I'm kind of salty that beards are now associated with these faggots because I liked hiding my shitty chin. If I yawn at the wrong moment and somebody takes a photo of me I'm going to end up as a soycuck meme.
I can relate with worrying about being called a soyboy. While I don’t have a beard (yet), I wear glasses, wear a beanie, and own a Nintendo switch which is also just enough for someone to make a soyboy meme out of me
no one irl cares about that soy stuff to be fair, its just that online, the inceltears users that look like dorks themselves are making fun of this subreddit thinking theyre above this stuff
4.5 is below average tho. Below average people aren't rated 6.5s on "normie scale". I think girls ratings are actually very close to PSL ratings if not even stricter (obviously not on Reddit I mean normal girls)
Just because women on Reddit rate high doesn't mean actual, prime females do. I've asked a few prime females via whisper to rate a select few male models and they rate as strict if not stricter than PSL. One of them rated Nick Bateman a 7 and one rated Sean O'Pry a 4 lmao
Dude, they rate 80th percentile men as a 5 consistently. There is no such thing as a normie and PSL scale, this is such thing as a normal scale (what you use) and a Reddit scale (everyone is a 8+)
Males looks are relevant to me because it gives me insight of features I lack to attract the modern day femoid otherwise I would be thinking it’s my personality
Oh yeah my boy forgot about him,it was also your sister that killed her little girl I forget her name,she got off innocent. You and your family are demons.
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-18
I love the numale soy beta cuck meme because I know the majority of the male users on IT run a beard/glasses fear grin gaping mouth look lmfaooo
1 iQ9k 2018-05-18
They are outraged by these pictures because they feel personally attacked
1 norwood_victim 2018-05-18
I'm kind of salty that beards are now associated with these faggots because I liked hiding my shitty chin. If I yawn at the wrong moment and somebody takes a photo of me I'm going to end up as a soycuck meme.
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-18
Kek be on the lookout
1 Beta_Bux_Alpha_Fucks 2018-05-18
Yawn like a civilised person and cover your mouth with your hand.
1 norwood_victim 2018-05-18
They're just going to photoshop a Switch controller or a Soylent bottle in my hand
1 Beta_Bux_Alpha_Fucks 2018-05-18
Use your elbow then, the same way you cover your face when sneezing.
1 norwood_victim 2018-05-18
Now I'm dabbing with my mouth open
1 Beta_Bux_Alpha_Fucks 2018-05-18
Pull your shirt over your face.
1 iQ9k 2018-05-18
Now he would just look like an autistic retard
1 Beta_Bux_Alpha_Fucks 2018-05-18
I'd rather look like an autistic retard than a numale cuck.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-18
This comment chain lmao
1 BettyCogburn 2018-05-18
1 IdiotKnight 2018-05-18
Just keep the brown paper bag on and nobody wI'll notice.
1 uuumatter 2018-05-18
Do it with your wrist.
1 throwaway73728274 2018-05-18
I can relate with worrying about being called a soyboy. While I don’t have a beard (yet), I wear glasses, wear a beanie, and own a Nintendo switch which is also just enough for someone to make a soyboy meme out of me
1 harambeazn 2018-05-18
no one irl cares about that soy stuff to be fair, its just that online, the inceltears users that look like dorks themselves are making fun of this subreddit thinking theyre above this stuff
1 TruthbeTold9999 2018-05-18
Are you retarded? Simply cover your face when you yawn like normal polite people do. Shit like this is why you are a beta.
1 norwood_victim 2018-05-18
I was obviously being facetious.
1 TruthbeTold9999 2018-05-18
Hard to tell when low confidence betas are serious on this sub.
1 norwood_victim 2018-05-18
stop projecting
1 TruthbeTold9999 2018-05-18
Just found the incel
1 Hotel_Oblivion 2018-05-18
Why is the gym guy an Incel? He looks pretty normal.
1 WonderfulLikeNas 2018-05-18
Only normal because his body makes up for his face.
1 Hotel_Oblivion 2018-05-18
His face looks pretty normal.
1 WonderfulLikeNas 2018-05-18
LOL normie detected he has receeded chin, receeded maxillia, Norwood end state, nasal bridge long as the Eiffel tower
Guy is a PSL2.5 --> 3.5/10 face.
His body makes him a 4.5 PSL----> 6.5 normie scale.
1 Hotel_Oblivion 2018-05-18
That sounds crazy! I’d bet money he gets girls.
1 WonderfulLikeNas 2018-05-18
Not before he got that body - thats for sure
1 superman1145 2018-05-18
4.5 is below average tho. Below average people aren't rated 6.5s on "normie scale". I think girls ratings are actually very close to PSL ratings if not even stricter (obviously not on Reddit I mean normal girls)
1 WonderfulLikeNas 2018-05-18
Youre dumb (and normie)
Normies are more generous.
If you are a 1PSL then you are a 1.5 normie scale.
1 superman1145 2018-05-18
Not a normie, clinically depressed truecel.
But girls rate 80% of men as BELOW AVERAGE.
thus a 5/10 in women's eyes is a 6 PSL actually.
Just because women on Reddit rate high doesn't mean actual, prime females do. I've asked a few prime females via whisper to rate a select few male models and they rate as strict if not stricter than PSL. One of them rated Nick Bateman a 7 and one rated Sean O'Pry a 4 lmao
1 WonderfulLikeNas 2018-05-18
' >believing anything a women says
1 superman1145 2018-05-18
Dude, they rate 80th percentile men as a 5 consistently. There is no such thing as a normie and PSL scale, this is such thing as a normal scale (what you use) and a Reddit scale (everyone is a 8+)
1 chitodust 2018-05-18
why do you guys analyze male features more than any heterosexual woman?
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-18
Because looks determine your life dumbass
1 chitodust 2018-05-18
so youre obsessed with male features because you like telling other people's life story? are you not seeing a double whammy of an unhealthy mind here?
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-18
What the fuck are you talking about I said nothing about telling peoples stories
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-18
Obsessed with male features because I’m a fucking male and relevant to me? Are you fucking retarded?
1 chitodust 2018-05-18
other people's looks aren't relevant to you at all. are you fucking codependent?
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-18
Males looks are relevant to me because it gives me insight of features I lack to attract the modern day femoid otherwise I would be thinking it’s my personality
1 chitodust 2018-05-18
How many "femoids" do you attempt something with on a regular basis? In the past month, rather?
1 shockinghillaryquote 2018-05-18
1 everythingshewants7 2018-05-18
fucking lol, they all look the same. You are what you look like.
1 harambeazn 2018-05-18
the gymcel
1 DryYard 2018-05-18
There are almost certainly IT users who are as buff as any particular gymcel. Besides, why would you waste your energy in a fight? Who cares?
1 iQ9k 2018-05-18
Hmm I don't know man
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-18
I would destroy most of them myself ,they are dorks that wouldn't say nothing in real life.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-18
If they did they'd be like heyyy man that's not cool ,oh my god Margaret did he just say that lets get out of here.
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-18
same. I would just cut off their supply of soy and they will collapse from withdrawal kek
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-18
1 eliechallita 2018-05-18
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-18
I am
1 eliechallita 2018-05-18
Sure thing, sugar
1 Fernandonut 2018-05-18
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-18
I.would destroy your giga Chad too
1 eliechallita 2018-05-18
Let me guess, you'd use a van?
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-18
Umm no ,I'd use my hands. You might use a van.phycho
1 eliechallita 2018-05-18
I mean, it's your boy who recently got famous for it. Not much of a stretch
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-18
Oh yeah my boy forgot about him,it was also your sister that killed her little girl I forget her name,she got off innocent. You and your family are demons.
1 CtrlAltVictory 2018-05-18
Maybe a beard would help
1 Ub2w 2018-05-18
That guy has tinder matches, a 4/10, confirmed fakecel.
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-18
that’s why he’s ascended
1 Ub2w 2018-05-18
Yeah every incel that don't looksmax like this guy are fakecels tbh, once you looksmax and see that you still like garbage you are confirmed incel.
1 shockinghillaryquote 2018-05-18
Ascended gymcel is life fuel
1 terminaltevarin 2018-05-18
Ascended gymcel looks like a sexy greyhound. Without that body it would be over.
1 TruthbeTold9999 2018-05-18
Hard to tell when low confidence betas are serious on this sub.
1 chitodust 2018-05-18
How many "femoids" do you attempt something with on a regular basis? In the past month, rather?