Crying Every Day

150  2018-05-18 by Salvador66

I always cry on the way to work every morning. Knowing that I am genetic trash that I will never have a woman to love me is brutal. I know that I am not mocked in my face due to looking like a kid, but people see me less than a real man. Braincels is the only place I can cope about the brutal realization about life. I am deeply grateful for this sub existing. Thank you for the daily support through memes and compassion within this cold world.


T'is nobler to suffer the slings and arrows, bro. Much respect for you carrying on.

Thank you

There was a mass shooting today

You know what to do

Don't worry, at some point you will no longer have any tears.

I’m at that point now

He can just go to r/inceltears an top up.

high SMV comment

exactly what I said in the post I made.

yeah once a man swallows the entirety of the blackpill and accepts and comes to terms with it. The brutal truth becomes something that doesn't really affect him but rather a simple fact such as the fact that water is wet.

Sorry bro but I have to know what's with the stories about you turning gay?

I went gay last year then went back to incel

he turned gay because he had no choice

Yep. I did that to cope.

What was it like?

I enjoyed the making out part. It makes me feel attractive.

That's good. Did you go as far as penetrative sex? And why did you stop? You don't have to answer if you'd rather not.

I only done it once, because I just wanted to know how it feels like. However, even though I want to be in a relationship, I am afraid my parents won't accept my situation and decision as to why I went gay. My parents are my only support network outside of this sub, but talking about my problems about how I feel to them makes the situation worse. They treat me like IncelTears users like as if I have a terrible personality and I am just a boring person. That's why around them I just pretend to be okay, but they can see beyond my facade. So I just cope in here, because this is the only place in which I can find consolation. Also, because I like spreading the reason as to why I am incel.

I see. I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks for sharing, Salvador.

You're welcome

They treat me like IncelTears users like as if I have a terrible personality and I am just a boring person

incelatears users are annoying tbh

Get off this sub man, this sub is meant to make you feel worse. go for a run and jump into a cold lake. Do something you don't normally do, but what's most important is that you get off this trash sub.

ye that'll definitely make him feel validated by women

Things take work Man. I'm new here, not trying ti offend anyone, but I agree with that guy. It takes years and years of hard work to feel good and look your best. Not every girl wants A chad- I know it sounds cliche but this is the God's honest truth from my personal experiences as a pretty ugly dude with very little money.

I'm pale as shit, am "skinnyfat" have a long ass neck, receding hairline, bad smile. And I've fucked quite a few attractive women. There Is more out there, the key is digging yourself out of this hole, probably the most difficult thing any of you will ever do in life, and equally rewarding.

Nice humblebrag. Go fuck yourself.

he just proved all your little theories about attraction and women wrong. read that last sentence over a few times more. your massive ego is that hole you need to dig out of.

He didn't prove shit cocksucker

dont stalk my shit bro

I do what I want faggot

You are right I didn't prove anything I mean how could you? But what I'm saying is the absolutely truth from my experience. I have when you guys would call a Chad or Chadlite best friend and he's hardly hooking up with women at all because he has bad communication/emotional issues. He's doing better than me right now because I've been in a major slump but overall I would say we have been on an even playing field. Hes also pretty wealthy, hes a master mechanic.

But like I know you're just going to believe whatever you want so, whatever..

Lol man, come on. I literally called myself ugly this isnt a humblebrag 😂

what I'm saying is the absolutely truth from my experience. I have what you guys would call a Chad or Chadlite best friend and he's hardly hooking up with women at all because he has bad communication/emotional issues. He's doing better than me right now because I've been in a major slump but overall I would say we have been on an even playing field. Hes also pretty wealthy, hes a master mechanic.

But like I know you're just going to believe whatever you want so, whatever..

Also..You tell people in other threads not to be condescending towards you and then you talk to me like this when I'm being sincere? Good Job.

Wow thanks dude. You cured him, You're amazing.

you're a moron

Your a fucking faggot

Insight from PatheticAndAlone

One day he will meet normal people who have his interests in mind, then he will realize what a cesspool this sub is and warn others about it too.

keep dreaming dude.

inceldom is only growing

One day he will meet normal people who have his interests in mind

Oh yes? Where the fuck were all these people his entire life while he had nothing else but this sub? Piece of delusional shit.

You have a pure soul salvs but youre right i would not want to be you, that said there are avenues in life you can harness to improve your worth

Why not? Is it because I am short or is it the emotions I show? Why can Chads afford to show their vulnerability, while incels cannot? These double standards are getting me.

Your height yeah, the rest of you is good

Yep. I always knew that my height is a female repellent. I bet you haven't seen a man under 5'7" IRL better looking than me. It's a rarity, I should say.

Youre pretty good looking, no doubt, i wouldnt worry about the showing emotions thing its actually a good thing to be sensitive, women dont like dumbed down robots

You would do great as a trap . Atleast you wont be alone

I‘m 5‘4 and last time I say a guy shorter was months ago. never seen a guy shorter with a gf

everywhere every couple, the man is a foot taller.

women want to feel dominated by their man.

it's not the protection bullshit they keep telling us.

lets face it, being a short man is simply unattractive and not masculine, we are like fat women who cant chabge their height

but there are men who like short fat women.

Men are more loving.

then lets say unattractive women. short men are like facially unattractive fat women. yes some men will still luster after them but on the other hand some women will luster after short guys, in both cases these ppl are the bottom of the barrel in the attractiveness hierarchy

I use to hear women saying they want a TALL man but I kept trying and wondering what am I do doing wrong, but thanks to you shortcels I now know it's not my "personalty".

No matter how attractive you are, if you are under 5'7", it's over.

try the uni gym. the manlets there will mog you in face. they call em chadlets for a reason.

What uni gym? Show me a pic of a hot Chadlet. I bet you cannot find one, below 5'7".

I never seen a turbomanlet facemog me tbh.

interesting. do you live in the usa?


Why can Chads afford to show their vulnerability, while incels cannot?

Because women conflate a man having large bones in his skeleton and a chiseled skull with good attributes. No matter what a guy like this does, his bones have already given women positive emotions, feelings of attraction so they will almost always interpret everything he does positively.

I'm sure you conflate a nice fat booty and slim waist with good traits as well..

"Its okay for men to cry" - attracts foids if said man is chad, if its an incel, then they laugh at it.

Love is nice but not the be all end all of happiness. Trust me, if you're unhappy in your life and find someone that loves you, you'll just be less unhappy but also blame it on her. Find something you're good at, make cash money and start fucking girls.





How tall are you?


I hope you're Salvadoran where at least you're just short. If you're not and live in the states then I'm praying for you.

I live in the US.

it's over.

Vacation In Thailand, you'll be swimming in puss, and not just the kind you pay for either

Holy crap that sucks. I'm 5'7 but I've gotten some prime pussy before. So I have hope thanks!!

I wish you could use your boyish look to befriend an old lady (not for sex) and later she'd leave you her house when she passes and you can live a nice life afterwards.

I feel like that would be the most ideal scenario for everyone here. If only these old women existed and were willing to put incels in their wills. A lot of boomer houses are gonna be worth so much in a few decades too

Some old ladies with no family and who has old fashioned values could better appreciate an Incel and a mutually helpful friendship can develop.

Some old ladies who dress decently find the modern femoids to be degenerate and greedy,

(one told me not to get married to avoid divorce fraud)

and if you are taking one out on an errand you can point to the thots in their spandex shorts and sports bras and flip flops as a way to bring up the problem of why you can't find a decent girl and she'd be sympathetic and would relate to the common morals you share.

Old women are life fuel

Some are, remember they're still women.

some are very judgemental and tradcon and negative

I didn't mean to idolise them.

Then don't make such a broad statement homie, it ain't right to say old women are life fuel

the other guy said they are lifefuel, I was just confirming.

Ah fuck that's confusing. My bad

Some old ladies with no family and who has old fashioned values could better appreciate an Incel and a mutually helpful friendship can develop.

Old women fuck chads. Fool. It's 2018.

over for haroldandmaudecels

Your cortisol is high in the morning. I have the same problem, although I’m not quite there yet.

That's weird. A guilty pleasure of mine lately has been listening to the defunct Opie and Anthony show. In one of them Jim Norton gets emotional and he said something about being like that in the mornings.

What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole of it calls for tears.

To any CIA, FBI, or NSA agents reading my comments: please cease and desist from harassing and stalking me.

To any members of the media reading my comments: I DO NOT consent to the reprinting of my comments or posts in any manner or in any medium.

That's a funny but meaningless disclaimer.

Lol at your "signature". Are you planning on putting that in every post?


To any CIA, FBI, or NSA agents reading my comments: please cease and desist from harassing and stalking me.

To any members of the media reading my comments: I DO NOT consent to the reprinting of my comments or posts in any manner or in any medium.

cia,fbi and nsa spending their resources and time to monitor people who cant get laid

JFL if humanity reached this point

They study us to train their astronauts for sending them to other galaxys.

I like the sig lol.

Sorry to hear that.

not sure why but i can't cry anymore, i feel kinda broken tbh

It will all come out eventually.

it used to but im so conditioned to not cry, not sure why

Whatever you're withholding

I never said it was good

If I could sell it by the dozen

I'd never doubt that you would

I know that you would

Where did you go?

Cry, cry, cry

Cry all day

Cry all night

this is life fuel for bullies at a place literally called incel tears

Someone posted my post on IT. I'm quite surprised that the IT replies are not mocking my thread. The IT post was made 5 hrs ago and it only has 2 upvotes. Makes you wonder.

they might be aware of the optics if they were to mock you

they need to change their subname tho if it's true this isn't life fuel for them

Inceltears- as well as normies like me who are interested in your sub- generally only dislike the most hateful incels. You know, the ones who make posts talking about how women deserve to be raped and who worship Elliot Rodger.

I just wish I knew how to help the rest of you. I think you’re right that life is really tough for people not born with good looks, and it’s even tougher if on top of that you’re suffering from a mental disorder or a kind of social anxiety, and it’s EVEN TOUGHER if you aren’t white. It breaks my heart to read posts like yours. I’m sure I’ll just get told to fuck off, but I’ve read quite a few stories on here from people who have escaped inceldom and I hope that happens for you.

I can PM you my pics if you want to see how I look like?

You can if you’d like, tho I’m not sure what you want me to do with them?

So you can see it's not my face that makes me incel.

Tbh, I can't see why everyone thinks that incels are ugly? They can be extremely short as well.

Keep going. Turn your pain and grief into the hate that fuels you.

Daily reminder that IncelTears finds amusement in this and that they would be even happier if you roped. I am NOT exaggerating about this. You shouldn't make posts like these to not give them any satisfaction

It's not you, it's society's bullshit.

Maybe you can date a woman who is into kids, but doesn't want to break the law?

That will be hard to find.

Maybe, but there are some high test women out there who would love a scrawny little guy to dominate. Just stop looking for a normie gf.

just get a high test woman bro

You might Be surprised. The vast majority of cases of teachers having inappropriate relationships with their students are women

Doing kids who look like men.

You haven't ascended yet. Crying implies there is hope, someone will see you crying and maybe comfort you. True ascension comes after months and years of crying. Then you will be completely apathetic towards anyone. Friends doing this or that, okay. Family saying this or that, okay. See a 9+/10 foid on the street, sub 2/10 foid on the street, okay. None of those will have any impact on you. They're talking to you, or not, none of that will be of any concern. That is true wizard status, which will hit you once you're 30 and will lose absolutely all hope. Most likely the only thoughts in your heads will be how to get money for meals until you rope.

That is what I am basically doing right now. Crying is just self-consolation and I just do it alone, because society hates seeing sensitive men, unless it's Chad of course.

I think crying is a way the mind tells us we don't understand something our eyes are seeing. When people's behavior towards you starts making sense, when they start becoming NPCs, and it will happen one day, you will stop crying. Like clockwork, you will be able to predict the next reaction, the next sentence from a foid or a person if you have the misfortune of talking to someone irl. At this point, even in the worst situation you won't help but laugh, not just at others and yourself, but at the sheer normieness of everything around you.

Crying implies there is hope


Hope you find some happiness. I'm gonna sound like a normie offering advice but have you thought of volunteering at an animal shelter? It might be fulfilling in its own right but I picture there being a fair amount of women there who have a heart.

For animals, not for cutecels.

Well, you never know.

You look like A kid? Probably too much fat on your face for one. Deal with that and get A tan man, don't be so hard on yourself, try and focus on having fun and you'll be okay.

I'll show you my pics if you want?

I mean sure if you want some healthy tips? Id be happy to try and help


This is me. I don’t cry because I’ve just gotten used to feeling numb 24/7 so I guess you could say I’m emotionless at this point. I also work in retail in a electronics/photo lab which makes my depression worse since I’m constantly helping happily married couples or just happy couples in general. I’m not going to kill myself but I really wish I could just stop existing

A fast painless death is best to end the misery. I don't bother to kill myself either, because I can still keep on living, but in a worse condition.

Yeah, the blackpill is brutal. Society will blame you for being ugly and not being able to find a girl though. So on top of being ugly, people perceive you as having a bad and weak personality.


and there r people who take joy in your suffering like inceltears, they think theyre better than you bc theyre not hideous or virgins

I am neither hideous or a virgin. I can send you a pic if you want.

then youre not a real incel

I am 5'3". It's over.


That is what I am basically doing right now. Crying is just self-consolation and I just do it alone, because society hates seeing sensitive men, unless it's Chad of course.

Crying implies there is hope


the other guy said they are lifefuel, I was just confirming.

it used to but im so conditioned to not cry, not sure why