Never become betabux. Reject the system

188  2018-05-19 by Tookthemethpill


Jfl if you think she even looks at Chad,while she has access to Gigachad.

Thats gigachad to you? To me it seems he is just a means to an end for her. Her Princess complex is complete.

he meant the guy on the other end of the phone

Ahhh shit. Will downvote my own reply as an act of atonement. I’m all fucked up today

Thats gigachad to you? To me it seems he is just a means to an end for her. Her Princess complex is complete.

Obviously not harry boyo,the morphed dude we see on the sub.

gigachad? a balding ginger prince? wat

Lms and he has one of the highest statuss in the world


what does that mean?

Looks money status basically what women are attracted to. Looks is the best

Lol, nobody gives a fuck about the royal family anymore, he has money but his status is less than someone like Logan Paul. A Tyrone working at McDonalds with a thousand instagram followers is way more attractive to foids.

Keep coping bub he's a prince in the most well known monarchy in the world

I've never even heard of this guy, nor have most people outside of the UK. You're the one coping. Looks>>>>>>>status, your status is making you a betabuxx.

his status is less than someone like Logan Paul. A Tyrone working at McDonalds with a thousand instagram followers is way more attractive to foids.


Yeah that's dumb as fuck. Everyone in the world knows who the royal family is. Many people won't know who Logan Paul is off the top of their head.

Everyone in the world knows who the royal family is.

I showed part of OP's pic to friends. They have no idea who those people are. A lot of people dont give a fuck about the royal family.

his status is less than someone like Logan Paul.

His wedding was televised around the world and millions of people tuned in to watch it. Over 100,000 people lined the streets to get a glimpse. I had to google Logan Paul.

And how many of those people were hot young women fawning over him? 1%? Meanwhile Logan Paul has millions of teen girl fans

In commonwealth countries? A fuck ton. Lots of girls and grown women (important difference) got together to watch it. The girls in my law school program threw a party (The wedding was shown at night here due to the time difference). The guy is described as a "soldier prince". That's some pretty solid status.

Logan Paul does have millions of teen girl fans. Like early teens. They will grow out of it or forget him by the time they're legal. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he gets lots of women but his appeal is more looks and money than status.

I think you're vastly overestimating the status of someone like this. In terms of being marriage material he is at the top, but if you think he'll be able to pick up random women at the club like Chad, you are deluded. A prince is the ultimate beta.

He needs a security team to even go to a club. When he comes in, all eyes are on him. If you think a prince of one of the most influential countries in the world could not pick up women in a club, you're deluded.

How so?

You don't understand Alpha/Beta. If you're Alpha/Chad, then women will eagerly throw themselves at you even if you're unemployed, they'll support you and your loser lifestyle just for your seed. Being Beta means you win your women by being a provider, having resources, like being a Prince, it doesn't keep your women from cheating on you with Alphas, for example Prince Charles and Diana, Prince Harry is rumored to be the product of an adulterous affair with her bodyguard.

LOL - when Harry partied hard it used to make the news.

I can remember in the 1990s when the British royal family were DEEPLY unpopular. Then Princess Diana died and the whole commonwealth pretty much fell in love with her two little boys. They've now grown up into two classy dudes who are liked and respected. Despite being born with silver spoons in their mouths they just come across as humble, relatable, solid guys from generation us who seem to treat their roles as a duty.

not him, the guy on the other end of the phone

That's a hell of a getup that guy has on. Is he a company commander in the Salivation Army or something?


I laughed. I fucking hate autocorrect, assuming thats what happened here 😂

Nah, I just like calling it that. Also, when you make yourself a cocktail you can tell people you're "attempting to join the Salivation Army."

Lmao aight man

He was a cavalryman on the British army, did two tours in Afghanistan.

So is that the dress uniform of a British cavalryman?

Better than his Nazi officer uniform he wore a few years ago.

No but he was in the actual army

Do you actually not know who he is?

I think his name is Harry? Didn't mean to imply complete ignorance of his existence or anything like that.

Because he's a prince of England

Most of the English royalty seem to wear the uniforms of regiments they're patron (I think) of. I know Charles has worn a Welsh Guards uniform, for example.

I've seen a lot of those uniforms. They tend to look like something an 18th Century navy Admiral might have worn. This outfit Harry has on seems completely different in style to me.

You can tell she's already a completely narcissistic cunt. The fact she's marrying the Prince of England will make her the most insufferable person on the planet.

> You can tell she's already a complete narcissistic cunt.

This is what we mean when we accuse you of projecting.

I'm not projecting. One look and I can tell she's full of herself.

And you say you have trouble attracting women? Couldn't imagine why.

Yeah, it's because cunts hate short men, retard.

No, it's because your shitty attitude to women radiates off you like the smell of a dozen hobos. No woman is going to date someone with that much hate in them.

That perfectly explains why I know women who are completely comfortable being around me, and are on “friendly” terms with me. You don’t know my life, retard, don’t assume I’m socially inept and don’t know how to socialize with people my age.

I’m single because I’m short, not because of my shitty attitude.

Imagine working for the whore and hubby in their little palace-nothing worse than some walking cumbucket wagging her sausage fingers at a guy for some imaginary violation of her rules, judging him and bossing him around.

He's not "The Prince of England".

His Grandmother is the Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, head of the Church of England and defender of the faith. His Father is the Prince of Wales, he is the Duke of Sussex.

minimum status to marry a post-wall roastie in 2018

Just be the prince of England bro!

seems like it would be in everyone's interest here not to support and spread lookism by stating that aging makes you worthless

everyone here fully supports it though. Just not when it's focused on them.

Saying the opposite doesn't make it true. Besides, she is attractive but being a single, post-wall roastie was her choice.

They will together produce the richest incel the world has ever seen.

That could’ve been Zuck, if he didn’t betabux

Doesn't look like he did. His offspring will be an incel but a smart one. A shekelcel + ricecel is a good combination for brains but a britbongcel + negress will create a very dumb mulatto abomination.

Lol, wut? Prince Harry, by all means, is a chad. He also mogs his brother into oblivion.

He isn't overweight, but why does his head look so eggshaped?

anglo curse

More like "inbred curse".

That's what he said.

LOL what? His mother was Princess Diana and his real rather was some guy in the Air Force. (Not Charlie boy.)

To his eternal good fortune Prince Harry dodged the blue blood completely...

Genetics, I have the same headshape. He looks a lot like my brother, actually.

Looks like Wallace and Gromit.

He looks like Wallace and Gromit?

young prince harry was pretty decent looking. shows the importance of a tan and good hair



Pick one

Fuck meant to say prince charles

He was actually good looking when he was younger, but MPB hit him like a fucking truck

Definitely mogs the fuck out of me even if i was a prince and he was homeless, thats for sure.

Prince William cucked Prince Harry at his own wedding

Prince William's dad is a normie.

Prince Harry's dad was a Chad.

See the difference in outcome?

Prince Harry's dad

they have the same dads

Yeah...sure they do...

google agrees with me

Google also says Incels are a dangerous fringe group...Google isn't always right.

The dude that Princess Diana was fucking right before Harry was born looks just like Harry. William looks just like his cuck father, Charles.

Princess Diana

what dude was she fucking?

James Hewitt


Really? I think he looks more like Charles facially. The red hair is the only thing really.

Exactly my point. William would be a nobody if he weren't a royal. Harry on the other hand would have still been a slayer even without being a royal.

Are you saying Prince Charles and James Hewitt are the same person? They look very different to me.


His brother mogged him to death before he went bald and fat.

She really had her cell phone? Lol

I reckon it's shopped but then again I am retarded.

No. That's a very obvious photoshop

Its a prayer book that doubles as a phone.

Why this dumb ginger married a post wall roastie, in five years her vagina will be rotten. Look at Clooney, an old man fucking a young hottie, he is the real statusmaxxed.

Maybe they like each other?

But no, in the incel world men and women only use each other and can never feel genuine happiness together...

Not in the incel world, in the world.

In your fucked up concept of the world that centers around hot people fucking, yes. In the real actual world, no.

I don't know what bizarro world you're from where you think ugly men are out there banging hot chicks.

For fucks sake they’re everywhere. Go to any restaurant, any public place like a mall or a park and I guarantee you’ll see an ugly man dating a hot woman. Or maybe it’s just that way down south where I live but there are some ugly sons of bitches with hot girlfriends.

You are just calling them ugly because you hope everyone is ugly to cover up your own ugliness.

Ugly dudes and hot chicks get together for three primary reasons:

  1. Big heart. In the case of the roastie, it's more like big attention. Foids love having as much attention as possible, at all times. Got a Chad on the side fucking them, got a loyal man at home orbiting them.

  2. Big dick. No woman on the planet who likes dick will settle for one dick. No further commentary needed.

  3. Big wallet. The classic betabux. Fuck homeless Chad off Tinder, come back home to Billy the 9-5 Beta.

A B-list actress, divorcee with a child, older than the groom and decides to fuck the protocol.

On the other side is Prince Harry... there's something off, i genuinely don't see what Harry could see in her, also considering that one of her brothers sent him a letter telling him to call off the wedding.

fertile as sand mixed with salt.

Kate is the same age and recently had a baby, what's your point?

Kate is the same age and recently had a baby, what's your point? Also she doesn't have a child

They're both around 36 years old, but Kate has produced three children already for her husband, whereas this Meghan is five months older and is just getting married, her fertility is almost over and she's at the age where she's a huge risk for having unhealthy children because of her old eggs.

Shrug. That's between them. I really couldn't care less about some celebrity wedding.

I simply see no reason to assume their relationship is based on anything but mutual attraction.

lol @ like one another

they will be divorced within a decade

Isn’t Clooney’s wife older than Harry’s

Clooney's wife is older than Markle.

You need to keep those orbiters on track boyo

He would rather be with his co pilot blowing up ragheads and skinnies. Feel bad for him really.

You can see it in his expression that he knows he is making a mistake.

I can only pray for this man. His life is turning into a living hell soon.

A living hell with servants, jets, yachts, horses, fancy food, endless wealth and the ability to fuck whoever you want because you’re a prince. Sounds terrible.

King of Wails

William also cucked him

Diana part II. Hopefully she hits the wall twice like that old cunt too.

tbh the only people who give a fuck about royal weddings are obese roasties from Trumpland

I'm an educated foreigner and I enjoyed spending 5 hours walking and waiting to see the couple for 5 seconds. That being said I don't give a fuck about them, just a nice day out.


He should have gotten a hair cut lol

lmao she is wearing a white dress even tho shes not a virgin

Lmao my 65 year old mother was telling me how she thought it was fucked up people married without 'living with each other' first. Get with the times bro

your 65 year old grandmother is a ho

At least she produced offspring capable of passing down their genes. Dick

ok n ? that does nothing to disprove my point

True as fuck

LOL, actually LOL

Prince harry is actually very gl ngl

Probably texting someone to say "OMG he wore that stupid fucking military jacket he always wears on special occasions, imma throw it out when we're married"

(Am married - true story, wives WILL throw out your dorky looking shit and replace it with stuff that actually looks nice).

iits photoshop right?

He looks like he doesn't even want to get married. And is she holding a cell phone in her hands?? Is she texting to Chad???

she is probably so miserable. She needs 20 more palaces, golden toilets, and needs 20 meeks to come over and fuck her. Then she might be a little bit more happy and get her mind off of being with this loser.

Don't delude yourself into thinking this is even an option for incels

That's PRINCE CHAD to you. 8-)

gives me a mitchell from modern family vibe. But yea i don't know him I just know he gave women the hypergamous dream again. Even more blue pills need to wake up to make women sure don't get to fuck all their chads for 20 years and then get to marry their provider male. All I can do is hope.


I laughed. I fucking hate autocorrect, assuming thats what happened here 😂

Lmao aight man

Better than his Nazi officer uniform he wore a few years ago.

Not in the incel world, in the world.

Fuck meant to say prince charles

No but he was in the actual army

Do you actually not know who he is?

A B-list actress, divorcee with a child, older than the groom and decides to fuck the protocol.

On the other side is Prince Harry... there's something off, i genuinely don't see what Harry could see in her, also considering that one of her brothers sent him a letter telling him to call off the wedding.

And how many of those people were hot young women fawning over him? 1%? Meanwhile Logan Paul has millions of teen girl fans

Lmao my 65 year old mother was telling me how she thought it was fucked up people married without 'living with each other' first. Get with the times bro

True as fuck

lol @ like one another

they will be divorced within a decade

He was a cavalryman on the British army, did two tours in Afghanistan.