It's not okay to make fun of women for their roast beefs because it's "genetic" but it's okay to make fun of men for their looks, height, dick size, and skin color?

254  2018-05-19 by superman1145

Where's the logic in that inceltears?


There's no logic for those cocked neckbeards

Can we make fun of their neckbeards and their numale smiles?

Soyboy cucks and neckbeards are always fair game for insults. Any defender of foid is as bad as a roastie

I agree.


"Lol you have a small dick" - rude and mean

"Lol you have a small dick because you did something wrong and you deserve it" - rude, mean, wrong, and stupid

at least they get laid

This faggot is back

And dick size is worse cause it fully means you can’t pleasure a girl

Its not true the length of vagina is 4 to 5 inches when aroused then you just hit the cervix which is painfull

Cope. If your dick is less than 5 inches girls will run away screaming.

Its a status thing for girls .but it dosent really make a difference theres a reason why average penis is average cause it had more reproductive success.

It makes a huge difference what are you talking about. Having a dick smaller than the average is a death sentence.

Smaller than average. Average bein 5'5 inches in USA . It differes in different countries. Also when you date people they dont see your dick they only see it after you already got to know eachother so really dick size would be the last thing you need to worry about

Having a small dick affects every aspect of your life even without people seeing it. If you have a big dick girls will fuck you even if you’re ugly.

Ok youre fucked is that what you wanna hear?

Exactly :)

Hugs :(

Lol 5'5 is monster huge. Do you even know ricecels and curries?

do you have a single fact to back that up?

Lol no that’s not true. Vagina size increases due to arousal, but there’s no average limit like 6 inch would not just guarantee painful, cervix-slamming sex. Everyone’s vagina is different and can adjust to different sizes.

But a really important point is that women don’t usually know how big a guys dick is before they decide to have sex with them. Usually that decision is made based on chemistry and personality traits first. Then if two people are getting along it will lead to sex and genital interaction. Women can’t tell by looking at a man how big his penis will be and they DONT solely base their decision on who to have sex with on genital size.

Girls check out crotches as much as guys check out boobs, so I think they have an ideal of whats down there lol

Yea fucking right

its not gentic lol

The pussy can do no wrong

Women Are Wonderful Effect™

You gotta have respect for a wymen

They uhhhhhh.. reproduce

Neither are okay. It’s not okay to make fun of someone for something they have no control over

Society disagrees with you.

Well, I guess we disagree with society, then.

fucking man up, faggot. don't tell me you're persecuted. You got time to post on Reddit. You aren't a child soldier or having your house blown up by middle eastern dictators. settle the fuck down.

How much pussy has white knighting got you so far?

How much pussy has sucking your own cock on Reddit got you?

None, but I'm pretty sure there's a different reason for the lack of pussy.

Can't be your attitude. Must be society's fault.

Not societies fault either.

Genetics mg friend

Like your genetic predisposition to rating dudes? Ever wonder why you get a semi looking at Chad photos, homes?

Every single time lmao

You have a terrible personality.

I’d bet being you is, like, really fun.

Nope. It's real life though, homeboy. Nobody said it would be fun.

Life is what you make of it. Stop being a victim and make it better for yourself.

Hahaha! See, I am cool with it. It is what it is. Just think: could be worse, could be better. Thanks for the hilarious ironic unsolicited advice. I see what you did there.

Yeah, I hate that ironic BS advice too. Personally I think that some people are just SOL in life.

So you're a loser.

... hey kettle! This is u/carkudo. .. You're black.

It's not OK to make fun a guy's anything. I can't believe people actually do that.

Actually I can - I have a student teacher in with me at the moment, and he's probably 5'4. The kids love him, but yesterday one called out, "Hey, you're a midget aren't you Sir?" and my heart just fucking shattered.

Before I discovered incels, I would have just given him a detention, but instead I called his Mom and ruined his weekend, the little shit.

how old are your students? unless you teach first graders i can’t imagine anyone actually found it funny

I dunno. I remember being in school as far as 7th or 8th grade (12-14 years old, Australian grades) and it was essentially a game to try and make the teacher cry.

Yep - I teach high school in Australia (grades 7-12). This was a popular 8th grade boy. About half the class chuckled (I hate to say it, but mostly the boys) while other half rolled their eyes or looked concerned.

My prac student took it like a champ, but he told me he used to get shit for it when he himself was in high school, so I'm sure it cut deeper than he let on.

It's still considered sport to make relief or prac teachers cry at that age. I love all my students, but sometimes I hate their behaviour.

okay, I’m sorry I should not have commented on this because I am American and went to an alternative middle/high school for kids who didn’t fit in well at other places. Bullying was pretty much nonexistent because so many students came from harsh environments. Everyone knew what it was liked to be bullied, so no one did and the rare occurances of bullying that do happen are dealt with swiftly and efficiently. I should have realized my school environment was different from public school.

"my personal preference is guys who are 5'10" - completely acceptable

"my personal preference is no roast beef vagina" - straight to the gulags

"I just don't find ethnic men to be attractive" - an unfortunate but respectable opinion.
"I apply the one-drop rule1 when deciding whether to date a woman" - literally hitler.

*a female shall be considered used-up if she has swallowed one (1) drop of Chad's semen

If you dated a girl and it didn't work out and you broke up. Would you consider yourself "used up" - and unworthy of ever dating, or even having sex, ever again?

Because that's basically what you're saying.

Imagine not being able to recognize a lighthearted joke

Even if you were purely making a joke. I have seen on many, many occasions people in this sub (and others, like RP/etc) making very similar claims.

weeeeeell even if you WERE making a joke

fuck off

My point is - you were making fun of not recognising your "joke" (I'm still not convinced it was, or that you even know what a joke is).

But it's a bit disingenuous to make fun of me for not recognising something as a joke, when people in this sub frequently say the same thing in a serious manner.

Yeah bro I frequently apply the one-drop-of-chads-semen rule in my interactions with women. You got me.

Put it this way, what you said is basically just a paraphrasing of "I don't like sluts". Is that how you feel?

How retarded do you have to be to go on a subreddit filled with shit you dont like/people you hate?

For real; were you dropped as a child? Did your mother have a lil too much to drink while you were a fetus?

I said I hate YOU. Not a plural you, but YOU, as in YOU specifically.

Lol I cant imagine being as retarded as you are. I seriously cant. Your comment was basically "dude looks dont matter youre just an asshole " idc what you thought you wrote. Youre fucking wrong.

Im not even an incel, but i know how it feels to have women/people change depending on attractiveness. When i was fat, no woman would come close to me. They called me "nice" at best. After i got in shape women treated me much more differently. I didnt change personality, im not any funnier, im not any richer.

"dude looks dont matter youre just an asshole, just be nicer to women"

Check my post history - not only have I NEVER said anything like that. I've REGULARLY said the exact opposite.

You're just a cunt who uses strawmen to attempt to take people down. You put words in my mouth, had a go at them and then acted like that said something about me.

I might be "retarded" - you're fucking insane.

Imagine being so retarded you expect people to recognize your username.

Imagine being such a mentally damaged faggot you legitimately expect people to read your fucking stupid post history.

How ever much time you spend on here, you should probably minimize it.

I never, ever suggested I expected you to recognise my username.

People frequently check other people's post history. I've literally been banned from subs before, because people went through my post history and found something they didn't like, that I'd posted in an unrelated sub, months ago. So it's not that far-fetched.

At any rate - I did NOT expect you to check my post history. I'm started to get the impression your reading comprehension is incredibly poor.

The whole point of saying "check my post history" is the implication. I don't expect you to actually check it. The point is that by saying that, I'm implying that IF you did check it, it would verify what I'm saying. So it was just a literary tactic where I was making it easier to believe me, by giving you a means to verify what I was saying. But by providing those means, you can reasonably assume that if you checked my post history, it would back me up, therefor - there's not really any reason to actually check it. Unless for some bizarre reason you assumed I was using it as a tactic.

My whole point was, you suggested I said words along the lines of ""dude looks dont matter youre just an asshole, just be nicer to women""

However - not only did I not say those words. But that isn't something I believe. More so, it's something I passionately disbelieve. So I guess what I am saying is: at least if I believed that, then we could reasonably say "WOW - just from reading what I wrote, you were able to figure that out, impressive!"

But since it's literally the exact opposite of the truth. It just means you're a fucking idiot who completely lacks reading-comprehension skills (and since I'm assuming now that this will go over your head, let me clarify it for you, reading comprehension means not only being literate and being able to read, but you're able to comprehend the meaning and what is being expressed.)

Anyway - looking forward to your next post where you get everything wrong and I can correct you again.

Hey, CptBeetle, just a quick heads-up:
therefor is actually spelled therefore. You can remember it by ends with -fore.
Have a nice day!

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Tldr my man give me a summary, youre not that important to me.

I'm reasonably important to you. You've replied every time. But you're not important enough to me to write a fucking summary of a 100 words lol

All fax no printer, u right mayne gg no re.

Look up the divorce rates and number of partners stat. We don't make this shit up. If you don't like facts then we can't really do anything for you.

What are you talking about?

Phrasing is important.

If you say: I don't find large Labia-Majora attractive, or I find it a 'turn-off' - regardless of some people being offending, you're entitled to your feelings and this is acceptable.

Likewise: I have a preference for guys around 5'10 - is acceptable

Saying: I don't like manlets - is not acceptable

Saying: I don't like manlets - is not acceptable

Nice try

I'm not saying people don't say it. But like that incident where I-Tears made Sub of the Month and everyone gave them a hard time for bullying Incels.

it's like that - if you asked 'normal' people, in a public-audience situation (say a TV panel show) if it was an acceptable statement, I'm almost certain they would say no.

What people say means nothing.

What people do means everything.

Yeah, I take your point.

However, I think in terms of social change and just 'progressiveness' in general. I think it often starts out with people acknowledging what is right/wrong and that being taught and then future generations actually act it out.

So like you said, just because someone says something isn't acceptable, it doesn't mean they won't still act like an asshole. However, they may pass on the information to their child and their child may then actually grow up and absorb that information into their character and actual walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

Such a double standard. These foids just want to hurt and degrade already hurting men.

Your first mistake was assuming logic works with IT.

You are 100% correct we do have a huge double standard in our society here. But its not like girls are saying "I don't like dating virgins because when they don't use their penises for so long they end up becoming smaller".

When you meme about roast beef flaps I laugh my ass off, if you say a flappy vagina is not pleasing to the eye I agree, when you say girls get looser from continuous sex or their labia gets flappier from taking too much dick you do look like morons but thats probably offset by the how funny you find it to trigger people so fuck if I know if you're being serious or not.

The funniest thing is when they get so triggered from roast memes they start calling for us to kill ourselves and cheer the fact that we're unloved and miserable. Then turn around and say that we overreact at other people's perception of our ugliness.

it's not okay to make fun of anyone for any of those reasons. what are you people smoking? seriously

In western society it is perfectly okay to make fun of a man's height, dick size, and looks within reason. The female anatomy is off-limits, however.

name one person who has publicly stated they think this is okay. ill wait

They don't "state it". They just do it.

JK Rowling

There is no logic. It's classic gynocentrism or female favoritism if you wish.

It's not OK to make fun for anyone, for any of the stuff you said. No one thinks it "okay" I'm not saying people don't do it. But that doesn't mean it's ok, or acceptable.

No one thinks it "okay" I'm not saying people don't do it

u wat

people do lots of things they know they shouldn't. Or they know it's not ok in society, but they still believe they should be able to do it.

Like - most people know it's not OK to make fun of people for being 'gay' - but plenty of people still do.

Who said it's okay to make fun of men for their looks,height,dick size or skin color?It's not...

Am I the only one who finds ‘roast beef’ really hot?

I definitely find SJW feminazi retardation a turn off, though.

No, that's not okay either

Feel free to make fun of labia all you want.

It's just the way you guys choose to do it makes you look fucking retarded. You like to insist that it's due to promiscuity rather than genetics.

It is due to promiscuity. If a roastie had sex with one man only she wouldn't hae an Arby's pussy. It's from different partners that the labia minors are stretched into the beefy monstrosities we see today. But, tell yourself what you need to explain away those giant meat curtains on your girlfriend. Sure her 100+ sexual partners has nothing it do with it. Also, it just makes her more experienced for you. Raising Daquanterious is worth it when you get in between those beef sheets.

Doubling down on the retardation, I see.

Again, mock labia all you want. But don't pretend like you have any scientific basis for this bullshit. You just look stupid.

You're just mad that your girl looks like she has a monster from "Tremors" trying to escape her vagina.

I'm quite sure incels would find her vagina disgusting. It isn't a perfect innie, so by your theory she must have fucked at least 900 men.

But she's with you now so that's all that matters. Ha! Somebody call Reba and Kevin Bacon to put that monster down!

But she's with you now so that's all that matters.

More or less, yeah, that's how it works. Unless she has a really disturbing history (900 partners would qualify as that) I'm not all that concerned about her past. I mean, I have a past too.

I'm not all that concerned about her past. I mean, I have a past too.

Bro if you think it compares to hers at all I've got some bad news...

My partner and I have roughly equivalent partner counts.

And now you claim she's lying, which is something you don't know, but you'll say it's true because all women lie and blah blah blah blah

She's absolutely lying hahah, unless you have a skewed definition of "roughly equivalent"

But don't worry that she got pounded by 100 Chads, she's yours now and that's all that matters ;) Be a good betabux

She's absolutely lying hahah

And you know that, how? Oh right, you don't. All available statistical evidence shows that women and men have more or less the same number of sexual partners. And it isn't 100's, despite the lies incels constantly tell.

By "roughly equivalent" I mean, she's had one more partner than I have. And I've had more long term relationships than her, so I've probably had 100x as much sex as her in my life.

I also have yet to see a definition of "betabux" that I actually meet. She has her own job. Pays half the expenses.

But I'm sure you, the almighty psychic incel, has a better idea about my life and relationships than I do.

All available statistical evidence shows that women and men have more or less the same number of sexual partners.


You sound triggered, eventually when she breaks up with you after gawking at Chad I think you'll understand. Or maybe you'll turn full cuck and allow a poly relationship, who knows.


You can Google number of lifetime sexual partners for men and women. The CDC has pretty detailed statistics on sexual health and activity in the adult population. The numbers are very close. But don't let facts get in the way.

You sound triggered, eventually when she breaks up with you after gawking at Chad I think you'll understand.

Do you think I've never been broken up with before?

Or maybe you'll turn full cuck and allow a poly relationship, who knows.

Just because you can't imagine ever being enough for a woman doesn't mean the rest of us have that problem.

Men are cannon-fodder

Perhaps you're pursuing shallow women? In the grand scheme of things dick size doesn't matter.

Especially if you make an educated effort with foreplay and ensuring that everyone involved is having fun/getting off. Not just you....

Ugly can be circumvented to some degree. Usually through self-improvement of body, the way you dress, grooming habits, and what not. Though some aspects are unfixable without surgical intervention. Soo, start saving?

Why would you care what IT says is okay or not okay? All things are fit to be ridiculed. Quit confront to the mold and be yourself. People will respect you for it.

They are faggots and cucks, don't even ask them for logic. And the women on there are fat feminist clowns

Anyone in 1993 would not believe this conversation could exist.

roast beef can also be a choice too, from too much use. cant say the same for mens issues like looks height, dick size, and skin color. so its even worse too

How much pussy has white knighting got you so far?

I’d bet being you is, like, really fun.

I said I hate YOU. Not a plural you, but YOU, as in YOU specifically.

I'm not saying people don't say it. But like that incident where I-Tears made Sub of the Month and everyone gave them a hard time for bullying Incels.

it's like that - if you asked 'normal' people, in a public-audience situation (say a TV panel show) if it was an acceptable statement, I'm almost certain they would say no.

weeeeeell even if you WERE making a joke

fuck off

Yeah bro I frequently apply the one-drop-of-chads-semen rule in my interactions with women. You got me.

It is due to promiscuity. If a roastie had sex with one man only she wouldn't hae an Arby's pussy. It's from different partners that the labia minors are stretched into the beefy monstrosities we see today. But, tell yourself what you need to explain away those giant meat curtains on your girlfriend. Sure her 100+ sexual partners has nothing it do with it. Also, it just makes her more experienced for you. Raising Daquanterious is worth it when you get in between those beef sheets.