I went to my 15 year old little sister's rugby game. Almost all the girls there were taller than me, and I'm fucking 21.

96  2018-05-18 by GymcellingisCope1

How can an adult woman see me as a man if even young girls tower over me?

It's honestly suicide fuel seeing girls taller than me, because I know that they automatically consider me as less of a man.


How tall are you?


My little sister is 5'2" but I swear most average girls nowadays are 5'6"+ easily.

Sorry brother, but it's over.

It's over for sub 5'7" men.


Oof. I'm 5'11" and I feel like a Manlet sometimes


5'11'' and short don't belong in the same sentence since 5'10'' is considered average height.

can confirm, average female height is ver likely 5‘6-7

Don't people say the average height for women is like 5'4"? So many of the women I see today are over 5'9".

it‘s not 5‘4 they say that to shut you up

I'm 5'6 - I moved from northern working class UK to a wealthy "americanised" area near London (lots of US students and businesses) and people here are so much bigger. Back home I was short, but I wasn't seeing teenage girls bigger than me. Here the women are like twice the size, like not fat but even their heads are bigger, like comic characters or something. Back home women were slightly plump and curvy but women here have like cartoon unreal bodies, like huge hips/butt and boobs with tiny waist in between. And back home a 6 foot plus man was something to comment on but here all men I see are like 6.6 and up, like being around aliens or something.

It's not over, my dad is significantly shorter than my mom and they've been happily married for like 40 years.

He is betabuxxxxx

My dad? He's actually probably a Chad. But a very short one that really made it work for him somehow

how fukin tall r u tho

It's really bad to be a midgetcel,like me

How can an adult woman see me as a man if even young girls tower over me?

They can't. Too many women conflate the size of a male's skeleton with his worth, with his dignity. Below 5'7 every inch makes it exponentially more difficult for women to see you as anything more than a boy.

I could lie to you but I simply refuse. When a man is short, the size of his skeleton matters more than anything else to women. This is literally completely obvious. Even the idiots at IT won't debate this with nearly the same intensity they do other topics because they know it's true. Again: it's obvious.

You are living proof that personality does not matter to women. You've had experiences that literally prove this that you will never forget. The only thing women will want you for is betabux after failing to attract chads, giving to them willingly what they will make you work for.

Yeah, Im 5'5" and constantly mistaken for a 14 year old at 20. People treat me like a child. 10 year olds oogle me and make me uncomfortable and women my age don't look twice. People need to know me for weeks before even seeing merit of my character.

Bones > personality

Its just how women are smh.

People need to know me for weeks before even seeing merit of my character.

If women didn't care so much about height, if they did not judge men so harshly for the sizes of our skeletons, you would not have to go through this. Because everyone knows that short men are unattractive to women, combined with the fact that society programs people to subconsciously value themselves and others through their reproductive convenience, many people will always struggle to respect you.

If everyone didnt care about height so much, tbh. The people who disregard me the most are older men. Being a short carpenter makes people nervous that I can't carry heavy things or idk that a hammer will shatter my little hands or whatever, but I can lift over my own weight and have never had an unhappy customer. Children on the other hand, find me more approachable and easy to talk to. Too bad I hate children, but women like a guy who's good with them so it's still a perk.

Men have almost never mistreated or disrespected me. If you look like you can't carry shit that's because of your lack of muscle not height.

Women are the true height bigots, they never mentally mature past middle school, only pretending to do so when they need betabux. Almost every adult women has taken part in shaming short men...for being short...something completely out of our control. I would bet good money that the majority of women in healthy relationships would have never look at their "soulmate" twice if he was 5'5; If a woman's husband shrunk overnight and became 5'4 they would find a way to divorce him. I can't say the same about any uncontrollablephysical attribute women have, because men care about personality more.

Women value men for how we can make themselves look. All they care about is vanity and outward appearances. There is truly nothing else to them. Nothing proves this better than how they treat short men.

I think men disrespect me more because I look like a child, not my height or muscle.

They are disrespecting you because they value other men through their perceived ability to attract women. This mentality is much more common and observable in blue collar culture, where men do undesirable work....to essentially be able to attract women.

If the perception was that you could attract women, they probably wouldn't treat you as poorly.

Possibly! Ive never asked. Im usually just there to lay floor

Don't ask. Don't do that shit. Understand that it all starts with how women value men in the first place. Arguably everything does.

Didn't plan on it.

This. I can deadlift 395 lbs but I look weak because of my size.

395.0 lbs = 179.2 kilogram

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395 deadlift isn't impressive for a lifter. strong for a non lifter though


bulk up man. I got a 5'6 friend who reps 600 on deadlift. height will hurt you with women, but it won't stop you from getting strong as fuck

I've been training for two years now.

Progress takes time. I used to barely deadline 135 lbs, and I was 115 lbs.

I'm now around 145 lbs and DL 395 lbs. I look muscular in a tshirt. I just have a small frame.

Once again this is all irrelevant because no girl cares how much you can deadlier.

At least you are attractive if you are seen as a kid.

Yeah, I can't be that ugly or else people would see a troll man not a middle schooler. Too bad people look at me and think "he'll be cute when he's of age", but there is no "of age" for me. Puberty came and gone and all I got was 2 inches of height and some pubes. I can't even get a sprout of mustache hair that even some girls get when they hit puberty.

just gymcel and youll get mistaken for a hs football player

I'm 5'5 and although I get shitty comments, it's never been that bad. Have you tried growing facial hair?

Got nothin

Yeah, Im 5'5"

Too short to even reach the rope. It's rover dawg

Boy at best, creep at worst. Below 5'7" men are not real men to women.

Completely true.

The intensity with which women value height proves they are morally inferior. I would say the same about men if we valued sexually dimorphic traits women could not control like breast size to the same degree.

Women literally value the size of an man's skeleton more than his character. They are primitive af, men need to continue waking up.

Being seen as a boy means that you are attractive.

Maybe to a Catholic priest.

Some kids are considered cute. Cute means visually appealing, not sexually attractive.

5'7"? That's very generous. Height floor to be considered a real man is no less than 5'10". Probably greater.

Awww the wittle man is mad soo cute

atleast you got fapfuel for awhile

It was suicide fuel.

The girls were nice to me but only because I looked their age.

thanks for making such a good impression of us to lurkers and IT

Don't be so hard on yourself. Believe it or not, when a woman tends to date guys taller than her, it's not because we think shorter guys are less of a man, it's because she doesn't want to look weird towering over him.

Shit like this should be a banneable offence. Lying through your fucking teeth to save face at the expense of someone who's actually suffering. Fuck you.

Superficial bitch.

The majority of women disgust me. I'm honestly ashamed of my gender. I am 5'5" and (in my opinion) attractive. My partner is 5'3" and I've been grilled by almost every female "friend" I have asking why I would "settle for someone like him" when I could "get someone so much better." When I question them on this the only reason they can come up with (because he's a fucking awesome person who has done way more with his life and for other people than they ever will) is that he's too short and they don't understand how I could be sexually attracted to him. Women just want to feel small because they are fucking small and pathetic little troll inside. Get some confidence and stop putting people down because of your own insecurities.

This. I know what you are talking about because I've seen it happen before.

Women are willing to pass on a potential soul mate just because the top of his head is closer to the ground when he's standing.

That's why short men are insecure about their height. It's the one thing they cannot change that means the world to women.

Women are willing to pass on a potential soul mate just because the top of his head is closer to the ground when he's standing.

Women are primitive. The romanticization of women and their sexuality has reached a point where it is no longer compatible with objective reality. Most women are nothing more than overgrown vain children, living in a world where many men are coerced into respecting them as more despite abundant evidence to the contrary.

I wish I could get more women to understand, but I haven't had any success yet.

I think the key with me was being homeschooled and somewhat isolated growing up, so I focused on my interests instead of my physical appearance. To this day I avoid mirrors as much as possible and only do my makeup for date nights (because yes, we do out makeup for male attention and there's only one guy I want attention from). I don't post selfies on social media because I don't give a fuck about what other people think of or want from me. I have found a good partner and I don't need or want attention from strangers to feel validated.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, keep an eye out for us unconventional women. There's not a lot of us, but there are some.

Oh and just FYI, my partner was terrified when he met me and barely said a word to me. He didn't fake confidence and I found his nervousness and vulnerability incredibly sexy.

My partner is 5'3" and I've been grilled by almost every female "friend" I have asking why I would "settle for someone like him" when I could "get someone so much better."

I literally had this happen to me. She cried when she dumped me. Fuck women.

Fuck women

I can't, they disdain short men.

Assuming this isn't a troll post, as a man who is also 5'3", I need to know: in what way is your S.O. so "awesome" that you consider his height a non issue? As I am now, I feel like no matter of personal development could make me attractive to any women. Is he super talented at something? Is he extremely extroverted? What makes him attractive to you, specifically?

I think what really did it was that he didn't NEED me when we met. He had been single for over three years after a disastrous breakup and had essentially given up on persuing women after a lot of rejection. He was investing in himself for himself, not as an attempt to get someone else to accept him.

I love that he's an independent personality who would continue to be who he was with or without me. Besides that, he is compassionate, funny, intelligent, and driven. He challenges me and doesn't put up with bullshit, excuses, or disrespect from me or anyone else.

Also, he gets bonus points for giving amazing head and generally just being fun in bed.

I feel like I need to clarify that he had and continues to have strong bonds with family and friends, so his emotional needs can be met with or without me. Sex is another thing altogether. He smokes a fair amount of weed, which had decreased his sex drive somewhat and I think that made it easier for him to deal with sexual frustration while he was single. Ironically, it became a bit of a sore spot after our first year or so together, but I'm mature enough to accept quality over quantity.

So it sounds like you like him because he's self confident... is that really all there is to it? Is he rich or a genius at something? Also, is he a "life of the party" kind of guy?

Self confidence is the main thing. He can be a "life of the party" kind of guy, but I'm an introvert and so being the centre of attention (or going to parties at all) isn't really a selling point for me.

I guess the last advice I would give to the OP is be patient. You're only 21. I met my partner when he was 28, almost 29. His hormones had calmed down so he didn't reek of desperation which is unfortunately inevitable for someone your age. Masturbate or hire an escort if that's an option for you. Try to focus on yourself and your goals. You'll resent the woman you do get if you don't, because after the initial love rush she's going to get bored of you if she's the only thing you focus your energy on.

I guess what I'm trying to get across is that you're right, no amount of personal development will guarantee you a life if you're only learning things in the hopes of attracting someone.

You won't be attractive to anyone until you learn to let go of trying to find someone and instead pour your energy into what YOU really want to do with your life. Even if you did attract someone, the relationship probably wouldn't hold up because after awhile you would still feel like something was missing in your life.

No one has the power to make you feel like your existence matters except for you. Take it from someone who has struggled with deep depression and feeling like life is meaningless.

I still don't have this shit figured out, and I probably never will, but I try my best every day to make the world a little less nightmarish than it is so that I can keep living in it.

Sure, you're a woman.

No, you got me, I'm actually a toad.

this is the most potent suicide fuel I have read in.. a couple of hours

you are the best

Believe it or not, when a woman tends to date guys taller than her, it's not because we think shorter guys are less of a man, it's because she doesn't want to look weird towering over him.

You're really not helping with this shit. Back to IT with you.

Everyone is clearly missing the point. It's not all about you. There are other people in the world who are self-conscious. As I mentioned, the issue is with HER height that SHE has no control over.

Doesn't change the fact that in the end, she'd most likely get what she wants while OP remains alone.

The point of my comment wasn't to try to insist that women have fewer problems when it comes to height, but to try to reassure OP rather than egg him on with misplaced negativity. A 15 year old girl is not assessing a 21 year old man as not being a man just because she's taller than him. She's thinking, "he thinks I'm an ogre because I'm taller than him."

A 21 year old woman on the other hand.

It never ends.

no your normie BS never ends does it?

That's such bullshit and you know it. Just admit that height is important to women and that they are indeed unattracted to short height. We would have more respect for you if you did.

The result is the same regardless of the reason. The woman gets a boyfriend who is tall and I end up single.

the sheer degeneracy of this comment tho

Even here in Pakistan with average height 5'5"/5'0" (m/f), I constantly get dwarfed by girls 5'7" to 5'11" range. (I'm 5'7", btw). I can feel for your pain as it would be far worse in White countries who are much taller.

(Most 15-year-old girls are biologically grown up btw, so they won't get taller than they already are.

Height statistics include the elderly which skews the data because younger generations grow taller.

if avg female height is 5'0" in Pakicelstan, and you're 5'7" , how can you get constantly dwarfed?

Wtf? Why are you here from Pakistan?

Isn‘t this one of the easiest countries to get a femoid lol?

Just tell your parents you want to get married

It's not about fucking. Almost no body is getting laid before marriage, even the Chadest of Chad.

It's about attention, love, and friendship, something I have been denied. Go to any liberal workspace or university or high school in Pakistan. The environment is almost the same minus sex. People flirts, they propose, have female "friends", girlfriends, etc. I have been denied all of this and get looked at as creep and get angry looks all time.

Ok I understand... to me Sex is also not so important

So I get exactly what you mean!!

You must have read a popular Pakistani meme: "Men below 5'6" are not men: they are pokemon."

Woah, is Pakistan so heightist?

Nowhere near, but Westernized Pakistanis are largely indistinguishable from White people except their facial structure (they even dye their hair and bleach) and accent. So they got heightism from the West.

I get what you mean.. so you grew up in a wealthy liberal community

Nope, just an outside observer as someone who grew up in a struggling village and recently got into a top university.

Ok i see

When 10 year old girls are standing next to me they are taller... And I’m 5’7, that’s saying something.

Wait are women hate short guys

Yes, we are genetic failures to them.

Like how short? Outside of tv shows most short people I know don't seem concerned about thier height or getting women. However they are stupidly agressive.

Hey, CtrlAltVictory, just a quick heads-up:
agressive is actually spelled aggressive. You can remember it by two gs.
Have a nice day!

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Under 5'7"

However they are stupidly agressive.

Or maybe you just see us that way because you've been programmed to. There are aggressive people and passive people at every height.

Hey, literallyarealperson, just a quick heads-up:
agressive is actually spelled aggressive. You can remember it by two gs.
Have a nice day!

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if you want to see a good depiction of a positive short guy, the alpha laywer in Fraiser that Daphne marries, is 5.7 in real life

Ah yes I heard that Dean from supernatural is short as well.

he's only short by women's standard. https://www.celebheights.com/s/Jensen-Ackles-1816.html

https://youtu.be/ZbG05ePWRQE - skip to 4:35 if you just want the blackpilled experiment

From Wikipedia:

Historically, human female sexual selection can be examined by looking at ways in which males and females are sexually dimorphic, especially in traits that serve little other evolutionary purpose. For example, male traits such as the presence of beards, overall lower voice pitch, and average greater height are thought to be sexually selected traits as they confer benefits to either the women selecting for them, or to their offspring

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_choice

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_choice

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I would date 6'+ tall girls, but they wouldn't date me so what is the point?

You guys worry to much about height. It's another superficial thing some girls over value but it's not the end of the world. I'm only 5'2, I really dont need a guy who has to take a knee to kiss me.

Tell that to the other 5'2" girls I asked out who told me they thought I was too short.

5'0 girl here. My guy is 5'1 and I have zero problem with it.

I know that's not common - he says so too. But we short men-loving women do exist. ❤️

Thank you.

Interesting lol

It's all face. He has a good face, I would bet. Probably well out of your league.

You exist, but you’re grossly out of touch with how rare you are and how much abuse short men often have to endure to find even one person like you.

Idk what to tell you I cant fathom doing that to someone.

At the end of the day it's their choice, but yes there are some girls around who have that kind of requirement.

oh shut up. You (and every girl out there) likes to wear big ass heels , you don't know what it's truly like to be short (no females cant)

Eh heels arent rly my thing. I only wear them to formal events really. Atleast heels that would make me significantly taller. Either way I'm really small so I dont think that's true at all lol.

just be a glam rock star bro

It's kinda easy to see why incels place so much emphasis on height. It's probably the biggest source of body shaming when it comes to men. Doesn't mean "it's over" if you're short but it's not hard to understand where the negativity comes from.

The point of my comment wasn't to try to insist that women have fewer problems when it comes to height, but to try to reassure OP rather than egg him on with misplaced negativity. A 15 year old girl is not assessing a 21 year old man as not being a man just because she's taller than him. She's thinking, "he thinks I'm an ogre because I'm taller than him."

not short but this guy's videos help a social weirdo like myself https://youtu.be/WxmcG7m1VMQ

I want to play rugby against girls

Female rugby must be painful to watch.

It's sui fuel

You really shouldn't fuck 21 of those girls, they're 15 years old you pervert!!!

Just stand on top of your manlet friends shoulder and wear a 7ft + trenchcoat bro.


maybe wait 3 years...

I‘m a 5‘4 collehe student. I feel like a legit dwarf on campus, most girls are towering over me. I dont hold it against them not being attracted to me because I look like a pathetic man child in a body of a young boy, it‘s like a prison and there is nothing yiu can do to get out of it. I am also attracted to taller girls but it is very unfortunate because they sure as hell are not sexually attention to us. and even if, peer pressure and heightism would make them change their minds rather quickly bc women are literally being mocked by their friends fir dating a short guy, I have seen it happen irl, it‘s disgusting

women are literally being mocked by their friends fir dating a short guy

I honestly believe that this is the main thing causing most short men to become single. There are women out there that may be fine with shorter men, but are afraid of the stigma of dating a shorter man and what it entails.

absolutely play a huge role

I feel bad for manlets tbh. Obviously I wouldn't understand how hard it is to be a manlet since I'm 5 10 , but you have my sympathies.

I wouldn't care, sure some women do (normally the ones that get noticed more because they're obnoxious twats, just like how negativity sticks out online and there are more nice people than not) but a lot of women don't. Im sure you will find someone <3

I see a lot of tall skinny teenage girls where I work - some of them 6 foot plus, and most of them have dads who are shorter than them. It actually makes me feel better because if a thin 14 year old girl is 6 foot and walking round with her tough shorter dad I think whatever, height doesn't matter.

just run dwarf game bro

This is true. I think that women who are okay with dating short men typically are taller than their father.

Just date a girl whose dad looks like you bro.

That’s an ugly ass daddy

the average height of girls in my school is 5 7 , and i go to a school thats full of middle class white people. theres a good amount of girls that are around 5 10 - 6 feet tall

Feel you. I am 5'9 at worse and feel like genetic trash. When I meet a girl in platforms and she is almost my height I feel like a child. Even with insoles and shoes I hit 5'10 then and it does not make it much better. Almost 24 but still hoping for that spurt despite no one in my family experiencing it.

My father is 5'9 and mother is 5'7 - why could not I be at least 5'10? I thought children are taller than parents. JFL at me.

oh look an actual mentalcel. fuck you


Incels are Tyrion in Game of Thrones without the wealth or influence. There is literally no way to overcome height, there is nothing that can be done. Practically every woman I see is taller than me, the fewer I see that are shorter than me have towering boyfriends and husbands. Life isn't worth it if you're not at least 5'9

You mean at least 5'7".

Idk man. I know a woman who's about 6 foot and she married a man who used a little stepping stool at their wedding and was still shorter than her.

Another guy who's a good friend of mine has had sex with several of my female friends and he's no taller than 5'5, extremely skinny and looks like a little kid (he constantly gets carded and door people/cashiers are often weary of his ID) even though he's 22.

Also, rugby teams choose the biggest and tallest girls they can. Just like football teams. It's for a competitive edge.

Go for the 8 years old then

166 cm in Northern Europe. If you think that is bad, come have a trip here.

162cm in a area where average is 180cm. I think I win

I bow before you, overlord.

True. How are you doing in face department? I know being short sucks, but if you have a decent face you can pass for a pretty boy that some girls might like. However, if you are short and ugly, accept my deepest condolences.

im ftm and one of my best (male) friends is 4 inches shorter than me, and there's an 8 year age gap. don't feel bad.

395.0 lbs = 179.2 kilogram

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Good bot

absolutely play a huge role

395 deadlift isn't impressive for a lifter. strong for a non lifter though