Teehee being 19 is hard xD

512  2018-05-19 by geoffreylambert


Life on EASY mode

In store demo mode.

console hacked god mode

I'm here on veteran and this chick plays life on recruit

I play on realistic. Fucking 1hit kills from roasties

They don't bother killing me, because i'm just that harmless.

I don't even have a console and this chick has a beta beat the game for her.

we're tiny Mario with broken pad buttons and she's on Yoshi with every single mushroom, water jet pack and racoon tail

I must be on hell mode then,even looking roasties kills me.

Dimensional mode. Even breathing a molecule in the direction of a femoid does 50% damage.

Tutorial mode.

This woman appears to be physically unattractive. For some reason men tend on foaming whenever an unattractive female appears. Disgusting.

Male thirst is a curse

I'm on ultra nightmare mode, can't even die once


Tutorial mode

tutorial island.

She is using a bot to complete tutorial island

Yep, some people have it easy. Weird how homeless people bitch less about ppl being born into wealth then y'all do about looks though


(I am a bot beep boop. PM me Suggestions!)

stacys play on arcade mode we on Ultra realistic simulator mod

There is no organism on this earth more privileged than the young human female.

The society that has let them take full advantage of this with no consequences is not a society that will last . It's a society that will not last and the sooner we destroy it the better.

Society thrown away to give a group of selfish 19 year old girls their tingles.

And people thought the Indians got screwed when they sold Manhattan...

maybe if all men weren’t so horny for almost any female then females wouldn’t have it so easy in terms of sex? let’s stay strong brothers

This is useless unless you're Chad

decent women don’t need a chad if you treat them decently

Until they ovulate

Historians from the future are going to look at us like we were insane.

You mean technologically advanced aliens. We won't be around fully realize the femoid mistake.

It is more likely that you will be a virgin saltily posting on reddit for the rest of your life than managing to destroy society and bring about government mandated girlfriends


Am I wrong though? What is your guy's solution?

It doesn't matter what I say, you're fuelled up on soy and ready to defend m'ladies and the status quo so there's really no point in arguing with you.

Whatever you propose would probably infringe upon the right of women to be intimate with who they want as free individuals. As a soy consuming cuck I would have to agree with you that I am not in favor of curtailing these freedoms.

Let me guess; women get to ride the cock carousel and take advantage of their privilege to the fullest like in the OP, degeneracy like eating shit and drinking period blood or consenting to cuckoldry is empowering and healthy and whatever happens to the rest of society doesn't matter at all, the sexual revolution was a great thing and monogamy is oppressive.

Something along those lines, right?

I believe that monogamy is oppressive, though not for whatever reasons you might ascribe to me. I don't think it is natural for most people to be sexual attracted and want to be with one person for 30, 40, 50 plus years. I get bored fapping to the same woman more than 3 nights in a row. Of course, if people want to do it then it's OK with me.

Consuming shit and blood is disgusting but again if people want to do it in the privacy of their home and are not bothering anyone else then I don't care.

And as for your first point, I would say that the developments from the sixties up until the modern day have made it much easier for females to have more control in their sexual behavior. They can now use technology to more easily select for the men with genetic traits that are universally desired, like height, fair skin color, beautiful features. But you already know this. This has disenfranchised millions of men who weren't fortunate enough to posess them. Unfortunate though this may be, it has been the nature of women to do this for thousands of years, just as you as a male would look for big ass and titties. We are the victims of natural selection, a force that is unnatural to fight. All you can currently do is try to increase your appeal, because women do not owe every man sex, and to enforce otherwise would be tyranny. That is how I see it. And I would further add that you probably don't give a fuck about other things that people were born into that fuck them over in life, like people in third world countries that suffer so we can perpetuate our standard of living. They never had a chance at a good life. But you only care about what affects you, not being able to get a gf

Lol, you literally admit the blackpill is true and then defend the status quo just like I expected you to do. Women used to have sexual freedom and that predates civilization. When civilization formed, monogamy was enforced and the nuclear family was conceptualized. This is the backbone of all human progress. Before it, we were just apes barely managing to survive. There is too much shit to argue against here but basically you are admitting that my original comment was true except you are supposedly disagreeing with the fact that it will lead to disaster and the fall of civilization as a whole. You unironically think that 80% or whatever of men will be fine with living sexless lives while women form harems with the Chads and you are HAPPY that it's easier than ever for them to do this. You actually think this is sustainable and healthy.

I really haveno reason to continue this conversation with you as it won't lead anywhere. You're just another sex-positive liberal who doesn't give a shit and believes in absolute personal freedom no matter the consequences, whether long or short term.

You misconstrue or assume a bunch of things here, which I will labor to correct: I am not happy that most women want to be with a minority of attractive men. I accept that it is natural for them to want to do this. It is literally natural selection. I don't want to force women into relationships they don't want to be in, it's stupid, counterproductive, and will lead to both unhappy men and women.

Monogamy did not arise in all civilizations, it is not a universal value that must be upheld. It is not "the backbone of all human progress." In all of the societies where monogamy was the norm, men and women would cheat on their spouse, as they felt it contrary to their nature to be true to one person. Also, some of the world's greatest philosophers, thinkers, scientists and artists, the people who actually push civilization forward, were incels, gay, or polyamorous. And do you really think as lifespans elongate that people in the future will want to stay with one man or woman, for hundreds or thousands of years?

If a man absolutely needs sex then he can pay for it. If he needs the comfort of a relationship he will not get it from a woman forced to mate with him at the barrel of a soldier's gun or the stroke of a politician's pen. The woman will resent him all the years of her life, and provide no emotional succor. This can be observed in east european societies that practice ritual bridal kidnapping. The woman cries for days after she is captured, and deteriorates into an emotionless zombie state that would shrivel my dick if I were her husband. This is the result of nonconsensual marriage, that no reasonable man should want.

Ahahaha WE WUZ KANGS polamory/gay edition. You are absolutely ridiculous and your claims have no basis in reality. Also the comments about Eastern Europe is some of the funniest and most untrue shit I've ever heard especially considering I have family there. Just fucking lol.

You should read Sex and Culture by J. D. Unwin if you actually want to educate yourself on the importance of monogamy and why it isn't oppressive and why restricted sexual freedom is crucial instead of spouting this dumb shit. Good riddance

Idk why facts you don't like make you so upset. I wrote all this to see if you could give me some insight I hadn't considered, and you respond with the typical right wing white guy in western civilization mindset. It is a fact that many civilizations existed and exist that do not enforce monogamy, but they don't count because they are not your preferred civilization or aren't advanced enough. The polyamorous Maori killed lions with only some sharpened sticks and their courage. Bridal kidnappings occur in Kyrgyzstan to this day; I am not exactly sure if it is an eastern European or eurasian nation or whatever, sorry to have bothered you so much about that, I was just bringing it up as a useful example of what happens to women when they are forced against their will to marry someone; they become like slaves almost, completely sapped of their emotional well being by a sadness that never goes away.

Restricted sexual freedom is the definition of oppressive, you are limiting a woman's freedoms so that a beta she doesn't really love can get married, who she'll probably cheat on at some point. You can't bring back the fifties and outlaw tinder or whatever the fuck. Society has evolved and is trimming the fat. I am sorry if you can't find a girl that wants to be with you, it's very sad, but forcing them to will not give you what you need, which is the comfort that comes with the honest love of a consensual relationship.

Idk why facts you don't like make you so upset. I wrote all this to see if you could give me some insight I hadn't considered, and you respond with the typical right wing white guy in western civilization mindset. It is a fact that many civilizations existed and exist that do not enforce monogamy, but they don't count because they are not your preferred civilization or aren't advanced enough. The polyamorous Maori killed lions with only some sharpened sticks and their courage. Bridal kidnappings occur in Kyrgyzstan to this day; I am not exactly sure if it is an eastern European or eurasian nation or whatever, sorry to have bothered you so much about that, I was just bringing it up as a useful example of what happens to women when they are forced against their will to marry someone; they become like slaves almost, completely sapped of their emotional well being by a sadness that never goes away.

Restricted sexual freedom is the definition of oppressive, you are limiting a woman's freedoms so that a beta she doesn't really love can get married, who she'll probably cheat on at some point. You can't bring back the fifties and outlaw tinder or whatever the fuck. Society has evolved and is trimming the fat. I am sorry if you can't find a girl that wants to be with you, it's very sad, but forcing them to will not give you what you need, which is the comfort that comes with the honest love of a consensual relationship.

Read the book, retard. Stop claiming women are oppressed under enforced monogamy and stop assuming it is literal slavery and that the women born under such a society would be today's empowered white feminist whores. I am not even "white" and I know first hand what non-Western life is like for women. I'm sick or arguing this shit with you, if you want to argue this further I recommend doing it with u/Detoxification-. He probably has more patience and is better at getting his point across than me. All this is doing is pissing me off since I can't believe "men" like yourself can be so cucked and pathetic.

Argument is pursuit of truth; if you're getting angry by hearing opoosing views it could possibly be because you are mad that they conflict with what you want to believe. If you could actually prove to me your views are correct instead of calling me a cuck I would agree with you instead of getting mad, because all I want is the truth. I don't have an agenda. And getting pissed off in a civil debate where I haven't insulted you (though you have to me) is a sign of an emotional, feminized man and I would recommend reducing your soy consumption.

This is the third time I've told you to read the book I mentioned and it is also the third time you're gonna ignore it. Also jfl at believing anger and aggression is feminine. Your incredibly cucked views and hatred of your fellow men is an actual sign of a purely soy-based diet. Say hello to your wife's boyfriend for me won't ya?

Lol why are you so upset bro. A man that cannot control his emotions is definitely lost in the soy sauce. And saying "read the book" doesn't win any arguments. If you read it then I would assume you could debunk the points I've made. But just relax, take a deep breath, step away from your keyboard and do something fun instead of arguing with me, since you don't want to honestly debate anything I've said. Life is too short for this shit man

It's also natural for undesirables to rape women in order to keep a diverse gene pool, are you saying that we should allow what's "natural" to rule over us because that's not oppressive as monogamy?

If monogamy is so oppresive then why do women who choose to marry end up having more succesful children?

And I would further add that you probably don't give a fuck about other things that people were born into....

Wow bro so enlightened. And yet you want ME to make a sacrifice, while you sit on your chair feeling smug and shit, Fuck that.

Hey, DoshLaunderSpic, just a quick heads-up:
succesful is actually spelled successful. You can remember it by two cs, two s’s.
Have a nice day!

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Rape is a natural occurrence among civilized humans wut

I agree with most of the things you said. But I want to add that I don't think that angry young white men will accept the new matriarchy without uproar. The monthly (weekly? soon daily?) school and mass shootings of young men are the first symptoms of the new anger of a prevalently male and rejected youth who has no hope that things will get better anytime soon. I hate the American gun policy and conservatives in general but they are totally right here: This thing is not about gun control.

Real recognize real playa

no no you don't get it - it's all about the babe robots - THE ROBOTS!! every woman will be scared to mess around with Chad, knowing if she waits too long for that nice solid guy he'll settle down with a robot!


Yeah because men wanting to fuck us makes us so privileged, just ignore the fact that women have always been and still are oppressed and regarded as less than men in every way. You people seem to think that life is so easy for women because we can easily get sex, but most women don’t want this, and male attention is something we dread and actively try to avoid. Men wanting to fuck us often manifests as men stalking and harassing us and compromising our safety. Women are raped and killed because of this, it in no way makes us privileged and the fact that men are completely oblivious to this is ridiculous.

Yeah life on easy mode truly is oppression :( it totally sucks being hit on by subhumans when Chad is the only one I want :((

Denying the fact that women are oppressed just makes you delusional and ignorant. You’re on the same mental level as a flat earther or an anti-vaxxer

Haha that's an absolutely fucking ridiculous claim and you know it. You don't even know what oppression is you fucking piece of shit.

It really isn’t though, it’s the truth. I’m actually well aware of what oppression is, and nobody wanting to fuck you definitely doesn’t quality as oppression in any way

not the same guy but can you explain how you’re oppressed on a day-to-day basis just to give everyone an idea

Surely you’ve heard the ways in which women are oppressed before? I’m assuming you simply disagree (even though it’s a fact) so me spelling it out for you is just going to result in you ignorantly trying to dispute and poke holes in what I’m saying, so what’s the point?

i don’t disagree or agree since i have never seen it take place. just wanted to get some examples.

So you’re involved in this subreddit dedicated to hating women, yet you’ve never even come across an argument about how women are oppressed? I mean, google is free, I advise you to do your own research

i'm not sure how casually browsing this subreddit is proof of anything except chronic loneliness being destructive for young men. guys like these have little to no impact on the real world. they're just a fantastic buzzword for online news outlets to use.

Yeah because the shootings don’t count as this subreddit having an impact

if you want to bring shooting statistics using ideologies as the variable into this discussion then you've already lost that debate, unfortunately. not to sound like a condescending prick, but the numbers favor me in this case. i just wanted some personal examples from you, that's all.

Most oppressed people should be able to give examples of ways in which they're oppressed since it should be memorable. If women are oppressed in general it should apply to you, yet it seems you're unable to give specific examples. You're just another woman making up their oppression like 99% of feminists today.

Oh no I’m very aware of the ways in which women are oppressed, it’s just an argument I’m very tired of having with ignorant men online y’know? The fact that you’re asking me specifically for this information and not just doing your own research just shows that you’re determined to not accept this argument so I’m not going to waste my time trying to sway your opinion

You can't make an argument by telling the opposing side to "do research" since you're supposed to be supporting your argument with research. Or else it's a pretty weak argument. If you didn't want to argue with "ignorant men" you shouldn't have commented in the first place.

Ok so when was the last time you were opressed? Can you describe what exactly happened?

A sub 7 whistled at her.

You mean just happened to exist in her immediate vicinity.

Or how about you actually answer his question instead of saying "go research".

He must be too oppressed to respond for herself so I will: air-conditioning, manspreading, mansplaining, equal pay for equal work, making up 10% of suicides, of the homeless, of workplace deaths. I could go on for days.

Yeah okay slut, go claim that the beliefs of the vast majority of the world are equal to believing in a flat earth in any serious setting and you'll be laughed out. (that's right, only a small number of mostly western feminists cry about oppression) Not being able to be a whore without getting called a slut isn't oppression either. Now fuck off back to crying about how hard it is to be sexually desirable and to live life on the absolute easiest of modes in existance. Remember ONE IN FOUR women are homeless!

Hey, jaghatarhonor, just a quick heads-up:
existance is actually spelled existence. You can remember it by ends with -ence.
Have a nice day!

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You don’t seriously think the vast majority of the world believes the same things you do right? Normal people are disgusted and in disbelief that people can actually believe the things the people in this sub do. It’s laughable, people honestly do see you as on the same level as flat earthers. It’s baffling how idiotic you are

Have you ever been outside the West? Or even outside your own liberal bubble? The vast majority of human beings in the world are not feminists, sorry to tell you lmao

Yeah they aren’t feminists, I’m aware of that. That’s the problem lol, women are widely seen as less than men. They don’t have the same warped idiotic views you do though

Feminism is a female supremacy movement that is destroying society. They most certainly do have the same views as me at least regarding monogamy, you don't even know the rest of my views. Also, you're just fat feminist slut who should fuck off considering you're not even here to argue nor do you belong here

“Feminism is a female supremacy movement that is destroying society” = “the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism”

No matter how many times you claim that, it doesn't mean it's true. It's not even comparable. Feminism is literally about changing the core of society and to feminists it's good change to me and a lot of other people it's destruction. You are so fucking stupid it's unreal.

It is true, that’s how stupid you sound. Feminism aims for gender equality, how are you negatively affected by this in any way? Because women having control of their own bodies means nobody will fuck you?

Read Sex and Culture if you want to know why sexual freedom is disasterous or fuck off back to talking about makeup like the mindless cunt you are.

Me enjoying makeup doesn’t make me a mindless cunt, it’s good to have a hobby that isn’t complaining about being a virgin ;) you really need to grow up, I feel sorry for you

Is that virgin shaming I detect?

No no, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, it’s the entitlement and blaming everyone else for this that’s the problem

You being a mindless cunt makes you a mindless cunt. It's astonishing how little self awareness you have and how much of a cunt you are for coming here and complaining about being sexually desirable to a bunch of guys who have never been shown any interest from the opposite sex. Go read that book and realize what it's really like or continue your feminist delusions of oppression, I really don't give a shit.

Sure pal

Lol I can only wish you breast cancer.

Women are seen as less than men because they biologically and physiologically are. Men didn't wholly decide one day to "opress" women, we forged that idea through millions of years of evolution, the stronger, faster man goes out to hunt and explore and the woman stays at home with the village/tribe. That's how it is in 99% of other species as well. The west is a cucked place that has shifted that power to the woman, and society will fall as a result of hypergamy.

You genuinely believe that women are just inferior to men?

Biologically and physiologically yes, I do.

Lol women are incomplete humans, a incomplete version of men.

How? We are the same species as you. Our biological sex changes nothing.

More than half of us are minorities which automatically makes us far more opressed than you'll ever be.

Women are inferior.

just look at the suicide stactics.

How about domestic abuse statistics?

oh so you are one of these kinds of feminists.

One of what kind of feminists?

tha radical ones.

Oh god no, I’m in no way a radical feminist. I don’t see how pointing out that the vast majority of violence towards women comes from men makes me a radical feminist, it’s just a fact.

then why did bring up domestic abuse as if suicide is not an issue? domestic abuse has nothing to do with gender.

Suicide is of course an issue, but men committing suicide more than women is not a result of a society in which men are oppressed and women aren’t. I brought up domestic abuse statistics to parallel your suicide statistics argument and to point out that either side can throw out some facts that prove their point, but you can’t just look at these issues alone and ignore the bigger picture. You could argue that men have it worse than women from suicide statistics alone, and I can argue the opposite from domestic abuse statistics.

Domestic abuse absolutely has to do with gender. The vast majority of abuse is perpetrated by men against women. On average, two women are killed by their partner/ex partner every week in the UK. 92% of defendants in domestic abuse prosecutions are male and 83% of victims are women.

Suicide is of course an issue, but men committing suicide more than women is not a result of a society in which men are oppressed and women aren’t.

yeah, right. as if someone literally killing himself has nothing to do with oppression. when depression, allegedly, is more common on females. which in reality society tells men not to talk about their issues, that's why women appear to have more depression than men, but i digress.

> I brought up domestic abuse statistics to parallel your suicide statistics argument and to point out that either side can throw out some facts that prove their point

that's not a fair comparison. abuse is never a gender issue. what are you gonna tell a sociopath who abuses his wife? a normal man won't abuses others. its not a gender issue, its a mental issue. men are more abusive for reasons i don't know. but i think men being abusive has something to do with social pressure. but that's just my assumption.

> You could argue that men have it worse than women from suicide statistics alone, and I can argue the opposite from domestic abuse statistics.

what about moms being more abusive toward children than fathers? wanna talk about that?



besides, i might bring up the argument that men and women become abusive because their mothers treated them bad when they were young.

if you are a feminist, then why don't you talk about the issues that both genders face, instead of defending women? both men and women suffer from issues that need to be brought up. but now feminism has turned out to be a group that only cares about women and forget men's issues.

“As if someone killing himself has nothing to do with oppression” Yeah, it doesn’t. As you said, women experience depression around 20-40% higher than men, and and women want to commit suicide more than men do - in 2007 7% of women had attempted suicide compared to only 4% of men. The reason men actually succeed in committing suicide more than women is due to the method they tend to opt for. Women usually use nonviolent means such as overdosing (which is more likely to fail), whereas men often use guns or hanging (obviously more successful).

Source: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/science/2015/jan/21/suicide-gender-men-women-mental-health-nick-clegg

So that kind of defeats your whole suicide argument altogether.

“abuse is never a gender issue. what are you gonna tell a sociopath who abuses his wife? a normal man won't abuses others.” Abuse is 100% a gender issue. Please refer to the statistics in my last comment.

“if you are a feminist, then why don't you talk about the issues that both genders face, instead of defending women? both men and women suffer from issues that need to be brought up. but now feminism has turned out to be a group that only cares about women and forget men's issues. “ The whole point of feminism is to bring women up to the same level as men. It aims for gender equality, and as women are oppressed we need to focus on these issues in order to level the field and make us equal. That isn’t to say feminism doesn’t care about men’s issues, because it absolutely does. The goal is gender equality, it’s just that society is currently tilted in the favour of men so that’s where the focus of feminism lies.

no, women don't experince depression heigher than men. men tend to hide their emotions and not talk about it since they would appear "weak" if they really did then the suicide rate would be higher for women. i bet men expreince depression more than women.

no, the method argument is a bad one because it only applies to a certian countries. hell, probably only for the US. the most used suicide method for BOTH men and women in the US is suicide by a gun. the second most used is hanging for men then overdose for women. if we look into the suicide by gun only, then we would find that men commit suicide moee.

lets take japan for example. where both genders use the same methods for suicide. and you'd still find men killing themselves more. women "attempt" more because they fail more. not to include that over dosing on pills and puking it immediaity is considered an attempt.

if that's the only aim for feminism, then its useless. because men are not privileged, nor are women. both are privileged on some aspects. but feminist tend to ignore that. how about fixing these issues insted of aiming to be as "privileged" as men?

yeah, feminist don't care about mens issues. that's why a lot people tend to not take feminisim seriously. because they only care about one gender and not the other.

Women do experience depression more than men, but even if this wasn’t the case and men were more depressed, this isn’t due to oppression in society. Depression is just a chemical imbalance in the brain, it doesn’t develop due to social circumstances.

Men are privileged. Feminism does care about men’s issues.

then what is it? is it either than men are naturally tend to be more depressed than women but they tend to hide it and that study is not reliable, or its that men are more oppressed in society which causes them to be depressed and commit suicide more?

depression doesn't develop due social circumstances? what? yeah, right. a lot of mental illnesses are caused due to social circumstances. depressions can be genetic and environmental.

again, both men and women are privileged in some aspects. and yeah, you are a radical feminist, you fail to see that women have privileges over men and vise versa. you are just one sided. tell me, in which aspect do you want women to be as privileged as men?


you should look into this to give you a woman's prospective after putting herself in a mans shoes.

depression is not environmental:


depression is linked to more than just depression, you know. people with autism may fall into depression. people with social anxiety may fall into depression. people who are isolated fall into depression.

You have never been oppressed. But one day you might be, when you push men too hard. Bring that up as a topic of discussion in your next Women's Studies course.

Believing as "fact" that women are oppressed just makes you delusional and ignorant. You are the most privileged group of people in all of human history.

If you seriously believe that then you truly are an absolute idiot

Truly. What must it be like to live in a world where you get the cream of the crop, pick of the litter when it comes to dating, where vast majority of alimony settlements are in your favor, where you get equal rights without equal responsibility, where you can start a fight with a man because you're equal, but when he retaliates, he can't hit you because you belong to a special protected class of people, where you never have to know what it feels like to be completely unwanted by everyone in society, and still feel like you're "oppressed"? Do dragons and unicorns also flit around in this world of yours?

Please educate yourself

I'm a girl (not a troll, promise, I'm legit) and I have to ask why you didn't offer a rebuttal? I agree with the majority of what he said so I'm intrigued as to what I would need to read in order to educate myself.

Be careful she'll accuse you of having "internalized misogyny"

I didn’t offer a rebuttal because it would be a waste of my time, what I say isn’t going to change his firmly cemented mindset. You seem more open minded though so I’ll engage with you.

“You get the cream of the crop, pick of the litter when it comes to dating” While I agree that women typically have an easier time when it comes to finding dates, to claim that this makes us more privileged than men is just absurd. Dating is such a minuscule part of life and you cant ignore the endless ways that women are oppressed just to claim that because we can easily have sex, that makes us privileged. If you refer to my original comment, I outline that male attention can often be very unwanted, aggressive and even frightening for a lot of women. Also this claim ignores the fact that there are women who are “incels” or that men would deem unattractive who have never been on date etc. To claim that all women can easily obtain sex/dates is just not true, and even if it was, so what? Men wanting women for sex isn’t anything for us to celebrate.

“The vast majority of alimony settlements are in your favour” This one is true, and I agree that women benefit from sexism within the legal system. As a feminist I would advocate for this to change. However, this is usually the only argument by misogynists that “women are actually more privileged than men” that actually holds up, and ignores the millions of other ways that men dominate society and benefit from women’s subordination, so to take this one victory and call it a day is pretty ignorant.

“You get equal rights without equal responsibility” How? Women contribute to society just as much as men do, arguably even more so since we make up half the labour force and also have the added responsibility of still doing the majority of work in the home regarding housework, childcare and emotional labour.

“You can start a fight with a man because you’re equal, but when he retaliates, he can’t hit you because you belong to a special protected class of people” This is another common argument by misogynists to prove that women have it easier than men. Feminists aren’t going around saying that it’s fine for women to hurt men but they can’t hurt us back because we’re not as physically strong or whatever. The fact is it’s illegal for anybody to attack anybody, it’s assault. Why are men so obsessed with this argument? The sheer mention of feminism usually results in a man saying “oh so does this mean we can punch women?” Which to me is pretty unnerving. Personally i don’t think it’s okay for anyone to attack anyone, and I will agree that legally women do seem to get the benefit of the doubt and are always assumed to be the victim of assault when they’re up against a man, even if they are the one who attacked first. This is unfair and the legal system needs to be changed, which feminism is all for. The legal system tends to view women as weak and always the victim, which is sexist even if it benefits women in some cases such as this. However this is another very small example of women being more “privileged” than men, and ignores the bigger picture of women being seen as less than men in every other way. In this thread alone men are saying they genuinely believe women are inferior to men, surely that proves that society is misogynistic in itself?

“You never have to know what it feels like to be completely unwanted by everyone in society” I would argue that incels aren’t even “completely unwanted by everyone in society” and this view stems from their deep self hatred and self deprecating views, as the vast majority of society is unaware that such a group even exists. Even if incels were hated by society, it would be directly because they are a hate group in the same way as nazis or the kkk, so even then it’s not as if they’re oppressed.

You just don't get it.

The point is, all 90% women have to do in life is open their legs and they get a hearth and home.

Men have to struggle.

And that is why, Princess, women have never accomplished anything in life.

Women have to struggle twice as hard as men to be taken seriously and to get anywhere in life. We can’t and don’t use sex to get anywhere, you are delusional. Women have accomplished countless things, all the facts are easily accessible, you just don’t want to face the truth because it doesn’t support your deluded world view about how women are supposedly privileged

If you are a young straight white woman in the best, you are probably one of the most privileged persons in the world. Only attractive or rich white men may be more privileged than you, even that is debatable. As it is with any privileged group, if you are part of the group, you can't really see the privilege can you? That's why you guys make up dumb shit like mansplaining, manspreading etc. Because you run out of things to feel oppressed about. Even black feminists are realizing this now and calling you out on your shit. That's why White FeminismTM is a thing.

You’re assuming I’m young, straight and white. I am aware that white western people in general are privileged. Of course I am more privileged than others, I’m not claiming that I’m not. But to ignore that society as a whole is patriarchal is just completely ignorant. Men have always been regarded as superior to women and men still benefit from this deep ingrained bias.

You’re assuming I’m young, straight and white

Which you probably are, just statistically speaking from the demographics of reddit. Most of the people here are ugly ethnic men. So you are not going to win the oppression game here lol. Humans are social creatures and forming meaningful loving relationships is a core tenet of what it means to be human. This is difficult for ugly men and laughably easy for most women. So women are absolutely privileged in this regard. Of course you can't see this, as I said above, you are blinded by your privilege. How can you understand someone's struggle if you have never experienced it? Can a white woman claim she is more oppressed than a black man?

I’m young and white, but not straight. I’m not claiming that I’m more oppressed than people of other ethnicities, I’m fully aware that as a white western person I am very privileged. Women are not privileged because men want to fuck us. Men physically wanting us and even wanting a loving relationship with us does not make us privileged, like I said this is often something women dread and try to avoid due to the millions of cases of men not taking no for an answer and stalking, harassing and often getting physically violent with women who just aren’t interested in them.

Women have to struggle twice as hard as men to be taken seriously and to get anywhere in life.

No. Women have to struggle twice as hard as women have historically done to achieve anything. What you experience as a dramatic struggle is just what men have done since the beginning of time. Men have always worked hard, while women shucked corn at home, also hard work, but of a different, less productive kind.

We can’t and don’t use sex to get anywhere, you are delusional.

This is totally wrong. Maybe you believe what you are saying, so let me inform you of something real that dominates women's experiences, whether they know it or not.

Men give women a pass because they are attracted to them. Smart women, in turn, use sex to move up. It's called the casting couch, or sleeping to the top. This is not something I made up. It exists. It's real. Many women take advantage of that.

Please do not be in denial about such basic facts regarding the relationship between men and women.

Women have accomplished countless things, all the facts are easily accessible, you just don’t want to face the truth because it doesn’t support your deluded world view about how women are supposedly privileged

Compared to men, subtracting for the sake of argument all of "women's work" like child rearing, women have collectively amounted to nothing. Almost no accomplishment by a woman has not been overshadowed by a similar, prior, or subsequent accomplishment of a man. Numerically, the accomplishments of women are a drop in the ocean of male accomplishment. Sad but true. Hate it but believe it.

And it's not that I want to rub your nose in it. It's that feminism has forced me to draw your attention to this. I refuse to listen to women articulate a false history while beating men down. I refuse mansplaining and toxic masculinity. I'm sick of cheap women's studies discourse that accuse men of being the source of everything bad, while women have collectively amounted to nothing.

Women have something to prove. So prove it.

No. Women have to struggle twice as hard as women have historically done to achieve anything. What you experience as a dramatic struggle is just what men have done since the beginning of time. Men have always worked hard, while women shucked corn at home, also hard work, but of a different, less productive kind.

This is just pure ignorance. Women have achieved countless things throughout history despite being actively oppressed by men and society, having the same rights as children and no more, being forbidden to achieve an education or job, being labelled as hysterical and institutionalised or even lobotomised for having our own opinions or disagreeing with our husbands etc. Despite all of this, the things women have achieved are incredible, and for you to dismiss this is just idiotic.




This is totally wrong. Maybe you believe what you are saying, so let me inform you of something real that dominates women's experiences, whether they know it or not.

Men give women a pass because they are attracted to them. Smart women, in turn, use sex to move up. It's called the casting couch, or sleeping to the top. This is not something I made up. It exists. It's real. Many women take advantage of that.

Please do not be in denial about such basic facts regarding the relationship between men and women.

How the fuck would you know what “dominates women’s experiences”? I am a woman, you aren’t. I know what women experience, you don’t. I am an attractive woman, and the struggle I have had to get men to take me seriously professionally is infuriating. They don’t “give us a pass because we’re attractive”, they see that we’re attractive and nothing else and act according to that. A woman can be 10x as qualified, adept and knowledgeable than her male counterparts but the man in charge will only see her physical appearance, and if he decides to promote us or whatever because of that, that doesn’t make us privileged, it’s sexist and infuriating and definitely not something women actively try to accomplish in order to succeed. No woman is trying to “sleep up to the top”, the fact that you genuinely believe such an ancient sexist idea just shows how absolutely ignorant you are to women’s experiences, so don’t fucking try to tell me you know about this more than other women, because you just look like a fucking moron.

I’ve already responded to your “women have accomplished nothing” bullshit so I’m not wasting my time doing that again. Please educate yourself, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women%27s_firsts

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 188437

How the fuck would you know what “dominates women’s experiences”? I am a woman, you aren’t. I know what women experience, you don’t.

So you agree with me.

I began these rants pointing out that women should not disparage men about their emotional lives. This was not a comment out of left field, but directed to the quote by bell hooks, in conjunction with the latest fad to accuse men of toxic masculinity on the grounds their emotions are stunted.

Now your point is, since I'm not a woman I can say nothing about the experiences of women.

The logic works both ways. Since you are not a man, do not presume to understand the emotional lives of men.

See how you lose the argument?

Despite all of this, the things women have achieved are incredible, and for you to dismiss this is just idiotic.

The feminist dismissal of men's emotional lives is idiotic because men have consistently done more with their emotions than women. We may disagree about the reasons why, but the facts are indisputable.

The idea men are badly formed women, living emotionally stunted lives, requiring immediate therapeutic intervention is feminist propaganda. And as you can tell by now, it is not appreciated. At all.

you just look like a fucking moron.

Nothing in my post insulted you personally, but you go there. That's you.

Think about how you look

"Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway”

All you've got left is ad hominem.

Completely agree with you everyone here are a bunch of sad fucks.

Mmmm....I would say that young, white/white-passing (or at least somewhat conventionally attractive) females are one of the most privileged classes in the West. Definitely not true in other parts of the world, and not true for say, fat black women in America. (In terms of overall privilege, not just "sexual privilege").

Nah I disagree

Eh, there are parts of the world where young girls get acid thrown at them for trying to go to school, just because they are girls.

There are parts of the world where all able-bodied men are killed to cripple a country's military

Blegh yeah. Mandatory conscription is absolutely fucked.

that happens because they were being sluts


Two minutes later:

bohooo why won't women like me I'm so ronery bohoo rope bohoo all i want is to cuddle ;_;


Even fat black women have it easy in 2018. I see it all the time on dating apps. Fat black women wearing expensive ass clothes basically escorting but usually asking for handouts.. and they wouldn't be asking unless they were receiving them.

Yea, that's why all of our world leaders and ceos and politicians are overwhelmingly female right, cause their so privileged lol

They don't have those jobs because they don't need them. Women have never learned to work hard for anything in life. That's also the reason why they don't contribute anything to society or human progress. The list of female Nobel Prize winners is shorter than the list of men who got their PhD in gender studies.

you do realize some companies purposely hire women, right?

this is the life of a bloated sub5 female


Bloated? Lol

Yeah bloated what are u retarded oR something? Duuuuuuu

A corpse left in a tropic sea is bloated after 2 days. That is fucking Mrs Michelin right there.





So imagine a 19-year-old white Stacy's life. Just lol at being a 19, male, ethnic in 20XX.

Ha ha kill me please

No wonder they're on their phones all the time.

This is literally exactly why

Whats wrong with being ethnic

The year is 20XX, everyone plays fox.

This actually triggers me, holy fuck

when backpage was still around, a girl like her could easily make $500 or so a night sellin that ass.

Sure - to creepy old dudes.

No to anyone. Market sets the demand.

It’s not. She’s full of lies

Maybe personality and social skills do matter after all!

and am here an 18 year old crying my self to sleep. GG life.

I was you at 18. I'm in my 30s now. I wish I could say it gets better but I don't want to lie.

Suifuel for days ty

At least he has time to improve himself. It's over for us oldfags.

There's no improvement, only cope.

damn. harsh..but true.

My last hope. Gone. Imma kill myself after I watched the anime I still wanna watch asap

But what about all the anime yet to be made? Surely you could live on just for that

Was do so many incels like anime? By the way - most girls I know find guys watching anime as a pretty huge turn-off (since it's mostly sexualised children - and don't say it isn't).

if chad liked anime. girls would like anime

They might pretend to like it, but they still wouldn't like it. If anime was about socialising little boys, would you like it?

I don't watch anime.

Good stuff

women only like chad.

Dude, all men and women fantasize about 10s of whatever sex they're attracted to. Why would anyone fantasize about anything less than a 10?

I don't fantasize about 10s.

Regardless, I'm sure you can understand my point.

Let me guess, 4s?

Cpt Bugman

I fantasize about people with good personalities.

Idgaf what wymn think it's over for me either way.

And no it's not mostly sexualised children. It's partly sexualised children.

That's true.

In the end I'll probably live till fucking 60 cause of my anime addicition.

I used to be an incel just like you. Then I started showering and working on my personality.

could work. who knows.

I used to be an Incel like you, until I took a shower to the knee.

I used to be an Incel like you, until I took genetics to the face.

This actually made me kek out loud, ty for that.


Absolutely based

hows it feel to be a product of feminist revenge that you had no part in young man?

Hey, me too. It's a great way to spend what are supposed to be the best years of your life.

I love this sub. Bunch of outta shape dudes angry that girls don’t like them and their shitty personality

I swim 2k every day. Stop projecting your being fat onto us thx.

Sweet sentence. Hey let me know when shit talking girls online works out for you, bud.

Not a single one of the happy and successful people I know in my life would spend any of their valuable time harassing a group of the lowest rungs of society. Your life probably isn't very good.

Yet you’re also on this sub?

sub zero IQ

Absolute zero IQ, most likely.

He hit levels of low IQ i didn't think possible

I think making observations of the disparity between the experiences of a 19 year old thot and a 19 year old guy is very important for incels - it validates their experiences of neglect and isolation as being caused by something beyond their own agency.

Why you feel the need to insult and get mad at a group of already depressed men speaks to something broken inside of yourself. I hope you feel better soon (or rope, idgaf)

Unsure where the insult was but I should have guessed you’d try and play the victim somehow. You calling a girl you’ve never met a “thot” speaks for itself. Stop being so angry at people you’ve never met because you hate yourself

outa shape dudes

you said this to try place blame upon incels for being in their situation, to imply they are lazy or otherwise to blame for their situation which really demonstrates your lack of understanding as to what an incel is


The girl is implying she sleeps with a range of men, both married, single and underage. What is your definition of a ho, exactly?

stop being angry at outrageous thots

No? Fuck off faggot.

Didn’t know faggots had girlfriends but kinda rich coming from an incel. Dude you’re clearly disturbed. Posting for advice on painless methods of suicide? You’re clearly not happy and I’d honestly like it if you seemed help. Demeaning women in the internet won’t help you.

you're clearly not happy

................................................ you're posting in r/braincels you fucking mong.

Who hurt you?

Op please seek help !!! Generic normtard #302916 says so!!

Wow so original. Fuck off motherfucker, why do you come to a place that offends you? Fucking masochist.

lmao you think everything men do is to get pussy? You’ve revealed that you’re fat and thirsty af

Ahhh checkmate you’ve got me. I’m fat and thirsty af. Can I have some tips on how to pick up please?

yeah, spend your time doing something constructive other than virtue signalling to a bunch of strangers on the internet

Go throw yourself in a river you fat fuck

My son got a degree in electrical engineering and now he makes 6k figures.

Is your son also an incel? I'm sorry to hear that.

No, he's actually married to a very sweet young lady. She even makes them homemade bacon.

Okay, I don't understand the reason for your post then but congrats to your son.

are you Ken M does she save money on bacon by making her own by crushing hot dogs with a rolling pin

We are all Ken M this blessed day.

Congrats on passing on the brains of your better half.

The fuck do we care you autist

My paster says autism is just kids being discourteous. Kids need to mind there manners.

Your paster is clearly a learned man. How did he learn so much about kids?

He's self-trained from bible reading. This is in fact the only legitimate way to learn the rules of child-rearing (John 7:11).

Oh look a old Frank visits

Not to brag, but my son works for Yahoo and we get all our news articals for FREE!!!! :-)

Literally none of the people who post their selfies here are out of shape men. Most are actually in great shape. Just ugly faces.

Most incels are average looking only single because 8 percent of women go for 20 percent of men.


You want a Nintendo Switch?

Bunch of outta shape dudes

You're projecting, fat cunt.

Fuck off, don't even bother posting here when you don't understand at all who we are past some normie meme.

We know who you are. You're just a bunch of losers women haters who blame them for your shitty lives.

You know man, I'm going to upvote that because you're completely right

Like do you retards even realise how ugly the dudes a girl this scuffed has hitting on her are? They'd make you guys look attractive.

One can only try to comprehend the trauma inflicted to this poor woman by having subhumans hitting on her. #MeToo

bitch even if a deformed lady hit on me i would be quie happy actually. fucking ungrateful kids these days smh

even realise how ugly the dudes a girl this scuffed has hitting on her are?

Probably more than the number of ugly girls hitting on me... but anything is more than 0. She's got it good, she's got it really good. I'd love to have ugly girls hitting on me all the time.

Don't paint her privilege as something "bad"; it isn't, and most of us would give everything we have to be in her position.

TriHards cx smh

The funeral of her male looksmatch is set for tomorrow.


just wait until the wall comes lmao

Wall is cope. Most don’t get hit hard enough to make them extremely ugly

wall isnt cope. the gender ratio does take its effect, however this occurs at 35, she has roughly 16 easy years ahead

brutal pill

I think it's more like 45+ when they can't bear child and become full useless.

Wall just means as she ages her pools of Chad (and therefore self esteem) gets smaller as she ages. Not that she turns into a goblin at 30. Yeah a 30-year-old Chad may fuck her but why commit when he can also commit to other younger women.

It already looks like she's hit the wall tbh

She is the wall

It will not matter, she'll have had 20-30 years of happy and fullfilling romantic life by the time the "wall" hits. Now imagine the life of her incel looksmatch during all those years (assuming he doesn't rope early on). The wall is cope.

She already hit the wall since she was born, just look at how ugly she is...In a normal world she shouldnt get anyone other then obese ugly guys to hit on her...Yet she got hundred of guys which are good looking hitting on her...Thats just how fucked up our society and dating scene is.

And she is extremely ugly aswell...man what an amazing time to be alive...thirsty motherfuckers who ruin the game for everyone😂

whilst theres the internet it wont change

You're a bunch of sad fucks. Noone loves, noone every will and that's exactly how it should be. Disgusting assholes.

Suck my cut Jewish dick you German faggot.

Because no girl ever will? You'll die alone buddy :-*

Your country is going down the drain whilst I can move to Israel and marry up a frum wife. Have fun disappearing down the asshole of history, as you deserve ;)

You won't find a wife. You'll die alone.

Ok german cuck, go back to your video games and airsofr now. Play games whilst your people vanish from the world forever :))

Will do. Might play some video games with my girl friend.

You just stay here in your hate-filled filter bubble. Have fun living in agony. Have fun dying alone. You deserve it.

you deserve to die alone

The kind of hate-filled sentiment I'd expect from a nazi. Don't forget to prep your gf's bull properly later.

Wow fucking nazi.

Well it’s trauma for her because most of the guys who hit on her are not Chad. Maybe we can start a gofundme for her therapy until unwanted interest by men is made illegal

Lmao, I mog her to oblivion and I'll never get anywhere as much attention from the opposite gender.

Women really do live life on easy mode, regardless of what they say.

Not even 9/10 chads get as much attention as average women. It's over.

Thats true lol.

there's something very wrong with society when the contrast pertaining to quality (and ease) of life is so drastically different between a 19 year old male and a 19 year old female

Life on game master mode

Her face looks like a giant clam.

If her idiotic observation is true, then that sure is sad. The thirst is real among simps.

I think those 32 year olds are more interested in studying her Fetal Alcohol Syndrome than dating her.

Wtf she isn't even pretty....that's the inflated price of roast beef

Her face is more wide than it is tall.

She looks like a bullfrog.

A fucking nasty goblina too. Yuck!

I wonder why you people aren't popular with women.

I do just fine, thank you. I find myself agreeing with incel views on women though because I'm not a beta orbiter fuck like you who feels the need to encourage women to act like sluts. These bitches need to be patrolled.

Holy shit. Suicide fuel for teencels

She is lying, this has gotta be a meme

Seems entirely possible what with tinder etc

I know 7-8/10 girls. They experience this, but below the level she is experiencing it. So I find it hard to believe a 4/10 girl experiences all of this.

Any girl can have this if she wants it with tinder and instagram etc

Juggernaut law

Thanks. First time Ive heard of that.

Someone else explained it better elsewhere in this thread, but I'll give it my best: Men assume that a woman who's less attractive like the girl in OP will have lower standards and be less picky, so they're more likely to pursue her rather than someone else. What happens, then, when you have a bunch of unsuccessful guys who all think the same way? What happens is she gets a ton of suitors, and her ego skyrockets into Jupiter's orbit.

And then she has as much obiters and Jupiter herself...
Thanks, I see now. Makes a lot of sense. Someone else responded with Juggernaut's law. First time I heard of that, it's basically what you're saying.
It reminds me of the advice that it's better to approach attractive women because most other men are too scared to so. But I disagree because I know a lot of dudes who have no shame or fear and approach out of their league.

a lot of dudes who have no shame or fear and approach out of their league.

And this, combined with Juggernaut's Law, shows exactly why women can't be Forever Alone or incel, and why men at the bottom will remain incel and Forever Alone, because we will always have better-looking competition no matter who we pursue.

because we will always have better-looking competition no matter who we pursue.

I like the way you worded this.
Nature is truly a bitch

Sweet coping

This happens because guys think that a less attractive woman won't be as picky, so you end up with a girl like this who is being approached by all guys thinking the same thing.

Then her ego launches out of orbit.

Actually my mistake and what happened with my ex. RIP.

This phenomenon is known as juggernaut law.

Please define Juggernaut Law.

If a woman is below average height, has wonky teeth, Dumbo ears, this makes guys feel like they have a CHANCE with her, as opposed to if she were more "perfect", less flawed. So this means that even girls that are AVERAGE and BELOW still have guys hitting on them. You can't stop a woman's dating potential. She is like The Juggernaut. If she is a single mum, then more guys will think they are being her prince charming by rescuing her from all the "other bad, bad men out there". She is UNSTOPPABLE. Any flaw she has JUST MAKES HER STRONGER in the dating world.

High IQ

I've known about this phenomenon but didn't know it had a name, thanks!

Damn, it is really over for me

Great definition. Thanks.

"Go for your looksmatch." I tried arguing this on PPD and other places, and the morons don't seem to get it. Your looks-matched women, at most, will give you a LTR, and never allow non-Chad men to ride you as a part of the cock carousel. In other words, you are not a sexual being but a utility and a package deal kind of man.

She looks average as fuck and bloated yet has her pic of Chads, yet the queers on inceltears will tell you that women have things hard. Lmao

Nowadays 18 year old girls date 25+ only while the 18 year old boys sit in their rooms watching twitch streams

Cunts fucked

Notice that no one here is trying to date this girl. She's bragging about dudes trying to play her. 17 year olds trying to get laid, 26 year olds trying to get laid, and 32 year olds cheating on their wives. Worse yet, she practically admits to going along with the 32 year old who "misses" her now.

Are you seriously that retarded?

What part of my comment do you disagree with? Do you think any of these guys value her beyond sex?

Yes. She just doesn’t notice from the constant attnetion she gets. It’s women’s mania that men only want to fuck them. No, we are humans too, we want emotional connections too, despite the shit you say.

She is just sad no 10/10 Chad offers her undying commitment. The sad life of roasties. Rip.

Guys want more than sex. But not these guys and not from her. She's bragging about married men who clearly just want (more) sex.

I'm a man. I obviously know that men want more than sex. But these married men are not looking for emotional connections from this girl.

She also referred to 26 year olds who would like to have her over for dinner. Of course, they only want to fuck her. That’s literally the only thing men are capable of, right?

I'm a 26 year old. If I'm interested in a woman I'll take her out. If I'm not, I'll invite her to my place for a drink. I don't know why you're all taking this as an insult to men. I didn't say that all men are like this. I said that she's not bragging about any sort of substantial interaction. I'm saying that this chick should be embarrassed to brag about this. I'm not defending her at all. The complete opposite actually.


You fucking white knight piece of shit trash. I'm so sick of you white knights. Women can do no wrong, right? M'lady. You go ahead and say married men are only looking for sex, but go ahead and clearly ignore guys in their mid 20s who have shown interest in her taking her to dinner, but yeah...all of them only want sex, right? Fucking idiot you are. Fuck off.

I didn't stand up for any women here. I said they say all of the things that you think they're saying but they aren't saying them here. Lots of women are into rape fantasies. But this isn't a rape fantasy in any way. It's a poem about a relationship ending. You are raging about nothing.

I didn't defend this woman for shit. I actually said that she's bragging about some shit that should be embarrassing to her. My point was that she is in the wrong here. You are raging about nothing.

Notice that no one here is trying to date this girl.

Promptly goes on to explain the competition we'd have.

I assume this went completely over your head.

I'm not talking about why this should make you feel good. I'm talking about why this should make her feel bad.


Yes, it must be SO HARD to be wanted. God, I couldn't imagine a worse fate!

What the fuck? the average male doesnt even get that much attention as this bloted girl

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Do you have no self awareness whatsoever? Downvote me, I dare you, that’ll devalue my point.

I’m not going to downvote you because voting on comments in Reddit is fuckin gay but I will say that your comment doesn’t really make any sense and you come across as incoherent. Try contribute with something better structured in future.

Lol you don't have a point, low IQ af.

Downvote me, I dare you,


she looks disgusting. JFL at how she thinks she is hot becauae of all the validation.

jfc it's OVER for subhuman men in 2018

maybe people should start learning when its time to settle. To be honest, if you think you're unattractive when looking in a mirror chances are some girls probably think like that too. just need to find the girls who are more compatible and suitable for your own looks and features :)

Im not sure what your comment has to do with the OP. Regardless, I consider myself to be attractive yet not a chad (I’m around a 6) yet a 6 female can easily attain a 9 chad. Therefore I have to slum it for a 1-2 and even those are liable to cuck for chad. Your comment misapprehends the inflation of female value in the sexual marketplace in the instagram age when any girl can pout and pose in pornographic, licentious indecency and attract a horny chad.

Should I ‘settle’ for an ogre of a woman just because I am not in the top 5% of men? Of course not. Should I be outraged at the ease with which roasties circumvent the natural order to bypass my average appearance? I believe so, especially when society reinforces this idea of female empowerment to the degree of enabling a harem world. ‘Settling’ will not resolve the issue for a lot of men either. Why should I settle for my looksmatch once she’s in her 30s and whithering - she hasn’t given me the beauty of her youth so why should I settle for the scraps that remain? No thanks. No, I’ll instead rage against this perversion of nature that operates in service of barren roastie pussy.

First of all, Its nice to see that you consider yourself attractive. I feel like thats the type of uplifting confidence some people on this subreddit need. Asides from that, I have a really hard time believing you'd have to settle for a 1-2. I consider myself to be above average too but definitely on the skinnier side. Even still, I have honestly never felt like I had to settle for an unattractive woman. I have been with girls from different types of races too (wanna taste all colors of the rainbow LOL) Sure, I can't just slide in a girls DM's who has over a thousand followers on her instagram but that's okay! Not every can haha. Asides from that I think that idea of all girls only wanting the top 4019% is men is a misconception. In my experience, majority if not all woman want their partners to be solely for them, why would they ever want to share one man? Mr.Lambert, I am sure that in the future when you've found yourself a nice girl, you'll look back at this and laugh at how much things can change in 1-2 years :)

If you are a 6 then you are not attractive, you are average

I was going to write 'not unattractive' tbf

6 isn't average, 8 is nowadays

life on tutorial mode.

In the profile pic they ain't even look that spectacular or special. Life on ~ CONSOLE MODE

So she gets lots of offers of sex/people trying to play her. That happenes to anyone with a vagina that seems easy to fool, especially young girls. How is that a good thing? None of these guys would ever want to date or commit to her.

Why are you creating a fictitious scenario wherein she is a victim here? She knows exactly what she's doing. Jesus Christ.

Brutal her male counter part would be a virgin

This is the kind of attention a sub4 bitch has. It's over.


What is a snapstreak?

Some whore on tinder mentioned it. A sequence of snaps sent back and forth? Is it necessarily nudes or what?

Do you guys seriously think this is the norm? I arguably mog her and I’ve never had a male show interest in me irl in my entire life.

Her face is so fucking bloated I thought it was a snapchat filter at first. If she really does look like that and she experiences what she does then it's literally over

she has the sexual prowess of an Egyptian queen in 2018.

yass slay queen

yo omg so these people wanna socialize with me and i should feel appreciated but nah ima post about it on twitter xD tee hee

It's a pathetic teenage humblebrag. No need to let it get you bent out of shape.

males need to stop giving this much attention to women tbh


suicide fuel

what's a streak?

Also - she never said it was hard. You should probably at least mock her for the things she said, not the thing(s) you've decided she's thinking.

I think she's full of shit to be honest. I'm not an Incel. I'm a million miles from what you lot call "Chad" - like not even fucking close. But I had some attention from girls when I was that age (in 30s) now.

I'm guessing each of those things she is saying refers to exactly one, specific example - and probably not all happening at same time either.

That's why she used exact numbers 17,26,32. And regarding the '32' - attracting dudes 30+ when you're a teenage girl is not really a brag.

I was probably a 5 or 6 outta 10 at that age (not a 'bad' looking face, but terrible body, but also tall). 6 foot, but skinny as a twig, like freakishly skinny (i've put on some weight now, 30kg since that age and I'm still skinny). I was 6'-6'1 somewhere around there and I weight 50-54kg - stick that in your BMI calc.

Anyway - I knocked back girls like that. There's no way her love life is going that great. Don't get me wrong, chicks - like her - get can sex whenever they want, that's just a perk of being a chick, a guy wanting to nut will pretty well fuck anyone. But - she'd have a hard time getting a good guy as a 'keeper'. Seriously.

The fact that she's posting this shit at all says a lot.

2/10 landwhale with 3 cucks

imagine having zero people messaging you.

Uhm... is she just joking? Or in need of some meds?

Bring back slut shaming

I'll guess I have to stop going after girls slightly younger than me now.

Ahhh checkmate you’ve got me. I’m fat and thirsty af. Can I have some tips on how to pick up please?

No, he's actually married to a very sweet young lady. She even makes them homemade bacon.

It doesn't matter what I say, you're fuelled up on soy and ready to defend m'ladies and the status quo so there's really no point in arguing with you.

not the same guy but can you explain how you’re oppressed on a day-to-day basis just to give everyone an idea

Yeah okay slut, go claim that the beliefs of the vast majority of the world are equal to believing in a flat earth in any serious setting and you'll be laughed out. (that's right, only a small number of mostly western feminists cry about oppression) Not being able to be a whore without getting called a slut isn't oppression either. Now fuck off back to crying about how hard it is to be sexually desirable and to live life on the absolute easiest of modes in existance. Remember ONE IN FOUR women are homeless!

Hey, jaghatarhonor, just a quick heads-up:
existance is actually spelled existence. You can remember it by ends with -ence.
Have a nice day!

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You don’t seriously think the vast majority of the world believes the same things you do right? Normal people are disgusted and in disbelief that people can actually believe the things the people in this sub do. It’s laughable, people honestly do see you as on the same level as flat earthers. It’s baffling how idiotic you are

if chad liked anime. girls would like anime

Idgaf what wymn think it's over for me either way.

And no it's not mostly sexualised children. It's partly sexualised children.

Real recognize real playa

just look at the suicide stactics.