,have you seen nelk on YouTube ? They look like they never get girls
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
They have perfect faces imo they just need to drop a few pounds like most people/fakecels
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-19
Perfect faces ? Lol and that one Jesse is a manlet.
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
lol don't think the shortest girls would mind
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-05-19
Life fuel for a 5'9 currycel like me
1 movielover2018 2018-05-19
Congrats man. Seriously. Now get out of this depressing g place
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-19
How much did it cost?
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-19
I wish I wasnt poor
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-19
Lifefuel. I also have an Arab nose and you've convinced me to get a rhinoplasty.
1 sailorgangordie 2018-05-19
God job man, this is massive lifefuel for me as a fellow Arabcel in Canada.
My question is how did you cure your social anxiety/autism? Did you just forcing yourself to talk to people or what? I can talk to people but I always overthink it and think they hate me and view me as subhuman. I heard meditation helps with that shit but idk.
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
I feel u cuz it seems impossible at first. I realised after years that my insecurities were mainly in my head (I shouldn't hate myself for being a loser). I practiced stepping out of my comfort zone (day job/talking to ppl) and since I'm a grown man now so I generally don't give a fuck about what people think of me. It's OK for people not to like me and most people usually don't love each other or become friends irl. I think that as far as being viewed as a subhuman by others entirely depends on the way I chose to present myself (clothes, appearance, the way I talk). It's also really humbling to notice that other people have it worse. To get over my mental block, I stopped looking down on myself and that was enough for me to feel like I could engage with people. The fact that I'm a nerd doesn't make me any different from others.
1 sailorgangordie 2018-05-19
Thanks for the info bruh this shit is so helpful.
Also can you go into detail on how you got your gf. Like the steps it takes to go from talking to a girl at work to fucking her?
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Girls let u know they like u by being nice to u and talking to u. I'm saying that cuz in my past life no bitch was ever nice to me. My gf is 20 and our bonding topic was university. I could have ended up with any other coworker but she is the hottest lol. That's all about them finding me sexually attractive.
1 zippygraham 2018-05-19
How'd you go from virgin to sex? Was your first time awks? How tf did you manage it?
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Nutted in her mouth first and then fucked her and kept going even if I came a bunch lol. Definitely cared about her climaxing so I kept thrusting it felt so gud.
1 ShyPlatypus 2018-05-19
Congrats my dude. Best of luck in the future
1 nerocon 2018-05-19
So your only problem was being fat and having a big nose? IS your chin forward?Do you have hunter eyes?
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
yes. chin is small but not weak/forward just not a super well defined jawline
1 TurboTrashman 2018-05-19
"Looks don't matter, personality does!"
"Sex isn't a big deal!"
IT narratives BTFO
1 SadIncel84 2018-05-19
Tbh you sound like a really smart cool guy. Extremely hard worker goes for what he wants. What I love about your post, is it proves how important affection and sex is. Along with how bad looks make your life so shitty. After your girlfriend you feel way better, have way more confidence, and can focus on other things. Go for what you want. Congrats to you.
1 zippygraham 2018-05-19
You sound kinda like me but I'm not willing to get surgery. The idea of getting plastic surgery to modify myself to please others/society is disgusting to me and I feel as though I'd be failing myself in doing so. I'd rather die with a "fuck the earth" in my heart than modify myself to please this garbage society.
1 Vannysh 2018-05-19
Youre an awful fucking human being.
1 Throwaway1337145317 2018-05-19
“Sex is a hobby.”
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Hey I get what you're saying but you're drawing big conclusions out of the very small bit of information I gave on this post lol. Can't blame u tho.
1 Throwaway1337145317 2018-05-19
Really happy for you man. This is probably the best lifefuel yet for nosecels.
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
My post looks like I'm saying w/o surgery it would have been impossible to lose my virginity. But I lost so much weight in the process I could have lost it before if I lowered the absolute fuck out of my standards lol
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-19
Perfect faces ? Lol and that one Jesse is a manlet.
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
Normie or troll?
1 gg_slayggx 2018-05-19
My post looks like I'm saying w/o surgery it would have been impossible to lose my virginity. But I lost so much weight in the process I could have lost it before if I lowered the absolute fuck out of my standards lol