"Rapists, felons, gangbangers, and men who abuse women have better personalities than incels" - neomancr

46  2018-05-19 by Former-Incel-User



Neomancr: “It’s the confidence and masculine behavior that just so happens to come along with criminals and abusers that women are attracted to.”

Which is also wrong, many women are more attracted to a confident abusive criminal than a regular confident guy. Many women are attracted to sociopathic behavior, it is actually very sexist when people claim that women’s attraction is based on their just world.

*as long as they're Chad


"Just be Meeks bro"

Every discussion on this sun increased by at least 25 avg iq points after i blocked neocancr. Contrarian just for the sake of it and would argue grass is red if an incel called it gree

Personality doesn't have to do with how good of a person you are, it has to do with status and social authority and skills.
Volunteering to give meals to the poor = good person, nothing to do with personality.
Donating all your income to kids in yemen = good, nothing to do with personality.

Incels are too dumb to realize this. When people talk about personalities they are talking about charm, wit, humor, charisma, etc. not kindness.

Yes, I’ll be the first to admit being bottom 1% of personalities

changing the definitions of words just to fit your agenga now? That's cute.

No im actually against the whole “maybe you’ll get laid when you start being decent people” meme.
Yes, there are reasons to be a good/decent person but it has little to nothing to do with getting laid.

good. I agree. though fuck the west and western women.

But the things he listed are indeed bonuses but they don’t hold correlation with “niceness”

But the things he listed are indeed bonuses but they don’t hold correlation with “niceness”