Roasties admit to letting Chads fuck first night and then making boyfriends wait months for sex.

32  2018-05-18 by sailorgangordie


“For people I don’t see a long term thing with I don’t make them wait at all if I want to have sex."

"If I’m looking for an LTR then I make them wait a month, maybe two. With my current boyfriend I told him I wanted to wait and didn’t say for how long. We ended up waiting a month and a half. I think there’s something to be said for gauging a man’s reaction to being told to wait. I think it says a lot about how they think of sex and women.”

What a retarded femoid

I feel disgusted after reading that. No wonder I don’t usually get along with other women; they’re often nasty.

Seems pretty normal to me that you'd treat flings and one night stands differently to potential long term partners. One is just a bit of fun, and the other is something you want to be sure you get right.

What happened to the 'sex is a important part in a relationship'?

It is, and how does that in any way, shape, or form contradict what I just said?

Lots of stuff is important in a relationship, it doesn't mean you should just fucking stampede on and integrate them all instantly.

just kek

"I will be open and communicative with strangers I just met, but close friends have to wait a month or two till I'm comfortable enough to talk to them" Maybe this helps understand.

I still don't see the issue. If we're talking about flirting, this still applies just as well.

Nothing? It ISM important which is why in a relationship you would want to take seriously you would treat sex with more thought and consideration than with someone who you didn’t care about the seriousness of the relationship with. I don’t see a flaw in that thinking, be it man or woman.

Women like this is why I immediately discard any women that won't have sex up to the third date.

The smell of transactional sex in the air becomes unmistakable.

Depends on the woman and the situation, but this sentiment is right. You can only be strung along if you let yourself be strung along.

"Hmm don't really like this guy" = immediate NSA sex

"I really like this guy, could be serious" = jump through hoops for the eventual possibility

Because sex is the only thing that matters. Not getting to know someone. Not building a relationship for a future together.

Yeah those things DO matter and so does sex; how about getting to know someone before that all the time?

She recognizes sex is important because she uses it as a test and a carrot, but will give this important thing up immediately to guys who have obvious flaws and who she doesn't care "how they they of sex and women" at all.

If I was going to fuck someone and then never see them again I wouldn't take their personality in to account. So why wait? This sex is just for me. I don't give a shit about them.

If I think I might spend some serious time with a person, I'd want to let things develop more organically. I want there to be mutual desire built on knowing a person, trusting them, and respecting them. I'll bet the sex is a lot better then because we both want it to be awesome for each other.

As usual, context and quality don't matter to incels. It's just sex or no sex. If sex doesn't happen immediately, you've lost the game.

Life isn't so fucking binary.

2 out of the 3 answers on that page say they don't wait to have sex with people they're interested in.


Women are the gatekeepers of sex.

see boys, big difference from chads/slayer phenotype, and the soyboy/beta males.

Just makes me even more depressed. It's honestly over for us ugly men.

We can't please no one. Be nice and you're creepy. Be mean and you are a misogynist.

And this is news how? All of my one night stands were with women who didn’t want a relationship. They just wanted to fuck.

Ah yes, because if I don't get sex immediately it means I'm worth less than the guy she pumped and dumped.

It's called investing in someone as opposed to using them and moving on.

What you don't seem to comprehend is that this "Chad" got one night stand sex one time with this girl who didn't care about pleasing him because she just wanted sex. The sad, pathetic "beta" is fucking her twice a day for the length of their relationship. And the sex only gets better and better with experience and experimenting.

A month really isn't that long of a wait if you're going on maybe one date a week.

yea i guess if you want to be her atm then i guess its great she chose you over the homeless chad who doesnt have to wait.

yea i guess if you want to be her atm then i guess its great she chose you over the homeless chad who doesnt have to wait.

So my options are, one night stands with shitty sex, or being used as an ATM?

Weird, because I found a much better option in my life: don't get so hung up on what other people do, get to know a woman as a person, establish mutual respect and attraction, engage in an equal partnership that includes increasingly excellent sex.