So Grimes is dating Elon Musk

97  2018-05-18 by realmonkeycel

feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist pop musician gave up her ideals to fuck egocentric, self-proclaimed "alpha male" billionaire. It's over for leftistcels unfortunately.


The left as a whole is aids anyway.

high quality post

I guess parent comment confused leftism with liberalism. Hitler was a socialist. So it can't be all that bad. Just depends on what kind of socialism we're talking about. National-socialism is good.

No Hitler wasn't socialist you retard. That dumb agreement always just ends with braindead fash claiming privatization is socialist if it's for "the Volk."

Hitler famously didn't give a shit about economics. His privatization or nationalization of different industries was done to make his military more powerful.

he was. liberal socialism is a doom to fail philosophy. Need a strong leader to implement it and come out on top.

The fundamental difference between leftism and right-wing ideology is whether your end goal focuses on the people or the social institution, respectively. At the end of the day Hitler only cared about his empire and not the Germanic peoples which included the resident Jews, and the other minority groups that he sought to persecute.

resident Jews did all things that residents wouldn't normally do.

Cope with what, I am not you, I only view the Left as a piece of shit greater than the shithole of the Right

Chillax bro, I was just joking

I've said before that women aren't your enemies, but other men. Anyone who reads that "marxist" critique and is still misogynist/anti-feminist is hopeless.

A person who is truly ugly and unsociable is more likely to go through grade-school being harassed and ridiculed by fellow male peers than being the recipient of any kind of negative attention by a female. As a child the male father is more likely to treat boys with sternness than the girls. As an adult, men in power will give more favors to attractive women than to men because of an expectation of sex preceding platonic male friendship.

alpha male who got divorce-raped by the same woman TWICE

Honestly Musk is just an autistic showman like Steve Jobs. His businesses are heavily dependent upon the taxpayer and his cars look gay. He obviously blows ass with women but has the status to get whoever he wants. Grimes is just a female so we can’t blame her since AWALT.

I fucking hate Musk but I really thought Grimes was different. AWALT is one of the most sobering facets of life I've ever learned.

Maybe she just loves his down syndrome-ish good looks and autistic demeanor.

Why hate Elon Musk? Is it because he does cool things, is rich, and has a lot of children?

hes a con artist

Stop listening to /pol/, he's a good guy

"Good guys" would be working on developing female companion androids.

I hate people who have things that I want but which I don't have. That is reason enough to hate him.

Just lol poor cuck

i agree with that about musk but jobs was absolutely not autistic. he was a salesman chadlite who took advantage/ripped off autistic ppl for their ideas/money.

Musk is a fucking cuck. If he weren't rich, he'd be incel

I like some of their cars

hes a fucking scam artist. none of his businesses are legit with the exception of paypal

His businesses are heavily dependent upon the taxpayer and his cars look gay.


He can launch rockets cheaper than anyone else.

What does launching rockets have to do with him not being subsidized? In fact his rocket business earns him a ton of taxpayer money.

Yes, because he can launch cheaper than the existing crony capitalist businesses.

He is fucking SAVING taxpayers' money.

That's not what I was saying you fucking imbecile. You've agreed with me that his companies are subsidized. You're arguing with yourself here like a complete retard about god knows what.

You have no idea what subsidy means, do you?

You lost your demented little argument with yourself just accept it?

You agreed he's being subsidized and now you're having a tantrum at your self own...

A subsidy is a form of financial aid or support extended to an economic sector generally with the aim of promoting economic and social policy. Although commonly extended from government, the term subsidy can relate to any type of support – for example from NGOs or as implicit subsidies. Subsidies come in various forms including: direct and indirect.

Gov't buying launches from SpaceX is not a subsidy.

I can only assume you did not read the article I generously linked to and therefore are choosing to be retarded.

Nah, I didn't. Hit jobs on Musk are a dime a dozen.

However, gov't giving him money arguably seems smart, because he pulled of SpaceX. Hence subsidy isn't going to get wasted, in all likelihood.

They didn't get any gov't money until after they demonstrated orbital capability.

Still, you some sort of objectivist? The point is, he's trying to do something, it's really hard, why he should not take money if it's offered?

hit jobs on Musk

Ah so you're either an investor or a fanboy. The first is a dupe and the second is just sad. Either way you should stop worshipping personalities. Are you a mentalcel? Would explain a lot.

I'm not worshipping him.

But not respecting and honoring a private individual who managed to do what most governments cannot, and improved spaceflight is completely fucking retarded.

Musk has earned and spent billions of dollars; he dates models, actresses and pop stars; and he launched a Tesla into space.

Yet he's still not satisfied. He wants to bang models, actresses and pop stars on Mars.

Nobody fucks him, you fool. I bet they tell him they aren't ready for sex for 6 months, pretending to be his gf for the money, and then he dumps them. No woman want to fuck an ugly man.


Tbf Elon has a normie face and is tall.

He looks like a cuck. No women would be able to have a wet pussy from him. He would be incel without the money and fame. Or married with a dominant 'powerwoman' who dominates the hell out of him.

surely women would be able to suck it up for a pretty limited amount of time. probably not going to enjoy it, but I doubt it's torture.

These men get dominated a lot in their own home. I have seen many families and couples like that, where males aren't even allowed to have their own opinion. They get mentally abused without knowing it, and they feel miserable inside. It's only when their child is born, that they can 'let go' of this. But before the child is born, they work their ass off, outside their house and inside, only to get dominated, commanded and yelled at by their wife.

I mean that sounds more like a typical beta wage slave. I feel like someone like current Musk has a shit ton more leverage in his relationships.

His first wife before he was obscenely rich was a stacy too, so it doesn't seem like he settled for a bitch.

He has extreme wealth. I mean, of course he offers a lot. That doesn't mean a woman will find him physically attractive. They'll probably respect him because of extreme wealth and status. If he was a millionaire instead of a billionaire he would have more problems. Still, he's probably still dominated at home.

Elon Musk is definitely attractive lol

Lol, if Elon Musk is attractive i'm a sex God. He's invisible to any prime woman.

Then you're a sex god congratulations you weirdo

Elon Musk looksmaxed, skinmaxed and had Hair transplant and still looks like a cuck. He's a 5.5 at best. Would be incel without status and money.

Well I guess he has status and money, get off reddit and get your $$$ up, should be pretty easy for a SEX GOD. Don't forget me at the top!!

I already earn enough money. Now, you wanna suck my dick?

Minimum wage isnt "enough" cunt


mate I fully concur we live in a looks based world but you are kidding yourself if you think musk isn't good looking enough to get pussy.

Did you see her reaction when the Bangabandhu satellite was released into the geostationary orbit? She was sitting on a chair and looking around wondering why people are clapping and standing up. Fucking waste.

Lol, she doesn't love him. A woman cannot love a subhuman.

she's a sub 5/10 herself. Musk is 6.5/10 currently. Mentally (social skills wise) more like 4/10.

He's a 5.7 psl scale. Still looks like a cuck. She's ugly without make up, but i guess body halo effect.

Musk is mentally (social skills wise) more like 4/10.

The fuck..

Yeah, a 4/10 social skills guy can be CEO.

My sides!

Grimes' looksmatch is dangling 2 feet off the ground right now.

Elon went from virgin to billionare chad

He was always a normie

I have no idea who Grimes is so I shall Google her.

experimental pop musician. think millennial bjork

Love it when I get relevant news from r/braincels. I listen to Grimes’ music so this is very interesting to me.

lol just check r/trollxchromosomes. they'll bitch about white males and toxic masculinity but selectively fuck white chads.

All women do this.

I'm a far-leftist cultuaral-marxist antifa super-commando and I can tell you that leftist women are absolute garbage. They're incapable of actual dedication to any kind of cause, often date men who are the polar opposite of what they claim to be believe and use feminism to justify it, and their entire praxis can be summed up with "If the revolution succeeds then I can be an artist for free while everyone else works". I've seen a lot of them date alt-right/nazis and the colored ones exclusively date white Chads while crusading against white supremacy. The feminist propaganda of the USSR doesn't apply to these women. Maybe there's something natural in Russian women that makes them capable of real anti fascism and socialism but American women don't have that.

and their entire praxis can be summed up with "If the revolution succeeds then I can be an artist for free while everyone else works"

This pretty much.

it always makes me chuckle seeing asians / latinas and blacks hooking up with white guys who are not down with any leftist cause and are most likely racist as well.

She uh, isn't great looking without make up. The fact she can score a billionaire really cranks the ol' gears.

She's a cutie. The problem is that men have really high sexual specialization. Some girls just look great smiling and can fill up a room even if their not the most attractive. I can see her being that.

She's hot, good for him. She sounds like a moronic Thot, though

GOD she's so hot, I love her style.

It's over for leftistcels unfortunately.

It was always over for leftistcels ;/

Why is he dating a goblin? Why can't he date taytay or someone equally perfect.

Grimes is SO UGLY. She's a 3. If that's the only woman a BILLIONAIRE can get then it's fucking over.

She looks like she needs a good scrub with sandpaper and she looks like she has aids

All musicians are posers.

Also, Musk isn' self proclaimed alpha male, he's an incredibly intelligent geeky guy who has self confidence because he's mentally strong enough to fuck with anyone.

Then you're a sex god congratulations you weirdo

No Hitler wasn't socialist you retard. That dumb agreement always just ends with braindead fash claiming privatization is socialist if it's for "the Volk."

The fundamental difference between leftism and right-wing ideology is whether your end goal focuses on the people or the social institution, respectively. At the end of the day Hitler only cared about his empire and not the Germanic peoples which included the resident Jews, and the other minority groups that he sought to persecute.