"I'm so tired of fuccbois"

66  2018-05-18 by ddeet2

"So tired of them that it's literally my entire dating history and dating future. So tired of them that I will do nothing about my current situation."


If you don't wear supreme as a communications major at ASU then you won't get pussy, sorry not sorry.


It's usually sour grapes when femoids are complaining about fuckboys

Bingo. They can't have Chad so they throw a hissy fit at the prospect of being with their looksmatch.

They throw a hissy fit for not being able to get chad and having to settle for a looksmatch, yet, somehow, nobody tells them they are entitled to shit. Meanwhile, we want someone in our own league and we're told we're "entitled" and "just wanna go for supermodels." Projection at it's finest.

Incels confine their views almost entirely online and usually act normally in the real world. Fuckboys openly boast of their misogyny and publicly mock and degrade women.

Logically, then, it is the latter that gets laid regularly.

"what??? are you saying incels dont go around screaming roastie to every woman they see???"

I don’t think fuckbois go around screaming their shitty views. They’re labeled fuckbois after the person knows them. They views are, too, confined online for the most part.

Have you ever been to school? Lads dissecting porn stars in the most disgusting kind of language and casually dropping "sluts," "whores," etc into daily conversation. They post whatever shit they want on Facebook. Some girls might condemn them in the comments but it matters for jack shit because their friends will sleep with him.

i wish i was a fuckboy

"I'm so tired of being alone" So tired of it that it's literally my entire emotional past and future. So tired of them that i will do nothing about my current situation

very very low iq comment. incels dont activly choose to stay alone, women activly date fuckbois.

incels try to change their situation, women of course dont.

There's one solution tho. Give up. Women ain't shit bro.

warm puss is everything

Whatever toodles your horn bro.

They are so much not shit that almost every man on the planet tries to have sex with them. Just ignore biology bro

Sure can bro. This bubble fits perfectly around me bro.

funny but incoherent post.

Men can't choose to stop being alone. Women can choose to not date fuccbois.

Respond you pussy. Can't even finish what you started because your a weak minded faggot.

What am i supposed to say? i give a nice reflection of how you guys say the same shit as the women you're making fun of in this post. All you guys reply with is about how you don't choose to be a lone, but neither do these women. They get in bad relationships like you got lonely, but neither of you do anything to get out of it, you just complain and give excuses and blame other people (women, the world, better looking men).

Stupid cunt.

You’re pursuing the wrong women.

A woman with a history of dating douches and complaining about them is an idiot who makes bad decisions.

You don’t want to be in a relationship with an idiot who makes bad decisions, no matter how hot she is

I'd say the most common object of affection for the average is their nerdy, awkward female friend/acquaintance who has zero interest in them and has no problem getting laid herself.


Men love autistic girls. Women loathe autistic guys.

This is the ultimate suicide fuel. Fact is, most incels know that Stacy is out of their league. But our socially inept but still qt 5/10 female friend is another matter. That's when you know it's truly over.

This is true. Can't tell you how many women I heard say that they are disgusted by aspergers. Well, I've heard a lot of men say it as well. Men with hfa seem to be the mud beneath the bottom of the pool for the majority of ppl.

Bruh, when I said “autistic” I meant socially awkward. The point still stands though.

same thing

I see a lot of people in this thread hanging out with shit people and assuming everyone else is just as shit. Like, if I ever heard a friend of mine say they were disgusted by aspergers, I would soon stop being friends with them. Don’t settle for hanging out with a bunch if cunts who make you feel bad about yourself

When you put it like that, it justified sounds like they’re jealous

Probably because you retards conflate resentment of inequality with entitlement.

Below average and socially incompetent girls aren't even in the same universe, sexually, as their male counterparts. The former struggle with getting attractive men. The latter struggle with getting an iota of attention, full stop.

The whole thing about incels is because women are deeply lookist and discriminating in ways that men are not. If both sexes viewed each other as equally attractive, this incels thing wouldn't even exist.

Here’s the problem. Men tend to want sex more than companionship, but usually find it easier to make friends than acquire new sexual partners.

Women tend to want companionship more than sex, but find sex easier to get because it’s what the men around them are all offering.

So, this business of it being easier for women than men is only half the story.

I know countless women who can easily get sex, but really just want someone stable and permanent to look after them. Just like I know countless men why have stable, permanent friendships with women, but really just want some sex

Love is a two-way street and frustrations exist in both directions, but as soon as you start resenting and blaming the opposite sex, well you start to alienate them, and then you become even more frustrated and the cycle just perpetuates itself

Imagine actually believing women have a hard time getting friends lol. All women have beta orbiters that they have friend zoned, women don't want more friends, they want Chads cock.

Imagine actually believing women have a hard time getting friends lo

Not belief. Direct, personal experience

All women have beta orbiters

First of all, no they don’t.

And second of all, having a desperate loser who’s constantly bugging you for attention is not the same as having a friend or a companion

Women can walk into any meet up and have 10+ dudes wanting to be their friend, women do not struggle to get any type of relationship because of how thirsty men are.

Having a thirsty loser constantly hanging around you =/= having a friend

Do you really not get that?

Many of them will stop chasing her and just be a normal friend when they realize she doesn't want to date them. The ones that stay thirsty she can just cut out.

Right, but through all this you’re assuming that this girl wants those desperate losers as friends, that she should be happy with them.

Have you ever been followed around by someone you don’t want to be followed around by (a younger sibling or a friend of a friend or something)?

Did you consider that person a valued friend who added meaning to your life? Or did you consider them a constant irritant that you couldn’t wait to get away from?

Why do you assume every guy that hits on a girl is a desperate loser?

I didn’t, I’m being hyperbolic. Just trying to look at this from both sides and make you realise that just because a guy offers friendship doesn’t mean the woman will be or should be expected to be happy with that.

It's still infinitely better than being completely alone

Yeah, but no-one is completely alone, are they? There’s fucking 7 billion of us. It takes actual effort to be completely alone

You're clearly not an ugly man if you think no-one is completely alone

You clearly think that sex is the only worthwhile form of companionship if being ugly is the only thing making you feel alone

Tell me what I think more please

Calm down dude, you started with the assumptions. I was making a point

What is your point then?

That loneliness and lack of sexual fulfilment are not the same thing and not necessarily linked

Nobody here is mad, nice deflection though.


all your male friends want to fuck you sorry

All my male friends are gay and into bears?

Women are down for casual sex if the guy is hot. Most girls don't have problems getting friends.

So girls have issues with companionship.

Men have issues even getting laid in the First place, and ALSO companionship. Come in.

Most girls don't have problems getting friends.

You know, just saying it doesn’t make it true

Personal experience. School and college. If anything, you have a lot more male loners - I mean, the stereotype of a loner is a guy, no?

Well, in my personal experience it’s about 50/50 but even so, just you see a women being social, doesn’t mean she feels companionship or love.

People think I’m a loner because I’m often by myself, but I have a small number of genuine, loving and loyal friends

A woman might be constantly around others because she’s outgoing or because it’s expected of women to be sociable, but she might feel no genuine love or companionship. I mean, isn’t the stereotype about a group of girls that their all constantly back-stabbing and shot-talking each other.

Just because you see someone interacting with a lot of people doesn’t mean you can assume they’re happy or fulfilled

Women may have more social pressures in a friendship, but more interaction increases the odds of finding a genuine friend.

Having friendships and being in a relationships are different dynamics anyway. The more sex you have, the more likely that you'll find your Prince Charming, it's a numbers game.

The more sex you have, the more likely that you'll find your Prince Charming, it's a numbers game.

No, as a girl, the more sex you have the more men think you’re a slut and just want to fuck you and leave you

It's not like your sexual partner count is displayed in neon over your head. And maybe that's true for attractive guys, who have options, but normal guys aren't going to pass up a relationship opportunity.

It's not like your sexual partner count is displayed in neon over your head

So I guess things like social media and gossip just aren’t factors, are they? Honestly most people might as well have a neon sign on their heads. I bet you have a pretty good idea of who in your friendship group gets a lot of sex and who doesn’t, probably without anyone directly telling you

but normal guys aren't going to pass up a relationship

Maybe, maybe not. But just because someone wouldn’t pass up a relationship doesn’t mean that they’d be good in a relationship

"doesn't mean they'd be good," better than someone who'd refuse you on ground a of partner count.

So men are single because women are stubborn and women are single because they’re stubborn?

It’s nice and easy when you can blame it all on “the other”, isn’t it?

If women had lower standards both of these issues would be solved. Think about it.

If women had lower standards both of these issues would be solved. Think about it.

And if you just taught yourself to love cock, you could have lots of gay sex.

But it’s not that easy is it?

Why is it that your desire for sex is something you have no control over and women need to make concessions for, but a woman’s standards are somehow her choice?

Again, you're proving this subreddit's point. Do women really find men their looksmatch and below that unattractive?

Holy fuck, this is legit suicide fuel. A heterosexual woman feels as repulsed by lower status men as a heterosexual man does by ANOTHER MAN. Ultimate blackpill.

Can I let you in on a crazy secret? Women may have higher standards than men for what they think is physically attractive, but physical attractiveness is less important to women in selecting a partner than it is to men. So it actually evens out quite nicely if you haven’t already taken up an completely defeated attitude.

J e r e m y M e e k s

what a personality he has.

Yeah, and physical attractiveness is pretty damn important for making someone want to have sex with you

It’s an advantage, yes, but certainly not the only factor. Are you going straight for sex or are you actually trying to build up a rapport first?

Pretty sure only Chads go for sex straight away. If you try and become friendly with a girl you'll end up being friends and then you're the evil niceguy who can't accept platonic friendship.

There is so much grey area between those two options that you’re not even considering. The whole “niceguys” thing is about guys who explode or just can’t take rejection. You can ask a friend of yours out ob a date, but if she says “no” leave it at that. But once on a while, one of them will say yes

Passive acceptance is my jam, yo. I'm pretty sure most people here are like that too, otherwise they wouldn't vent online.

None of my friends/acquaintances whom I asked were out of my league. All looksmatches or below. Not all from the same group, obviously. Some of them have Tinder or a new relationship every month. Be it college or school, the same experience. Never laughed at, but still.

You know, just saying it doesn’t make it true

Could say the very same thing with the anecdotal crap that comes out of your mouth.

And no, I'm not gonna point to where you said those things. You aren't finishing anything out of me. Bye.

Could say the very same thing with the anecdotal crap that comes out of your mouth.

I’m not making absolute statements, I’m making rhetorical arguments

stop doing that and face reality then


it's very true

Oh shit, well now you’ve convinced me!

a few bad seeds bro

What if they’re pursuing them for just sex? They don’t want relationships, usually they just want ONS.

Well, look if you just want a series of hot one-night stands, you have to be either super attractive or the most insanely confident man ever, I’ll give you that. Most men don’t live like that and that’s something you just have to accept. I’m sure you’ll say this doesn’t help, but a lot of the guys who constantly have ONS are just as lonely as incels because they only know sex and have no idea how to actually find someone that loves and cares for them

Still i think the incels are more just sad about that, and I think they’re angry because of a lack of honesty that’s presented toward them. I sympathize with that, it’s difficult to just sort of “get” things when you have no experience as many of them do, especially if you’re on the autism scale.

Personally I’m not gonna demonize someone for not wanting a relationship. Some people genuinely do not have the capacity for it, it is what it is. So honestly some of those men have had relationships, in fact most do and they just choose the ONS because they aren’t relationship people, and there’s nothing wrong with not being a relationship. I think incels are these people, but they just aren’t attractive enough to have sex and ONS.

That might be the most thoughtful and insightful response I’ve had on this sub. Thank you

Honestly if you spend some time learning about them you gain a different perspective on them as a group. I don’t demonize them as a group anymore, just as specific people as we should do for everyone. Yeah the crazies are gonna crazy, but when you get down to it, it’s just a bunch of guys who are sad that they don’t get to accomplish something they really and sometimes desperately want. It’s just kind of depressing, but in some ways they do show a certain point of view that really shouldn’t be ignored in some cases. And no, I don’t mean the women get the rope, raping is okay, other violent thoughts, that’s not okay. Like I said, spend a little more time learning with no ore-conceived notions and thoughts and you’ll see what I mean.

I mean I wouldn’t keep coming here if I didn’t somewhat identify with people in this community. I’ve had my sexual frustrations. I’m a pretty weird guy and I’m not very attractive. I have no problem with the guys in this community in general. I just hope they find happiness.

What I object to is the sheer amount of toxic rhetoric that gets thrown around and normalised in this community. I don’t think it’s healthy for anyone

All women are like this. Fuck off.

Including your mother?

I'm an orphan.

Ok, that’s not an answer though, is it?

I’m making a point about generalisations and stereotypes

You're a fucking faggot, dude. People like you deserve to be locked into portable toilets and set on fire.

So you can sink with the rest of the turds.

Because I said not all women are whores?

Jesus, mate.

Because normie pieces of shit like you make me sick. I'd bash you in the fucking face with a beer bottle and then rake your fucking eyeballs out of your head.

Why do I make you sick?

Your empty handed platitudes. Your terrible advice. Your white knigting. The way you fucking faggots just instantly side with women.

People like you made my life hell growing up.

Fuck you and people like you.

Mate, I’m not siding with anyone. I’m not the one telling people to die in fires.

I came here to have a real conversation and to try to understand a different perspective. I will call out bullshit arguments and circlejerks where I see them and this sub is absolutely full of both

And here you come all “REEEEEE! Normie scum! How dare you not hate women?”

It’s lucky I’m not as prone to stereotyping as you are or I might assume all incels are hateful little shits


you're not from America, are you?

Should I be?

Might actually help your case. I'll take back everything I said.

Oh please do, your words hurt me so

Lucky me

Back to IT, cuck.

Which one? Tim Curry or the new one?

Fuck off.


“Ughhh why do chads always pump and dump me :(. I have to go to my orbiters(gross) to get validation!”

lol if a girl knows what a "fuckboi" is and has dated them... shes not worth dating at all.

You clearly think that sex is the only worthwhile form of companionship if being ugly is the only thing making you feel alone

Calm down dude, you started with the assumptions. I was making a point