
78  2018-05-19 by Former-Incel-User

Come on over to my place and we can solve both my incel problem and your "FA".

By solve I mean consensually inserting my penis into your vagina.

I don't even care how fat you are. I don't like fat girls but I'm fat myself so I can't say I'm in a position to demand skinny and/or fit girls.


I don't do hookups / casual sex.

Then shut the fuck up and leave.

inb4 "No"

Unless you're a motherfuckin Gigachad teehee

Maybe she has standards.

I don't get offered sex, but even if someone offered me, I'd not go for casual sex. Disease risk, plus the whole thing of getting intimate with someone you don't even know.


I'd rather eat roadkill.

Ah women are allowed standards but incel men get shit on even when they say they'd take any woman

Women shitting on men is law of nature.

They do that to find out which men are mentally strong.

I’m here because I can’t find a woman to shit on me

Shittest drone spotted.

If she has standards then she is hypocritical volcel who should lower those standards until she is nonexistant, according to IT's "you're a volcel if you don't want to fuck this giant blob of flesh" posts.

what stds would an incel have? they are virgins

I'm male. Also not gay.

2/10 has standards (meaning 6+/10 brad lite, brad, chad lite, chad or giga chad)

incel have standards - entitled misogynists

perfect. neither do i, now be my gf

See, she won't do relationships either unless you're Chad.

It doesn't work that way. This is how I see it:

  • You get to know each other, then decide if you want to date.
  • You date to decide if you wish to be boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • Once you're in a monogamous relationship, decide to escalate to a more physical relationship.

you are complicating things tbh

What I outlined is very simple.

yeah im aware, you keep making up bs excuses to be fa by choice

hahahahahahahahahahahaha what is this


Ohhh I see. so it goes like this:

  • you get to know someone by looking at their face and body to see if they are attractive
  • get to know them more by looking at them at different angles to make sure they're not just showing you their good angles and not their ugly ones
  • fuck and/or date once you confirm that they are in fact attractive enough for you

That's not what I said.

Thats how the world works honey. Most incels are average lookism and only 20 percent of women consider dating them thats why this sub exists.

Lol if you are average looking you are volcel

I agree average lookism just need to socialmax and confidencemax

Let's date then?

Not like we have our pick of the litter when it comes to girls

I'm not attractive.

Doesn't matter ugly women get sex and boyfriends 100% easier than unattractive men but I'm sure you stay in denial about that

You probably are.

She probably is but it don't matter when even landwhales have their pick of men

That's fine, you're buying

If you’re not fat, then you’re attractive. Quite simple for women really.

Pretty much. Women put so much work into makeup, etc. but really the only thing that makes a woman unfuckable/undateable is enormity.

whats enormity mean?

the property of being enormous

Fatcel is volcel. Applies for women too.

Only difference is, women are guaranteed to get dates if they lose weight. Men aren’t. For them it’s like a coin flip.

I have three absolute deal breakers

  • Being fat
  • Being unemployed
  • Being an SJW feminazi

That’s it.


I am not even celibate.

Everyone believes you XD

Fat women are only volcel if they reject their looksmatch or below. Unlike fat men who must get shredded to see if he has a chance, a 300 pound woman still has her pick of men. And not a small pick, either.

Everyone is volcel.

Fucking pathetic. I took shit from my brothers for praising the little work you have done.

Typical femoid. Just jump off the tallest building like many incels have. Hope they get to torture you in hell.

Inb4 “Removed for encouraging suicide”

Do you want to have a relationship?

Only with 6+/10.

and the whale speaketh and speaketh shit


You guys could live sloppily ever, you fucking pork chops.

/u/Board_Gaming mommy pick a date and a place and we we'll have a massive incel orgy with you. Or do you want us to pick it?

I don't do orgies.

Unless they all are chads teehee

Fucking rekt

Or Tyrones

Wait she's a girl the entire time how does she stand reading the misogynistic comments all day without breaking down and read the horrors incels say all day

I don't stand while reading.

You actually made me laugh a bit. A funny roastie, who would've thought?

She has roast flaps of steel

Roast beef vagina that chads fuck all day ?

Just fucking lol! Are you really unironically this sheltered?

stop whiteknighting. she won't sleep with u.

Neither will she sleep with anyone other incel


Hey /u/board_gaming I'm a fakecel troll and I've had sex with 3 women and am only 20 years old, I'll let you suck my dick even though you are black

I wish she would get into a relationship with an incel here, that would be beautiful.... but it doesn't seem like she's open to it.

I will donate to the fund raiser for shipping that monstrosity to the lake nearest to your house, OP.

“This has been posted before”.