Women rate attractiveness

512  2018-05-18 by 1122334wy


Yes its average for women because anyone sub 8/10 doesnt exist to them

If they see 8-10, wouldn't that make the average 9?

Shut up dumbass youre not funny

Not a mathcel, I see

What are you doing with your life

Oh the irony

You assume an even distribution for attractiveness, does 10/10 really mean the top 10% of people to you?

Huh, according to google there's actually a lot of studies on the shape of this distribution. A few I've clicked on look like a bell curve skewed to the right. I'm not sure how to evaluate which of these distributions were compiled the most scientifically.

if anything you're not good at math either. did u account for the fact that this is graded on a Guassian diatrubution? google it, I know real math is hard for gender studies majors.

I did google it, I don't see any indication that attractiveness is distributed normally. (okay technically, I didn't google "Guassian" because that's not a word, but I know spelling is real hard, too)

I’m curious. How many cels are there? For example, is there a geologycel? Is there a pilotcel? Is there a pornstarcel? Ooooooh. I want to here the story of the bondagecel. I bet he has some good lonely tying up stories that he can only share with us. How did he get out?!

"The Celibate Pornstar" sounds like a great Lifetime movie waiting to happen

its the guy constantly waiting for his turn during a gangbang.

More 8s than 9s, and more 9s than 10s, so closer to 8

^ This guy maths



I love you

u 2 boo DTF?

Yes, but women are bad at math.

Low IQ comment.

Unjustly downvoted comment, dis.

And even if they percieve you as above average you're still expected to approach her and do most of the work unless you're a very lucky or a literal 9+/10

It's over for mentalcels.

Below 8 = invisible

8 = "kinda cute"

9 = "kinda hot"

10 = "hot, but not my type"

I thought this was going to say "Is this a good personality?" But this works too lol

Lmao same.

nah that would've been way funnier

Y’all sad

Lol this is perfect.

Why do numales love saying "y'all"?

They think it makes them endearing to niggers and their girlfriend's bull when he offers them Soylent after their sessions.

The numale loves nothing more than fresh "soylent" from his girlfriend's bull

Litterally everybody from Texas says y'all, no matter the race. Im black, but I didn't know black people outside of Texas did that. Like I'm pretty sure I've heard black people from other states say y'all and I just didn't register it or assumed they were Texans.


(I am a bot beep boop. PM me Suggestions!)

This but unironically.

Fuck off cunt its not ironic

there is actually 4 men in that photo, they rest are invisible the femoid

Only trucels will c dem

Yeah I don't get when some incels say shit like "if you are incel you are a 3/10 or less" no, no no no no no!, I see men who look like most incel men on this forum, average loking 6/10 men, or 7/10 men, who are dating fat land whales because it's ALL they can get. While many of us who identify as incels can't bring ourselves to be attracted to those women..... These women are at best, 2/10s, scraps. Yet, these 2/10s are already dating way out of their league, leaving male 2/10's with their dicks in their hands.

My point here, if that guy is a 3/10, and he's obviously leagues more attractive than the cow he is dating, what does that make her? She would have to be so fugly as to not register on the scale anywhere, like a -5 or more (literally breaking the scale). And if so many women are too fugly to be on the scale, we need to widen the scale otherwise it's a pointless, useless scale to begin with if so many people don't even fit on it.

Anything sub-8, and male, without Rupert Murdock levels of cash, may as well not exist to women.

Sounds like a bunch of volcels to me.

The scale has shifted for women due to the obesity epidemic.

Being fat is an absolute killer for women, but it’s not as bad for men. Like if a dude is chubby it’s not a death sentence but it hurts his chances.

Since the average woman is fat, fat women who would have been considered 3/10 in years past are now 5/10. Women of normal weight, with all other factors being average, are 6’s or 7’s just due to rarity.

The same effect didn’t happen to men, as men aren’t judged nearly as harshly on body weight. Don’t get me wrong, being morbidly obese will leave you single, but just being over weight isn’t really the same for men as it is for women. So a chubby guy who was a 4/10 before everyone around him was fat is still a 4/10 now.

Like if a dude is chubby it’s not a death sentence but it hurts his chances.

No, it's a death sentence. Men just have less to lose because their body has no SMV anyway. A fat woman still has much more SMV than a fat man.

If a mans body has no SMV, then how is it even relevant?

Women don’t have any more or any less SMV than men, as SMV is a metric that’s scaled against the same sex.

If a mans body has no SMV, then how is it even relevant?

Because weight impacts face.

Women don’t have any more or any less SMV than men, as SMV is a metric that’s scaled against the same sex.

lol. Nope. It isn't just relative. If one sex has less SMV there is simply less interest in them.

There is inherent value then there is relative value based on propaganda. Naturally, a fat man and a fat woman, all else being equal, are in the same league. Naturally, a fit, athletic, average looking man should be out of a fat woman's league, yet I see this all the time because those men are thirsty for anything they can get. What is "balanced" to our current esthetics means absolute dick because it's out of whack.

What's biologically and socially informed is both unquantifiable and moot. We have to live in the world as it is.

is unquantifiable, but I'm pretty sure most rational, sane people would know it was morally wrong. It's obviously way out of place when you have guys who look like LFA MGTOW having to date massive land whales or women with extreme deformities in order to have anything... No rational, sane person would say he was anywhere NEAR her league.


Lol 'a verage'

to women that is average because people below 6/10 arent even considered at all to women, like they dont even exist.

so looking at it from a womens perspective the only men they even look at are between 7/10 - 10/10. so a 9/10 is "average" to them lol

We don't really do this. At least not in this kind of strict and quantitative way.

Stfu retarded fucking CUNT

I would have thought you would be happy to hear that? I guess I don't know what to think. You're mad when you think we do it and mad when I say we don't.

I'm mad because you're lying

I'm really not. I guess I don't know how it makes sense for women to take the time to come here and lie to you--but to make you feel better. Especially when you're not being very nice right now. It's still true though. I have never in all the years of my young life heard ANY of my female friends assess any man with any kind of numerical or even just a looks based system. I really think it's just on TV where kids are still given swirlies and blow spitballs.

I hope all of your plants, your dog and your snake dies. Cunt

I'm really sorry you feel that way. I'll leave you alone.

Leave incels alone. They don't want healthy relationship with women, they just want to complain

I probably will here soon. It's a little tiring and I don't seem to be accomplishing anything. Everything is worth a try though

I feel sorry you wasted your time trying to talk with them. It's sad that they're hiding behind these misogynistic ideologies to escape the reality of things. They're unwilling to change and give themselves a second chance. They're unwilling to confront their issues and admit the truth. I think it's safe to say they're too immature to be in a healthy [long-term] relationship with any women. I don't feel sorry at all for these men and you shouldn't be too

How many white knight levels did you gain? Did you get to fuck her?

It makes me laugh you assume I'm a guy and even think I was trying to fuck her or what not. I guess you can't have a normal conversation with females now, everything has to be about and for sex

I can be irritable too. Some of the mean spirited stuff makes me want to snap back, but I'm rarely glad I've said something truly scathing after the damage is done.

It's true, they're hiding behind some generalizations and negative stereotypes, but I think some of them know what's true and what isn't.

I feel sorry that you're pathetic enough to spend your time on sub for bitter virgins retarded fuckhole

I should be the one feeling sorry for you, you autistic cunt. lol, if me replying to one comment on this sub makes me pathetic, I can't even imagine what that makes you because based on your historic, all you do is post and comment on this sub for "bitter virgins retarded fuckhole" --- oh wait, I guess that makes you a bitter virgin retarded fuckhole

I guess that makes you a bitter virgin No shit you mentally-challenged cumdumpster, I belong on this sub because it was made for people like me. Now you, on the other hand, you only come here to feel better about your shitty life by making fun of the only people that are more miserable that you, obviously not something a normal, well-adjusted person would do. And that's exactly what makes you pathetic, more than anyone here will ever be.

Some do, some don't. The subreddit likes to exaggerate the ones that do as 100% of the female personality, like women are part of some hive mind that does exactly the same thing. I guess when you need an excuse to have a massive pity party to whine about things while doing absolutely nothing to better your situation, you take whatever you can mansplain.

You really, really would think they'd embrace the notion that we are not actually that bad or mean spirited.

Some women are very nasty, or they're simply naive/ignorant/young. And no, once again, they need to grab onto anything to fulfill their sense of self-pity, and to continue their circle jerk of self-improvement but in reverse.

I'm still trying though. I do not really know why. Mostly because I think this is a safe space for incels to feel at home, but I really have to think that underneath the laughing and relating over these dark memes is a lot of sadness and loneliness and it's because they think these things are true and they aren't.

There's a lot of negative things too though. Anger, hate, blame, depression, desperation, and feeding all of that just makes the problem worse.

Oh yes of course. I think it's nice to relate over shared feelings, but if it's all self-hate and sadness... I imagine it compounds the negative feelings. I just want to be patient and nice as long as I can. I've been sad before and I remember wishing someone would have reached out to me.

What other choice do we have? Of course we are sad and lonely.

We were cursed with unattractive features and actually being able to laugh at these things can keep us sane at least.

There is no hope for most of us though. We will never be able to attract women. It's simple biology.

I am worried that staying here (which is fine) but not hearing any other outside input is what cements the idea for you that there will NEVER be hope and I don't believe that. I could be wrong though I guess

I agree with you. In some cases, for some users here that will be true, especially for young people there can be still hope. I would advice them to stay away from this sub and at least try everything before giving up.

For others, such as myself there really is no hope though.

I can only speak for myself, but looks matter less and less as I get older, and they were never that important to me. I think it's the same for my friends. We realize that doing things like grocery shopping and making the bed with someone that is easy to look at but has zero personality or is even mean.. it's just not an attractive proposition, and that makes the looks less attractive too.

It's super-effective!

no that's a pigeon

Agree women will do anything for an 8+ man including make fools of themselves.

If following your biological imperative is shallow... Women are shallow, but they are also different than men. Most women are far less concerned about looks than men. So yes dude is is a 6 or 7 at best if you are female.

This is very real. It’s fucking over. Pass the rope.


What are you doing with your life

You assume an even distribution for attractiveness, does 10/10 really mean the top 10% of people to you?

if anything you're not good at math either. did u account for the fact that this is graded on a Guassian diatrubution? google it, I know real math is hard for gender studies majors.

Oh the irony

I’m curious. How many cels are there? For example, is there a geologycel? Is there a pilotcel? Is there a pornstarcel? Ooooooh. I want to here the story of the bondagecel. I bet he has some good lonely tying up stories that he can only share with us. How did he get out?!

is unquantifiable, but I'm pretty sure most rational, sane people would know it was morally wrong. It's obviously way out of place when you have guys who look like LFA MGTOW having to date massive land whales or women with extreme deformities in order to have anything... No rational, sane person would say he was anywhere NEAR her league.