"IncelTears aren't just virgins in deni-

142  2018-05-18 by EvilBananaManRD


Theyre virgins because of their bad personalities

what an absolute display of delusion

I unironically feel bad for them. They were probably raised in a leftist area, so when they cope they cope to the leftist crowd and the more popular movement. While we here cope, we understand that life is pointless and suicide will be our solution. They seek validation from people they see as more intelligent and intellectual while we seek validation from people like us.

We only have death to escape to.

we all grew up in a leftist era but we are in different stages of consciousness, they are in denial stage but will eventually either get a gf or stay incel where they accept it. if they get a gf they will return to blue pill stage and begin the process again if/when they get dumped.

being leftist is not an excuse to be cucked+bullying. a real leftist wouldnt bully incels, what kind of leftist waste all his time just to bully the weak

They will be fine. They choose to not give up and try to improve. Thats the only way out of a bad situation.

In 10 years they might even get to marry a post-wall roastie, and get the privilege to raise her children while their dad is in prison. And for 50 hubby points they can even get sex, yass.

This mindset will always keep you alone and angry. The problem is you will never see it was you who ruined any chance you may have had with a woman.

Are all women having so much sex their vaginas are blown out by 30 even tho more Americans are becoming sexually inactive? Are they all gonna be single mothers even tho birthrates are sharply declining in America? And all them will deny their husbands sex on a consistent basis.

I dont know why u guys are sad and suicidal you are geniuses to have millions-billions of people figured out so well. You guys should be ruling the world with that skill. Someone from here needs to be poker champion already with this amount of people reading skill.

Well if you weren't good enough as a teenager for women, why would you be good for them when you're 30+. O wait, money

No wait, maturity. Do you know how fucking STUPID teenager are? How FUCKED UP their priorities are? How incredibly hormone filled they are? Also literally their brains aren’t fully developed. Do you honestly think they can judge who is/isnt a good life partner? Please tell me you mispoke.

At 30 you have (should have) matured so much you know what you like and what you need and able to distinguish what you cant live o

Let me level with you tho, i understand u guys dont wanna be last pick in a romantic game of pick up of (name your sport). But if she picks u at all you will be the last one if the relationship lasts. The time to be first round draft is prolly over.

Maturity =/= "I have had my share of dicks, and I finally want to settle down for someone I'm not attracted to, but can provide for me and Chad's offspring"

See that right there. I mean im tryna help, truly all you guys. I know a chick who only fucks with dudes with their shit together and these dudes have been 5s at times. She finds that sexy. And shes not gettin them to buy her shit and i KNOW she gives up the good pussy. It happens man dont close yourselves off.

I know you're trying to help, but I believe what you're saying is wrong, and the fact that women might "mature" and miraculously find out that they need someone who has his shit together at 30 isn't really comforting after a lifetime of being shunned by women for incels. That basically means women think they don't find them attractive but after some time their priorities change, they see that their peers are getting married, get desperate and settle.

Do you think that should be a man's goal in life?

Im not saying it happens at 30 im saying it happens later in life period and yea she has to get burned for it to happen. People learn and evolve thru pain, thats just how we are. Very few are fortunate to know wat they want at the start

you aren't trying to help, you're a fucking faggot who's going to end up having a one night with Chad's leftovers. That's gay, because that's Chad's property. He already came inside the post-wall bitches.

I mean if my dick is in it. Its mine now.

"Oh, Todd, your maturity and grounded priorities make me sooooo wet :3"

-No woman ever


No one actually believes that having more sex will give you "roast beef", it's just in retaliation of women constantly dickshaming and virgin shaming men.

I can get that. I really hope you guys knowledge on women sexual anatomy isnt that bad.

LMAO Man your such a coping faggot

Idk wat there is to cope about.

Yeah sweetie sure thing, it's the personality preventing women ever even talking to me in a romantic context.

If u believe that “post wall roastie single mother with baby daddy in jail tyrone on the side” thing...yea. There could be a 30 yr old ex party/cam model with a 1yr old whos father made some poor decions and now her friend Jamal is around the house alot, waiting for you.

Hey, Supreme_Salt_Lord, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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61 years trying

Hey man there are women who are that age and never had sex. It happens.



Indeed. Better than suicide.

Actually even an /r/incel poster will be more fine than them because of the 1% of women who are intrigued and get off on the harsh attitude. There is only one type of creature that sexually disgusts women more than an incel, and that's a male feminist.

It's a good thing not being misogynists and not being entitled to women has ended their virginity and led them to happy, well-adjusted lives

Don't forget to type "s/" at the end.

lmao I thought I was on IT for a sec


Wow I just figured it out. Does /s stand for "give me soy"? The forward slash symbolic of a hand reaching out for the soy.

I think it marks the use of satire. Not sure. I'm not really a reddit person. I literally only come here when I'm banned from 4chan.


Please tell me that isn't real

It's shopped, someone changed the title



Well maybe if they weren't so toxic

To be an incel in denial on IT requires such unbelievable amount of submissiveness. How can they not see how much female hypergamy is making them miserable? Unbelievable.


Their mods are literally 30 year old virgins, they are in most cases actually worse than us.

In order to prevent suicide they have to rabidly cling to their beliefs because otherwise they will have to face the fact that they followed all the rules of society and got screwed over anyway.

Preventing suicide is a good thing anyway tbh. Mental defense mechanisms is what got humans to where we are now. Everytime we lie to ourselves to avoid pyschological suffering. Everytime we turn a blind eye to the elephant in the room.

You might not like her presence but everyone deserves basic respect. Please don't talk about board_gaming like that.

I'm surprised this sub has mods who're women. That's cool.

I mean if they had such great personalities, then why are they incels themselves?

It's just they don't choose to vent online.

You do know the "Same here poor guy" was me....an incel lol. How dare you call me an IT member.

While I don't agree with the incels, they'd probably say I was one (26y/o virgin)

Nigga, are you serious? What the fuck? Did he seriously just say "I'm not an incel even though I'm involuntarily celibate"? You're either an incel or you're not. You don't get to choose. In fact, that's the whole reason most incels are fucking bitter: they don't get to choose.

See that's how you the media has something up it's sleeve, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that incel is a MALE problem, women can hardly even be incel. I've known 1 legit female incel all my life, from an old asperger meet up group, and she literally looked so much like a man, I thought she was a man until she spoke to me, to ask me out. I almost through up in my mouth. If I were attracted to the masculine look, I'd probably just be gay. And you know all she had to do? Was slim down and loose some muscle mass, grow her hair, and do little things to look a little more feminine.

But that is literally the only female incel I've ever seen, and with her it was her own fault for not taking measures to look the slightest bit feminine. She literally looked like Fred Flintstone. Females can't really be incel because they DO THE CHOOSING. It is 80% of WOMEN going for 20% of MEN. The women are like the employers, whereas the men are the applicants.

it's muh anksiatee(hee)

No, it's your fucking subhuman face. Imagine when he finally overcomes his anxiety and will notice that too.