then do explain to me why most of the inventions and technological breakthroughs, including the internet you are using, was created by socially awkward "nerd" guys, most of whom would be incel had it not been for their money? Bill Gates is a full blown Asperger case like me. Either you are incel with internalized hatred (because you've been conditioned to hate yourself), or, you're a normie trolling.
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-18
It breaks the TV glass.
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-18
u/itsbeenover got some hops
1 throwaway73728274 2018-05-18
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-18
u/itsbeenover i never u know u in thee Olympics fam
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-18
1 semperfresh 2018-05-18
Incels are genetically inferior in just about every aspect, athleticism included
1 NY_Driver 2018-05-18
Athletecels can get gfs. THey won't be loyal, but they can get tons of pussy from gold diggers. I'd rather be athletecel than incel.
1 Ji6S4W 2018-05-18
well if they are getting laid, then they are not celibate, hence, not incel at all. The "cel" suffix means "celibate."
1 Ji6S4W 2018-05-18
then do explain to me why most of the inventions and technological breakthroughs, including the internet you are using, was created by socially awkward "nerd" guys, most of whom would be incel had it not been for their money? Bill Gates is a full blown Asperger case like me. Either you are incel with internalized hatred (because you've been conditioned to hate yourself), or, you're a normie trolling.
1 DankIncel 2018-05-18
No not really
1 Petherow 2018-05-18
I'm great at sports
1 ropeiscope 2018-05-18
genetically inferior when it comes to attracting and interacting with the opposite sex
1 VodKA_1488 2018-05-18
1 chadbhava 2018-05-18
What is the point of this existence
1 mikepencetheincel 2018-05-18
Racing to provide power for Stacy's's OVER.
1 throwaway43503460340 2018-05-18
fucking kek
1 CherubOfBael41 2018-05-18
Of course not. 8 min mile is horrible. What are you on, the biggest losers? At least get your time straight
1 DirtyBristolBoi 2018-05-18
It's a 100 yard dash. Anything under 10 seconds is very fast.
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-18
Pretty sure it's 8.9 seconds for 100 meters
1 CherubOfBael41 2018-05-18
Whoops, literally said the same thing to my chem teacher two years ago. I really gotta watch what I say
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-18
But Micheal Phelps is ugly AF (mogs me though)