Inceltears somehow doesnt realize theyre losing ground

101  2018-05-19 by FireAlarm911

-BTFO during subreddit of the day fiasco

-Mainstream new outlet publishes "Redistribution of sex"

-Our view endorsed by Jordan Peterson himself

  • We gain more and more sympathizers and recruits by the day. Any press is good press, demonize us all you want. We are still in our infancy, the blackpill is growing exponentially.

Good luck cucks, the pendulum is swinging the other way. Thought you would've got the hint after Trump was elected.


Lots of people know the blackpill is true, they just don't want to hear it from incels. It's a very well accepted view outside the positivity cult echo-chambers of Reddit.

Black pills often get hugely upvoted on reddit, when all traces of "incels" are removed from it. its really quite bizarre.

when all traces of incels are removed from it

THIS is the key, right here, boyos. Spread that blackpill, but keep the incel references out of it.

No it's not bizarre. It's more proof the black pill is real. It's proof that incels are low status, and that low status has broad implications for life outcomes, including being taken seriously.

Ever heard locker room talk? Not the gay puns and Nintendo joke shit you see IT numales doing, but actual locker room talk? Most men are partially blackpilled, or at least redpilled.

Not the gay puns and Nintendo joke shit you see IT numales doing


Not the gay puns and Nintendo joke shit you see IT numales doing

I guess locker room BJs technically count as oral communication

But most of us mean straight man talk

When men are alone our conversations are WAY WAY WAY different than when women around. That's when we have true freedom to say how we feel

Says people believe blackpill

Doesn't understand why incels are hated

Lel good point

I've seen

  • Be attractive
  • Don't be unattractive

Posted so often on Reddit it makes me wanna throwup. IT only sees attractiveness being dependent on retarded factors like showering or personality when in reality the bulk of it is genetic quality and luck.

funny thing is, for years the "intelligensia" or "skeptics" etc, would use evolution to beat incel men over the head with, it was taught in our schools, this is why they call us "losers." They have no problem with the black pill when it benefits THEM..... They are mad now that we've turned that game back around on them, dropping our black pills. Now all of a sudden, they don't wanna talk about superior genes or shit anymore. Funny how that works.

I don't care who I hear it from! If you think you will fail in life then you will. This has nothing to do with women or men. It has to do with you being sad and depressing instead of trying to do something with your life...

do you by any chance believe in the law of attraction? that would explain your comment.

the blackpill is here to remain forever.

and to think, this all happened because someone crashed a van into a bunch of people

thats why we call these people saints

if they're dead, yeah

but if they're alive, then they're just blessed

maybe, idk, that's probably really fucked up to say

lol why

We will have won when parents will teach their daughters to save their virginity for marriage.

That's how it is in my family. Christian countries are ok

A lot of parents still do. The problem is that society and peers teach the opposite so what parents teach is more or less useless. Parents are only respomsot for ~5% of the ideas going into kids' heads nowadays.

yep. doesn’t really matter what their parents say when most girls growing up now have had a smartphone in their hand 24/7 since they were 5

I don't think we can change things as long as they keep their smartphones.

that is true, the liberal media is teaching teens bad morals but I also see mothers who buy their daughters yoga pants and leggings and don't buy them skirts.

Females used to cover their ass and camel toe with skirts but now they look like monkeys in the jungle.

If you think that women staying virgin would change anything to your inceldom you are coping hard. Theyd still marry chad

Well I can solve the whole society chad problem.

I can't do this alone.

what did peterson say?

"Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr. Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married.

“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

Mr. Peterson does not pause when he says this. Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise women will all only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end.

“Half the men fail,” he says, meaning that they don’t procreate. “And no one cares about the men who fail.”


I laugh, because it is absurd.

“You’re laughing about them,” he says, giving me a disappointed look. “That’s because you’re female.”

But aside from interventions that would redistribute sex, Mr. Peterson is staunchly against what he calls “equality of outcomes,” or efforts to equalize society. He usually calls them pathological or evil.

He agrees that this is inconsistent. But preventing hordes of single men from violence, he believes, is necessary for the stability of society. Enforced monogamy helps neutralize that.

In situations where there is too much mate choice, “a small percentage of the guys have hyper-access to women, and so they don’t form relationships with women,” he said. “And the women hate that.”"

IT freaked out about this

unexpectedly woke

Peterson has always been a fuckin badass. Dude gets harassed so much in his own neighborhood, SJW’s putting up posters calling him a terrorist or summar I can’t remember, all cause he won’t lie and say that people can actually change their gender.

A link to this? This sounds so much like a fake conversation but also so much like something I'd expect Peterson to say.

O wow it's actually real, He sounds fucking deranged when talking about witches and dragons.

Holy shit a NY times backed article with JP spouting black pills. This is a turning point. The west is waking up.

It's like we are becoming the bad boys women crave LOL.

It's mostly been negative publicity, which I thought worked for Trump initially but now I'm not so sure. What if he just won because everyone bought into the "Donald Trump has no chance of winning" line and didn't bother to show up to vote against him?

58 million people showed up to vote, what you're saying may have had some impact, but to dismiss the millions of pro Trump people, and the people that ideologically side with him Is insane, even if he didn't win, millions of people supporting him is pretty telling

You can't be ideologically aligned with Trump because Trump believes in nothing except "success" and "winning". He's literally General Shit Post Supreme.

millions of people supporting him is pretty telling

It tells me millions of people are dumb, or think Trump is a tool they can use for some other purpose. Evangelicals have a right to hope because when Trump gets impeached, or flees office, they'll have their #1 as sitting President.

Everyone else is dumb as a box of rocks.

By the way, I hate Hillary Clinton, too. I'm not an Antifa Democrat.

people just got fed up of mental illness and SJW, and a badass successful guy like Trump comes on with no filter, thats the guy these crazy times required.

Incelqueers are pathetic cuckold losers. Of course they will lose ground because they live in a fantasy reality just like SJWs and far left feminists do.

As long as they have their Nintendo switch to play and have Tyrone to fuck his "life partner" they'll be fine lol.

Nintendo switch

When did my fav console get associated with nu males?

Feminist excesses have harmed millions of men who have quietly and in isolation suffered their loses. For 40 years feminism has accumulated these enemies.

With #metoo, those enemies have gone mainstream. Every man knows he is a target now.

Incel is a legitimate topic now not only because of the Toronto attack, but because men today reject the idea, grounded in the feminist women-first victim ideology, that men's issues are not legitimate.

I agree, but want to add that the white knights are also part of the problem.

Cucktears are on the wrong side of history

-BTFO during subreddit of the day fiasco

I missed this. Can someone elaborate?

Inceltears never respond to the ethnics of this subreddit

They literally banned me from their subreddit for proving white priviledge in the dating market.

These guys try to deny most ethnics are incels.

Hah. they're hypocrites. White liberals are disgusting, and they compromise most of that subreddit, at least 90+ percent. You have a few ethnics there that go in the comment section and mention that they are ethnics ("As a black guy, i hate braincels", " as an asian women, i think theyre disgusting and etc.")

Women dont like you because we dont like to be talked to like an animal. People are people. Ladies are not some new species!



The blackpill will continue to spread all around the western world.

The fire rises.

You're speaking as if this is some movement that will change the world. You're wrong. Instead of demonizing women you needa take a step back, humble yourself, and realize nothing is owed to you. You gotta work for it.

It will eventually, even if all it does it make more women afraid, that's okay with me.

We need to work our ass off while women get everything on a silver platter?

I don’t know why everyone here gives a fuck about IT so much.

Imagine if some retard kept interrupting you with made up facts. You wouldn’t even entertain their argument for a second.

Once you realise they thrive on attention and the argument itself instead of the actual discussion, you disengage completely. Please keep it in mind.

Imagine if some retard kept interrupting you with made up facts. You wouldn’t even entertain their argument for a second.


There's a social revolution going on. Men are waking up. Society will swallow the blackpill. The ancient greeks swallowed it, so western society will swallow it again.

We will never lose. The blackpill is the truth and the truth will never fail.

And, the more they continue expanding on their hypergamy, the more incels they create. The more incels they create, the bigger we get. The bigger we get, the louder we get.

But, you fail on some things though.. The attention we are getting now, is a witch hunt. A few articles such as you have posited may show a little positivity but compare that to the tirade we've been getting, mocked on comedy central, media outlets painting us as terrorists, etc. And Trump (like any politician, on the left, right or center) is a puppet on strings. He appointed his feminist daughter head of his ethics committee...

Also don't know how many of you are escortcels? There are 2 types of traditionalism, patriarchal and gynocentric. Gynocentric traditionalism is what happens when women get the suffrage movement and enter the work force, and basically gain male and female privileges, whereas men are stuck with nothing but responsibilities. Sounds a lot like feminism? This is what feminism grew out of. Liberal overt feminists are sex-positive (at least for women anyhow), conservative covert feminists are very sex-negative. And they call themselves traditionalist, and hide behind their boots on the ground, the white knights (often of the "Men's Rights" movement or some shit like that, "anti-feminism" is the other feminism). Make no bones about it, the crackdown on prostitution came from the time that this "traditionalist" president came into office.

Point I am making, misandry and gynocentrism is not limited to liberals and feminist. Hypergamy was already set in motion before feminism even was a thing. The sufferage movement came before feminism, hell women entering the work force came before feminism, by gynocentric traditionalist women. Again, that's what lead to feminism. Most "traditionalists" these days are just republican feminists under another name. Some are republican feminists under the name of "men's rights".

This is funny because Peterson espouses a general Jungian archetype while explicitly stating that some men are losers who just need to get written off.

While Peterson adroitly manages to sell books to lesser people like incels, somehow, he has no qualms about calling them out as losers who deserve contempt.

Lol if you think Chads aren’t wearing MAGA hats.


Well I can solve the whole society chad problem.

I can't do this alone.